The Bible


Числа 8



1 Когда Моисей поставилъ скинію и помазалъ ее, и освятилъ ее и всј вещи ея, и жертвенникъ и всј сосуды его, и помазалъ ихъ и освятилъ ихъ:

2 тогда начальники Израилевы, главные въ поколјніяхъ ихъ, начальники колјнъ поставленные надъ вошедшими въ перепись, принесли приношенія.

3 И представили приношеніе свое предъ Господа, шесть крытыхъ колесницъ и двјнадцать воловъ, по колесницј отъ двухъ начальниковъ и по одному волу отъ каждаго, и представили сіе предъ скинію.

4 И сказалъ Господь Моисею:

5 возьми отъ нихъ, это будетъ годно для отправленія работъ при скиніи собранія, и отдай это левитамъ, смотря по работамъ ихъ.

6 И взялъ Моисей колесницы и воловъ, и отдалъ ихъ левитамъ.

7 Двј колесницы и четырехъ воловъ отдалъ сынамъ Гирсоновымъ, смотря по работамъ ихъ.

8 Четыре колесницы и восемь воловъ отдалъ сынамъ Мераринымъ, смотря по работамъ ихъ, подъ надзоромъ Иѕамара, сына Аарона, священника.

9 А сынамъ Кааѕовымъ не далъ, потому что работа ихъ носитъ святилище; на раменахъ они должны носить.

10 И принесли начальники при посвященіи жертвенника въ день помазанія его, и принесли начальники приношеніе свое предъ жертвенникъ.

11 И сказалъ Господь Моисею: по одному начальнику въ день пусть приносятъ приношеніе свое на освященіе жертвенника.

12 Въ первый день принесъ приношеніе свое Наассонъ, сынъ Аминадавовъ, отъ колјна Іудина.

13 Приношеніе его было: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное;

14 одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ;

15 одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе;

16 одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ.

17 И въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Наассона, сына Аминадавова.

18 Во второй день принесъ Наѕанаилъ, сынъ Цуара, начальникъ племениш Иссахарова.

19 Онъ принесъ отъ себя приношеніе: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одну серебреную чашу въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное;

20 одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ;

21 одного тельца изъ крупнаго скота,одного овна, одного однолјтняго агнца во всесожженіе;

22 одного козла въ жертву за грјхъ,

23 и въ жертву благодарственную двухъ воловъ, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Наѕанаила, сына Цуарова.

24 Въ третій день начальникъ сыновъ Завулоновыхъ Еліавъ, сынъ Хелона.

25 Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное;

