

Éxodo 29:35



35 Así pues harás á Aarón y á sus hijos, conforme á todas las cosas que yo te he mandado: por siete días los consagrarás.

Nga veprat e Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #10131

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10131. 'And this is what you shall offer on the altar' means that which has regard in general to reception of the Lord in heaven and in the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'this is what you shall offer on the altar' as that which has regard in general to reception of the Lord in the heavens; for 'the altar' means what is Divine and the Lord's in the heavens, 10129, thus also the reception of Him, while 'this you shall offer on it' means that which has regard in general [to the reception]. For the words that come next refer to the burnt offerings of lambs that were to be presented daily, and these offerings represent in general that which has regard to reception of the Lord. By 'lambs' the good of innocence is meant, and the good of innocence is the one and only thing that receives the Lord. For without the good of innocence there can be no love to the Lord, nor can there be any charity towards the neighbour or any faith that has life within it; in general there can be no good that has what is Divine within it, see the places referred to in 10021. This is why 'this you shall offer on the altar' means that which has regard in general to reception of the Lord in heaven and in the Church. When the word 'heaven' is used the Church should also be understood, since the Lord's heaven on earth is the Church, and each individual person in whom the Church exists has heaven as well within him; for the Lord is within him, and where the Lord is, so is heaven. Furthermore the Church makes one with heaven, for they are linked together inseparably and are dependent each on the other. The Word is what joins them together; the Word has the Lord within it, and the Lord is the Word, John 1:1ff.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Nga veprat e Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #7173

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7173. Some spirits learned from heaven that spirits belonging to Mercury had once been promised that they would see the Lord. They were therefore asked by the spirits around me whether they remembered that promise. They said that they did, but that they did not know whether the promise had been made in such a way that they could have no doubts about it. While they were talking in this way to one another the Sun of heaven appeared to them (the Sun of heaven, which is the Lord, is seen by none except those in the inmost or third heaven; all others see the light radiated by it, and also the Moon, dealt with in 1529-1531, 4060). After they had seen the Sun they said that this was not the Lord God, because they did not see any face. Meanwhile the spirits were talking to one another, but I do know not what they said. Then suddenly the Sun reappeared, with the Lord in the middle of it, encircled by the sun's disc. When they saw this the spirits belonging to Mercury became full of deep humility and sank to the ground. The Lord also appeared then out of the Sun to spirits belonging to our own planet who had seen Him in the world while they were living there. These spirits - a long train of them - declared one after another that He was the Lord; and they declared it before the whole gathering. The Lord also appeared then out of the Sun to spirits belonging to the planet Jupiter. These said in a clear voice that He was the One whom they had seen on their planet when the God of the universe appeared to them.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.