The Bible


Ézéchiel 48



1 Ce sont ici les noms des Tribus; depuis le bout du côté qui regarde vers le Septentrion, le long de la contrée du chemin de Hethlon, du quartier par lequel on entre en Hamath, [jusques à] Hatsar-henan, qui est la frontière de Damas, du côté qui regarde vers le Septentrion, le long de la contrée de Hamath, tellement que ce bout ait le canton de l'Orient et celui de l'Occident, il y aura une [portion pour] Dan.

2 Et tout joignant les confins de Dan, depuis le canton de l'Orient, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion pour] Aser.

3 Et tout joignant les confins d'Aser, encore depuis le canton qui regarde vers l'Orient, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion pour] Nephthali.

4 Et tout joignant les confins de Nephthali, depuis le canton qui regarde vers l'Orient, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion pour] Manassé.

5 Et tout joignant les confins de Manassé, depuis le canton qui regarde vers l'Occident, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Orient, il y aura une [autre portion pour] Ephraïm.

6 Et tout joignant les confins d'Ephraïm, encore depuis le canton de l'Orient, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion pour] Ruben.

7 Et tout joignant les confins de Ruben, depuis le canton de l'Orient, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion pour] Juda.

8 Et tout le long des confins de Juda, depuis le canton de l'Orient, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une portion que vous lèverez sur toute la masse [du pays comme] en offrande élevée, laquelle aura vingt-cinq mille [cannes de] largeur; et [de] longueur autant que l'une des autres portions, depuis le [canton] qui regarde vers l'Orient, jusqu'au canton qui regarde vers l'Occident; tellement que le Sanctuaire sera au milieu.

9 La portion que vous lèverez pour l'Eternel, la lui présentant comme en offrande élevée, aura vingt-cinq mille [cannes de] longueur, et dix mille de largeur.

10 Et cette portion sainte sera pour ceux-ci, [savoir] pour les Sacrificateurs, [et] elle aura le long du côté qui regarde vers le Septentrion vingt-cinq mille [cannes de longueur], et le long du côté qui regarde vers l'Occident dix mille de largeur; et pareillement le long du côté qui regarde vers l'Orient dix mille, puis le long du côté qui regarde vers le Midi vingt-cinq mille [cannes de longueur]; et le Sanctuaire de l'Eternel sera au milieu.

11 Elle sera pour les Sacrificateurs, et quiconque aura été sanctifié d'entre les fils de Tsadok, qui ont fait ce que j'avais ordonné qu'on fît, et qui ne se sont point égarés quand les enfants d'Israël se sont égarés, comme se sont égarés les [autres]Lévites;

12 Ceux-là auront une portion ainsi levée sur l'autre qui aura été auparavant levée sur toute la masse du pays, comme étant une chose très-sainte, et elle sera vers les confins [de la portion] des Lévites.

13 Car [la portion] des Lévites [sera] tout joignant les confins de ce qui appartiendra aux Sacrificateurs, [et elle aura] vingt-cinq mille [cannes] de longueur, et dix mille de largeur; tellement que toute la longueur sera de vingt-cinq mille [cannes], et la largeur de dix mille.

14 Or ils n'en vendront rien, et aucun d'entre eux n'en échangera rien, ni ne transportera les prémices du pays; parce que c'est une chose sanctifiée à l'Eternel.

15 Mais les cinq mille [cannes] qui restent dans la largeur sur le devant des vingt-cinq mille cannes [de longueur], est un lieu profane pour la ville, tant pour son assiette que pour ses faubourgs; et la ville sera au milieu.

16 Et ce sont ici les mesures [qu'aura l'assiette de la ville], du côté du Septentrion, quatre mille cinq cents [cannes], et du côté du Midi, quatre mille cinq cents, et du côté de l'Orient, quatre mille cinq cents, et du côté tirant vers l'Occident, quatre mille cinq cents.

17 Puis il y aura des faubourgs pour la ville, vers le Septentrion, de deux cent cinquante cannes; et vers le Midi, de deux cent cinquante, et vers l'Orient, de deux cent cinquante; et vers l'Occident, de deux cent cinquante.

18 Quant à ce qui sera de reste en la longueur, et qui sera tout joignant la portion sanctitiée, et qui aura dix mille [cannes] du côté tirant vers l'Orient, et dix mille [autres cannes] du côlé tirant vers l'Occident, auquel côté il sera aussi tout joignant la portion sanctifiée, le revenu qu'on en tirera sera pour nourrir ceux qui feront le service qu'il faut dans la ville.

19 Or ceux qui feront le service qu'il faut dans la ville, [étant pris] de toutes les Tribus d'Israël, cultiveront ce pays-là.

20 Vous lèverez donc sur toute la masse [du pays] pour être une portion sainte, [présentée à l'Eternel comme] en offrande élevée, toute cette portion qui sera de vingt-cinq mille [cannes], répondant à vingt-cinq mille autres [cannes], le tout pris en carré, et en y comprenant la possession de la ville.

21 Puis ce qui restera sera pour le Prince, tant au delà de la portion sainte, [présentée à l'Eternel comme] en offrande élevée, qu'au deçà de la possession de la ville, le long des vingt-cinq mille [cannes] de la portion qui aura été levée sur toute la masse, jusques aux frontières qui regardent vers l'Orient, et ce qui sera tendant vers l'Occident, le long des [autres] vingt-cinq mille [cannes], jusques aux frontières qui regardent vers l'Occident, tout joignant les [autres] portions, sera pour le Prince; et ainsi la portion sainte, [présentée à l'Eternel comme] en offrande élevée, et le Sanctuaire de la maison seront au milieu de tout le pays.

22 Ce qui sera donc pour le Prince sera dans les entre-deux depuis la possession des Lévites, et depuis la possession de la ville; ce qui sera entre [ces possessions-là, et] les confins de Juda, et les confins de Benjamin, sera pour le Prince.

23 Or ce qui sera de reste sera pour les [autres] Tribus. Depuis le canton de ce qui regarde vers l'Orient, jusques au canton de ce qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [portion] pour Benjamin.

24 Puis tout joignant les confins de Benjamin depuis le canton de ce qui regarde vers l'Orient, jusques au canton de ce qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion] pour Siméon.

25 Puis tout joignant les confins de Siméon, depuis le canton de ce [qui regarde] vers l'Orient, jusques au canton de ce qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion] pour Issacar.

26 Puis tout joignant les confins d'Issacar, depuis le canton de ce [qui regarde] vers l'Orient, jusques au canton de ce qui regarde vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion] pour Zabulon.

27 Puis tout joignant les confins de Zabulon, depuis le canton de ce [qui regarde] vers l'Orient, jusques au canton de ce [qui regarde] vers l'Occident, il y aura une [autre portion] pour Gad.

28 Or [ce qui appartient] au côté du Midi, qui regarde [proprement] le vent d'Autan, est sur la frontière de Gad; et cette frontière sera depuis Tamar [jusques] aux eaux du débat de Kadès, [le long] du torrent jusques à la grande mer.

29 C'est là le pays que vous partagerez par sort en héritage aux Tribus d'Israël, et ce sont là leurs portions, dit le Seigneur l'Eternel.

30 Et ce sont ici les sorties de la ville. Du côté du Septentrion il y aura quatre mille cinq cents mesures.

31 Puis quant aux portes de la ville, qui seront nommées des noms des Tribus d'Israël, il y aura trois portes qui regarderont vers le Septentrion; une [appelée] la porte de Ruben; une [appelée] la porte de Juda, [et] une [appelée] la porte de Lévi.

32 Au côté de ce qui regarde vers l'Orient, il y aura quatre mille cinq cents [cannes], et trois portes; une [appelée] la porte de Joseph; une [appelée] la porte de Benjamin, [et] une [appelée] la porte de Dan.

33 Et [au] côté de ce qui regarde vers le Midi il y aura quatre mille cinq cents mesures, et trois portes; une [appelée] la porte de Siméon; une [appelée] la porte d'Issacar; et une [appelée] la porte de Zabulon.

34 [Au] côté de ce [qui regarde] vers l'Occident il y aura quatre mille cinq cents [cannes], auxquelles il y aura trois portes; une [appelée] la porte de Gad; une [appelée] la porte d'Aser; [et] une [appelée] la porte de Nephthali.

35 Ainsi le circuit [de la ville] sera de dix-huit mille [cannes]; et le nom de la ville depuis ce jour-là sera : L'ETERNEL EST LA.


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #422

Study this Passage

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422. And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun. That this signifies the Divine Love going forth from the Lord, is clear from the signification of an angel, as denoting somewhat Divine proceeding from the Lord. For by an angel in the Word in a proximate sense, is meant a whole angelic society, and in a general sense, every one who receives the Divine Truth in doctrine and life; but in the highest sense, by an angel is signified something Divine which proceeds from the Lord, and specifically the Divine Truth. Concerning these significations of an angel see above (n. 90, 130, 200, 302, 307). Here, therefore, by the "angel ascending from the rising of the sun" is signified the Divine going forth from the Love of the Lord. The rising of the sun, or the east, signifies the Divine Love of the Lord, and to ascend thence, signifies to go forth, and to proceed; therefore, by the "angel ascending from the rising of the sun"; is signified the Divine Love going forth from the Lord. Those things which follow also are of the Divine Love, lest the good should suffer hurt. The rising of the sun signifies the Divine Love of the Lord, because the Lord in the angelic heaven is the Sun, and the Lord appears as the Sun from His Divine Love. Where the Lord appears as the Sun, there is the east in heaven, and because He is always there, He is also constantly rising.

