The Bible


Бытие 3



1 Змей был хитрее всех зверей полевых, которых создал Господь Бог. И сказал Змей жене: подлинно ли сказал Бог: не ешьте ни от какого дерева в раю?

2 И сказала жена змею: плоды с дерев мы можем есть,

3 только плодов дерева, которое среди рая, сказал Бог, не ешьте их и не прикасайтесь к ним, чтобы вам не умереть.

4 И сказал змей жене: нет, не умрете,

5 но знает Бог, что в день, в который вы вкусите их, откроются глаза ваши, и вы будете, как боги, знающие добро и зло.

6 И увидела жена, что дерево хорошо для пищи, и что оно приятно дляглаз и вожделенно, потому что дает знание; и взяла плодов его и ела; и дала также мужу своему, и он ел.

7 И открылись глаза у них обоих, и узнали они, что наги, и сшили смоковные листья, и сделали себе опоясания.

8 И услышали голос Господа Бога, ходящего в раю во время прохлады дня; и скрылся Адам и жена его от лица Господа Бога между деревьями рая.

9 И воззвал Господь Бог к Адаму и сказал ему: где ты?

10 Он сказал: голос Твой я услышал в раю, и убоялся, потому что я наг, и скрылся.

11 И сказал: кто сказал тебе, что ты наг? не ел ли ты от дерева, с которого Я запретил тебе есть?

12 Адам сказал: жена, которую Ты мне дал, она дала мне от дерева, и я ел.

13 И сказал Господь Бог жене: что ты это сделала? Жена сказала: змей обольстил меня, и я ела.

14 И сказал Господь Бог змею: за то, что ты сделал это, проклят ты пред всеми скотами и пред всеми зверями полевыми; ты будешь ходить на чреве твоем, и будешь есть прах во все днижизни твоей;

15 и вражду положу между тобою и между женою, и между семенем твоим и между семенем ее; оно будет поражать тебя в голову, а ты будешь жалить его в пяту.

16 Жене сказал: умножая умножу скорбь твою в беременности твоей; в болезни будешь рождать детей; и к мужу твоему влечение твое, и он будет господствовать над тобою.

17 Адаму же сказал: за то, что ты послушал голоса жены твоей и ел от дерева, о котором Я заповедал тебе, сказав: не ешь от него, проклята земля за тебя; со скорбью будешь питаться от нее во все дни жизни твоей;

18 терния и волчцы произрастит она тебе; и будешь питаться полевою травою;

19 в поте лица твоего будешь есть хлеб, доколе не возвратишься в землю, из которой ты взят, ибо прах ты и в прах возвратишься.

20 И нарек Адам имя жене своей: Ева, ибо она стала матерью всех живущих.

21 И сделал Господь Бог Адаму и жене его одежды кожаные и одел их.

22 И сказал Господь Бог: вот, Адам стал как один из Нас, зная добро и зло; и теперь как бы не простер он руки своей, и не взял также от дерева жизни, и не вкусил, и не стал жить вечно.

23 И выслал его Господь Бог из сада Едемского, чтобы возделывать землю, из которой он взят.

24 И изгнал Адама, и поставил на востоке у сада Едемского Херувима и пламенный меч обращающийся, чтобы охранять путь к дереву жизни.


From Swedenborg's Works


Coronis (An Appendix to True Christian Religion) #29

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29. III. THE THIRD STATE OF THIS CHURCH, WHICH IS ITS DECLINE AND EVENING, AND IS CALLED VASTATION, is described in the third chapter of Genesis, by these words:

The serpent became more subtle than any beast of the field which Jehovah God had made. He said to the woman, Wherefore also hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And when the woman said unto the serpent, Of the fruit of the tree we may eat; only of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die-the serpent said, Ye shall not die; for God doth know, that, in the day wherein ye shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil. The woman, therefore, saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and to be desired to give understanding; therefore she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and she gave to her man (vir) with her, and he did eat (Gen. 3:1-6).

