The Bible


Amos 9



1 Io vidi il Signore che stava in piedi sull’altare, e disse: "Percuoti i capitelli e siano scrollati gli architravi! Spezzali sul capo di tutti quanti, ed io ucciderò il resto con la spada! Nessun d’essi si salverà con la fuga, nessun d’essi scamperà.

2 Quand’anche penetrassero nel soggiorno dei morti, la mia mano li strapperà di là; quand’anche salissero in cielo, di là io li trarrò giù.

3 Quand’anche si nascondessero in vetta al Carmelo, io li scoverò colà e li prenderò; quand’anche s’occultassero al mio sguardo in fondo al mare, là comanderò al serpente di morderli,

4 e quand’anche andassero in cattività davanti ai loro nemici, là comanderò alla spada di ucciderli; io fisserò su di essi i miei occhi per il loro male, e non per il loro bene.

5 Il Signore, l’Iddio degli eserciti, è quegli che tocca la terra, ed essa si strugge, e tutti i suoi abitanti fanno cordoglio; essa si solleva tutta quanta come il fiume, e s’abbassa come il fiume d’Egitto.

6 Egli è colui che costruisce nei cieli le sue stanze superiori, e ha fondato la sua vòlta sulla terra; egli chiama le acque del mare, e le spande sulla faccia della terra; il suo nome è l’Eterno.

7 Non siete voi per me come i figliuoli degli Etiopi, o figliuoli d’Israele? dice l’Eterno. Non trassi io Israele fuori dal paese d’Egitto, e i Filistei da Caftor, e i Siri da Kir?

8 Ecco, gli occhi del Signore, dell’Eterno, stanno sul regno peccatore, e io lo distruggerò di sulla faccia della terra; nondimeno, io non distruggerò del tutto la casa di Giacobbe, dice l’Eterno.

9 Poiché, ecco, io darò l’ordine, e scuoterò la casa d’Israele fra tutte le nazioni, come si fa col vaglio; e non cadrà un granello in terra.

10 Tutti i peccatori del mio popolo morranno per la spada; essi, che dicono: "Il male non giungerà fino a noi, e non ci toccherà".

11 In quel giorno, io rialzerò la capanna di Davide ch’è caduta, ne riparerò le rotture, ne rileverò le rovine, la ricostruirò com’era ai giorni antichi,

12 affinché possegga il resto d’Edom e tutte le nazioni sulle quali è invocato il mio nome, dice l’Eterno che farà questo.

13 Ecco, i giorni vengono, dice l’Eterno, quando l’aratore raggiungerà il mietitore, e il pigiator dell’uva colui che sparge il seme; quando i monti stilleranno mosto e tutti i colli si struggeranno.

14 E io trarrò dalla cattività il mio popolo d’Israele; ed essi riedificheranno le città desolate, e le abiteranno; pianteranno vigne, e ne berranno il vino; faranno giardini, e ne mangeranno i frutti.

15 Io li pianterò sul loro suolo, e non saranno mai più divelti dal suolo che io ho dato loro, dice l’Eterno, il tuo Dio.


The Bible


Micah 1:3



3 Poiché, ecco, l’Eterno esce dalla sua dimora, scende, cammina sulle alture della terra;

From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Revealed #238

Study this Passage

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238. Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. (4:6) This symbolizes a new heaven formed of Christians who possessed general truths taken from the literal sense of the Word.

Atmospheres are seen in the spiritual world, and also bodies of water, as in our world - ethereal atmospheres seemingly where angels of the highest heaven dwell, airy atmospheres seemingly where angels of the intermediate heaven dwell, and watery ones seemingly where angels of the lowest heaven dwell. These watery atmospheres, moreover, are seas that are seen at the borders of heaven, and the inhabitants there are people who possess general truths taken from the literal sense of the Word. To be shown that waters symbolize truths, see no. 50 above.

As the place where waters terminate and are collected, a sea therefore symbolizes Divine truth in its terminal expressions.

Accordingly, since the One sitting on the throne means the Lord (no. 230), and since the seven lamps which are the seven spirits of God before the throne mean a new church which will possess Divine truth from the Lord (no. 237), it is apparent that the sea of glass that was before the throne means the church with people who are at its peripheries.

[2] Seas at the borders of the heavens are something I have been granted to see, and it has been given me to speak with the inhabitants there and so to learn the truth of this matter through personal experience. The inhabitants appeared to me to be living in a sea, but they said that they did not live in a sea but in an atmosphere. It was apparent to me from this that a sea is an appearance of the Divine truth emanating from the Lord in its terminal expressions.

The existence of seas in the spiritual world is clearly apparent from the fact that they were often seen by John, as in the present instance, and in 5:13 verses; 7:1-3; 8:8-9; 10:2, 8; 13:1; 14:7; 15:2; 16:3; 18:17, 19, 21; 20:13.

The sea is called a sea of glass like crystal owing to the translucence of the Divine truth emanating from the Lord.

[3] Since Divine truth in its terminal expressions produces the appearance of a sea in the spiritual world, therefore a sea elsewhere in the Word has a similar symbolic meaning, as in the following passages:

On that day living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem, part of them to the eastern sea and part of them to the western sea. (Zechariah 14:8)

Living waters from Jerusalem are the church's Divine truths from the Lord. The sea is consequently where they terminate.

(Jehovah,) Your way was in the sea, and Your path in many waters. (Psalms 77:19)

Thus said Jehovah, who made a way in the sea, and a path through the many waters... (Isaiah 43:16)

(Jehovah) has founded (the world) on the seas, and established it on the rivers. (Psalms 24:2)

(Jehovah) set the earth on its foundations, so that it should not be moved to eternity. You covered it with the deep (or sea) as with a garment. (Psalms 104:5-6)

The earth was "founded on the sea" because the church, which is meant by the earth, is founded on general truths. For these are its footings and foundations.

[4] I will dry up (Babylon's) sea and make her spring dry... The sea will come up over Babylon; she will be covered with the multitude of its waves. (Jeremiah 51:36, 42)

To dry up Babylon's sea and make her spring dry means, symbolically, to extinguish all the church's truth from the firsts to the lasts of it.

They shall walk after Jehovah..., and His sons shall come with honor from the sea. (Hosea 11:10)

The sons from the sea are people who possess general truths or truths in their terminal expressions.

(Jehovah,) who builds His ascents in the heavens..., who calls the waters of the sea and pours them over the face of the earth... (Amos 9:6)

By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made... He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap, putting the depths in storehouses. (Psalms 33:6-7) My rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness. (Isaiah 50:2)

And so likewise in other places.

[5] Since a sea symbolizes Divine truth with people who live on the borders of heaven, therefore Tyre and Sidon, which were on the seacoast, symbolized the church in respect to its learned concepts of goodness and truth. And therefore "the islands of the sea" 1 likewise symbolize people engaged in a relatively remote Divine worship (no. 34).

For the same reason, too, the word used for the sea in Hebrew is "the west," that is, the direction in which the sun's light turns into its evening state, or truth into haziness.

We will see in subsequent discussions that a sea also symbolizes the natural component of a person divorced from his spiritual one, thus also hell.


1. Also called "the isles of the sea" and "the coastlands of the sea." See Isaiah 11:11; 24:15

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.