[2] In the spiritual world there are four quarters, the eastern, western, southern, and northern. They all derive their position from the Sun, which is the Lord; and where the Sun is, there is the east, opposite this is the west, to the right the south, and to the left the north. In the eastern quarter dwell those angels who are in love to the Lord, because they are under the immediate auspices of the Lord, for the Lord flows into them intimately and directly from Divine Love, and therefore the rising of the sun, and the east, in the Word, signify the Divine Love of the Lord. That the Lord in the angelic heaven appears as a Sun, and that it is the Divine Love of the Lord which so appears, may be seen in Heaven and Hell 116-125); that the sun in the Word therefore signifies the Divine Love, may be seen above (n. 401). That all the quarters in the spiritual world derive their position from the east, where the Lord is as a Sun, see Heaven and Hell 141); and that therefore those dwell in the eastern quarter who are in the good of love to the Lord (n. 148, 149).

[3] The eastern, western, southern, and northern quarters are frequently mentioned in the Word, and those who are unacquainted with the spiritual sense of the Word believe that they mean the quarters in our solar world, and therefore they do not suppose that they involve arcana of heaven and of the church. But the quarters named in the Word mean the quarters in the spiritual world, which differ altogether from the quarters in our world; for all the angels and spirits dwell there in quarters determined according to the quality of their good and truth; those who are in the good of love to the Lord dwell in the east and the west, and those who are in truths from that good dwell in the south and north.

The reason of their dwelling in this manner is that the Lord there is the Sun, and from Him as the Sun all heat and light, or all good and truth proceed. The heat there, which is spiritual heat, or the good of love, flows directly from the east into the west, and decreases according to reception by the angels, and therefore according to distances, for in the spiritual world all distance from the Lord is according to the reception of good and truth from Him. And this is the reason why those dwell in the east who are in the good of love in an interior and consequently clear degree, and in the west those who are in an exterior and therefore obscure degree of that good. But light, which is spiritual light, or Divine Truth, also flows directly from the east into the west, and likewise flows in on both sides, but with this difference, that the Divine Truth which flows in from east to west is, in its essence, the good of love, while that which flows in laterally is, in its essence, the truth from that good. Those therefore who dwell respectively in the south and in the north, the quarters situated laterally, are in the light of truth, those in the south being in a clear, and those in the north in an obscure light of truth. The light of truth is intelligence and wisdom. But concerning these quarters more may be seen in Heaven and Hell 141-153). These quarters then are meant in the Word, where mention is made of quarters, therefore they also signify such Divine things as exist in those quarters; for the east signifies the good of love in clearness; the west, the good of love in obscurity; the south, truth from that good in clearness; and the north, truth from that good in obscurity.

[4] Moreover, there are quarters in the spiritual world differing from the quarters just named, and distant from them about thirty degrees, and these are under the auspices of the Lord as a moon; for the Lord appears as a Sun to those who are in love to Him, but as a moon to those who are in charity towards their neighbour, and in faith therefrom. Concerning this appearance, see also Heaven and Hell 118, 119, 122). In the eastern and western quarters there, dwell those who are in the good of charity towards their neighbour; and in the southern and the northern those who are in truths from that good, called the truths of faith. These quarters also are sometimes meant in the Word, where those truths and goods are the subject treated of.

[5] It is evident from these facts that he who knows nothing of the quarters of heaven of which we have spoken, cannot possibly know anything of the spiritual things of the Word where those quarters are mentioned, as in the following passage.

Thus, in Isaiah:

"I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back; bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the end of the earth" (43:5, 6).

Jacob and Israel is here the subject, and unless it be known that the spiritual things explained above are meant by those quarters, it may be supposed that nothing more is implied, than that the sons of Israel and Jacob are to be gathered from all sides. But by Jacob and Israel is meant the church which is from those who are in the good of love and in truths from that good; and by their seed are meant all who are of that church. The bringing and gathering together of those who are in the good of love, is meant by, "I will bring thy seed from the east, and will gather thee from the west"; and the same, with respect to those who are in truths from that good, is meant by, "I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back." That all who are in those truths and goods, even to those who are in the ultimates, shall be brought together, is signified by "bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the end of the earth." Sons denote those who are in truths, and daughters denote those who are in goods; the words, "from far, and from the end of the earth," signify those who are in the ultimate truths and goods of the church. Similar things are also signified by those quarters in the following passages. Thus, in David:

Jehovah will gather the redeemed from the earth, "from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the sea" (107:3).

And in Moses:

Jehovah said to Jacob in a dream, "thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south" (Genesis 28:14).

In Luke:

"They shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall recline (accumbentes), 1 in the kingdom of God" (13:29).

[6] In very many passages it is said from east to west only, and not at the same time from the south and from the north; in such passages all who are in the good of love to the Lord, and in the good of charity towards the neighbour are meant. These quarters also imply the two others, because all who are in good are also in truths, for good and truth everywhere act as one; these therefore are meant where it is said "from east to west."

Again, in Matthew:

"Many shall come from the east and the west, and shall recline with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of the heavens" (8:11).

In the passage quoted above from Luke, it is said of those who shall recline in the kingdom of the heavens, "that they shall come from the east and from the west, and from the north and from the south;" but in the passage in Matthew it is simply said the east and the west; the reason of which is that these quarters imply the two others as just stated. Similarly in the following passages.

Thus in Malachi:

"From the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, my name shall be great among the gentiles" (1:11).

And in David:

"From the rising of the sun even to his setting, the name of Jehovah is to be praised" (Psalm 113:3).

And in Isaiah:

"They shall fear the name of Jehovah from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun" (59:19).

Again, in the same prophet:

"That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me" (45:6).

Again, in David:

"God, God Jehovah speaks, and will call the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof" (Psalm 50:1).

And in Zechariah:

"Behold, I will save my people from the east country, and from the west country" (8:7).

In these passages "from the rising and setting" signifies all who are in the goods and truths of heaven and the church. Similar things are signified by the quarters according to which the temple was measured (Ezekiel 42); also according to which the land was measured for an inheritance (47); and was distributed among the tribes of Israel (48); then according to which the Israelites measured the camp (Numbers 2), according to which they journeyed (10); and according to which the gates of the new city were placed (Ezekiel 40; Rev. 21:12), besides similar things elsewhere.

[7] The reason why the temple was measured according to the quarters as in Ezekiel, and the land distributed among the tribes according to the quarters, as mentioned both in Ezekiel and in Joshua, and also the reason why the sons of Israel encamped, and also journeyed, according to the same order, is, that everything in the spiritual world is arranged according to the quarters, not only generally but also particularly. In general, all angels and spirits dwell in the quarters corresponding to their states of good and truth, as said above. The case is the same individually, for in all their assemblies, those who are present take their places in the quarters that correspond to the states of their life; there they sit in the temples, and dwell in their houses in a similar manner. There in a word, all things generally and particularly are arranged according to the quarters of heaven; for the form of heaven is the same in every detail as it is in general. From these considerations it is clear what is signified in the Word by arrangements according to the quarters, also by the quarters according to which the tabernacle was built, and according to which the temple was built by Solomon; besides other similar things.

[8] So far concerning the quarters generally. That the east signifies the Lord as to Divine Love, and therefore the good of love to the Lord with those who are recipients of it, is plain from the following passages.

Thus in Ezekiel:

"He brought me to the gate of the temple that looketh toward the east; and, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east; and his voice was like the voice of many waters; and the earth shone with his glory. The glory of Jehovah came into the house by the way of the gate, whose prospect is toward the east. Then the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of Jehovah filled the house" (Ezekiel 43:1-5).

Here the subject is the building of the new temple which signifies the New Church to be established by the Lord; and because introduction into it is effected by the good of love to the Lord, and by truth from that good, therefore the gate that looketh toward the east, and the God of Israel coming from the way of the east were seen. By the gate is signified introduction and approach; by the God of Israel is meant the Lord; by the east, the good of love from Him and manifested towards Him; and by glory, truth from that good. For the Lord enters into heaven, and thence into the church, from His Divine Love, which, as said above, appears in the heavens as the Sun; thence are all the Divine Good and the Divine Truth there. The glory of Jehovah seen to enter the house by the way of the gate whose prospect was towards the east, and also the glory of Jehovah filling the house, have a similar signification; for the house or temple signifies heaven and the church. By glory in the Word is signified the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord; by "the glory of the God of Israel," the Divine Truth enlightening those who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom; and by "the glory of Jehovah," the Divine Truth enlightening those who are in the Lord's celestial kingdom. The Divine Truth is called glory because it is the light of heaven, and that light is the cause of all splendour, magnificence, and glory in the heavens; for everything that appears before the eyes in the heavens is from that light. So also it is said that "the earth shone with his glory," and by the earth is meant the church. The influx of Divine Truth towards lower things on every side is signified by "his voice was like the voice of many waters," voice signifying influx, and waters, truths.

