Pathways > New Christian Thought > Degrees


Degrees are the distinguishable levels between things such as spirit and body, or heaven and earth.

Discrete Degrees

Degrees are the distinguishable levels between things such as spirit and body and heaven and earth.

The Most Important Teachings About Degrees

There are three discrete degrees of the human mind, and of heaven.

Internal and External

To say that each of us has an internal “self” and an external “self” is not particularly revolutionary. We all have a natural sense that our thoughts and feelings are “inside” us and our bodies and actions are on the “outside” of us.


Celestial love is the highest, best, purest, most innocent, and most joyful state human beings can experience, one powered by love of the Lord.

Natural and Spiritual Realities

There's a spiritual reality that, mostly, we aren't aware of. It exists before the natural reality that we are aware of.


Is your body “you”? It sure doesn’t feel that way, does it? Your body is “yours,” you inhabit it, but the real “you” is inside, thinking and feeling and aware.


Swedenborg uses the term "natural" in two distinct ways -- to distinguish physical reality from spiritual reality, and also to identify the lowest level of spiritual reality.

Heaven and Hell

Is Heaven a tropical garden with fruit for the picking, or is it a place of fluffy white clouds and harp music? Is Hell the opposite?