

От Иоанна 1:2



2 Оно было в начале у Бога.



Explanation of John 1:2

Nga Brian David

This stained glass window, at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Charleston, S.C., USA, shows the Word of God being shared with followers of Jesus.

This verse reinforces points in the first verse: that the divine truth was not created by or created after the divine love which it expresses. The two are one: Love has to express itself as truth to have form; truth has to express love to have substance. Love without truth is not really love at all; it’s just a feeling and a potential. Truth without love is not really truth; it’s just a concept with no goal, no use, no purpose.

"God" here represents the Lord’s desire for good; this verse then reinforces that perfect truth and perfect good were together from the beginning.

It’s also worth noting that along with the ultimate "beginning," there are also "beginnings" for each of us, marking the moments when we choose to turn away from evil and open ourselves to the Lord. This verse, then, reassures us that when we make such a beginning, the Lord’s love and the Lord’s truth will be there for us. And it also tells us that if we want to make a real beginning, we need to find that truth and cling to it as the best way to receive the Lord’s love.

Nga veprat e Swedenborg


On the Athanasian Creed #145

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145. The extension of the Divine into the universe is what can be predicated of the Divine Proceeding, which is the Divine Truth and is called the Word. By this were all things made which were made and the world was created from it, according to the words in John, chapter 1. But an idea is to be held concerning the Divine Itself, the idea as of a Man whose Divine Love appears as a Sun from which the light is Divine Truth and the heat Divine Good. But still the idea of extension is applicable only to the natural world but not to the spiritual world, in which, extension as space and distance is only an appearance concerning which see the work on HEAVEN AND HELL in the chapter dealing with space.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.