The Bible


창세기 31



1 야곱이 들은즉 라반의 아들들의 말이 `야곱이 우리 아버지의 소유를 다 빼앗고 우리 아버지의 소유로 인하여 이같이 거부가 되었다' 하는지라

2 야곱이 라반의 안색을 본즉 자기에게 대하여 전과 같지 아니하더라

3 여호와께서 야곱에게 이르시되 네 조상의 땅, 네 족속에게로 돌아가라 내가 너와 함께 있으리라 하신지라

4 야곱이 보내어 라헬과 레아를 자기 양떼 있는 들로 불러다가

5 그들에게 이르되 `내가 그대들의 아버지의 안색을 본즉 내게 대하여 전과 같지 아니하도다 그러할지라도 내 아버지의 하나님은 나와 함께 계셨느니라

6 그대들도 알거니와 내가 힘을 다하여 그대들의 아버지를 섬겼거늘

7 그대들의 아버지가 나를 속여 품삯을 열번이나 변역하였느니라 그러나 하나님이 그를 금하사 나를 해치 못하게 하셨으며

8 그가 이르기를 점 있는 것이 네 삯이 되리라 하면 온 양떼의 낳은 것이 점 있는 것이요 또 얼룩무늬 있는 것이 네 삯이 되리라 하면 온 양떼의 낳은 것이 얼룩무늬 있는 것이니

9 하나님이 이같이 그대들의 아버지의 짐승을 빼앗아 내게 주셨으니라

10 그 양떼가 새끼 밸 때에 내가 꿈에 눈을 들어 보니 양떼를 탄 수양은 다 얼룩무늬 있는것, 점 있는 것, 아롱진 것이었더라

11 꿈에 하나님의 사자가 내게 말씀하시기를 야곱아 ! 하기로 내가 대답하기를 여기 있나이다 ! 하매

12 가라사대 네 눈을 들어 보라 ! 양떼를 탄 수양은 다 얼룩무늬 있는것, 점 있는 것, 아롱진 것이니라 라반이 네게 행한 모든 것을 내가 보았노라

13 나는 벧엘 하나님이라 ! 네가 거기서 기둥에 기름을 붓고 거기서 내게 서원하였으니 지금 일어나 이곳을 떠나서 네 출생지로 돌아가라 하셨느니라'

14 라헬과 레아가 그에게 대답하여 가로되 `우리가 우리 아버지 집에서 무슨 분깃이나 유업이나 있으리요

15 아버지가 우리를 팔고 우리의 돈을 다 먹었으니 아버지가 우리를 외인으로 여기는 것이 아닌가

16 하나님이 우리 아버지에게서 취하신 재물은 우리와 우리 자식의 것이니 이제 하나님이 당신에게 이르신 일을 다 준행하라'

17 야곱이 일어나 자식들과 아내들을 약대들에게 태우고

18 그 얻은 바 모든 짐승과 모든 소유물 곧 그가 밧단아람에서 얻은 짐승을 이끌고 가나안 땅에 있는 그 아비 이삭에게로 가려할새

19 때에 라반이 양털을 깎으러 갔으므로 라헬은 그 아비의 드라빔을 도적질하고

20 야곱은 그 거취를 아람 사람 라반에게 고하지 않고 가만히 떠났더라

21 그가 그 모든 소유를 이끌고 강을 건너 길르앗 산을 향하여 도망한지

22 삼일만에 야곱의 도망한 것이 라반에게 들린지라

23 라반이 그 형제를 거느리고 칠일 길을 쫓아가 길르앗산에서 그에게 미쳤더니

24 밤에 하나님이 아람 사람 라반에게 현몽하여 가라사대 너는 삼가 야곱에게 선악간 말하지 말라 하셨더라

25 라반이 야곱을 쫓아 미치니 야곱이 산에 장막을 쳤는지라 라반이 그 형제로 더불어 길르앗산에 장막을 치고

26 라반이 야곱에게 이르되 `네가 내게 알리지 아니하고 가만히 내 딸들을 칼로 잡은 자 같이 끌고 갔으니 어찌 이같이 하였느냐 ?

27 내가 즐거움과, 노래와, 북과, 수금으로 너를 보내겠거늘 어찌하여 네가 나를 속이고 가만히 도망하고 내게 고하지 아니하였으며

28 나로 내 손자들과 딸들에게 입맞추지 못하게 하였느냐 ? 네 소위가 실로 어리석도다

29 너를 해할만한 능력이 내 손에 있으나 너희 아버지의 하나님이 어제밤에 내게 말씀하시기를 너는 삼가 야곱에게 선악간 말하지 말라 하셨느니라

30 이제 네가 네 아비 집을 사모하여 돌아가려는 것은 가하거니와 어찌 내 신(神)을 도적질하였느냐 ?'