26 одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей. наполненный куреніемъ, [ (Numbers 8:27) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ, во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:28) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:29) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Еліава, сына Хелонова. ] [ (Numbers 8:30) Въ четвертый день начальникъ сыновъ Рувимовыхъ Елицуръ, сынъ Шедеуровъ. ] [ (Numbers 8:31) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное; ] [ (Numbers 8:32) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:33) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ, во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:34) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:35) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ и пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Елицура, сына Шедеурова. ] [ (Numbers 8:36) Въ пятый день начальникъ сыновъ Симеоновыхъ Шелуміилъ, сынъ Цуришаддая. ] [ (Numbers 8:37) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное; ] [ (Numbers 8:38) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:39) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:40) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:41) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ и пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Шелуміила, сына Цуришаддаева. ] [ (Numbers 8:42) Въ шестой день начальникъ сыновъ Гадовыхъ Еліасафъ, сынъ Дегуила. ] [ (Numbers 8:43) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей; противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное; ] [ (Numbers 8:44) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:45) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:46) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ; ] [ (Numbers 8:47) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ и пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Еліасафа, сына Дегуилова. ] [ (Numbers 8:48) Въ седьмой день начальникъ сыновъ Ефремовыхъ Елишама, сынъ Амміуда. ] [ (Numbers 8:49) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное; ] [ (Numbers 8:50) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:51) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе; ] [ (Numbers 8:52) одинъ козелъ, въ жертву за грјхъ; ] [ (Numbers 8:53) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Елишамы, сына Амміудова. ] [ (Numbers 8:54) Въ осьмой день начальникъ сыновъ Манассіиныхъ Гамаліилъ, сынъ Педацура. ] [ (Numbers 8:55) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное; ] [ (Numbers 8:56) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:57) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:58) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:59) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Гамаліила, сына Педацурова. ] [ (Numbers 8:60) Въ девятый день начальникъ сыновъ Веніаминовыхъ Авиданъ, сынъ Гидеонія. ] [ (Numbers 8:61) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное, ] [ (Numbers 8:62) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:63) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:64) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:65) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Авидана, сына Гидеоніева. ] [ (Numbers 8:66) Въ десятый день начальникъ сыновъ Дановыхъ Ахіезеръ, сынъ Аммишаддая. ] [ (Numbers 8:67) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное, ] [ (Numbers 8:68) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:69) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:70) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:71) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Ахіезера, сына Аммишаддаева. ] [ (Numbers 8:72) Въ одиннадцатый день начальникъ сыновъ Асировыхъ Нагіилъ, сынъ Охрана. ] [ (Numbers 8:73) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное, ] [ (Numbers 8:74) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:75) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:76) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:77) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пятьоднолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Нагіила, сына Охранова. ] [ (Numbers 8:78) Въ двјнадцатый день начальникъ сыновъ Нефѕалимовыхъ Ахира, сынъ Енана. ] [ (Numbers 8:79) Приношеніе его: одно серебреное блюдо, вјсомъ во сто тридцать сиклей, одна серебреная чаша, въ семьдесятъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, наполненныя пшеничною мукою, облитою елеемъ, въ приношеніе хлјбное, ] [ (Numbers 8:80) одинъ золотой ѕиміамникъ въ десять сиклей, наполненный куреніемъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:81) одинъ телецъ изъ крупнаго скота, одинъ овенъ, одинъ однолјтній агнецъ во всесожженіе, ] [ (Numbers 8:82) одинъ козелъ въ жертву за грјхъ, ] [ (Numbers 8:83) и въ жертву благодарственную два вола, пять овновъ, пять козловъ, пять однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношеніе Ахиры, сына Енанова. ] [ (Numbers 8:84) Вотъ приношенія отъ начальниковъ Израилевыхъ при освященіи жертвенника, въ день помазанія его: двјнадцать серебреныхъ блюдъ, двјнадцать серебреныхъ чашъ, двјнадцать золотыхъ ѕиміамниковъ. ] [ (Numbers 8:85) По сту тридцати сиклей серебра въ каждомъ блюдј, и по семидесяти въ каждой чашј: итакъ всего серебра въ сихъ сосудахъ двј тысячи четыреста сиклей, противъ сикля святилища. ] [ (Numbers 8:86) Золотыхъ ѕиміамниковъ, наполненныхъ куреніемъ, двјнадцать, въ каждомъ ѕиміамникј по десяти сиклей, противъ сикля святилища; всего золота въ ѕиміамникахъ сто двадцать сиклей. ] [ (Numbers 8:87) Во всесожженіе всего двјнадцать тельцовъ изъ крупнаго скота, двјнадцать овновъ, двјнадцать однолјтнихъ агнцевъ и при нихъ хлјбное приношеніе, и въ жертву за грјхъ двјнадцать козловъ. ] [ (Numbers 8:88) И въ жертву благодарственную всего изъ крупнаго скота двадцать четыре тельца, шестьдесятъ овновъ, шестьдесятъ козловъ, шестьдесятъ однолјтнихъ агнцевъ. Вотъ приношенія при освященіи жертвенника, послј помазанія его. ] [ (Numbers 8:89) Когда Моисей входилъ въ скинію собранія, чтобы говорить съ Нимъ, слышалъ голосъ, говорящій ему съ очистилища, которое надъ ковчегомъ откровенія среди двухъ херувимовъ, и говорилъ ему. ]


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #878

Study this Passage

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878. 'He put out his hand' means his own power. 'And he took hold of it, and brought it in to himself into the ark' means that self was the source of the good he did and of the truth he thought. This is clear from the meaning of 'the hand' as power. Here therefore his own power from which he acts is meant. Indeed 'putting out his hand and taking hold of the dove and bringing it in to himself' is attaching and attributing to himself the truth meant by the dove. That 'the hand' means power, and also the exercise of power, and resulting self-confidence, is clear from many places in the Word, as in Isaiah,

I will visit upon the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Asshur, for he has said, By the power of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I have understanding. Isaiah 10:12-13.

