From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #404

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/ 1232  

404. Verse 14. And the heaven departed as a book rolled up, signifies that the spiritual man became closed up. This is evident from the signification of "heaven," as being the church in general and in particular; for the church is the heaven of the Lord on the earth; moreover, the church makes one with heaven by conjunction; therefore when "heaven and earth" are mentioned in the Word, the church internal and external is meant, for the internal of the men of the church is heaven with them, and their external is the world with them; and as "heaven and earth" signify the church internal and external so they signify the internal and external man, or the spiritual and the natural man; for as man in whom is the good of love and of faith is a church, so the church, in general exists from the men in whom the church is. This makes clear why it is that "heaven" here means the internal or spiritual man. It is said "the spiritual man," by which is meant the spiritual mind, which is the higher or interior mind of man, while the lower or exterior mind is called the natural man. The above is evident also from the signification of "departed as a book rolled up," as meaning that it became closed up; for the spiritual mind, which is, as was said, the higher or interior mind with man, is opened by truths applied to life, thus by goods, but it is closed up by falsities applied to life, thus by evils; and the closing up is as the rolling up of the scroll of a book. That this is so was made very clear by the appearances in the spiritual world when the Last Judgment was accomplished; for the mountains and the hills there then appeared sometimes to be rolled up as the scroll of a book is rolled up, and those that were upon them were then rolled down into hell. The cause of this appearance was this: that the interiors of their minds, through which somewhat of light from heaven had before flowed in, were then closed up. What takes place in general with many, takes place with everyone in particular of a like character, for in the spiritual world such as the general is, such is the particular (See in the work on Heaven and Hell 73). By "book" is meant a scroll, because in ancient times there were no types and thus no books like those at the present day, but there were scrolls of parchments; so "books" in Revelation mean scrolls, and "heaven departed as a book rolled up" means as a scroll rolled up; the same as in Isaiah:

All the host of the heavens shall waste away, and the heavens shall be rolled up as a book (Isaiah 34:4).

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings #301

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/ 325  

301. While the Lord was in the world, by means of his human nature he gained control over the hells. While the Lord was in the world he gained control over all the hells and then brought everything in the heavens and the hells into order: 4075, 4287, 9937. At that time the Lord also freed the world of spirits from the [evil] people who lived before the Flood: 1 1266. What they were like: 310, 311, 560, 562, 563, 570, 581, 607, 660, 805, 808, 1034, 1120, 1265-1272. By gaining control over the hells and at the same time glorifying his human nature, the Lord saved the human race: 4180, 10019, 10152, 10655, 10659, 10828.


1. The Latin word here translated "the [evil] people who lived before the Flood" is antediluviani, which means simply "people before the Flood. " However, the passages to which Swedenborg refers here make it clear that he means only those people in the Bible narrative who lived immediately before the Flood and died in it, as opposed to even earlier peoples, who were benign. Furthermore, since Swedenborg sees the Flood as symbolic or correspondential (see note 1 in Last Judgment 26), he did not see these pre-Flood people as dying out in a literal inundation, but as undergoing a particular spiritual decline during the general period symbolized by the Flood. The evil people who resulted from this decline are described by Swedenborg as totally governed by their feelings and as therefore, when they become spirits, being capable of working directly on the feelings of others, bypassing their victims' faculties of critical thinking. For example, one of the passages listed here, Secrets of Heaven 311, describes the spirits of these people as having "fantasies and self-deceptions . . . of a kind that puts other spirits in such a stupor that they cannot tell whether they are alive or dead," and adds, "The people who died in the Flood . . . were destined in the next life to be incapable of ever living among other spirits without bringing a sort of death to them. " Hence they are isolated from other spirits in a hell that is exclusively their own. [GFD, RS, SS]

/ 325  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #607

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/ 10837  

607. The character of that Church is described later on, but in order that some notion of it may be gained at this point let a brief description be given here. The Most Ancient Church, as has been stated, was celestial whereas this Ancient Church became spiritual. Whereas the Most Ancient Church possessed perception of good and truth this Church had instead of perception a different kind of dictate, which may be called conscience.

[2] Something as yet unknown to the world and perhaps hard to believe is that the member of the Most Ancient Church possessed internal breathing, but no external breathing except that which was soundless. Consequently people spoke not so much by means of vocal utterances, as they did in later times and as they do nowadays, but like angels, by means of ideas. They were able to express ideas by means of countless alterations in their facial expressions and in their looks, and especially by means of alterations of the lips where there are innumerable threads of muscular fibres which are all knotted up nowadays but which had freedom of movement in those times. They were in this way able to present, mean, and represent inside a minute things which nowadays take an hour by the use of articulated sounds or utterance. And they did so far more fully and more clearly to the comprehension and understanding of those present than can possibly be done with words or sentences. This is perhaps hard to believe but is nevertheless the truth. There are also many others who do not originate from this earth who spoke and still do so today in this manner. These in the Lord's Divine mercy will be dealt with later on.

[3] I have been given to know also the nature of that internal breathing and how in course of time it was changed. And because their manner of breathing resembled that of angels who breathe in that kind of way, profound ideas constituted their thought, and they were able to have perception, such as defies description. Consequently if such a description were attempted it would not be comprehended nor therefore believed either. Among their descendants however that internal breathing gradually passed away, and with those who were obsessed with dreadful persuasions and delusions it became such that they were incapable any longer of presenting any idea comprising thought except the very grotesque. The outcome of this was their inability to survive, and so all of them were wiped out.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.