

Второзаконие 4



1 И нынј, Израиль, слушай постановленія и законы, которые Я научаю васъ исполнять, дабы вы были живы, и пошли и наслјдовали ту землю, которую Господь, Богъ отцевъ вашихъ, даетъ вамъ.

2 Не прибавляйте къ тому, что Я заповјдаю вамъ, и не убавляйте отъ того; соблюдайте заповјди Господа, Бога вашего, которыя я вамъ заповјдаю.

3 Глаза ваши видјли, что Господь сдјлалъ за Ваал-Пеора: всякаго человјка, послјдовавшаго Ваал-Пеору, истребилъ Господь, Богъ твой, изъ среды тебя;

4 а вы, прилјпившіеся къ Господу, Богу вашему, живы всј донынј.

5 Вотъ, я научилъ васъ постановленіямъ и законамъ, какъ повелјлъ мнј Господь, Богъ мой, дабы вы такъ поступали въ той землј, въ которую вы вступаете, чтобы взять ее въ наслјдіе.

6 Итакъ храните ихъ, и исполняйте ихъ; ибо сіе есть мудрость ваша и разумъ вашъ предъ глазами народовъ, которые, услышавъ о всјхъ сихъ постановленіяхъ, скажутъ: только сей великій народъ есть народъ мудрый и разумный.

7 Ибо есть ли какой великій народъ, къ которому боги были бы столь близки, какъ близокъ къ намъ Господь, Богъ нашъ, когда ни призовемъ Его?

8 Или есть ли какой великій народъ, у котораго были бы такія справедливыя постановленія и законы, какъ весь законъ сей, который я предлагаю вамъ сегодня?

9 Только берегись и тщательно храни душу твою, чтобы тебј не забыть тјхъ дјлъ, которыя видјли глаза твои, и дабы они не выходили изъ сердца твоего во всј дни жизни твоей, и дай объ нихъ знать сынамъ твоимъ и сынамъ сыновъ твоихъ.

10 Въ тотъ день, въ который ты стоялъ предъ Господомъ, Богомъ твоимъ, при Хоривј, когда сказалъ мнј Господь: собери ко Мнј народъ, и Я возвјщу имъ слова Мои, изъ которыхъ они научатся бояться Меня во всј дни жизни своей на землј и научатъ сыновъ своихъ;

11 вы приблизились и стали подъ горою, и гора горјла огнемъ до самыхъ небесъ, и была тьма, облако и мракъ.

12 И говорилъ Господь къ вамъ изъ среды огня; гласъ словъ вы слышали, но образа не видјли, а только гласъ.

13 И объявилъ вамъ завјтъ Свой, который велјлъ вамъ исполнять, то-естъ, десять оныхъ словъ, и написалъ ихъ на двухъ скрижаляхъ каменныхъ.

14 И повелјлъ мнј Господь въ то время научить васъ постановленіямъ и законамъ, дабы вы исполняли ихъ въ той землј, въ которую вы переходите, чтобы взять ее въ наслјдіе.

15 Твердо держите сіе въ душахъ вашихъ, что вы не видјли никакого образа въ тотъ день, когда говорилъ къ вамъ Господь на Хоривј изъ среды огня,

16 дабы вы не развратились и не сдјлали себј кумировъ, изображеній какого-либо вида, представляющихъ мужчину или женщину,

17 представляющихъ какого-либо скота, который на землј, представляющихъ какую-либо птицу крылатую, которая летаетъ подъ небесами,

18 представляюшихъ какого-либо гада, ползающаго по землј, представляющихъ какую-либо рыбу, которая въ водахъ ниже земли;

19 и дабы ты, взглянувъ на небо и увидјвъ солнце, луну и звјзды, все воинство небесное, не прельстился и не поклонился имъ и не служилъ имъ, которыя Господь, Богъ твой, раздјлилъ всјмъ народамъ подъ всјмъ небомъ.

20 А васъ взялъ Господь и вывелъ васъ изъ печи желјзной, изъ Египта, дабы вы были народомъ Его удјла, какъ это нынј видно.