[9] Again:

"Then he brought me back by the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary that looketh toward the east; and it was shut; but Jehovah the God of Israel will enter in by it" (Ezekiel 44:1, 2).

And in the same:

"The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six days of labour; but on the day of the sabbath it shall be opened" (46:1).

By the "gate that looketh toward the east" is also signified introduction into heaven and the church by the Lord by means of the good of love proceeding from Him, which is therefore meant by the east; and that this is from the Lord, is signified by Jehovah the God of Israel entering by that gate. That introduction is the result of the worship of Him from that good, is signified by the words "on the day of the sabbath it shall be opened;" and that introduction does not take place when worship is not from that good, is signified by the gate being shut during the six days of labour.

[10] Again, in the same prophet:

"And the cherubim lifted up their wings, and they stood at the door of the gate [of the house] of Jehovah toward the east; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above" (10:19).

The cherubim signify the Lord as to Divine Providence, and as to defence, to prevent His being approached except by means of the good of love; see above (n. 152, 277); and because the Lord is signified by cherubim, and from the Lord as the Sun, where the east is, proceed all the good of love, and all truth from that good, therefore the cherubim were seen to stand at the door of the gate of the house of Jehovah towards the east, and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above. By the house of Jehovah, by the east, and by the glory of the God of Israel, similar things are signified here as above.

[11] So in Isaiah:

"Who raised up one from the east, called him in justice to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings?" (41:2).

This is said of the Lord, who is said to be raised up from the east, because conceived from the Divine Itself, which in its essence is Divine Love, and from which also the Lord is the Sun of the angelic heaven. To call in justice, here signifies to restore heaven and the church; for the justice of the Lord in the Word signifies, that from His own power He saved the human race, which was accomplished by reducing all things in the heavens and the hells into order (see n. 293). The signification of the rest of this passage is explained above (n. 357:5).

[12] Thus also in the second book of Samuel,

"The spirit of Jehovah spake in me. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me. As the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, a morning without clouds; from the clear shining after rain cometh grass out of the earth" (23:2-4).

"The God of Israel," and "the Rock of Israel," are the Lord, and because He is the Sun of the angelic heaven, and from Him as the Sun proceeds and flows all the Divine Truth, which enlightens angels and men, imparts intelligence, and reforms, it is said as "the light of the morning when the sun riseth, a morning without clouds; through the clear shining after rain cometh grass out of the earth." The light of the morning when the sun riseth, signifies the Divine Truth from the Lord as the Sun; a morning without clouds, denotes its purity, rain its influx, and the grass out of the earth, intelligence, and reformation therefrom; for these are signified by grass because it springs out of the earth by the power of the sun after rain, but intelligence comes from the Lord as the Sun by the influx of Divine Truth.

[13] Again in Isaiah:

"Jehovah shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the nations shall walk according to thy light, and kings according to the brightness of thy rising" (60:2, 3).

This is said of the Lord. The Divine in Him is meant by "Jehovah shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." The Divine Good of Divine Love is meant by Jehovah shall arise upon thee, and the Divine Truth from that Good is meant by His glory shall be seen upon thee. The nations signify those who are in good, and kings those who are in truths from good. It is said of the former that "they shall walk according to thy light," which signifies a life according to the Divine Truth; and of the latter, they shall walk "according to the brightness of thy rising," which signifies the life of intelligence from Divine Good; to walk denoting to live; light, the Divine Truth; and the brightness of His rising, the Divine Truth from the Divine Good from which comes intelligence.

[14] Again in Ezekiel:

"The cherubim did lift up their wings; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above. And the glory of Jehovah ascended over the midst of the city, and stood over the mountain which is on the east of the city" (11:22, 23).

The cherubim signify the Lord as to Divine Providence and defence, and the glory of the God of Israel signifies the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord as was said above. And because the Divine Truth, which is light, proceeds from the Lord as the Sun in the angelic heaven, therefore the glory of Jehovah was seen to ascend over the midst of the city, and to stand over the mountain which is on the east side of the city. By the city is meant Jerusalem, which signifies the church as to doctrine; and because the doctrine of the church is from the Divine Truth, therefore the glory of Jehovah was seen to ascend over the midst of the city; and since all Divine Truth proceeds from the Lord as the Sun, where the east is, therefore the glory was seen to stand over the mountain on the east of the city. The mountain on the east of the city was the mount of Olives. That the mount of Olives signifies the Divine Love of the Lord, and that therefore the Lord used sometimes to be there, may be seen above (n. 405:24); and that the mount of Olives was situated before Jerusalem on the east, may be seen in Zech. 14:4.

[15] Again in Ezekiel:

"He brought me back unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward, for the forefront of the house was toward the east; and the waters came down from under, from the right side of the house, from the south side of the altar. He brought me out by the way of the gate towards the north, and led me round by the way without unto the outer gate, by the way that looketh eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters from the right side. Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the eastern boundary, and go down into the plain, and come towards the sea; which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. Whence it comes to pass, that every living soul, which creepeth, whithersoever the rivers come, lives; and there shall be a very great multitude of fish. And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, cometh up every tree for food, whose leaf falleth not, neither is the fruit thereof consumed" (47:1, 2, 8, 9, 12).

The New Church to be established in the heavens and on the earth by the Lord is here described, when all the Divine will proceed from His Divine Human; for before the coming of the Lord the Divine proceeded from His Divine, which He calls the Father, but this did not extend to ultimates after the church was vastated. By house is here signified the church; by its gate, approach and introduction; by the east, the Lord, where His Divine love appears as the Sun; and by the waters going forth thence is signified the Divine Truth proceeding therefrom. By the plain and the sea are signified the ultimates of the church, or where those are who are in ultimate truths and goods because they are natural and sensual, and who are spiritual only in a slight degree; to these the Divine did not previously extend. Life from the Divine to these also after the coming of the Lord, is signified by the waters of the sea being healed by the inflowing of the river from the east; the very great multitude of fish, signifies abundance of cognitions and scientifics which also become spiritually living with them. The fructification of good and multiplication of truth are signified by every tree for food coming up upon the bank of the river, whose leaf falleth not, neither is the fruit thereof consumed. From this it is evident what the particulars in a series there signify, and that the east, where they all originate, signifies the Lord and His Divine Love.

[16] The same is signified in Zechariah,

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; part of them toward the eastern sea" (14:8).

Here also the subject is the Lord. "In that day," signifies His coming, and the eastern sea signifies the ultimate boundary towards the east in the spiritual world, where there was no reception of Divine Truth before the coming of the Lord, but when it proceeded from His Divine Human then there was reception. That the ultimate [boundaries] in the spiritual world are like seas, may be seen above (n. 342); and that there are dry and waste places there, may be seen in Joel 2:20.

[17] Since the Lord in heaven where the angels are appears as the Sun, and [where He appears] there is the east, therefore when Aaron offered the sin offering for himself and his house, he sprinkled the blood of the bullock on the mercy-seat towards the east (Leviticus 16:14, 15); and therefore Moses, Aaron and his sons measured out the camp before the tabernacle of the congregation towards the east (Numbers 3:38); and also the tribe of Judah (Numbers 2:3). Moses, Aaron, and his sons, and the tribe of Judah, represented the Lord as to the Divine Good and the Divine Truth proceeding from the Divine Love; their camp was therefore towards the east. So also the ancients in their worship turned their faces to the rising of the sun, and therefore they built their temples in such a way that the front, where the most sacred place was, should look towards the east; this is also the case at the present day, the practice being derived from ancient custom. The whole angelic heaven also is turned to the Lord as the Sun, thus collectively to the east. All the interiors of the angels in the heavens are also turned in the same direction; consequently the angels of heaven turn their faces to the Lord. Many important facts upon this subject are related in Heaven and Hell 17, 123, 142, 143, 144, 272).

[18] Because the Lord is the east, therefore it is said in Matthew,

"For as the lightning cometh forth out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be" (24:27).

Since, when man is the subject, the rising of the sun signifies the good of love proceeding from the Lord as the Sun, and received by him, it is therefore said in the book of Judges,

"So let all thine enemies perish, O Jehovah; but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might" (5:31).

These words occur in the prophetic song of Deborah and Barak; and of those who love Jehovah, that is those who are in the good of love to the Lord, it is said, "as the sun when he goeth forth in his might."

[19] In Moses:

Joseph shall possess "the firstfruits of the mountains of the east, and the precious things of the hills of an age" (Deuteronomy 33:15).

Joseph, in the representative sense, signifies the Lord's spiritual kingdom, it is therefore said of him that he shall possess the firstfruits of the mountains of the east, and the precious things of the hills of an age. The firstfruits of the mountains of the east signify the genuine goods of love to the Lord, and thence of charity towards the neighbour, the mountains of the east denote goods of love to the Lord, and firstfruits those things that are genuine and primary; and the hills of an age signify the goods of charity towards the neighbour, these when genuine being called precious. The rest of the blessing of Joseph is explained above (n. 405:31).

[20] The church existed, in ancient times, in several kingdoms of Asia, as in the land of Canaan, in Syria and Assyria, in Arabia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Chaldea, in Tyre and Sidon, and in other parts; but with those peoples it was a representative church, for in every detail of their worship, and in each of their statutes, spiritual and celestial things, which are the interior things of the church, were represented, and in the highest sense the Lord Himself. These representatives of their worship and statutes remained with many even up to the time of the Lord's coming, and from these they possessed a knowledge of His coming. This is evident from the predictions of Balaam, who was from Syria, and who prophesied concerning the Lord, in these words:

"I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh; there shall come forth a star out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel" (Numbers 24:17).

Then again it is evident from the fact that certain wise men from the east, when the Lord was born, saw a star in the east, and followed it; of this circumstance Matthew thus speaks:

"In the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. And, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was" (Matthew 2:1, 2, 9).

The star was seen in the east by the wise men, because the Lord is the East; and because they knew of the coming of the Lord from those representatives which remained with them, therefore they saw the star and it went before them, first to Jerusalem, which represented the church itself, as to doctrine and the Word, and then to the place where the infant Lord was. A star also signifies the cognitions of good and truth, and in the highest sense, knowledge concerning the Lord. That stars in the Word signify cognitions of good and truth, see above (n. 72, 179, 402). As the Orientals possessed such knowledges, they were on that account called "sons of the east." That those who came from Arabia were thus called, is seen in Jeremiah (49:28). By sons of the east in the Word, knowledges of good and truth are also signified; similarly by Kedar or Arabia. That Job was of the sons of the east is evident from chapter 1:3.

[21] As most things in the Word have also an opposite sense, so also has the "east," which, in this sense, signifies the love of self, because this love is the opposite of love to the Lord. In this sense the east is named in Ezekiel (8:16); and in Isaiah (2:6). That the east signifies the Lord as to Divine Love, and consequently the good of love to Him, is still further evident from what has been stated above concerning the sun (n. 401), and concerning the morning (n. 176); for in the angelic heaven, the east is where the sun is situated; and since where the sun rises is the morning, and the Sun there is always in its rising, and never sets, therefore the morning also has a similar signification.


1. "Recline in the kingdom of God' = "accumbentes I regno Dei." Swedenborg renders "anaklino" by accumbo. The A.V. renders "to sit down"; the R.V. follows the A.V. but has "recline" in the margin. Accumbo = "to recline," is according to classical usage. It was the custom for guests "to recline" at the triclinium or table, and not to sit.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #401

Study this Passage

/ 1232  

401. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. That this signifies that all good of love was separated, and thence that all truth of faith was falsified, is plain from the signification of the sun, as denoting, in the highest sense, the Lord as to Divine love, and thence with man the good of love to the Lord from the Lord, of which we shall speak presently; from the signification of black as sackcloth of hair, as denoting separated; black being said of darkness, thus of what does not appear from any light. It is said, "as sackcloth of hair," because the Sensual of man is meant, which is the lowest part of the natural, and, consequently, around the interiors, in which it induces darkness. There are two minds in man, (a spiritual and a natural; the spiritual mind thinks and perceives from the light [luce] of heaven, but the natural mind thinks and perceives from the light [luce] of the world; from the latter, man has a light [lumen], which is called natural light [lumen]. It is the latter mind that is called the natural man, but the former is called the spiritual man. Because the natural mind is below or outside the spiritual mind, it is, consequently, also around it, for it encloses it on every side, therefore, it is called sackcloth of hair; for when the spiritual mind, which is the higher and more interior mind, is shut, then the natural mind, which is lower and more exterior, is in darkness as to all things of heaven and the church, for all the light possessed by the natural mind, and constituting the intelligence thereof, is from the light of his spiritual mind, which light is the light of heaven. The Sensual, which is the ultimate of the Natural, appears also as hairy in the light of heaven; hence it is that hair signifies the ultimate of the natural man, which is his Sensual (see n. 3301, 5247, 5569-5573).

[2] These things are mentioned in order that it may be known why it is said that the sun became black as sackcloth of hair; from the signification of the moon, as denoting spiritual truth, which is called the truth of faith, concerning which we shall treat presently; and from the signification of its becoming as blood, as denoting that truth was falsified; for blood, in the genuine sense, signifies Divine truth, and, in the opposite, violence offered to it, thus Divine truth falsified (that blood in the Word signifies these things, see above, n. 329); hence it is evident what the moon becoming as blood signifies. The reason why the sun signifies the Lord as to Divine love, and thence with man the good of love to the Lord from the Lord, and that the moon signifies spiritual truth, is, that the Lord in the heaven where the celestial angels are, appears as a Sun, and in the heaven where the spiritual angels are, as a moon. His appearance as a Sun is from His Divine love; for the Divine love appears as fire, whence the angels in the heavens have their heat; consequently, by celestial and spiritual fire, in the Word, is meant love. The Lord's appearance as a moon is from the light of that sun, for the moon derives her light (lumen) from that sun, and the light (lux) in heaven is Divine truth, consequently, by light in the Word is signified Divine truth. But concerning the sun and moon in the heavens, and concerning the heat and light thence, see what is shown in the work, Heaven and Hell 116-125, 126-140.

[3] That by sun in the Word is signified the Lord as to Divine love, and with man the good of love to the Lord, and by moon the Lord as to Divine truth spiritual, is plain from the following passages. In Matthew:

When Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John, "his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment became as the light" (17:1, 2).

Because the Lord was then seen in His Divine, as to His face He appeared as the Sun, and as to His raiment, as the light, for the face corresponds to love, and garments correspond to truths; and because the Divine love was in Him, therefore, His face shone as the sun, and because the Divine truth was from Him, therefore His raiment became as the light; the light also in heaven is the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as a Sun. (That the face, when said of the Lord, denotes love and every good, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 5585, 9306, 9546, 9888; and that raiment, when said of the Lord, signifies Divine truth, may be seen above, n. 64, 195.) The Lord appears in like manner in heaven before the angels, when He appears present to them, but then He appears outside the sun. Therefore He was also seen in like manner by John when he was in the spirit; as is clear in the Apocalypse, where it is said that

The face of the Son of Man "was seen as the sun shineth in his strength" (1:16).

That it was the Lord who was seen is evident (see above, n. 63).

[4] Similarly, when the Lord was seen by John as an angel, it is written,

"And I saw a strong angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow was around his head, and his face was as the sun" (Apoc. 10:1).

For by angels, in the Word, in its spiritual sense, are not meant angels, but something Divine from the Lord, because the Divine that appears from them is not of them, but of the Lord with them. Similarly, the Divine truth which they speak, and which is full of wisdom, they do not speak from themselves, but from the Lord; for they have been men, and men derive all wisdom and intelligence from the Lord. Hence it is evident that by an angel in the Word is meant the Lord, who also on this occasion appeared as a Sun. (That by an angel in the Word is meant something Divine from the Lord, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 1925, 2821, 3039, 4085, 6280, 8192; that on this account angels in the Word are called gods, n. 4295, 4402, 7268, 7873, 8301, 8192.

[5] Hence when the church was represented as a woman, the sun then appeared round about her; concerning which it is thus written in the Apocalypse:

"A great wonder was seen in heaven; a woman encompassed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars" (12:1).

That by the woman here is signified the church, will be seen in the explanation to be given in the following pages. (That a woman signifies the church may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 252, 253, 749, 770.) And because the church is from the Lord, therefore, she was seen encompassed with the sun. What is signified by the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars, will also be shown in that explanation.

[6] Hence it is said by David:

"The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, a morning without clouds, by clear shining after rain" (2 Sam. 23:3, 4).

By the God of Israel, and by the Rock of Israel, is here meant the Lord as to the church, and as to Divine truth therein; by the God of Israel, as to the church, and by the Rock of Israel, as to Divine truth therein; and because the Lord is the sun of the angelic heaven, and the Divine truth proceeding from Him is the light of that heaven, it is therefore said of the Divine that He spoke, which is Divine truth, as the light of the morning when the sun riseth; because this is pure, and proceeds from His Divine love, it is therefore added, "a morning without clouds, by clear shining after rain," for the shining of the light, or of the Divine truth proceeding from Him, is from the Divine love; after rain signifies after communication and reception, for its shining then is with angels and men to whom it is communicated, and by whom it is received. (That the Rock and the Stone of Israel denote the Lord as to Divine truth, may be seen, n. 6426, 8581, 10580; and that light denotes the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as a Sun, thus from His Divine love, in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 126-140.)

[7] Similarly it is said, in the book of Judges, respecting those who love Jehovah:

"Let them that love him be as the sun arising in his might" (5:31).

(That Jehovah, in the Word, denotes the Lord as to the Divine good of Divine love, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 1736, 2921, 3035, 5041, 6303, 6281, 8864, 9315, 9373, 10146.) Concerning those who love Him, it is said, "as the sun arising in his might," by which is signified the Lord's Divine love in them. Respecting them it is also said in Matthew that they shall shine as the sun:

"The just shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of my Father" (13:43).