31 야곱이 라반에게 대답하여 가로되 `내가 말하기를 외삼촌이 외삼촌의 딸들을 내게서 억지로 빼앗으리라 하여 두려워하였음이니이다

32 외삼촌의 신은 뉘게서 찾든지 그는 살지 못할 것이요 우리 형제들 앞에서 무엇이든지 외삼촌의 것이 발견되거든 외삼촌에게로 하소서' 하니 야곱은 라헬이 그것을 도적질한 줄을 알지 못함이었더라

33 라반이 야곱의 장막에 들어가고 레아의 장막에 들어가고 두 여종의 장막에 들어갔으나 찾지 못하고 레아의 장막에서 나와 라헬의 장막에 들어가매

34 라헬이 그 드라빔을 가져 약대 안장 아래 넣고 그 위에 앉은지라 라반이 그 장막에서 찾다가 얻지 못하매

35 라헬이 그 아비에게 이르되 `마침 경수가 나므로 일어나서 영접할수 없사오니 내 주는 노하지 마소서' 하니라 라반이 그 드라빔을 두루 찾다가 얻지 못한지라

36 야곱이 노하여 라반을 책망할새 야곱이 라반에게 대척하여 가로되 나의 허물이 무엇이니이까 ? 무슨 죄가 있기에 외삼촌께서 나를 불같이 급히 쫓나이까 ?

37 외삼촌께서 내 물건을 다 뒤져 보셨으니 외삼촌의 가장집물 중에 무엇을 찾았나이까 ? 여기 나의 형제와 외삼촌의 형제 앞에 그것을 두고 우리 두 사이에 판단하게 하소서

38 내가 이 이십년에 외삼촌과 함께 하였거니와 외삼촌의 암양들이나 암염소들이 낙태하지 아니하였고 또 외삼촌의 양떼의 수양을 내가 먹지 아니하였으며

39 물려 찢긴 것은 내가 외삼촌에게로 가져가지 아니하고 스스로 그것을 보충하였으며 낮에 도적을 맞았든지, 밤에 도적을 맞았든지, 내가 외삼촌에게 물어 내었으며

40 내가 이와 같이 낮에는 더위를 무릅쓰고, 밤에는 추위를 당하며, 눈붙일 겨를도 없이 지내었나이다

41 내가 외삼촌의 집에 거한 이 이십년에 외삼촌의 두 딸을 위하여 십 사년, 외삼촌의 양떼를 위하여 육년을 외삼촌을 봉사하였거니와 외삼촌께서 내 품값을 열번이나 변역하셨으니

42 우리 아버지의 하나님, 아브라함의 하나님, 곧 이삭의 경외하는 이가 나와 함께 계시지 아니하셨더면 외삼촌께서 이제 나를 공수로 돌려 보내셨으리이다마는 하나님이 나의 고난과 내 손의 수고를 감찰하시고 어제밤에 외삼촌을 책망하셨나이다

43 라반이 야곱에게 대답하여 가로되 `딸들은 내 딸이요, 자식들은 내 자식이요, 양떼는 나의 양떼요, 네가 보는 것은 다 내 것이라 내가 오늘날 내 딸들과 그 낳은 자식들에게 어찌할 수 있으랴 ?

44 이제 오라 너와 내가 언약을 세워 그것으로 너와 나 사이에 증거를 삼을 것이니라'

45 이에 야곱이 돌을 가져 기둥으로 세우고

46 또 `그 형제들에게 돌을 모으라` 하니 그들이 돌을 취하여 무더기를 이루매 무리가 거기 무더기 곁에서 먹고

47 라반은 그것을 여갈사하두다라 칭하였고 야곱은 그것을 갈르엣이라 칭하였으니

48 라반의 말에 `오늘날 이 무더기가 너와 나 사이에 증거가 된다' 하였으므로 그 이름을 갈르엣이라 칭하였으며

49 또 미스바라 하였으니 이는 그의 말에 `우리 피차 떠나 있을 때에 여호와께서 너와 나 사이에 감찰하옵소서' 함이라

50 `네가 내 딸을 박대하거나 내 딸들 외에 다른 아내들을 취하면 사람은 우리와 함께 할 자가 없어도 보라, 하나님이 너와 나 사이에 증거하시느니라' 하였더라

51 라반이 또 야곱에게 이르되 `내가 너와 나 사이에 둔 이 무더기를 보라 또 이 기둥을 보라

52 이 무더기가 증거가 되고 이 기둥이 증거가 되나니 내가 이 무더기를 넘어 네게로 가서 해하지 않을 것이요, 네가 이 무더기, 이 기둥을 넘어 내게로 와서 해하지 않을 것이라

53 아브라함의 하나님, 나홀의 하나님, 그들의 조상의 하나님은 우리 사이에 판단하옵소서' 하매 야곱이 그 아비 이삭의 경외하는 이를 가리켜 맹세하고

54 야곱이 또 산에서 제사를 드리고 형제들을 불러 떡을 먹이니 그들이 떡을 먹고 산에서 경야하고

55 라반이 아침에 일찌기 일어나 손자들과 딸들에게 입맞추며 그들에게 축복하고 떠나 고향으로 돌아갔더라


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #4104

Study this Passage

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4104. 'And set his sons and his womenfolk on camels' means a raising up of truths and of affections for these, and the arrangement of them within things that are general. This is clear from the meaning of 'sons' as truths, dealt with in 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623; from the meaning of 'womenfolk', who in this case are Rachel and Leah, and also their servant-girls, as affections for truth, for cognitions, and for facts, dealt with already; and from the meaning of 'camels' as general facts within the natural, dealt with in 3048, 3071, 3143, 3145.

[2] Anyone who does not have some knowledge of representations and correspondences is incapable of believing that the words 'he set his sons and his womenfolk on camels' mean such things. To him they seem too remote to incorporate and contain within them that which is spiritual; for he thinks about sons, womenfolk, and camels. But the angels, who see and perceive all such things in a spiritual manner, do not think of sons but of truths when 'sons' are mentioned; they do not think of womenfolk but of affections for truth, cognitions, and facts when 'womenfolk' are mentioned; nor do they think of camels but of things that are general within the natural when these are mentioned. For such is the correspondence between the one thing and the other, and such is the way in which angels think. And what is remarkable, it is also the way in which the internal spiritual man thinks while living in the body, though the external man is totally unaware of it. For the same reason when a person who has been regenerated dies he enters into a similar manner of thinking and is able to think with and talk to angels. And this he does without being taught to do so, something that would never have been possible if his interior thought had not been such. The fact that it is such is due to the correspondence of natural things with spiritual. From this it may be seen that although the literal sense of the Word is natural it nevertheless contains spiritual things within it, and in every single part, that is, it contains the kind of things that belong to thought and therefore to interior or spiritual language, such as angels employ.

[3] With regard to the raising up of truths and of the affections for these, and the arrangement of them within things that are general, truths and affections are raised up when the things of eternal life and of the Lord's kingdom are thought to be more important than those of life in the body and of the kingdom of this world. When a person acknowledges the former to be first and foremost, and the latter to be secondary and subordinate, the truths he knows and his affections for them are raised up. For as is his acknowledgement so in the same measure is that person conveyed into the light of heaven, which light holds intelligence and wisdom within it, and so also in the same measure do things belonging to the light of this world become for him images and so to speak mirrors in which he sees the things belonging to the light of heaven. The contrary takes place when he thinks the things of the life of the body and of the kingdom of this world to be more important than those of eternal life and of the Lord's kingdom. He does this when he believes that the latter do not exist because he does not see them and because nobody has come from there and given an account of them - or if he does believe that they may exist, nothing worse will happen to him than to others - and in so believing confirms himself in these ideas, leads a worldly life, and despises charity and faith altogether. With such a person truths and the affections for them are not raised up but are either smothered, or rejected, or perverted. For he dwells in natural light into which no heavenly light at all flows in. This shows what is meant by a raising up of truths and of affections for them.

[4] As for the arrangement of these truths and affections within things that are general, this is the inevitable consequence; for insofar as a person thinks heavenly things are more important than worldly ones, things within his natural are arranged into an order in keeping with the state of heaven. As a result they are seen in the natural, as has been stated, as images and mirrors of heavenly things, for they are representatives that correspond. It is the ends in view which effect the arranging, that is, the Lord effects it by means of the ends which the person has in view. For there are three things which follow in order ends, causes, and effects. Ends bring about causes, and by means of causes bring about effects. As is the nature of the ends therefore so is that of the emanating causes, and from these that of the effects. Ends constitute the inmost things with man; causes constitute the intermediate things and are called the intermediate ends; and effects constitute the ultimate things and are called the ultimate ends. Effects also constitute the things which are termed general. From this one may see what is meant by an arrangement within things that are general, namely this: When anyone has the things of eternal life and of the Lord's kingdom as his end in view, then all intermediate ends, which are causes, and all ultimate ends, which are effects, are arranged in accordance with the end itself. And this is situated within the natural because that is where effects reside, or what amounts to the same, where things that are general reside.