21 Господь прогнјвался на меня за васъ и клялся, что я не перейду за Іорданъ и не войду въ ту добрую землю, которую Господь, Богъ твой, даетъ тебј въ удјлъ.

22 Я умру въ сей землј, не перешедши за Іорданъ, а вы перейдете и получите въ наслјдіе добрую оную землю.

23 Берегитесь, чтобы не забыть вамъ завјта Господа, Бога вашего, который Онъ поставилъ съ вами, и чтобы не дјлать себј кумировъ, изображающихъ что-либо, какъ повелјлъ тебј Господь, Богъ твой.

24 Поелику Господь, Богъ твой, есть огнь поядающій, Богъ ревнитель.

25 Если же родятся у тебя сыны и сыны у сыновъ, и долго живши на землј, вы развратитесь и сдјлаете изваяніе, изображающее что-либо, и сдјлаете зло сіе предъ очами Господа, Бога твоего, и раздражите Его:

26 то свидјтельствуюсь вамъ сегодня небомъ и землею, что пропадете, скоро пропадете съ земли, для наслјдованія которой вы переходите за Іорданъ; немного времени пробудете на ней, ибо истреблены будете.

27 И разсјетъ васъ Господь по народамъ, и останетесь въ маломъ числј между народами, къ которымъ отведетъ васъ Господь.

28 И будете тамъ служить богамъ, сдјланнымъ руками человјческими изъ дерева и камня, которые не видятъ и не слышагь, и не јдятъ и не обоняютъ.

29 Но когда ты взыщешь оттолј Господа, Бога твоего, то найдешь, если будешь искать Его всјмъ сердцемъ твоимъ и всею душею твоею.

30 Когда ты будешь въ скорби, и когда все сіе постигнетъ тебя въ послјдствіи времени; то обратишься ко Господу, Богу твоему, и послушаешь гласа Его.

31 Поелику Господь, Богъ твой, есть Богъ милосердый; Онъ не оставитъ тебя и не погубитъ тебя, и не забудетъ завјта съ отцами твоими, который Онъ клятвою утвердилъ имъ.

32 Ибо спроси у временъ прежнихъ, бывшихъ прежде тебя, съ того дня, въ который сотворилъ Богъ человјка на землј, и отъ края неба до края неба: бывало ли что нибудь такое, какъ сіе великое дјло, или слыхано ли подобное сему?

33 Слышалъ ли какой народъ гласъ Бога, говорящаго изъ среды огня, и остался живъ, какъ слышалъ ты?

34 Или покушался ли какой богъ пойти, взять себј народъ изъ среды другаго народа казнями, знаменіями и чудесами, и войною и рукою крјпкою, и мышцею высокою и великими ужасами, такъ какъ сдјлалъ для васъ Господь, богъ вашъ, въ Египтј предъ глазами твоими?

35 Тебј дано видјть сіе, чтобы ты зналъ, что Господь - Онъ есть Богъ, и нјтъ еще кромј Его.

36 Съ неба далъ Онъ слышать тебј гласъ Свой, дабы научить тебя, и на землј показалъ тебј великій огнь Свой, и ты слышалъ слова Его изъ среды огня.

37 И поелику Онъ возлюбилъ отцевъ твоихъ и избралъ потомство ихъ послј нихъ, то и вывелъ тебя Самъ великою силою Своею изъ Египта,

38 чтобы прогнать отъ лица твоего народы, которые болје и сильнје тебя, и ввести тебя и дать тебј землю ихъ въ удјлъ, какъ это нынј видно.

39 Итакъ знай нынј и положи на сердце твое, что Господь - Онъ есть Богъ на небј вверху и на землј внизу, и нјтъ еще.

40 И храни постановленія Его и заповјди Его, которыя я заповјдаю тебј сегодня, чтобы хорошо было тебј и сынамъ твоимъ послј тебя, и чтобы ты продолжалъ дни на той землј, которую Господь, Богъ твой, даетъ тебј навсегда.

