The Bible


Luke 4:16-30 : Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth


16 Ethor cedin bada Nazarethera non haci içan baitzén: eta sar cedin bere costumaren araura Sabbath egunean synagogán: eta iaiqui cedin iracurtzera.

17 Eta eman cequión Esaias prophetaren liburuä: eta desplegatu çuenean liburuä, eriden ceçan lekua, non scribatua baitzén,

18 Iaunaren Spiritua da ene gainean, ceren vnctatu bainau: paubrey euangelizatzera igorri nau, bihotzez hautsien sendatzera,

19 Captiuoey largançaren, eta itsuey ikustearen recubramenduaren predicatzera, eta çaurthuén deliurançatan eçartera, eta Iaunaren vrthe bozcariotacoaren predicatzera.

20 Eta plegaturic liburuä rendatu ceraucanean ministreari, iar cedin: eta synagogaco gucién beguiac haren gainera fincatuac ciraden.

21 Orduan has cequién erraiten, egungo egunean complitu da Scriptura haur çuen beharrietan.

22 Eta guciéc testimoniage emaiten ceraucaten, eta miraz ceuden haren ahotic ilkiten ciraden hitz gratiazcoéz, eta erraiten çuten, Ezta haur Iosephen semea?

23 Eta erran ciecén, Frangoqui erranen drautaçue comparatione haur, Medicuá, senda eçac eure buruä: cerere gauça ençun baitugu eguin içan diradela Capernaum-en, eguin itzac hemen-ere eure hirian.

24 Eta dioste, Eguiaz diotsuet, ecen Prophetaric batre eztela gogaracoric bere herrian.

25 Baina eguiaz erraiten drauçuet, anhitz ema alhargun cen Eliasen egunetan Israelen, ceruä ertsi içan cenean hirur vrthe eta sey hilebethetacotz, hala non eguin baitzedin gossete handia lur guciaren gainean.

26 Baina hetaric batetara-ere etzén igorri içan Elias, Sarepta Sidoniaco hirira baicen, emazte alhargun batgana.

27 Eta anhitz sorhayo cen Israelen Eliseo prophetaren demborán, baina hetaric batre etzén chahutu içan Naaman Syriacoa baicen.

28 Orduan bethe citecen guciac asserretassunez synagogán, gauça hauc ençuten cituztenean.

29 Eta iaiquiric egotz ceçaten hura hiritic campora, eta eraman ceçaten mendi gainera (ceinen gainean hayen hiria edificatua baitzen) gainetic behera egotz leçatençat.

30 Baina hura hayén artetic iraganic, ioan cedin.



Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth

By Junchol Lee

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There is a saying that a person "can't see the forest for the trees." What this means is that we often get lost, focused on and attached to matters closely related to ourselves, and thus we miss seeing and acknowledging the bigger picture within which we exist. It is especially difficult to acknowledge and accept truths that reveal a reality that is not aligned with, or even opposes, the reality that we wish to be true. For the people of Nazareth, those who grew up with Jesus, accepting Jesus as the Messiah was a challenge like this, a challenge that would have been difficult for any human being...

(References: Isaiah 1:10)

The Bible


Isaiah 1:10



10 Hear the word of Yahweh, you rulers of Sodom! Listen to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah!