The Bible


Числа 27



1 Послј сего пораженія сказалъ Господь Моисею и Елеазару, сыну Аарона, священнику:

2 сочтите все общество сыновъ Израилевыхъ отъ двадцати лјтъ и выше по ихъ поколјніямъ, всјхъ ходящихъ на войну у Израиля.

3 И говорилъ имъ Моисей и Елеазаръ священникъ на равнинахъ Моавитскихъ у Іордана противъ Іерихона, и сказалъ,

4 отъ двадцати лјтъ и выше, какъ повелјлъ Господь Моисею и сынамъ Израилевымъ, вышедшимъ изъ земли Египетской.

5 Рувимъ, первенецъ Израиля. Сыны Рувима: Ханохъ, отъ него племя Ханохово, отъ Фаллу племя Фаллуево.

6 Отъ Хецрона племя Хецроново, отъ Харми племя Харміево.

7 Вотъ племена Рувимовы; и вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ три тысячи семь сотъ тридцать.

8 Сыны Фаллуя: Еліавъ.

9 Сыны Еліава: Немуилъ, Даѕанъ и Авирамъ, вызванные изъ общества, которые воспротивились Моисею и Аарону вмјстј съ сообщниками Корея, когда сіи воспротивились Господу.

10 И разверзла земля уста свои и поглотила ихъ и Корея, вмјстј съ ними и умерли сообщники ихъ, когда огнь пожралъ двјсти пятьдесятъ человјкъ, и чрезъ то сдјлались примјромъ.

11 Но сыны Кореевы не умерли.

12 Сыны Семеона по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Немуила племя Немуилово, отъ Іамина племя Іаминово, отъ Іахина племя Іахиново.

13 Отъ Зары племя Зариново, отъ Саула племя Саулово.

14 Вотъ племена Семеоновы. Въ нихъ двадцать двј тысячи двјсти.

15 Сыны Гада по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Цефона племя Цефоново, отъ Хаггія племя Хаггіево, отъ Шунія племя Шуніево.

16 Отъ Ознія племя Озніево, отъ Ерія племя Еріево.

17 Отъ Арода племя Ародово, отъ Арелія племя Ареліево.

18 Вотъ племена сыновъ Гадовыхъ. Вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ тысячъ пять сотъ.

19 Сыны Іуды: Иръ и Онанъ; но Иръ и Онанъ умерли въ землј Ханаанской.

20 И были сыны Іуды по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Шелы племя Шелино, отъ Фареса племя Фаресово, отъ Зары племя Зарино.

21 И были сыны Фаресовы: отъ Есрома племя Есромово, отъ Хамула племя Хамулово.

22 Вотъ племена Іудины. Вошло ихъ въ перепись семьдесятъ шесть тысячъ пять сотъ.

23 Сыны Иссахаровы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Ѕолы племя Ѕолино, отъ Фувы племя Фувино. [ (Numbers 27:24) Отъ Іашува племя Іашувино, отъ Шимрона племя Шимроново. ] [ (Numbers 27:25) Вотъ племена Иссахаровы. Вошло ихъ въ перепись шестьдесятъ четыре тысячи триста. ] [ (Numbers 27:26) Сыны Завулона по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Середа племя Середово, отъ Елона племя Елоново, отъ Іахлеила племя Іахлеилово. ] [ (Numbers 27:27) Вотъ племена Завулоновы. Вошло ихъ въ перепись шестьдесятъ тысячъ пять сотъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:28) Сыны Іосифа по племенамъ ихъ: Манассія и Ефремъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:29) Сыны Манассіи: отъ Махира племя Махирово, отъ Махира родился Галаадъ, отъ Галаада племя Галаадово. ] [ (Numbers 27:30) Вотъ сыны Галаадовы: отъ Іезера племя Іезерово, отъ Хелека племя Хелеково, ] [ (Numbers 27:31) отъ Азреила племя Азреилово, отъ Шехема племя Шехемово, ] [ (Numbers 27:32) отъ Шемиды племя Шемидино, отъ Хефера племя Хеферово. ] [ (Numbers 27:33) Отъ Салпаада, сына Хеферова, не было сыновъ, а только дочери. Имя дочерей Салпаадовыхъ: Махла, Ноа, Хогла, Милха и Ѕирца. ] [ (Numbers 27:34) Вотъ племена Манассіины. Вошло ихъ въ перепись пятьдесятъ двј тысячи семь сотъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:35) Вотъ сыны Ефремовы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Шутелы племя Шутелино, отъ Бехера племя Бехерово, отъ Тахана племя Таханово. ] [ (Numbers 27:36) И вотъ сыны Шутелы: отъ Арана племя Араново. ] [ (Numbers 27:37) Вотъ племена сыновъ Ефремовыхъ. Вошло ихъ въ перепись тридцать двј тысячи пять сотъ. Вотъ сыны Іосифовы по племенамъ ихъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:38) Сыны Веніамина по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Белы племя Белино, отъ Ашбела племя Ашбелово, отъ Ахирама племя Ахирамово, ] [ (Numbers 27:39) отъ Шефуфама племя Шефуфамово, отъ Хуфама племя Хуфамово. ] [ (Numbers 27:40) И были сыны Белы Ардъ и Нааманъ, итакъ племя Ардово; отъ Наамана племя Нааманово. ] [ (Numbers 27:41) Вотъ сыны Веніамииа по племенамъ ихъ: вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ пять тысячъ шесть сотъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:42) Вотъ сыны Дановы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Шухама племя Шухамово. Вотъ семейства Дановы по племенамъ ихъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:43) И всјхъ племенъ Шухама вошло въ перепись шестьдесятъ четыре тысячи четыреста. ] [ (Numbers 27:44) Сыны Асировы по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Имны племя Имнино, отъ Ишвы племя Ишвино, отъ Веріи племя Веріино. ] [ (Numbers 27:45) Отъ сыновъ Веріи: отъ Хевера племя Хеверово, отъ Малхіила племя Малхіилово. ] [ (Numbers 27:46) Имя дочери Асировой Сара. ] [ (Numbers 27:47) Вотъ племя сыновъ Асировыхъ: вошло ихъ въ перепись пятьдесятъ три тысячи четыреста. ] [ (Numbers 27:48) Сыны Нефѕалима по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Іахцеила племя Іахцеилово, отъ Гунія племя Гуніево, ] [ (Numbers 27:49) отъ Іецера племя Іецерово, отъ Шеллема племя Шеллемово. ] [ (Numbers 27:50) Вотъ племена Нефѕалимовы по племенамъ ихъ: вошло ихъ въ перепись сорокъ пять тысячъ четыреста. ] [ (Numbers 27:51) Вотъ число вошедшихъ въ перепись сыновъ Израилевыхъ: шесть сотъ одна тысяча семьсотъ тридцать. ] [ (Numbers 27:52) И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ: ] [ (Numbers 27:53) симъ въ удјлъ должно раздјлить землю по числу именъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:54) Кто многочисленнје, тјмъ дай въ удјлъ болје, а кто малочисленнје, тјмъ дай удјлъ менје; каждому должно дать удјлъ соразмјрно съ числомъ вошедшихъ въ перепись. ] [ (Numbers 27:55) По жребію должно раздјлить землю, по именамъ колјнъ отцевъ ихъ должны они получить удјлы. ] [ (Numbers 27:56) По жребію должно раздјлить имъ удјлы ихъ, какъ многолюднымъ, такъ и малолюднымъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:57) Сіи суть вошедшіе въ перепись левиты по племенамъ ихъ: отъ Гирсона племя Гирсоново, отъ Кааѕа племя Кааѕово, отъ Мерари племя Мерарино. ] [ (Numbers 27:58) Вотъ племена Левіины: племя Ливніево, племя Хевроново, племя Махліево, племя Мушіево, племя Кореево. Отъ Кааѕа родился Амралъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:59) Имя жены Амрамовой Іохаведъ, дочь Левіина, которую родила жена Левіина въ Египтј, а она Амраму родила Аарона и Моисея и Маріамь, сестру ихъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:60) И родились у Аарона Надавъ и Авіудъ, Елеазаръ и Иѕагіаръ. ] [ (Numbers 27:61) Но Надавъ и Авіудъ умерли, когда принесли чуждый огнь предъ Господа. ] [ (Numbers 27:62) И вошло ихъ въ перепись двадцать три тысячи всјхъ мужескаго пола отъ мјсяца и выше. Ибо они не были внесены въ перепись между сынами Израилевыми; потому что не дано имъ удјла среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ. ] [ (Numbers 27:63) Вотъ внесенные въ перепись Моисеемъ и Елеазаромъ священникомъ, которые дјлали перепись сынамъ Израилевымъ на равнинахъ Моавитскихъ у Іордана, противъ Іерихона. ] [ (Numbers 27:64) Въ числј ихъ не было ни одного человјка изъ внесенныхъ въ перепись Моисеемъ и Аарономъ священникомъ, которые дјлали перепись сынамъ Израилевымъ въ пустынј Синайской. ] [ (Numbers 27:65) Поелику Господь сказалъ имъ: умрутъ они, умрутъ въ пустынј; и не осталось изъ нихъ ни одного человјка, кромј Халева, сына Іефоніина, и Іисуса, сына Навина. ]


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #10023

Study this Passage

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10023. And Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands upon the head of the bullock. That this signifies a representative of the reception of good and truth in the natural or external man, is evident from the signification of “laying on hands,” as being to communicate that which is one’s own to another; that it also denotes reception is because that which is communicated is received by the other; from the signification of “the head,” as being the whole (see n. 10011); and from the signification of “the bullock,” as being the good of innocence and of charity in the external or natural man (on which see n. 9391, 10021). That by “laying on the hand” is signified communication and reception, is because by “the hand” is signified power, and as this is the activity of life, by “the hand” is also signified whatever pertains to man, thus the whole man insofar as he is acting (see the places cited in n. 10019); and by the “laying on” is signified communication in respect to him who lays on, and reception in respect to him, or to that, on which it is laid. From this is plain what was signified by the laying on of the hand among the ancients, namely, the communication and transfer of that which was being dealt with, and also its reception by another, whether it was power, or obedience, or blessing, or testification.

[2] That by the “laying on of the hand” was signified power, is evident from the following passages in Moses:

Jehovah said unto Moses, that he should lay his hand upon Joshua, and should set him in the presence of Eleazar the priest before the whole assembly, and thus should give of his glory upon him, and all the assembly should obey him (Numbers 27:18-20).

That by “to lay on the hand” is here signified the communication and transfer of the power which Moses had, and its reception by Joshua, is plain; and hence it is said that “thus he should give of his glory upon him.”

[3] In the same:

When the Levites were purified, and the ministry of the priesthood under Aaron was committed to them, it was commanded that two bullocks should be brought with a meat-offering, and that Aaron should bring the Levites before Jehovah, and the sons of Israel should lay their hands upon the Levites, and the Levites should lay their hands upon the heads of the bullocks, one of which was to be offered for a sacrifice, the other for a burnt-offering; and in this way they were to separate the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel, and they should be Jehovah’s (Numbers 8:7-14).

That the sons of Israel were “to lay their hands upon the Levites” signified the transfer of the power of ministering for them, and its reception by the Levites, thus separation; and by the Levites “laying hands upon the head of the bullocks” was signified the transfer of this power to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord. Therefore it is said that in this way they should be “separated from the midst of the sons of Israel, and should be Jehovah’s.”

[4] In the same:

After the sons of Israel had confessed their sins, then Aaron was to lay both his hands upon the head of the living goat Asasel, and was to confess over him all the iniquities of the sons of Israel, and all their sins, and was to put them upon the head of the goat, and send him into the wilderness (Leviticus 16:21).