Here 'hand' clearly stands for his own power to which he attributed what he had done, on account of which visitation was made on him.

[2] In the same prophet,

Moab will stretch out his hands in the midst of him as swimmer does to swim, but He will lay low his pride together with the powerfulness 1 of his hands. Isaiah 25:11.

'Hands' stands for his own power resulting from projection of self above others, and so from pride. In the same prophet,

Their inhabitants were shorn of power, 2 they were dismayed and filled with shame. Isaiah 37:27.

'Shorn of power' 2 stands for having no power. In the same prophet,

Will the clay say to its potter, What are you making? or your work [say], He has no hands? Isaiah 45:9.

'He has no hands' stands for no power to it. In Ezekiel,

The king will mourn, and the prince will be wrapped in stupidity, and the hands of the people of the land will be all atremble. Ezekiel 7:17.

Here 'the hands' stands for power. In Micah,

Woe to those devising iniquity and working out evil upon their beds, which they carry out at morning light, and because they make their own hand their god! Micah 2:1.

'Hand' stands for their own power which they trust in as their god. In Zechariah,

Woe to the worthless shepherd deserting the flock! The sword will fall upon his arm and upon his right eye. His arm will be wholly withered, and his right eye utterly darkened. Zechariah 11:17.

[3] Since 'hands' means powers, men's evils and falsities are throughout the Word therefore called 'the works of their hands'. Evils come from the will side of man's proprium, falsities from the understanding side. The fact that this is the source of evils and falsities becomes quite clear from the nature of the human proprium, that it is nothing but evil and falsity. That this is the nature of the proprium see what has been stated already in 39, 41, 141, 150, 154, 210, 215. Because 'the hands' in general means power, the Word therefore frequently attributes hands to Jehovah, or the Lord. And in those contexts 'hands' in the internal sense means omnipotence, as in Isaiah, Jehovah, Your hand has been lifted up. Isaiah 26:11. 'Hand' stands for Divine power. In the same prophet,

Jehovah stretches out 3 His hand, they are all destroyed. Isaiah 31:3.

'Hand' stands for Divine power. In the same prophet,

Over the work of My hands command Me. My hands stretched out the heavens, and I commanded all their host. Isaiah 45:11-12.

'Hands' stands for Divine power. In the Word regenerate people are often called 'the work of Jehovah's hands'. In the same prophet,

My hand laid the foundation of the earth, and My right hand measured out the heavens. Isaiah 48:13.

'Hand' and 'right hand' stand for omnipotence.

[4] In the same prophet,

Has My hand been shortened, that it cannot redeem? Is there no power in Me to deliver? Isaiah 50:2.

'Hand' and 'power' stand for Divine power. In Jeremiah,

You did bring Your people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs and wonders, and with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm. Jeremiah 32:17, 21.

'Power' in verse Jeremiah 32:17 and 'hand' in verse Jeremiah 32:21 stand for Divine power. It is quite often stated that 'they were brought out of Egypt with a strong hand and an outstretched arm': in Ezekiel,

Thus said the Lord Jehovih, On the day I chose Israel and lifted up My hand to the seed of the house of Jacob and made Myself known to them in the land of Egypt, I lifted up My hand to them, to lead them out of the land of Egypt. Ezekiel 20:5-6, 23.

In Moses,

Israel saw the great work 4 which Jehovah did on the Egyptians. Exodus 14:31.

[5] All these quotations plainly show that 'the hand' means power. Indeed so much was the hand the symbol of power that it also became its representative, as is clear from the miracles performed in Egypt, when Moses was commanded to stretch out his rod or his hand and they were accomplished -

Moses stretched out his hand and there was hail all over Egypt. Exodus 9:22-23.