41 Тогда отдјлилъ Моисей три города по сю сторону Іордана на востокъ солнца,

42 чтобы убјгалъ туда убійца, который убьетъ ближняго своего безъ намјренія, не бывъ врагомъ ему ни вчера, ни третьяго дня, и чтобъ убјжавъ въ одинъ изъ сихъ городовъ, остался живъ:

43 Бецеръ въ пустынј, на равнинј въ колјнј Рувимовомъ, и Рамоѕъ вь Галаадј въ колјнј Гадовомъ, и Голанъ въ Васанј въ колјнј Манассіиномъ.

44 Вотъ законъ, который предложилъ Моисей сынамъ Израилевымъ;

45 вотъ откровенія, постановленія и уставы, которые изрекъ Моисей сынамъ Израилевымъ, по исшествіи ихъ изъ Египта,

46 за Іорданомъ на долинј противъ Беѕ-Пеора, въ землј Сигона, царя Аморрейскаго, жившаго въ Есевонј, котораго поразилъ Моисей съ сынами Израилевыми, по исшествіи ихъ изъ Египта;

47 и взяли въ наслјдіе землю его и землю Ога, царя Васанскаго, двухъ царей Аморрейскихъ, которая за Іорданомъ къ востоку солнца.

48 Начиная отъ Ароира, который лежитъ на берегу потока Арнона, до горы Сіона, она же Ермонъ,

49 и всю равнину по сю сторону Іордана къ востоку, до самаго моря равнины при подошвј Фазги.


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Apocalypse Explained #281

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/ 1232  

281. And the fourth animal was like a flying eagle, signifies the appearance in ultimates of the Divine guard and providence in respect to intelligence and as to circumspection on every side. This is evident from the signification of "eagle," as being intelligence; here Divine intelligence which is that of the Lord's guard and providence. "Eagle" means intelligence because intelligence is in the light of heaven, and the eagle flies high that he may be there and may look about on every side; this is why this face of the cherub appeared "like a flying eagle;" for "to fly" signifies presence and clear vision on every side, and in reference to the Divine it signifies omnipresence. "Eagle" signifies intelligence for this reason also, that the "birds of heaven" signify in a good sense things intellectual and rational, and the eagle especially, because it not only flies high but also has keen vision. (That "the birds of heaven" signify things intellectual and rational, in both senses, seeArcana Coelestia 745, 776, 866, 988, 991, 3219, 5149, 7441)

[2] That "eagle" signifies intelligence is evident from the following passages in the Word. In Ezekiel:

A great eagle, great in wings, long in pinions, full of feathers, which had divers colors [embroidery], came upon Lebanon, and took a twig of cedar; he plucked off the head of its shoots, and carried it into a land of traffic; and set it in the city of spice dealers. He took of the seed of the land, and placed it in a field of sowing; he took it to great waters, and placed it carefully; and it sprouted and became a luxuriant vine of low stature, so that its branches looked to it, and the roots thereof were under it; so it became a vine that produced shoots and sent out boughs. And there was another great eagle, great in wings and full of feathers; and behold, this vine did bend its roots toward it and sent forth its branches toward it to water it from the beds of its plantation; it was planted in a good field by many waters, to make the bough and to bear fruit, that it might be a vine of magnificence (Ezekiel 17:1-8).