[5] Every adult person possessing any judgement at all can recognize, if he gives the matter any consideration, that he is living in two kingdoms, the spiritual kingdom and the natural one. He can recognize that the spiritual kingdom is interior and the natural exterior, and consequently that he is able to think one more important than the other, that is, to have one rather than the other in view, and therefore that with him the one which he has as his end in view or makes more important is predominant. If therefore he has the spiritual kingdom, that is, the things which constitute that kingdom, as his end and thinks the spiritual kingdom more important than the natural one, then he acknowledges as being first and foremost love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour, and consequently all ideas that reinforce love and charity, and are called the truths of faith; for these belong to that kingdom. When this is the situation in a person, everything within his natural is distributed and arranged in keeping with the things of that kingdom so as to be subservient and obedient. But when he has the natural kingdom, that is, the things that exist there, as his end in view, and makes that more important, he annihilates all love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour, and all faith. Indeed he goes so far as to set no value at all on these things, but makes love of the world and self-love, and the things which go with these, all important. When this is the case everything within his natural is arranged in keeping with those ends, and so is entirely at odds with the things of heaven. In this way he brings about hell within himself. Having something as the end in view consists in loving it, for every end exists as the object of a person's love because that which he loves he has as his end in view.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #489

Study this Passage

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489. 'Sons and daughters' means the truths and goods which they perceived, 'sons to be exact meaning the truths and 'daughters' the goods. This becomes clear from very many places in the Prophets. For in the Word, as happened in earliest times, conceptions and births of the Church are called 'sons and daughters', as in Isaiah,

Nations will walk to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about and see; they all gather and they come towards you. Your sons will come from far, and your daughters will be nursed at your side. Then you will see and abound, and your heart will be astounded and enlarged. Isaiah 60:3-5.

Here 'sons' stands for truths and 'daughters' for goods.

In David,

Rescue me and snatch me from the hand of sons of the foreigner, whose mouths speak lies. Our sons are like plants made large in their youth, our daughters like corner-pillars cut in the form of the temple. Psalms 144:11-12.

'Sons of the foreigner' stands for spurious truths, which are falsities, 'our sons' for matters of doctrine concerning truth, and 'daughters' for matters of doctrine concerning good.

In Isaiah,

I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Do not withhold. Bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the end of the earth. Bring forth the blind people, and they will have eyes, and the deaf, who will have ears. Isaiah 43:6, 8.

Here 'sons' stands for truths, 'daughters' for goods, 'the blind' for people who will see truths, and 'the deaf' for those who comply with them.

In Jeremiah,

From our youth shame is devouring the work of our fathers - their flocks, their herds, their sons, and their daughters. Jeremiah 3:24.

Here 'sons and daughters' stands for truths and goods.

[2] 'Male children' and 'sons' stand for truths in the following in Isaiah,

Jacob will no more be ashamed, and no more will his face grow pale. For when he sees his male children, the work of My hands, in his midst they will sanctify My name, and they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob and stand in awe of the God of Israel. Those who err in spirit will know understanding Isaiah 29:12-24.

'The Holy One of Jacob, the God of Israel' stands for the Lord, 'male children' for regenerate people who have an understanding of good and truth, as is also explicitly stated.

In the same prophet,

Sing, O barren one, who did not bear, for the sons of her that is desolate are more than the sons of her that is married. Isaiah 54:1

'The sons of her that is desolate' stands for truths of the Primitive Church, or Church among gentiles, while 'the sons of her that is married' stands for truths of the Jewish Church.

In Jeremiah,

My tent has been laid waste, and all My cords torn away; My sons have gone away from Me, and they are not. Jeremiah 10:20.

'Sons' stands for truths.

In the same prophet,

Their sons will be as they were of old, and their congregation will be established before Me. Jeremiah 30:10

Here 'sons' stands for the truths of the Ancient Church.

In Zechariah,

I will rouse your sons, O Zion, together with your sons, O Jehovah, and I will set you as the sword of one who is powerful. Zechariah 9:13.

Here 'sons' stands for truths of faith inherent in love.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.