In the Word, those are called just who love the Lord, that is, from love do His commandments; and they shine as to the face with an effulgence like that of the sun, because the Lord's Divine love is communicated to them and received by them, by virtue of which the Lord is in their midst, that is, in their interiors, which manifest themselves in the face. That those are called just who are in the good of love towards the Lord, may be seen above, n. 204.

[8] In David:

"His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in the clouds" (Psalms 89:36, 37).

These things are said concerning the Lord, and concerning His heaven and church, for by David, who is there treated of in the sense of the letter, is meant the Lord (as may be seen above, n. 205). By his seed which shall endure for ever, is signified the Divine truth, and those also are signified, who receive it. By his throne which [shall endure] as the sun before Me, are signified His heaven and church, which are in celestial good, which is the good of love. By the throne which shall be established for ever as the moon, is signified heaven and the church, which are in spiritual good, which is Divine truth. By a faithful witness in the clouds, is signified the Word in the sense of the letter, which is called a witness because it testifies, the clouds denoting the sense of the letter of the Word.

[9] In the same:

"They shall fear thee with the sun, and before the moon, a generation of generations. In his day shall the just flourish; and much peace until the moon is not. His name shall endure for ever, before the sun shall the name of the Son be held: and all nations shall be blest in him" (Psalms 72:5, 7, 17).

These things also are said of the Lord, for this Psalm treats of Him; and because the Lord appears in heaven to those who are in His celestial kingdom as a Sun, and to those who are in His spiritual kingdom as a moon, therefore it is said, "They shall fear thee with the sun, and before the moon, a generation of generations; that the just shall flourish in that day; and much peace until the moon is not," signifies, that those who are in love to the Lord, shall continue in truths from that good, because truths with those who are in the celestial kingdom, or who are in love to the Lord, are implanted in them, for those are called just who are in the good of love, and peace is said of that good. But that it may be known how this is to be understood, namely, until the moon is not, it shall be told. The light proceeding from the Lord as a Sun, differs from the light which proceeds from the Lord as a moon in the heavens, as much as the light of the sun in the world by day differs from the light of the moon in the world by night; similarly, the intelligence of those who are in the light of the sun of heaven, [differs] from the intelligence of those who are in the light of the moon there; therefore, those who are the light of the sun there, are in pure Divine truth; but those who are in the light of the moon there, are not in pure Divine truth, for they are in many falsities, which they have derived from not understanding the Word in the sense of the letter; these falsities still appear to them as truths. From these things it is evident that by "until the moon is not" is signified until there is [no] falsity with them, which appears as truth, but pure truth which makes one with the good of love. It should, however, be known that the falsities of those who are in the light of the moon in the heavens, are falsities in which there is no evil, and that, therefore, such [falsities] are accepted by the Lord as if they were truths (concerning which falsities, see the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 21). This, therefore, is what is signified by "until the moon is not," namely, with those who are meant by the just, in whom there is much peace. But, in the highest sense, by those words are meant the Lord as to His Divine Human, that this shall become the Divine good of the Divine love, therefore it is also added, "before the sun shall the name of the Son be held." By the Son is meant the Lord's Divine Human; and because by the nations are meant all those who are in good, or who receive the good of love from the Lord, it is therefore said, "and all nations shall be blessed in Him." That by nations are signified those who are in good, and by peoples those who are in truths, may be seen above, n. 331.

[10] In Isaiah:

"There shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every lofty hill, brooks and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers shall fall. And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days" (30:25, 26).

These things are said concerning the Last Judgment, which is meant by the day of the great slaughter, when the towers shall fall. By the towers which shall fall are meant those who are in evils and the falsities thence, specifically those who are in the love of ruling by the holy things of the church (as may be seen in the work concerning the Last Judgment 56, 58). That it shall then be granted to those who are in love to the Lord and in charity towards the neighbour, to understand truths, is signified by, "There shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every lofty hill, brooks and streams of waters." Those who are upon a high mountain, are those who are in the good of love to the Lord, a high mountain signifying that good; those who are upon a lofty hill, are those who are in the good of charity towards the neighbour, a hill signifying that good, brooks and streams of waters signifying intelligence from truths. That then there shall be truth in the Lord's spiritual kingdom, as there was formerly truth in the celestial kingdom, and that then the truth in the celestial kingdom shall become the good of love, is meant by, "The light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days"; for by light is meant the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord; by the light of the moon, the Divine truth in the spiritual kingdom, and by the light of the sun, the Divine truth in the celestial kingdom; by sevenfold is signified full and perfect, and truth is then full and perfect when it becomes good, or is good in form. It is evident that the sun and moon in the earths are not meant, but the sun and moon in the heavens. It should be known, that when the Last Judgment takes place, the Lord appears in the heavens in much greater effulgence and splendour than at other times, and this because the angels there must then be more powerfully defended; for lower things, with which the exteriors of the angels have communication, are in a state of disturbance. This is why, when the Last Judgment is here treated of, it is said, "The light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days"; and therefore it is also said that there shall then be brooks and streams of waters upon every high mountain, and upon every lofty hill, by which [is signified] abundance of intelligence with those who are upon the higher mountains and higher hills, for the lower mountains and hills are those upon which judgment takes place. (That the Lord appears to those who are in His celestial kingdom as a Sun, and to those who are in His spiritual kingdom as a moon, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 116-127; and that the light from them is the Divine truth, n. 127-140.)

[11] In the same:

"Thy sun shall no more go down, and thy moon shall not withdraw itself: for Jehovah shall be for a light of eternity unto thee, and the days of thy mourning shall be fulfilled" (60:20).

The Lord is here treated of, and the new heaven and the new earth, that is, the church to be established by Him. That the good of love to the Lord and the good of charity towards the neighbour should not perish with those who are in that church, is meant by, "Thy sun shall no more go down, and thy moon shall not withdraw itself"; for, to those who are in the good of love to Him, the Lord appears as a Sun, and to those who are in truths from the good of charity towards the neighbour, as a moon; hence by thy sun is signified the good of love to the Lord, and by thy moon the good of charity, which, in its essence, is truth from good. That they shall continue to eternity in truths from the good of love, and in truths from the good of charity, is meant by, "Jehovah shall be for a light of eternity unto thee, and the days of thy mourning shall be fulfilled." A light of eternity is said of those who are in the good of love to the Lord, and the fulfilling of the days of mourning, of those who are in the good of charity towards the neighbour, or in truths from good; for mourning, with those who belonged to the ancient churches, represented grief on account of the loss or destruction of truth and good; that they shall be fulfilled, signifies that they shall be ended, and so that they shall be in truths from good. From these things it is evident what is signified by the sun becoming as sackcloth of hair, and the moon becoming as blood, namely, that the good of love to the Lord is separated, and, consequently, truth is falsified.

[12] Things almost similar are signified in the following passages. In Isaiah:

"Behold, the day of Jehovah cometh, cruel with indignation and the wrath of anger, to lay the land waste; and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of the heavens and the constellations thereof shine not with their light; the sun shall be darkened in his rising, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. I will visit their wickedness upon the world, and upon the impious their iniquity" (13:9-11).

By the day of Jehovah, cruel with indignation and the wrath of anger, is signified the day of the Last Judgment; by the stars of the heavens and the constellations thereof not shining with their light, the sun being darkened in his rising, and the moon not making her light to shine, is signified, that the knowledges (cognitions) of good and truth have perished, also the good of love to the Lord, and the good of charity towards the neighbour, and consequently, the truth which is called the truth of faith; for by stars are signified the knowledges of good; by constellations, the knowledges of truth; by the sun, the good of love to the Lord; and by the moon, the good of charity towards the neighbour, which, in its essence, is truth from good, and is called the truth of faith. The sun is said to be darkened in his rising, and the moon not to make her light to shine; not that the sun and moon in the angelic heavens are darkened, for the sun there is always in its effulgence, and the moon in its splendour; but before those who were in evils and the falsities thence, goods and truths are thus [obscured]; therefore it is thus said according to the appearance, for those who are in evils and the falsities thence, turn themselves away from the good of love and charity, consequently, from the Lord, and then they will nothing but evil, and think nothing but falsity, and those who will and think nothing else, see nothing but thick darkness and darkness (caliginem et tenebras) in the things that pertain to heaven and the church. Because such persons are meant, with whom the sun is darkened and the moon does not make her light to shine, therefore it is said, "to lay the land waste, and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it," and afterwards, "I will visit their wickedness upon the world, and their iniquity upon the impious." By the land and the world is signified the church; by laying it waste, is signified that there is no longer any good; and by visiting upon the world their wickedness, and upon the impious their iniquity, is signified the Last Judgment.

[13] In Ezekiel:

"When I shall extinguish thee, I will cover the heavens, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. All the luminaries of light in the heavens will I make dark over thee, and set darkness upon thy land" (32:7, 8).

