The Bible


Ezechiele 28:18



18 Tu hai profanati i tuoi santuari, per la moltitudine della tua iniquità, nella dislealtà della tua mercatanzia; laonde io ho fatto uscir del mezzo di te un fuoco, il quale ti ha divorato; e ti ho ridotto in cenere sopra la terra, nel cospetto di tutti quei che ti veggono.

To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.

The Bible


Daniel 5:11



11 Vi è un uomo nel tuo regno, in cui è lo spirito degl’iddii santi; e al tempo di tuo padre si trovò in lui illuminazione, ed intendimento, e sapienza, pari alla sapienza degl’iddii; e il re Nebucadnesar, tuo padre, o re, lo costituì capo de’ magi, degli astrologi, de’ Caldei, e degl’indovini.

To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.