The Bible


Ezechiele 44



1 Poi egli mi ricondusse verso la porta esterna del santuario, che guarda a oriente. Essa era chiusa.

2 E l’Eterno mi disse: "Questa porta sarà chiusa, essa non s’aprirà, e nessuno entrerà per essa, poiché per essa è entrato l’Eterno, l’Iddio d’Israele; perciò rimarrà chiusa.

3 Quanto al principe, siccome è principe, egli potrà sedervi per mangiare il pane davanti all’Eterno; egli entrerà per la via del vestibolo della porta, e uscirà per la medesima via".

4 Poi mi menò davanti alla casa per la via della porta settentrionale. Io guardai, ed ecco, la gloria dell’Eterno riempiva la casa dell’Eterno; e io caddi sulla mia faccia.

5 E l’Eterno mi disse: "Figliuol d’uomo, sta’ bene attento, apri gli occhi per guardare e gli orecchi per udire tutto quello che ti dirò circa tutti i regolamenti della casa dell’Eterno e tutte le sue leggi; e considera attentamente l’ingresso della casa e tutti gli egressi del santuario.

6 E dì a questi ribelli, alla casa d’Israele: Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: O casa d’Israele, bastano tutte le vostre abominazioni!

7 Avete fatto entrare degli stranieri, incirconcisi di cuore e incirconcisi di carne, perché stessero nel mio santuario a profanare la mia casa, quando offrivate il mio pane, il grasso e il sangue, violando così il mio patto con tutte le vostre abominazioni.

8 Voi non avete serbato l’incarico che avevate delle mie cose sante; ma ne avete fatti custodi quegli stranieri, nel mio santuario, a vostro pro.

9 Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Nessuno straniero incirconciso di cuore, e incirconciso di carne, entrerà nel mio santuario: nessuno degli stranieri che saranno in mezzo dei figliuoli d’Israele.

10 Inoltre, i Leviti che si sono allontanati da me quando Israele si sviava, e si sono sviati da me per seguire i loro idoli, porteranno la pena della loro iniquità;

11 e saranno nel mio santuario come de’ servi, con l’incarico di guardare le porte della casa; e faranno il servizio della casa: scanneranno per il popolo le vittime degli olocausto e degli altri sacrifizi, e si terranno davanti a lui per essere al suo servizio.

12 Siccome han servito il popolo davanti agl’idoli suoi e sono stati per la casa d’Israele un’occasione di caduta nell’iniquità, io alzo la mia mano contro di loro, dice il Signore, l’Eterno, giurando ch’essi porteranno la pena della loro iniquità.

13 E non s’accosteranno più a me per esercitare il sacerdozio, e non s’accosteranno ad alcuna delle mia cose sante, alle cose che sono santissime; ma porteranno il loro obbrobrio, e la pena delle abominazioni che hanno commesse;

14 ne farò dei guardiani della casa, incaricati di tutto il servigio d’essa e di tutto ciò che vi si deve fare.

15 Ma i sacerdoti Leviti, figliuoli di Tsadok, i quali hanno serbato l’incarico che avevano del mio santuario quando i figliuoli d’Israele si sviavano da me, saranno quelli che si accosteranno a me per fare il mio servizio, e che si terranno davanti a me per offrirmi il grasso e il sangue, dice il Signore, l’Eterno.

16 Essi entreranno nel mio santuario, essi s’accosteranno alla mia tavola per servirmi, e compiranno tutto il mio servizio.

17 E quando entreranno per le porte del cortile interno, indosseranno vesti di lino; non avranno addosso lana di sorta, quando faranno il servizio alle porte del cortile interno e nella casa.

18 Avranno in capo delle tiare di lino, e delle brache di lino ai fianchi; non si cingeranno con ciò che fa sudare.

19 Ma quando usciranno per andare nel cortile esterno, nel cortile esterno verso il popolo, si toglieranno i paramenti coi quali avranno fatto il servizio, e li deporranno nelle camere del santuario; e indosseranno altre vesti, per non santificare il popolo con i loro paramenti.

20 Non si raderanno il capo, e non si lasceranno crescere i capelli; non porteranno i capelli corti.

21 Nessun sacerdote berrà vino, quand’entrerà nel cortile interno.

22 Non prenderanno per moglie né una vedova, né una donna ripudiata, ma prenderanno delle vergini della progenie della casa d’Israele; potranno però prendere delle vedove, che sian vedove di sacerdoti.

23 Insegneranno al mio popolo a distinguere fra il sacro e il profano, e gli faranno conoscere la differenza tra ciò ch’è impuro e ciò ch’è puro.

24 In casi di processo, spetterà a loro il giudicare; e giudicheranno secondo le mie prescrizioni, e osserveranno le mie leggi e i miei statuti in tutte le mie feste, e santificheranno i miei sabati.