Moses stretched out his hand and there was darkness. Exodus 10:21-22.

Moses stretched out his hand and rod over the Sea Suph and it was dried up, and he stretched out his hand and it returned. Exodus 14:11, 27. 5

No mentally normal person can believe that any power resided in Moses' hand or rod. Rather, because the lifting up and stretching out of the hand symbolized Divine power, that action also became its representative in the Jewish Church.

[6] The same applies to Joshua's stretching out his javelin, described as follows,

Jehovah said, Stretch out the javelin that is in your hand towards Ai, for I will give it into your hand. When Joshua stretched out the javelin that was in his hand, they entered the city and took it. And Joshua did not draw back the hand with which he stretched out the javelin until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai. Joshua 8:18-19, 26.

This also makes clear the nature of the representatives which comprised the external features of the Jewish Church. Consequently the Word is such that details recorded in its external sense do not give the appearance of being representatives of the Lord and His kingdom, such as the reference in these quotations to Moses or Joshua stretching out his hand, and all other details recorded there. In these it is never evident that such things are being represented as long as the mind is fixed solely on the historical details of the letter. From this it is also evident how far the Jews had receded from a true understanding of the Word and of the religious practices of their Church by focusing the whole of their worship purely on things of an external nature, even to the extent of attributing power to Moses' rod and to Joshua's javelin, when in fact these had no more power in them than a piece of wood. Yet because they did symbolize the Lord's omnipotence, which was at the time understood in heaven, signs and miracles were accomplished when by command they stretched out their hand or rod. Something similar happened when Moses on the hilltop held up his hands. When he did so Joshua was winning, but when he dropped them he was losing. So they held his hands up for him. Exodus 17:9-13.

[7] It was similar with the laying on of hands when men were being consecrated, as the people did to the Levites, Numbers 8:9-10, 12, and as Moses did to Joshua when the latter was to succeed him, Numbers 27:18, 23 - the purpose being to confer power. And this is why in our own times the ceremonies of ordination and of blessing are accompanied by the laying on of hands. To what extent the hand meant and represented power becomes clear from the following references in the Word to Uzzah and Jeroboam,

Of Uzzah it says that he reached out (his hand) to the Ark of God and took hold of it, and as a consequence died. 2 Samuel 6:6-7.

'The Ark' represented the Lord, and so everything holy and heavenly. 'Uzzah reached out to the Ark' represented man's own power, which is his proprium. And because the proprium is unholy the word 'hand' is left out but nevertheless understood. It is left out to prevent angels perceiving anything so profane as his touching with his hand that which was holy. And because he 'reached out' he died.

[8] In reference to Jeroboam,

It happened, when he heard the saying of the man of God which he cried out against the altar, that Jeroboam reached out his hand from above the altar saying, Lay hold of him. And his hand which he reached out against him dried up, and he could not draw it back to himself. He said to the man of God, Entreat now the face 6 of Jehovah your God, that my hand may be restored to me. And the man of God entreated the face 6 of Jehovah and his hand was restored to him, and became as it was before. 1 Kings 13:4-6.

Here similarly 'reaching out his hand' means man's own power, or proprium, which is unholy. He was willing to violate what was holy by stretching out his hand against the man of God, as a consequence of which his hand was dried up. Yet because he was an idolater and therefore not able to profane, as stated already, his hand was restored. The fact that 'the hand' means and represents power becomes clear from representatives in the world of spirits. In that world a bare arm sometimes comes into sight possessing so much strength that it can break bones to bits and crush their inner marrow to nothing at all. It consequently strikes so much terror as to cause heart-failure. It really does possess such strength.


1. literally, with the cataracts or the floodgates

2. literally, short in the hand

3. or has stretched out

4. literally, the great hand

5Exodus 14:15, 16 were possibly intended in this reference, as well as verses 21, 27.

6. literally, the faces

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

The Bible


Jeremiah 32:21



21 and brought forth your people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terror;