These things are said concerning Pharaoh king of Egypt, by whom the natural man separate from the spiritual is there signified. This, when separated, is entirely in thick darkness and in darkness as to all things of heaven and the church, and as far as it is separated it denies them; for the natural man sees nothing in such things from itself, but through the spiritual man from the Lord, for the natural man is in the heat and light of the world, whereas the spiritual is only in the heat and light of heaven. From these things it is evident what is meant by the details here, namely, that by, "When I shall extinguish thee, I will cover the heavens," are signified the interiors, which are in the light of heaven; by, "I will make the stars thereof dark," are signified the knowledges of good and truth; by, "I will cover the sun with a cloud," is signified the good of love to the Lord; by, "the moon shall not cause her light to shine," is signified the good of charity towards the neighbour and the truth of faith thence; by, "All the luminaries of light will I make dark over thee," are signified all truths; and by, "I will set darkness upon thy land," are signified falsities.

[14] In Joel:

The day of Jehovah cometh. A day of darkness and of thick darkness, a day of cloud and obscurity. Before him the earth is moved; the sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining (2:1, 2, 10).

In the same:

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah cometh" (2:31).

In the same:

"The day of Jehovah is near in the valley cut off. The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars have withdrawn their shining" (3:14, 15).

In the Evangelists:

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven" (Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24, 25).

In the Apocalypse:

"The fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; and the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise" (8:12).

And elsewhere:

"There arose a smoke out of the pit of the abyss, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke" (9:2).

That in these passages, by the sun and the moon being darkened (tenebratos) is meant that there were no longer any good and truth, is plain from what has been said above; therefore they are no further explained.

[15] Because such things are signified by the sun being darkened, therefore the sun was darkened when the Lord was upon the cross, because He was entirely rejected by the church, which was then among the Jews, and they were, consequently, in dense darkness or in falsities. Concerning this [it is] thus [written] in Luke:

"At the sixth hour darkness came over all the land until the ninth hour, for the sun was darkened" (23:44, 45).

This was done for a sign and a token that the Lord was denied, and that hence there was no good and truth among those who belonged to the church; for all signs from the heavens, among them, represented and signified such things as pertain to the church, because the church with them was a representative church, or consisted of such things in externals as represented, and thence signified, the internal things of the church. That darkness came over the whole land, signified that, with those who belonged to the church, there was nothing but falsities of evil, the whole land denoting the whole church, and darkness signifying falsities. That it continued for three hours, namely, from the sixth to the ninth hour, signified that [there remained] utter falsity, and no truth whatever; for the number three signifies full, whole, and entirely, and six and nine signify all things in the aggregate, here falsities and evils. And inasmuch as falsities and evils were with them because the Lord was denied, it is therefore said, and darkness came, and the sun was darkened. By the sun which was obscured the Lord is meant, who is said to be obscured when falsities so prevail in the church that He is not acknowledged, and evils so [prevail] that He is crucified. (That all things in general and particular recorded in the Word concerning the Lord's passion, are significative, may be seen above, n. 64, 83, 195 at the end.)

[16] In Micah:

"Jehovah said against the prophets that seduce the people, Night shall be unto you, instead of a vision; and darkness shall rise upon you, instead of divination; and the sun shall set over the prophets, and the day shall grow black over them" (3:5, 6).

What these words signify in the spiritual sense, may be seen above (n. 372), where they are explained.

In Amos:

"It shall come to pass in that day, that I will cause the sun to set at mid-day, and I will darken the earth in the day of light" (8:9).

By these words is signified that in the church, where the Word is, from which good and truth can be known, there is nevertheless nothing but evil and falsity. To cause the sun to set, and to darken the earth, signify evil of the life, and falsity of doctrine in the church; for by the rising of the sun is signified the good of love, which is the good of life, and by the setting of the sun is signified evil of the love, which is evil of the life; and by the darkening of the earth is signified the falsity of doctrine thence, darkness signifying falsities, and the earth the church. By, at mid-day, and, in the day of light, is signified, when knowledges of good and truth may be there, because they have the Word; mid-day signifying, where there are knowledges of good, and the day of light, where there are knowledges of truth. That they are from the Word is, because the latter are said of the church where the Word is.

[17] In Habakkuk:

"The mountains were moved; the overflowing of the waters passed by. The sun and moon stood in [their] place; for light thine arrows go forth, for splendour the lightning of thy spear" (3:10, 11).

In this chapter the Lord's advent and the Last Judgment then [accomplished] by Him, are treated of. By the mountains being moved, and the overflowing of the waters passing by, is signified that those are rejected who are in the love of self and of the world, through the falsities of evil into which they are let. Mountains signify the loves of self and of the world; and the overflowing of the waters signifies immersion in the falsities thence; waters denoting falsities, and overflowing denoting immersion. That genuine truths and goods do not then appear to them, but instead thereof imaginary truths and goods, which in themselves are falsities and evils, is signified by, "for light thine arrows go forth, for splendour the lightning of [thy] spear"; arrows or lightnings (fulgura) signifying imaginary truths, which in themselves are falsities, and the lightning (fulmen) of the spear signifying imaginary goods, which in themselves are evils of falsity. For such signs appear in the spiritual world, with those who are in falsities from the loves of self and the world, when the Last Judgment takes place, and such are rejected.

[18] Because in this prophet it is said, "The sun and moon stood still in their place," it shall also be explained what is signified by the sun resting in Gibeon, and the moon in the valley of Ajalon; concerning which it is thus written in Joshua:

"Then spake Joshua to Jehovah, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, rest thou in Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun rested, and the moon stayed, until the nation was avenged upon its enemies. Is not this written in the book of the Upright (Recti)? And the sun stood in the midst of the heaven, neither hasted to go down about a whole day" (10:12, 13).

That it is said that the sun stood in Gibeon, and the moon in the valley of Ajalon, signified that the church was entirely vastated as to all good and truth; for [a battle] was then fought against the king of Jerusalem and the kings of the Amorites; and by the king of Jerusalem is signified the truth of the church entirely vastated by falsities, and by the kings of the Amorites is signified the good of the church vastated by evils; therefore those kings were smitten with hailstones, by which were signified the dire falsities of evil. It is said that the sun rested and the moon stayed in [their] place, namely, before the sons of Israel, that they might see their enemies; but this is prophetical, although it is historically related, as is evident from the fact of its being said, "Is not this written in the book of the Upright?" which was a prophetical book from which they were taken; therefore from the same book it is also said, "Until the nation was avenged upon its enemies," and not, "Until the sons of Israel were avenged upon their enemies," nation being used prophetically. The same is also evident from this, that this miracle, if it had thus taken place, would have inverted the whole order of the world; the rest of the miracles in the Word would not do this. In order, therefore, that it might be known that this was said prophetically, it is added, "Is not this written in the book of the Upright? But nevertheless, that there was a light given to them from heaven, as the light of the sun in Gibeon, and as the light of the moon in the valley of Ajalon, is not to be doubted.

[19] In Jeremiah:

"She that hath borne seven shall languish; she shall breathe out her soul; her sun shall set while it is yet day; it shall be ashamed and blush; and the remains of them will I deliver to the sword before their enemies" (15:9).

By, "She that hath borne seven shall languish; she shall breathe out her soul," is signified the church to which the Word and thereby all truths are given. To bear seven denotes, to be gifted with all the truths of the church, as in the first book of Samuel (2:5), as may be seen above (n. 257). By, "her sun shall set while it is yet day," is signified that the good of the church would perish, although it possessed the Word, and by it might have been in light. "It shall be ashamed and blush" - that is, the sun - signifies because good and truth are not received, but evil and falsity, as is also evident from the passage immediately following from Isaiah. "The remains of them will I deliver to the sword before their enemies," signifies that all the remaining good and truth shall perish by falsity from evil, remains denoting all that is left; to be delivered to the sword denoting, to perish by falsities; [and] enemies denoting evils.

[20] In Isaiah:

"Jehovah will visit upon the host of the height in the height, and upon the kings of the earth upon the earth. Then the moon shall blush, and the sun be ashamed" (24:21, 23).

To visit signifies to destroy, because visitation precedes judgment, when those who are in evils and the falsities thence are destroyed. By the host of the height in the height are signified all the evils from the love of self. By the host are signified all evils; by the kings of the earth, falsities of every kind; and by the earth, the church. It is hence evident what is signified by, "Jehovah will visit upon the host of the height in the height, and upon the kings of the earth upon the earth." The reason why it is said, upon the host of the height in the height, is, that those who are in the love of self, in the spiritual world seek high places. By, "Then the moon shall blush, and the sun be ashamed," is signified that there is no longer any reception of Divine truth and Divine good, the moon and the sun signifying the truth of faith and the good of love, which are said to blush and be ashamed when they are no longer received, but instead thereof falsity and evil.

[21] In David:

"Jehovah, who made the heavens by his intelligence, hath stretched out the earth upon the waters. He hath made great luminaries; the sun to rule by day; the moon and stars to rule by night. He hath smitten Egypt in their first-born; and hath brought out Israel from their midst" (Psalms 136:5-11).

