The Bible


Jeremija 51



1 Ovako govori Gospod: Evo, ja ću podignuti na Vavilon i na one koji žive usred onih koji ustaju na me, vetar koji mori.

2 Poslaću na Vavilon vijače koji će ga razvijati i zemlju njegovu isprazniti, jer će ga opkoliti sa svih strana u dan nevolje njegove.

3 Strelac neka nateže luk na strelca i na onog koji se ponosi svojim oklopom, i ne žalite mladića njegovih, potrite mu svu vojsku,

4 Neka padnu pobijeni u zemlji haldejskoj i izbodeni na ulicama njegovim.

5 Jer nije ostavio Izrailja i Jude Bog njihov, Gospod nad vojskama, ako i jeste zemlja njihova puna krivice Svecu Izrailjevom.

6 Bežite iz Vavilona i izbavite svaki dušu svoju da se ne istrebite u bezakonju njegovom, jer je vreme osvete Gospodnje, plaća mu šta je zaslužio.

7 Vavilon beše zlatna čaša u ruci Gospodnjoj, kojom opoji svu zemlju; vino njegovo piše narodi, zato poludeše narodi.

8 Ujedanput pade Vavilon i razbi se; ridajte za njim; donesite balsama za rane njegove, ne bi li se iscelio.

9 Lečismo Vavilon, ali se ne isceli; ostavite ga, i da idemo svaki u svoju zemlju; jer do neba dopire sud njegov i diže se do oblaka.

10 Gospod je izneo pravdu našu; hodite, da pripovedamo na Sionu delo Gospoda Boga svog.

11 Čistite strele, uzmite štitove; Gospod podiže duh careva midskih, jer je Vavilonu namislio da ga zatre; jer je osveta Gospodnja, osveta crkve Njegove.

12 Na zidovima vavilonskim podignite zastavu, utvrdite stražu, postavite stražare, namestite zasede; jer je Gospod namislio, i učiniće šta je rekao za stanovnike vavilonske.

13 O ti, što stanuješ kraj vode velike i imaš mnogo blaga! Dođe kraj tvoj i svršetak lakomstvu tvom.

14 Gospod nad vojskama zakle se sobom: Napuniću te ljudima kao skakavcima, i oni će ti pevati pesmu.

15 On je stvorio zemlju silom svojom, utvrdio vasiljenu mudrošću svojom, i razumom svojim razapeo nebesa.

16 Kad pusti glas svoj, buče vode na nebesima, podiže paru s krajeva zemaljskih, i pušta munje s daždem, i izvodi vetar iz staja njegovih.

17 Svaki čovek posta bezuman od znanja, svaki se zlatar osramoti likom rezanim; jer su laž likovi njegovi liveni i nema duha u njima.

18 Taština su, delo prevarno; kad ih pohodim, poginuće.

19 Nije takav deo Jakovljev; jer je On Tvorac svemu i On je deo nasledstva njegovog; ime Mu je Gospod nad vojskama.

20 Ti si mi bio malj, oružje ubojno, i tobom satrh narode i tobom rasuh carstva.

21 I tobom satrh konja i jahača njegovog; i tobom satrh kola i koji seđahu na njima.

22 I tobom satrh čoveka i ženu, i satrh tobom starca i dete, i satrh tobom momka i devojku.

23 I tobom satrh pastira i stado njegovo, i tobom satrh orača i volove njegove ujarmljene, i satrh tobom knezove i vlastelje.

24 I platiću Vavilonu i svim stanovnicima haldejskim za sve zlo koje učiniše Sionu, na vaše oči, govori Gospod.

25 Evo mene na tebe, goro, koja satireš, govori Gospod, koja zatireš svu zemlju, i zamahnuću rukom svojom na te i svaliću te sa stena, i načiniću od tebe goru izgorelu.

26 I neće uzeti od tebe kamena za ugao ni kamena za temelj, jer ćeš biti pustoš večna, govori Gospod.

27 Podignite zastavu u zemlji, zatrubite u trube među narodima, pripravite narode na nj, sazovite na nj carstvo araratsko, minijsko i ashanasko; postavite vojvodu suprot njemu, dovedite konje kao skakavce bodljikaste.

28 Pripravite narode suprot njemu, careve midske i vojvode njihove i sve vlastelje njihove i svu zemlju države njihove.

29 I zemlja će se zatresti i uzmučiti, jer će se misao Gospodnja izvršiti na Vavilonu da obrati zemlju vavilonsku u pustinju da niko ne živi u njoj.

30 Prestaše vojevati junaci vavilonski, stoje u gradu, nesta sile njihove, postaše kao žene, izgoreše stanovi njihovi, prevornice njihove polomiše se.

31 Glasnik će sretati glasnika, i poslanik će sretati poslanika da jave caru vavilonskom da mu je uzet grad sa svih krajeva,

32 I da se brodovi uzeše i jezera izgoreše ognjem i vojnici se prepali.

33 Jer ovako veli Gospod nad vojskama Bog Izrailjev: Kći je vavilonska kao gumno; vreme je da se nabije, još malo, pa će doći vreme da se požnje.