That “the laying on of the hands upon the goat” signified the communication and transfer of all the iniquities and sins of the sons of Israel, and their reception by the goat, is plain; “the wilderness whither the goat was to be sent” denotes hell. That the witnesses and all who heard were “to lay their hands upon him who was to be stoned” (Leviticus 24:14), signified testification so communicated and transferred, which being received, the man was adjudged to death.

[5] In the same:

The man who bringeth from the herd or from the flock a burnt-offering for a gift to Jehovah shall lay the hand on the head of the burnt-offering; then it shall be received from him with good pleasure, to expiate him (Leviticus 1:2-4).

In like manner “upon the head of the gift that was for sacrifice” (Leviticus 3:1-2, 8, 13). In like manner was “the priest to do if he sinned,” in like manner the elders, in like manner the whole congregation. Also the chief if he sinned. And in like manner every soul that sinned. (Leviticus 4:4, 15, 24, 29). By the laying on of their hand upon the burnt-offering and upon the sacrifice was signified all the worship of him who offered, namely, the acknowledgment of sins, confession, the consequent purification, the implantation of good and truth, thus conjunction with the Lord, all of which were effected by communication, transfer, and reception. By transfer and reception is meant that which is signified by “bearing iniquities” (n. 9937, 9938).

[6] As communications, transfers, and receptions were signified by the laying on of hands, it may be known what is signified by the “laying on of hands” in Matthew:

The chief came to Jesus and said, My daughter is even now dead, but come and lay Thy hand upon her, then she shall live. Jesus entered in, and took her hand, and the girl arose (Matthew 9:18-19, 25).

Jesus laid His hand upon the eyes of the blind man, and he was restored (Mark 8:25).

They bring unto Jesus one that was deaf, that He should lay His hand on him; and He, taking him from the people, put His finger into his ears, and touched his tongue, and his hearings were opened (Mark 7:32-33, 35).

A woman was bowed down with a spirit of infirmity, and Jesus laid hands on her, and healed her (Luke 13:11, 13).

Jesus laid hands on the sick, and healed them (Mark 6:5).

[7] By the “laying on of the hand” by the Lord, and also by His “touching,” is here signified the communication and reception of Divine power, as is clearly manifest in Mark:

A certain woman came behind, and touched the garment of Jesus, saying, If I touch but His garment, I shall be healed; and immediately she was healed of the plague and Jesus knew in Himself that power was gone forth from Him (Mark 5:27-30).

A woman touching the garment of Jesus was healed; and Jesus said, Some one hath touched Me; for I knew that power had gone forth from Me (Luke 8:44, 46).

The whole crowd sought to touch Jesus, because power went forth from Him, and healed all (Luke 6:19).

[8] From this is plain what is signified by “touching with the hand” or “finger;” and also what in the same:

Jesus came nigh and touched the bier in which the dead man was, and the bearers stood still. Then He said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak (Luke 7:14-15).

And what by the “laying on of the hand upon children” and “upon babes”—“upon children,” in Matthew:

There were brought unto Jesus children, that He should lay His hands upon them. Jesus said, Suffer the children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me; for of such is the kingdom of the heavens. And He laid His hands on them (Matthew 19:13-15);

and “upon babes,” in Mark:

Jesus took babes upon His arms, and put His hands upon them, and blessed them (Mark 10:16).

By the “laying on of the hand upon children” and “upon babes” is here also signified the communication and reception of Divine power, through which is the healing of the interiors, which is salvation.

[9] That such things are signified by “touching,” which is done with the hands, has its origin from the representatives in the other life, where they who are in an unlike state of life appear removed to a distance, but they who are in a like state appear consociated; and in that life those who touch each other communicate the state of their life to each other. If this is done by the hands, everything of the life is communicated, because by the hands, as above said, from the correspondence, is signified power, which is the active of life; thus whatever pertains to anyone. Such representatives come forth in the world of spirits, but they are effected by influx from heaven, where there are perceived nothing but consociations in respect to the affections of good and truth.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

The Bible


Leviticus 3:8



8 and he shall lay his hand on the head of his offering, and kill it before the Tent of Meeting: and Aaron's sons shall sprinkle its blood around on the altar.