He who knows nothing of the spiritual sense of the Word, must hold that these words involve nothing but what appears in the sense of the letter; but yet each particular involves such things as relate to angelic wisdom, these being all things Divine, celestial, and spiritual. The new creation or regeneration of the men of the church, of whom the church [is formed] is thereby described. By the heavens which [Jehovah] hath made by His intelligence, are signified the internal things of the men of the church, which, in one expression, are called the spiritual man, where intelligence resides, and where their heaven is. By the earth which He hath stretched out upon the waters, is signified the external of the church, which, in one expression, is called the natural man. It is here said to be stretched out upon the waters, because therein are the truths by which he is regenerated, waters denoting truths. By the great luminaries, the sun, the moon, and the stars, are signified the good of love, the truth from that good, and the knowledges of good and truth - by the sun, the good of love; by the moon, the truth from that good; and by the stars, the knowledges (cognitions) of good and truth. The reason why it is said that the sun was made to rule by day, is that the day signifies the light of the spiritual man, for it has enlightenment and perception from the good of love; and the reason why it is said that the moon and the stars were made to rule by night, is that the night signifies the light of the natural man, for the light of this is to the light of the spiritual man, comparatively as the light of the night from the moon and the stars, to the light of the day from the sun. Because the regeneration of the men of the church is treated of, it also follows, "He hath smitten Egypt in their first-born; and brought out Israel from their midst," for by Egypt is signified the natural man, such as he is from birth, namely, in absolute falsities from evil; the first-born thereof denote primary things, and the destruction of these while man is being regenerated, is meant by, "He hath smitten Egypt in their first-born." By Israel is signified the spiritual man, and by bringing him out from their midst, is signified to open, and thus to regenerate it; for the man of the church is regenerated from the Lord by the dissipation of the falsities from evils, in the natural man, and by the opening of the spiritual man, which is effected from the Lord by means of spiritual light, which is Divine truth.

[22] Similar things are signified by these words in Genesis:

"God made two great luminaries; the great luminary to rule by day, and the lesser luminary to rule by night, and the stars" (1:16).

The subject treated of in this chapter is the new creation or the regeneration of the men of whom the Most Ancient Church [was constituted], which is described in the sense of the letter, by the creation of heaven and earth. Similar things also are signified by these words in Jeremiah:

"Thus said the Lord Jehovih, who giveth the sun for the light of the day, and the ordinances of the moon and the stars for the light of the night" (31:35).

By the ordinances of the moon and the stars, are signified all things that are effected in the natural man according to the laws of order.

[23] In David:

"Praise ye Jehovah, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts; praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all ye stars of light; praise him, ye heaven of heavens" ([Ps.] 148:1-4).

By praising Jehovah is signified to worship Him. By the angels are signified those who are in Divine truths from the good of love, for such are angels. By all the hosts are signified goods and truths in their whole compass. By the sun and moon are signified the good of love and the truth from that good. By the stars of light are signified the knowledges of truth from good. By the heavens of heavens are signified goods and truths both internal and external. Because man worships the Lord from those things that he has from the Lord, thus from the goods and truths which he has, and because man also is a man from them, it is therefore said to them, namely, to the sun, moon, and stars, by which are signified goods and truths, that they shall praise, that is, worship Jehovah. Who does not know that the sun, moon, and stars do not praise, that is, worship?

[24] In Moses:

Of Joseph he said, blessed of Jehovah be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, for the deep that also lieth beneath, and for the precious things of the produce of the sun, and for the precious things brought forth of the months" (Deuteronomy 33:13, 14).

These words [occur] in the blessing of the children of Israel by Moses; because by Joseph are meant the Spiritual-Celestial, who are those who are the highest in the spiritual kingdom, and thence communicate first of all with those who are in the Lord's celestial kingdom. By his land is signified that spiritual kingdom, also the church formed of those. By the precious things of heaven, the dew, and the deep that also lieth beneath, are signified things spiritual-celestial in the internal and external man. By the precious things of the produce of the sun, and the precious things brought forth of the months, are signified all things that proceed from the Lord's celestial kingdom, and all things that proceed from His spiritual kingdom, thus the goods and truths thence. For by the sun is signified the good of love to the Lord from the Lord, which is the good those possess who are in the Lord's celestial kingdom; by the produce thereof are signified all the things that proceed thence. By the things brought forth of the months, are signified all the things that proceed from the Lord's spiritual kingdom; here months signify the same things as [are stated] of the moon, namely, truths from good, for the same word is used for both in the original tongue. But he who knows nothing of the two kingdoms of heaven, the celestial and the spiritual, and of their conjunction by intermediates, will be in obscurity respecting those things that have now been said. (But respecting those kingdoms and respecting the intermediates, see what is adduced in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 20-28.)

[25] In Isaiah:

"I will make thy suns a ruby, and thy gates into stones of carbuncle, and all thy border into stones of desire" (54:12).

These things are said of the Gentiles outside the church, from whom a new church was to be established by the Lord. By, "I will make thy suns a ruby," is signified, that goods [shall be] brilliant from the fire of love, suns there denoting the goods of love, and the ruby denoting a brilliance as from fire. By, "I will make thy gates into stones of carbuncle," is signified, that truths [shall be] resplendent from good, gates denoting the introductory truths, specifically the doctrinals that are from good. For all genuine truths of doctrine proceed from good, and are goods; and carbuncle stones signify their brightness from good, all precious stones signifying truths from good, [and] the colour, brightness, and fire thereof, indicating the quality of truth from good. By, "I will make all their border into stones of desire," is signified, that the scientific truths which pertain to the natural man, shall be pleasant and delightful from good; for by a border is meant the same as by a foundation, and this is the natural man, because in the things there the goods and truths of the spiritual man are terminated, and stones of desire denote truths pleasant and delightful from good. By these are meant the goods and truths of the Word which those have who belong to the New Church, [and] which will be of such a nature. That the sun signifies the good of love, is also evident from the fact of their being called suns in the plural number.

[26] In Job:

"If I rejoiced that my wealth was great, and that my hand had found much; if I beheld the light that it shone, and the moon that it walked clearly; and my heart hath secretly misled itself, and my hand hath kissed my mouth" (31:25-28).

By these words in the spiritual sense is meant that he had not acquired to himself intelligence from the proprium, and that he had taken no merit to himself, nor gloried in it; for, "If I rejoiced that my wealth was great, and that my hand had found much," signifies, had he gloried that he had intelligence, and that he had acquired it to himself from the proprium? wealth denoting the knowledges of good and truth, by which intelligence [is attained]; and "that my hand had found much," denoting what he acquired from the proprium. "If I beheld the light that it shone, and the moon that it walked clearly," signifies the spiritual truths that constitute intelligence; the sun and the moon signifying spiritual truths. "And my heart hath secretly misled itself, and my hand hath kissed my mouth," signifies, have I thence gloried inwardly? and have I claimed them to myself?

[27] In Matthew:

"That ye may be the sons of your Father which is in the heavens; for he maketh his sun to arise upon the evil and the good, and sendeth rain upon the just and the unjust" (5:45).

Charity towards the neighbour is here treated of, as is evident from what precedes and follows here, and specifically concerning the Jews, who accounted the Gentiles as enemies, and their own [countrymen] as friends. That they ought to love the former just as with the latter, is illustrated by the Lord by this comparison. But because all comparisons in the Word are from correspondences, and thence signify, as do other things that are not said comparatively, therefore this comparison also [corresponds]; and by, the Father in the heavens maketh His sun to rise upon the evil and the good, and sendeth rain upon the just and the unjust, is signified that the Lord flows in from heaven with the Divine good of love and with the Divine truth, equally with those who are outside the Jewish Church, as with those who are within it, the sun also there signifying the good of love, and the rain the Divine truth. The evil and the unjust signify, in the internal sense, those who belonged to the Jewish Church, because they did not receive; and the good and the just signify those who were outside that church, and did receive. In general, all the evil and good, and the just and unjust, are those who are here meant, for the Lord flows in with good and truth equally with all, but all do not equally receive.

[28] Because the sun signifies the Lord as to Divine love, therefore He is called the Sun of justice in Malachi ( 3:20); and a Sun and Shield in David (Psalms 84:11). Because the sun signifies the good of love to the Lord with man, hence [by], from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof, are signified all those who are in the good of love to the Lord, from the first to the last, from the rising of the sun [denoting] from the first, and to the going down of the sun [denoting] to the last, as in the following passages. In Malachi:

"From the rising of the sun even unto the going down [thereof], my name shall be great among the nations" (1:11).

In David:

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down [thereof], the name of Jehovah [is to be] praised" (Psalms 113:3).

In the same:

"God, Jehovah God, speaketh, and shall call the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof" (50:1).

In Isaiah:

That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the setting, that there is none beside me (45:6).

In the same:

From the setting of the sun shall they fear the name of Jehovah (Ex. 19).

In the same:

"I will stir up [one] that shall come from the north, and [one] that shall invoke my name from the rising of the sun" (41:25).

The reason why, from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof, signifies all those, from the first to the last, who are in the good of love to the Lord, is that all dwell in heaven according to quarters. Those who are in the good of love to the Lord dwell from the east to the west; in the east, those who are in the clear good of love, and in the west those who are in the obscure good of love. Hence it is that, from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof, are signified all those from the first to the last who are in the good of love. Its being said in Isaiah, I will stir up [one] that shall come from the north and from the rising of the sun, signifies those who are outside the church and those who are within it. For the north signifies an obscurity of truth, thus those who are outside the church, because they are in obscurity as to truths, since they have not the Word, and, consequently, know nothing concerning the Lord; and the rising of the sun signifies those who are within the church, because they have the Word in which the Lord is always present, and so in His rising. (That by the east, or the rising of the sun, and by the west, or the setting of the sun, is meant the good of love in clearness, and the good of love in obscurity, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 141, 148-150); and that by the north is meant truth in obscurity, in the same chapter (n. 148-150), for there the four quarters in the spiritual world are treated of.) By the setting of the sun is also signified the state of the church when it is in ignorance, which is its first state; and by the rising of the sun is signified its state when it is in light. By the setting of the sun is also signified the state of the church when it is in evils and the falsities thence; and by the rising of the sun, when it is in goods and the truths thence.

