The Bible


Ezechiele 17:12



12 "Di’ dunque a questa casa ribelle: Non sapete voi che cosa voglian dire queste cose? Di’ loro: Ecco, il re di Babilonia è venuto a Gerusalemme, ne ha preso il re ed i capi, e li ha menati con sé a Babilonia.

The Bible


Isaiah 36:6



6 Ecco, tu confidi nell’Egitto, in quel sostegno di canna rotta, ch’entra nella mano e la fora a chi vi s’appoggia; tal è Faraone, re d’Egitto, per tutti quelli che confidano in lui.





As with many common verbs, the meaning of “to say” in the Bible is highly dependent on context. Who is speaking? Who is hearing? What is it about? Is it a command, a message, an apology, instruction? All these things enter into the meaning of “say.” In general, though, “saying” has to do with sharing truth at various levels -- from the most exalted power people can have to perceive the Lord's desires directly to the most basic of orders issued to people at their lowest.