25 Il sacerdote non entrerà dov’è un morto, per non rendersi impuro, non si potrà rendere impuro che per un padre, per una madre, per un figliuolo, per una figliuola, per un fratello o una sorella non maritata.

26 Dopo la sua purificazione, gli si conteranno sette giorni;

27 e il giorno che entrerà nel santuario, nel cortile interno, per fare il servizio nel santuario, offrirà il suo sacrifizio per il peccato, dice il Signore, l’Eterno.

28 E avranno una eredità: Io sarò la loro eredità; e voi non darete loro alcun possesso in Israele: Io sono il loro possesso.

29 Essi si nutriranno delle oblazioni, dei sacrifizi per il peccato e dei sacrifizi per la colpa: e ogni cosa votata allo sterminio in Israele sarà loro.

30 E le primizie dei primi prodotti d’ogni sorta, tutte le offerte di qualsivoglia cosa che offrirete per elevazione, saranno dei sacerdoti; darete parimente al sacerdote le primizie della vostra pasta, affinché la benedizione riposi sulla vostra casa.

31 I sacerdoti non mangeranno carne di nessun uccello né d’alcun animale morto da sé o sbranato.


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #66

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66. (Verse 14) And his head and his hairs were white. That this signifies the Divine in primaries and in ultimates, is evident from the signification of the head when mentioned in reference to the Lord, of whom these things are said, as denoting the Divine in primaries, concerning which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of hairs, as denoting the Divine in ultimates, of which also we shall speak presently; and from the signification of white, as denoting what is pure. (That white (album) and white (candidum) denote what is pure, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319.) The reason why the head, when mentioned in reference to the Lord, denotes the Divine in primaries, is, that the head is the highest part of man, and therein are those primary things which give rise to all things that take place in the body. For in the head are the understanding and the will, from which, as from their beginnings, all the other things flow that relate to man's remoter things, as speech, and all actions. But the reason why hairs, when mentioned in reference to the Lord, denote the Divine in ultimates is, that hairs are ultimates, for they grow from the ultimate parts of man, and the primaries terminate in them; therefore, when the head and hairs are mentioned, primaries and ultimates are meant.

[2] He who knows that the head signifies primaries, and the hairs ultimates, even in spiritual things, and that primaries and ultimates signify all things (as was shown above, n. 41), may know many arcana of the internal sense, where those things are mentioned. As, for instance, a Nazarite was not allowed to shave the hair of his head, because, as is said, it was the Nazariteship of God upon his head, and when the days were accomplished, he had to shave it off, and consecrate it (Numbers 6:1-21); also the strength of Samson was in his hairs, and when they were shaved off he became weak, and when they grew again his strength returned (Judges 16:13 to the end). Again, forty-two boys were torn in pieces by bears, because they mocked Elisha, calling him bald-head (2 Kings 2:23, 24). So too Elias was clothed with a garment of hair (2 Kings 1:8) and John the Baptist with camel's hair (Mark 1:6). Moreover what is signified by the head, hairs, beard and baldness, may be seen where they are mentioned in the Word.

[3] The reason why a Nazarite was not allowed to shave his hair, because, as is stated, it was the Nazariteship of God upon his head, and that when the days were accomplished, he had to shave it off, and consecrate it, was, that a Nazarite represented the Lord in primaries and in ultimates, and His Divine in ultimates was His Human, which He made Divine even to the flesh and bones, which are the ultimates. That He made the Human Divine even to the flesh and bones, is clear from the fact that He left nothing in the sepulchre, and that He said to His disciples that He had flesh and bones, which a spirit has not (Luke 24:39, 40). And when the Divine itself is also Divine in ultimates, then it rules all things from primaries by ultimates. (As is evident from what was said and shown above, n. 41; especially from the things which are adduced in Arcana Coelestia, to the effect that interiors successively flow into exteriors, even to the outermost or ultimate, and that therein also they exist and subsist, n. Arcana Coelestia 634, 6239, 6465, 9215, 9216; that they not only flow in successively, but also form what is simultaneous in the ultimate; concerning which order see n. 5897, 6451, 8603, 10099; that therefore all interior things are held together in connection, from the primary by means of the ultimate, n. 9828; and in the work, Heaven and Hell 297; that hence the ultimate is more holy than the interiors, n. Arcana Coelestia 9824; that hence in the ultimates there is strength and power, n. 9836.) It was for these reasons that the Nazariteship was instituted. The reason why the Nazarite should ultimately consecrate his hair by putting it into the fire of the altar, was, because the Holy Divine was thereby represented, and the fire of the altar signified that Holy (n. 934, 6314, 6832).

