The Bible


От Матфея 11:26



26 ей, Отче! ибо таково было Твое благоволение.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #3090

Study this Passage

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3090. 'And she said, Drink, my lord' means an affirmative response. This is clear from the agreement or consent. What the affirmative response by truth is when it is to be joined to good is evident from marriages, for the basis of any marriage is the consent given by both parties. This has its origin in the marriage of good and truth, in that one party - good - proposes and the other - truth - consents, and the two are thereby joined together. Although this marrying of good and truth is not seen in a person while he is being regenerated, that is, while he is entering into the heavenly marriage, it is nevertheless taking place. This is quite evident from the consideration that while a person is being regenerated a kind of marriage must take place between the will and the understanding, good being on the side of the will, truth on that of the understanding. For this reason the ancients established a marriage between will and understanding, and between the individual parts of the will and the understanding, 54, 55.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.