34 Izjede me i potre me Navuhodonosor, car vavilonski, načini od mene nepotreban sud, proždre me kao zmaj, napuni trbuh svoj milinama mojim, i otera me.

35 Nepravda koja se čini meni i mom telu neka dođe na Vavilon, reći će stanovnica sionska, i krv moja na stanovnike haldejske, govoriće Jerusalim.

36 Zato ovako veli Gospod: Evo, ja ću raspraviti parbu tvoju i osvetiću te; i osušiću more njegovo, i izvore ću njegove osušiti.

37 I Vavilon će postati gomila, stan zmajevski, čudo i podsmeh, da niko neće živeti u njemu.

38 Rikaće svi kao lavovi i viti kao lavići.

39 Kad se ugreju, izneću im da piju, i opojiću ih da se razvesele i zaspe večnim snom, da se ne probude, govori Gospod.

40 Svešću ih na zaklanje kao jaganjce, kao ovnove s jarcima.

41 Kako se predobi Sisah i uze se hvala sve zemlje? Kako Vavilon posta čudo među narodima?

42 More usta na Vavilon, pokri ga mnoštvo vala njegovih.

43 Gradovi njegovi postaše pustoš, zemlja sasušena i pusta, zemlja gde niko ne živi, niti prolazi kroz nju sin čovečji.

44 I pohodiću Vila u Vavilonu i izvući ću iz usta njegovih šta je proždrao, i neće se više sticati k njemu narodi, i zid će vavilonski pasti.

45 Iziđi iz njega, narode moj, i izbavite svaki svoju dušu od žestokog gneva Gospodnjeg.

46 Nemojte da odmekne srce vaše i da se uplašite od glasa koji će se čuti u zemlji; a doći će glas jedne godine, a posle njega drugi glas druge godine, i nasilje će biti u zemlji, i gospodar će ustati na gospodara.

47 Zato evo idu dani kad ću pohoditi rezane likove vavilonske, i sva će se zemlja njegova posramiti, i svi će pobijeni njegovi pasti usred njega.

48 Nebo i zemlja i sve što je u njima pevaće nad Vavilonom, jer će doći na nj sa severa zatirač, govori Gospod.

49 I kao što je Vavilon učinio da padnu pobijeni Izrailjevi, tako će pasti u Vavilonu pobijeni sve zemlje.

50 Koji utekoste od mača, idite, ne stojte; pominjite Gospoda izdaleka, i Jerusalim neka vam je u srcu.

51 Posramismo se, što čusmo rug, stid popade lice naše, što tuđini uđoše u svetinju doma Gospodnjeg.

52 Zato, gle, idu dani, govori Gospod, kad ću pohoditi rezane likove njegove, i po svoj zemlji njegovoj ječaće ranjenici.

53 Da se Vavilon i na nebo popne, i na visini da utvrdi silu svoju, doći će od mene na nj zatirači, govori Gospod.

54 Čuje se velika vika iz Vavilona, i velik polom iz zemlje haldejske.

55 Jer Gospod zatire Vavilon, i ukida u njemu veliku vrevu; i vali će njihovi bučati kao velika voda, vika će se njihova razlegati.

56 Jer dođe na nj, na Vavilon, zatirač, junaci se njegovi zarobiše, lukovi se njihovi potrše; jer je Gospod Bog koji plaća, doista će platiti.

57 Opojiću knezove njegove i mudrace njegove, vojvode njegove i vlastelje njegove i junake njegove, da će zaspati večnim snom i neće se probuditi, govori car, kome je ime Gospod nad vojskama.

58 Ovako veli Gospod nad vojskama: Široki zidovi vavilonski sasvim će se raskopati, i visoka vrata njegova ognjem će se spaliti, te su ljudi uzalud radili, i narodi se trudili za oganj.

59 Reč što zapovedi prorok Jeremija Seraji sinu Nirije sina Masijinog, kad pođe od Sedekije, cara Judinog, u Vavilon četvrte godine carovanja njegovog; a Seraja beše glavni posteljnik.

60 A Jeremija napisa u jednu knjigu sve zlo koje htede doći na Vavilon, sve ove reči što su napisane za Vavilon.

61 I reče Jeremija Seraji: Kad dođeš u Vavilon, tada gledaj i pročitaj sve ove reči;

62 I reci: Gospode, Ti si govorio za ovo mesto da ćeš ga zatrti da niko ne živi u njemu, ni čovek ni živinče, nego da je pustoš do veka.

63 A kad pročitaš ovu knjigu, veži kamen za nju, i baci je u Efrat.

64 I reci: Tako će potonuti Vavilon i neće se podignuti oda zla koje ću pustiti na nj, i oni će iznemoći. Dovde su reči Jeremijine.


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Revealed #316

Study this Passage

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316. "And do not harm the oil and the wine." This symbolizes the Lord's provision that they not violate and profane the goods and truths concealed inwardly in the Word.