[4] From these considerations it is also evident why the strength of Samson was in his hair (Judges 16[13] to the end), for it is said that he was a Nazarite from his mother's womb (Judges 13:7; 16:17); so also it was not lawful for the chief priest and his sons, nor for the Levites, to shave the head and make themselves bald (Leviticus 10:6; 21:5, 10; Ezekiel 44:20). So, too, to cut off the beard, which also had a similar signification, was ignominious with the people of Israel (2 Sam. 10:4, 5). The reason why the forty-two boys were torn in pieces by bears, because they mocked Elisha, calling him bald-head, was, that Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord as to the Word, which is Divine truth, the sanctity and strength of which are in the ultimates from primaries, as said above; and because baldness signified the deprivation of them, therefore this circumstance took place; bears also signify truth in ultimates. (That Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord as to the Word, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 2762, 5247.)

[5] From these considerations it is also clear why the garment of Elias was hairy, and that of John was made of camel's hair; for John the Baptist, as well as Elias, represented the Lord as to the Word, therefore he was also called Elias (as may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 7643, 9372). When these things are understood it can be known what is signified by the head, hairs, beard, and baldness in the Word. As in Isaiah:

"In that time shall the Lord, by the king of Assyria, shave the head, and the hairs of the feet; he shall also consume the beard" (7:20).

In the same:

"Upon all heads shall be baldness, every beard shaven" (15:2).

In Jeremiah:

"Truth hath perished, and is cut off from their mouth; cut off thine hair and cast it away" (7:28, 29).

And in Ezekiel:

"Take a razor, and pass it upon the head and beard" (5:1).


"On every face shall be shame, and upon all heads baldness" (7:18).


"Every head was made bald" (29:18).

In Amos:

"I will bring baldness upon every head" (8:10).

And in David:

"God shall bruise the head of his enemies, the hairy scalp of him that goeth on in his guilt" (Psalm 68:21).

In these passages, and in others, by cutting off the hair of the head, shaving the beard, and inducing baldness, is signified to deprive of all good and truth, because he who is deprived of the ultimates is also deprived of things prior, for prior things exist and subsist in ultimates, as said above. In the world of spirits also, there are seen those who are bald; and I have been informed that they are those who were abusers of the Word and had applied the sense of the letter, which is Divine truth in the ultimates, to wicked purposes, and consequently were deprived of all truth; they are also the most wicked, and many of them are from the Babylonish nation; but, on the contrary, the angels are seen with becoming hair.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #9828

Study this Passage

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9828. 'And a belt' means a common bond to ensure that everything has the same end in view. This is clear from the meaning of 'a belt' or girdle as a common bond; for it gathers together, encloses, holds in connection within itself, and strengthens everything within, which without it would fall apart and drift away. The reason why it is a common bond whose purpose is to ensure that everything has the same end in view is that in the spiritual world the end in view holds sway, so much so that everything there should be called an end. For the Lord's kingdom, which is a spiritual world, is a kingdom of useful services, and such services there are ends in view, so that it is a kingdom of ends. But the ends there follow one another in various order, and they also stand in association with one another. The ends which follow one another are called middle ends, but those which stand in association with one another are called associate ends. All these ends have been so linked together and made subordinate to one another that without exception they have one end in view. This end is the Lord; and in heaven, among those who accept it, it is a love of and faith in Him. Love there is the end in view of all the powers of the will there, and faith is the end in view of all the powers of thought, which are those of the understanding.

[2] When every single thing has the same end in view all things are then held in uninterrupted connection and make one; for everything is then under the eye, government, and providence of the One who, acting in accord with the laws of subordination and association, turns everyone towards Himself, and thereby joins them to Himself. At the same time He turns all to face their companions, and thereby joins them to one another. This explains why the faces of all who are in heaven are kept turned towards the Lord, who is the Sun there, and so is the centre point in front of everyone's eyes; and the marvel is that He is there in whatever direction angels turn round to face, 3638. And since the Lord is present within the good of mutual love and within the good of charity towards the neighbour - for all are loved by Him, and are joined to one another by Him through love - their regard for their companions, which that love gives them, also serves to turn them towards the Lord.

[3] Those things therefore on last and lowest levels, gathering others together and enclosing them so they may be held, every single one, in such connection, were represented by belts or girdles, which in the spiritual world are nothing other than the forms of good and the truths present on lowest or outermost levels which enclose more internal ones. Celestial forms of good on lowest or outermost levels were represented by girdles that went around the loins, and spiritual forms of good and truths on those levels by girdles that went around the thighs and also around the breast.

[4] Such things are meant by 'girdles around the loins' in the following places: In Jeremiah,

Jehovah said to the prophet, Buy yourself a linen girdle, and place it over your loins; but you are not to pass it through water. I therefore bought a girdle, and placed it over my loins. Then the word of Jehovah came to me, saying, Take the girdle, and go away to the Euphrates, and hide it in the cleft of a rock. At the end of many days I went away to the Euphrates, and took the girdle, and behold, it was ruined; it was profitable for nothing. Then Jehovah said, This people is evil, refusing to hear My words; and they have gone after other gods. Therefore they will be just like this girdle that is profitable for nothing. Jeremiah 13:1-12.