The establishment of a spiritual church by the Lord is here treated of, and in the internal sense the process of its establishment or of the regeneration of the man of that church from beginning to end is described. By the first eagle the process of regeneration of the natural or external man by means of knowledges [scientifica] and cognitions from the Word is described; and by the other eagle the process of regeneration of the spiritual or internal man by means of truths from good is described; therefore the first eagle signifies the intelligence of the natural man, and the second the intelligence of the spiritual man. Let it be also explained briefly what these particulars signify. The first eagle is said to have been "great in wings, long in pinions, full of feathers," and this signifies an abundance of the knowledges and cognitions [scientiarum et cognitionum] of truth and good, from which comes the first intelligence, which is the intelligence of the natural man; it is therefore said that "it had divers colors" [embroidery], for by "divers colors" is signified what relates to knowledge and cognition [scientificum et cognitivum] (See Arcana Coelestia 9688). "It came upon Lebanon, and took a twig of cedar," signifies the reception of some knowledges of truth from the doctrine of the church which is from the Word; for "Lebanon" signifies that doctrine, and "the twig of cedar" knowledges. "He plucked off the head of its shoots, and carried it into a land of traffic," signifies primary knowledges from that doctrine to which knowledges [scientiae] were applied; "the head of the shoots" signifying primary knowledges, and "the land of traffic" the natural man, to which things known belong. "He set it in the city of spice dealers" signifies among truths from good in the natural man; "spices" signifying truths which are agreeable because from good (See Arcana Coelestia 4748, 5621, 9474, 9475, 10199, 10254). "He took of the seed of the land, and placed it in the field of sowing; he took it to great waters, and placed it carefully," signifies multiplication; "the seed of the land" meaning the truth of the church; "the field of sowing," the good from which it grows; "great waters," the knowledges of truth and good; "to place carefully," separation from falsities; "and it sprouted and became a luxuriant vine, so that its branches looked to it [the eagle] and the roots thereof were under it," signifies the church coming to the birth through the arrangement of the knowledges of truth, and from their application to use. "So it became a vine that produced shoots and sent out boughs," signifies the beginning of the spiritual church, and the continual increase of truths. (That "vine" is the spiritual church, see Arcana Coelestia 1069, 6375, 9277.) Thus far the beginning of the church with man, which takes place in the natural or external man, has been described; its establishment which takes place in the spiritual or internal man is now described by the other eagle; because this signifies spiritual intelligence, it said that "the vine did bend its roots toward it, that is, the eagle, and send forth its branches toward it;" for "roots" signify knowledges [scientiae], and "branches" the cognitions of truth and good, which are all applied to the truths which are in the spiritual or internal man; without their spiritual application man does not become wise at all. The multiplication and fructification of truth from good, thus the increase of intelligence, is described by "the vine was planted in a good field, by many waters, to make the bough and to bear fruit, that it might be a vine of magnificence;" "a good field" is the church in respect to the good of charity; "many waters" are the knowledges of good and truth; "to form the bough" is to multiply truths; "to bear fruit" is to bring forth goods, which are uses; "a vine of magnificence" is the spiritual church, both internal and external. (But these things, since they are arcana of regeneration and of the establishment of the church with man, can be better understood from what is (New Jerusalem and Heavenly Doctrine51) (New Jerusalem and Heavenly Doctrine 183) brought together in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, from the Arcana Coelestia, On Knowledges [scientiis] and Cognitions, n. 51; and On Regeneration, n. 183.)

[3] That "eagle" signifies intelligence can also be seen in Isaiah:

They that wait upon Jehovah shall renew the strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles (Isaiah 40:31).

"To mount up with wings as eagles" is ascent into the light of heaven, thus into intelligence.

[4] In David:

Jehovah, who satisfieth thy mouth, so that thou shalt be renewed like an eagle (Psalms 103:5).

"To be renewed like an eagle" is to be renewed in respect to intelligence.

[5] In Moses:

Ye have seen how I bare you as on eagles' wings, and brought you unto Myself (Exodus 19:4).

"To bear as on eagles' wings, and to bring," also means into intelligence, because into heaven and its light.

[6] In the same:

Jehovah found him in the land of the wilderness. He led him about, He instructed him, He preserved him as the pupil of His eye. As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young; it spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh him, beareth him on her pinions, so Jehovah alone led him (Deuteronomy 32:10-12). This treats of the establishment of the Ancient Church, and the first reformation of those who were of that church; their first state is meant by "the land of the wilderness in which Jehovah found them;" "the land of the wilderness," is where there is no good because there is no truth; their instruction in truths, guarding them from falsities, and the opening of the interiors of their mind, that they may come into the light of heaven, and thus into the understanding of truth and good, which is intelligence, is described by "the eagle," its "nest on high," "it fluttereth over the young, and beareth them on the pinions;" comparison is made with the eagle, because "eagle" signifies intelligence.

[7] In the second book of Samuel:

Saul and Jonathan, swifter than eagles, and stronger than lions (2 Samuel 1:23).