Oil symbolizes the goodness of love, and wine the truth springing from that goodness. Thus the oil here symbolizes sacred goodness, and the wine sacred truth. The Lord's provision that these not be violated and profaned is symbolized by the people's being told not to harm them. For this instruction came from the midst of the four living creatures, thus from the Lord (no. 314). Whatever the Lord says He also provides. That this is something He provides may be seen in nos. 314 and 255 above.

That oil symbolizes the goodness of love - this we will see in nos. 778, 779 below.

That wine symbolizes the truth springing from that goodness is clear from the following passages:

Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes..., buy wine and milk without money... (Isaiah 55:1)

It shall come to pass in that day that the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills flow with milk... (Joel 3:18, cf. Amos 9:13-14)

Joy is taken away... from Carmel, and in the vineyards there will be no singing... No treaders will tread out wine in the presses; I have made their shouting cease. (Isaiah 16:10, cf. Jeremiah 48:32-33)

Carmel symbolizes the spiritual church, because it had vineyards there.

[2] ...wail, all you drinkers of wine, because of the new wine, for it has been cut off from your mouth... The vinedressers have wailed... (Joel 1:5, 10-11)

Almost the same images occur in Hosea 9:2-3.

He washes his clothing in wine, and His vesture in the blood of grapes. His eyes are red with wine... (Genesis 49:11-12)

The subject is the Lord, and the wine symbolizes Divine truth. That is why the Lord instituted the Holy Supper, in which the bread symbolizes the Lord in respect to Divine good, and the wine the Lord in respect to Divine truth; and in their recipients the bread symbolizes a sacred goodness, and the wine sacred truth, received from the Lord. Therefore He said,

I say to you, that I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you... in My Father's kingdom. (Matthew 26:29, cf. Luke 22:18)

Because bread and wine have these symbolic meanings, so too Melchizedek, going to meet Abram, brought out bread and wine, he being a priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18-19).

[3] The grain offering and drink offering used in sacrifices had similar symbolic meanings, as described in Exodus 29:40, Leviticus 23:12-13, 18-19ff. The grain offering was an offering of wheat flour, thus taking the place of bread, and the drink offering was an offering of wine.

It can be seen from this what these words of the Lord symbolize:

Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins... But they put the... wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. (Matthew 9:17, cf. Luke 5:37-38)

New wine is the Divine truth in the New Testament, thus in the New Church, and the old wine is the Divine truth in the Old Testament, thus in the old church.

A similar idea is symbolized by these words of the Lord at the wedding in Cana of Galilee:

Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now! (John 2:1-10)

[4] Something similar is symbolized by the wine in the Lord's parable concerning the man wounded by thieves, on whose wound the Samaritan poured oil and wine (Luke 10:33-34); for the man wounded by thieves means people whom the Jews wounded spiritually by evils and falsities, and to whom the Samaritan brought aid by pouring oil and wine on their wounds, that is, by teaching them goodness and truth, and as far as possible, healing them.

Sacred truth is symbolized by wine and new wine also elsewhere in the Word, as in Isaiah 1:21-22; 25:6; 36:17.

[5] Because of this, a vineyard in the Word symbolizes a church that possesses truths from the Lord.

That wine symbolizes sacred truth can be seen also from its opposite meaning, in which it symbolizes truth falsified and profaned, as in the following places:

Harlotry, wine, and new wine have taken hold of the heart... Their wine is gone, they commit harlotry continually. (Hosea 4:11, 18)

Harlotry symbolizes the falsification of truth, and so, too, do the wine and new wine here. the hand of Jehovah a cup, and He mixed it with wine; He filled it with the mixture and poured it out, and its dregs shall all the wicked of the earth, sucking, drink. (Psalms 75:8)

Babylon was a golden cup in Jehovah's hand, that made all the earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they are deranged. (Jeremiah 51:7)

Babylon has fallen..., because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication... If anyone worships the beast..., he shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed with undiluted wine in the cup of the wrath (of God). (Revelation 14:8-10)

(Babylon has made) all the nations (drink) of the wine... of her fornication. (Revelation 18:3)

...great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fury of His wrath. (Revelation 16:19)

...the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. (Revelation 17:1-2)

[6] The wine that Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, and his lords and wives and concubines drank from the vessels of the Temple in Jerusalem, while they praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone (Daniel 5:2-4) - that wine symbolized nothing else but the sacred truth of the Word and church profaned, which is why the writing then appeared on the wall, and the king that very night was slain (Daniel 5:25, 30)

Wine symbolizes truth falsified also in Isaiah 5:11-12, 21-22; 28:1, 3, 7; 29:9; 56:11-12.

The drink offering that they poured out as an offering to idols has the same symbolic meaning in Isaiah 65:11; 57:6; Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19; Ezekiel 20:28; Deuteronomy 32:38.

It is owing to its correspondence that wine symbolizes sacred truth, and in an opposite sense, truth profaned. For when a person reads "wine" in the Word, angels - who apprehend everything spiritually - have just this interpretation of it. Such is the correspondence between the natural thoughts of people and the spiritual thoughts of angels. The case is the same with the wine in the Holy Supper. That is why the Holy Supper occasions an introduction into heaven (no. 224 at the end).

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.