'A linen girdle' here is used to mean in the spiritual sense the Church's good, which encloses the truths there and holds them in connection within itself. The non-existence of the Church's good at that time, and the consequent dispersal of its truths, are the reason for its being said that the girdle was not to be passed through water; for 'water' means truth that purifies and thereby restores. 'The cleft of a rock' in which it was hidden is falsified truth; 'the Euphrates' is the full extent and boundary of the celestial realities that belong to good on its lowest level. Anyone unacquainted with the essential nature of the Word may think that the passage is no more than a comparison of the people and their ruination with a girdle and its ruination. But in the Word all comparisons and metaphorical ways of speaking are real correspondences, 3579, 8989. Unless each detail in this description were of a correspondential nature the prophet would never have been told not to pass the girdle through water, or to place it over his loins, or to go to the Euphrates and hide it there in the cleft of a rock. The reason why it says that the girdle should be placed over his loins is that by 'the loins', because of their correspondence, is meant the good of celestial love, 3021, 4280, 5050-5062. A girdle placed over the loins accordingly means being joined to the Lord through the good of love, the Word serving as the intermediary.

[5] The meaning of 'a girdle' as good that acts as a boundary and holds things together is also evident in Isaiah,

There will come forth a shoot from the trunk of Jesse. Righteousness will be the girdle of His loins, and truth the girdle of His thighs. Isaiah 11:1, 5.

This refers to the Lord. 'Righteousness' that will be 'the girdle of His loins' is the good of His love, which protects heaven and the Church. The requirement stated in Exodus 12:11 that when the children of Israel ate the Passover their loins were to be girded means that all things should be present in their proper order, made ready to receive good from the Lord and to take action, 7863. This explains why those who have been made ready are said to be 'girded', as is also said of the seven angels in the Book of Revelation,

Out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues, clothed in linen, white and splendid, and girded around their breasts with golden girdles. Revelation 15:6.

[6] It is said of Elijah in 2 Kings 1:8 that he was a hairy man and wore a girdle of skin around his loins. Much the same is said of John,

John had a garment of camel hair and a skin girdle around his waist. Matthew 3:4.

The reason why Elijah and John were clothed and girded in this way was that both men represented the Word, and therefore their clothes mean the Word in its external sense, which is the natural sense. For 'hair' means the natural, 3301, 5247, 5569-5573, and 'camels' general facts within the natural, 3048, 3071, 3143, 3145. And 'skin' means the external, 3540, so that 'a girdle of skin' means that which collects together, encloses, and holds in connection the things within itself. For the representation of Elijah as the Word, see Preface to Genesis 18, and 2762, 5247 (end), and John the Baptist similarly, 9372.

[7] Since truths and forms of good are dissolved and dispersed by wicked deeds it says of Joab that after he had tricked and killed Abner he put the blood of war on his girdle that was on his loins, 1 Kings 2:5. This means that he dispersed and destroyed such truths and forms of good. This accounts for its being said, when truths have been dispersed and destroyed, that instead of a girdle there will be a falling apart, and instead of well-set hair, baldness, Isaiah 3:24. This refers to the daughters of Zion, by whom forms of good belonging to the celestial Church are meant. 'Instead of a girdle, a falling apart' stands for the dispersal of celestial good.

[8] It is also said in Ezekiel of Oholibah, who is Jerusalem, that when she looked at men portrayed on the wall, images of Chaldeans portrayed in vermilion, girded with girdles on their loins, she fell in love with them, Ezekiel 23:14-16. Here truths which have been rendered profane are meant, for 'the Chaldeans' are those who outwardly claim to believe in truths but inwardly repudiate them, and in so doing render them profane. 'Men portrayed on the wall' are the appearances of truth in outward things, as in like manner are 'images portrayed in vermilion'. 'Girdles' with which their loins were girded are the forms of good which they fake to induce belief in their truths.

[9] From all this it may now be clear what it was that girdles gathering garments into one served to mean in the representative Church. Yet the natural man can scarcely be brought to believe that such things were meant, because he finds it difficult to put aside the natural idea of a girdle, and in general of garments, and instead adopt a spiritual idea, which is that of good holding truths in connection within itself. For the natural level on which a person sees things holds the mind down on that level, and it is not removed from there unless the sight of the understanding is able to be raised right up into the light of heaven and the person is for this reason able to think on a level virtually divorced from natural things. When this happens to a person spiritual ideas of the truth of faith and of the good of love, which the merely natural man cannot understand, enter in.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.