"Saul" as a king, and "Jonathan" as a king's son, signify the truth of the church; and because intelligence is from truth, and also power, it is said that they were "swifter than eagles, and stronger than lions;" "swiftness" in the Word, in reference to intelligence, signifying the affection of truth. For David wrote his lamentation over Saul and Jonathan "to teach the sons of Judah the bow;" and "the sons of Judah" signify the truths of the church, and the "bow" means the doctrine of truth combating against falsities.

[8] In Job:

By thy intelligence doth the hawk fly, and spread her wings toward the south? At thy command doth the eagle mount up and make high her nest? In the rock she dwelleth and lodgeth; thence she searcheth her food; her eyes behold afar off; and where the slain are there is she (Job 39:26-30.)

Here intelligence is treated of, that no one can procure it from himself or from what is his own [ex proprio]; therefore it is said, "By thy intelligence doth the hawk fly, and spread her wings towards the south?" referring to man's leading himself into the light of intelligence (signified by the "south"), and here, that this is not possible. Intelligence itself, which is of the spiritual man, is described by "the eagle doth mount up, make high her nest, dwell and lodge in the rock, thence searching her food, and her eyes behold afar off." That no one has such intelligence from himself is signified by "Doth the eagle do this at thy command?" But that nothing but falsities can come from self-intelligence is signified by "where the slain are there is she;" "the slain" in the Word signify those with whom truths have been extinguished by falsities (See Arcana Coelestia, n. 4503).

[9] From this it can be seen what is signified by the Lord's words when the disciples asked Him where the Last Judgment would be, in Luke:

The disciples said, Where, Lord? He said unto them, Where the body is, there will the eagles be gathered together (Luke 17:37).

The "body" here means the spiritual world, where all men are together, both the evil and the good; and "eagles" signify those who are in truths, and also those who are in falsities, thus those who are in true intelligence and those who are in false intelligence. False intelligence is from what is man's own [ex proprio], but true intelligence is from the Lord through the Word.

[10] The falsities that are from self-intelligence are also described by "eagles" in the following passages in the Word. In Jeremiah:

Behold he ascendeth as the clouds, and his chariot as the storm, his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us, for we are devastated (Jeremiah 4:13).

The desolation of truth in the church is here treated of, and the "cloud" that ascends signifies falsities; "the chariot which is as the storm" signifies the doctrine of falsity; their avidity for reasoning against truths and destroying them, and pleasure in it, is signified by "their horses are swifter than eagles," for "swiftness" and "haste" in the Word signify being stirred by affection and lust (See Arcana Coelestia 7695, 7866); and "horses" signify the understanding of truth, and in a contrary sense, the understanding of falsity or the reasoning from falsities against truth (Arcana Coelestia 2760-2762, 3217, 5321, 6125, 6400, 6534, 7024, 8146, 8148, 8381); and because "horses" signify this, and "eagles" intelligence, here self-intelligence which is reasoning from falsities, therefore it is said, "their horses are swifter than eagles."

[11] In Lamentations:

Our pursuers were swifter than the eagles of the heavens (Lamentations 4:19).

And in Habakkuk:

His horses are nimbler than leopards, and are fiercer than the evening wolves, that his horsemen may spread themselves; whence his horsemen come from far, they fly as an eagle that hasteth to eat. He cometh all for violence (Habakkuk 1:8-9);

here too, "eagle" stands for the reasoning from falsities against truths, which is from self-intelligence.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia #7695

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/ 10837  

7695. 'And Pharaoh hastened to call Moses and Aaron' means fear at this time of the truth from God. This is clear from the meaning of 'hastening' as acting out of fear, for all haste is the result of some feeling that has been aroused, in this case a feeling of fear, as is evident from Pharaoh's words 'I have sinned against Jehovah your God, and against you; plead with Him to remove from me this death only'; from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as those who engage in molestation, dealt with rather often; and from the representation of 'Moses and Aaron' as the truth from God, 'Moses' being inward truth and 'Aaron' outward truth, dealt with in 7089, 7382.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.