That a decline from light to the shade of evening, that is, a falling away from wisdom and integrity, consequently a state of vastation of this Church, is described by these words, is because, owing to having been made a "likeness of God" (by which is signified that, to all appearance he, like God, thinks those things which are of wisdom, and wills those things which are of love, from himself, - see above, n. 26), he believed the serpent's words, that if he should eat of that tree he would become as God, and thus also be God, in knowing good and evil. By this "tree" is signified the natural man separated from the spiritual, which, when left to itself, believes nothing else.

[2] Every man has a natural mind and a spiritual mind, distinct from each other like two stories of one house connected by stairs; in the upper story of which dwell the master and mistress with their children, but in the lower the men-servants and maid-servants, with other menials. From birth even to early youth, the spiritual mind in man is shut; but after that first age the spiritual mind is step by step opened; for there is given to every man from birth the capacity, and afterwards the ability, of preparing for himself steps by which he may ascend and speak with the master and mistress, and then descend and execute their commands: this power is conferred upon him through the gift of free-determination in spiritual things. Nevertheless, no one can ascend to the upper story, by which is meant the spiritual mind, except he eat of the trees of life in the garden of God; for, by eating of these man is enlightened and restored, and, receives faith; and through the nourishment of their fruits he attains the assurance that all good is from the Lord, who is the Tree of Life, and not the least of it from man; and yet, that, by abiding together and working together, hence by the Lord's being in him and he in the Lord, he will do good of himself, but still, in the faith and assurance that it is not from himself but from the Lord.

[3] If a man believe otherwise, he produces a semblance of good, inwardly in which there is evil, because merit; and this is eating of the trees of the knowledge of good and evil, among which dwells the serpent, in the dreadful persuasion that he is as God, or else that there is no God, but that Nature is what is called God, and that he is compounded of its elements. Furthermore: those eat of the trees of the knowledge of good and evil who love themselves and the world above all things; but those eat of the trees of life who love God above all things and the neighbour as themselves. Those also eat of the trees of the knowledge of good and evil who put forth regulations for the Church from self-intelligence, and afterwards confirm them by the Word; but, on the other hand, those eat of the trees of life who procure for themselves regulations for the Church by means of the Word, and afterwards confirm them by intelligence. Those, again, who teach truths from the Word, and live wickedly, eat of the trees of the knowledge of good and evil; but those eat of the trees of life who live well and teach from the Word. Speaking generally, all eat of the trees of the knowledge of good and evil who deny the Divinity of the Lord and the holiness of the Word, inasmuch as the Lord is the Tree of Life and the Word, from whom the Church is a "garden eastward in Eden."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Coronis (An Appendix to True Christian Religion) #26

Study this Passage

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26. The "likeness of God," after which man was made, is that he is able to live, that is, to will, to love, and to intend, as also to think, reflect and choose, to all appearance as of himself; consequently, that he is able to receive from God those things which are of love and those which are of wisdom, and to reproduce them in an image, as God does, of himself; for God says:

Behold the man was as one of us, in knowing good and evil (Gen. 3:22);

for, without the faculty of receiving and reproducing those things which proceed into him from God, to all appearance as of himself, man would be no more a "living soul" than the oyster in its shell at the bottom of the river, which is not in the least able to move itself out of its place: nor would he be any more an "image of God" than a jointed carving of a man capable of motion by means of a handle, and of giving forth sound by being blown into; yea, the very mind of man, which is the same as his spirit, would actually be wind, air, or ether, according to the idea of the present Church respecting spirit; for, without the faculty of receiving and reproducing the things flowing in from God, altogether as of himself, he would not have anything of his own, or any proprium, except an imperceptible one, which is like the proprium of a lifeless carving. But more about the image and likeness of God with man may be seen in a memorable relation in the preceding work (n. True Christian Religion 48), of which this is the Appendix.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.