[29] The first state of the church, when it is still in ignorance, is signified by the commencement of the passover in the evening when the sun was set; according to these words of Moses:

"Thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even, at the going down of the sun, at the stated time of thy going forth out of Egypt" (Deuteronomy 16:6).

For by the feast of the passover was signified the celebration of the Lord on account of deliverance from damnation, which is effected by regeneration, and, in the highest sense, the remembrance of the glorification of the Lord's Human, because thence is deliverance (as may be seen, n. 7093, 7867, 9286-9295, 10655). And because the first state of regeneration is a state of ignorance, therefore that feast commenced in the evening, when the sun was going down. That state is also signified by the departure of the sons of Israel from Egypt; for in Egypt they were in a servile state, and thence in a state of ignorance, therefore it is said, "at the stated time of the going forth out of Egypt."

[30] The last state of the church, which is when the church is in falsities and evils, which is its last state, is signified by the going down of the sun, in Moses:

"When the sun was about to go down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, a terror and great darkness fell upon him. At length, when the sun had set, and it was dark, behold, a furnace of smoke, and a torch of fire that passed through between those pieces" (Genesis 15:12, 17).

These things are said of the posterity of Abram from Jacob, or of the Israelitish and Jewish nation; and by, "When the sun was about to go down," and by, "At length, when the sun was set," is signified the last state of the church in that nation, that they were in absolute falsities and evils. The great darkness and the furnace of smoke, signify falsities from evil; and the torch of fire signifies the dire love of self, from which their evils and falsities [proceeded].

[31] As most things in the Word also have an opposite sense, so also have the sun and moon, and, in that sense, the sun signifies the love of self, and the moon, the falsities thence. The reason why such things are signified by the sun and moon is, that those who are in a natural, and not in a spiritual idea, do not think beyond nature, and hence when they see that from those two luminaries, or from their light and heat, all things arise upon the earth, and, as it were, live, they suppose that they are the rulers of the universe; they do not elevate their thoughts higher. This is the case with all those who are in the love of self, and thence in evils and falsities, for such are merely natural and sensual men, and the merely natural and sensual man does not think beyond nature, for what he does not see and touch, he believes to be nothing. The ancients, with whom all things of the church consisted of representatives of spiritual things in natural, and with whom, therefore, the sun signified the Lord as to Divine good, and the moon Him as to Divine truth, and who therefore in worship turned their faces to the rising of the sun-those among them who were in the love of self, and thence were merely natural and sensual, began to worship, as their chief gods, the sun and the moon which they saw with their eyes. And because they alone did this, or persuaded others who were in the love of self, and thence in evils and falsities, to do it, therefore, by the sun is signified the love of self, and by the moon the falsity thence. This is still more evident from those spirits in the other life who had been of such a quality in the world; these avert the face from the Lord, and turn it to certain dark objects (caliginosum et tenebricosum) there, which are in place of the sun and moon of the world, from opposition to the sun and moon of the angelic heaven (concerning which more may be seen in the work concerningHeaven and Hell 122, 123). By such persons was the worship of the sun and moon instituted in ancient times, when all Divine worship was representative. But at this day, representatives having ceased, the worship of the sun and moon does not exist in the Christian world, but instead thereof the worship of self, which exists with those in whom the love of ruling predominates. Hence it is now clear what is signified by the sun and moon in the opposite sense.

[32] That in ancient times they worshipped the sun and moon, is manifest from the Gentiles, who dedicated shrines to them, of which [there are records] in many histories; that the Egyptians also, as well as the Jews and Israelites, [worshipped the sun and moon] is plain from the Word. That the Egyptians [did so may be seen] in Jeremiah:

The king of Babylon "shall come, and shall smite the land of Egypt, and shall break in pieces the statues of the house of the sun, in the land of Egypt" (43:11, 13).

That the Jews and Israelites also [did so, may be seen] in Ezekiel:

I beheld "their faces towards the east; and they bowed themselves towards the rising of the sun" (8:16).

The abominations of Jerusalem are here treated of. In the second book of Kings:

Josiah the king "put down the idolatrous priests, who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, the moon, and to the stars, and to all the host of the heavens. He furthermore took away the horses that the kings of Judah had set up to the sun, at the entering in of the house of Jehovah, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire" (23:5, 11).

In Jeremiah:

"They shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, the bones of his princes, and the bones of his priests, and the bones of his prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and they shall spread them to the sun and the moon and all the host of the heavens, whom they have loved, and whom they have served" (8:1, 2).

And also 44:17-19, 25; Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3, 5).

[33] Because by Moab in the Word are signified those who are in the life of falsity from the love of self; and as by their worship [is signified] the worship of self, therefore, when the Israelitish people approached the worship of the Moabitish people, it was commanded that the heads of the people should be hung up before the sun; concerning which circumstance it is thus written in Moses:

"The daughters of Moab called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods; and the people did eat, and bowed themselves down unto their gods. Especially did Israel join himself unto Baalpeor; wherefore Jehovah said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the sun" (Num. 25:1-4).

That Moab signifies those who are in the life of falsity from the love of self, and who thence adulterate the goods of the church, may be seen, n. 2468, 8315.

[34] Hence also it is clear that the sun of the world signifies the love of self. Because the love of self lets man into his proprium, and keeps him therein, for man's proprium looks to himself continually, and is nothing but evil, and from evil every falsity exists, therefore by the heat of the sun is signified adulterated truth, which in its essence is the falsity of evil. This is signified by the heat of the sun in the following passages. In the Apocalypse

"The fourth angel poured out his vial into the sun; and it was given unto him to scorch men with fire" (16:8).

And elsewhere:

"They shall hunger no more, neither shall the sun light upon them, nor any heat" (7:16).

In David:

"The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. Jehovah shall guard thee from all evil; he shall guard thy soul" (Psalms 121:6, 7).

By the sun is here meant the love of self, and by the moon the falsity thence; because all evil is from that love, and from that [all] falsity, therefore it is said, "Jehovah shall guard thee from all evil, and he shall guard thy soul," the soul signifying the life of truth.

[35] In Matthew:

"Other seeds fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth; and when the sun was risen they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away" (13:5, 6; Mark 4:5, 6).

By the seeds are signified truths from the Word, or those which man receives from the Lord, for it is afterwards said, that it is the Son of Man that soweth. By stony places is signified an historical faith, which is the faith of another in man, for he believes it to be true, not because he sees it in himself, but because another, in whom he trusts, has said it. By ground is signified spiritual good, because this receives truths, as ground does seeds. By the sun being risen is signified the love of self; and by the seed being scorched and withering away, are signified to adulterate and to perish. Hence it is clear what is signified by these words of the Lord in a series, namely, that the truths implanted from infancy from the Word or from preaching, when man begins to think from himself, are adulterated and perish by lusts from the love of self. All things, indeed, in the Word, are truths, but they are adulterated by the ideas of the thought concerning them, and their application, whence truths, with such, are not truths except as to the utterance of them only. The reason why this is so, is that all the life of truth is from spiritual good, and spiritual good resides in the higher or interior mind, which is called the spiritual mind. This mind cannot be opened with those who are in the love of self, for they look to themselves in everything. If they raise their eyes to heaven, still the thought of their spirit dwells on self, and, consequently, from the fire of its own glory, it excites things sensual, external, and corporeal, which have been taught from childhood to imitate such affections as pertain to the spiritual man.

[36] It is written in Jonah that the gourd, which came up over him, withered away, and that the sun smote his head so that he fell sick; these words, because they are not intelligible without the internal sense, shall be explained in a few words. Of these things, it is thus written in Jonah:

"Jehovah prepared a gourd, which came up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to turn away his evil, and Jonah rejoiced over the gourd. And God prepared a worm, when the morning rose the next day, which smote the gourd that it withered. It further came to pass, when the sun arose, that God prepared a drying east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, and he was sick, whence he wished that his soul might die. Then God said to Jonah, Is it just for thee to be angry over the gourd? He said, It is just for me to be angry, even unto death. Jehovah said, Thou hast had pity upon the gourd, for which thou hast not laboured; thou hast not done what is perfect, because thou wast made a son of night, and a son of night perisheth; shall not I have pity upon Nineveh, a great city, in which are more than twelve thousand of men?" (4:6-11).

By these things is described the character of the Jewish nation, that they are in the love of self and the falsities thence. Jonah belonged to that nation, and therefore was sent to Nineveh; for the Jewish nation possessed the Word, whence they were able to teach those who were outside the church, and are called Gentiles; these are signified by Nineveh. Because the Jews were, more than others, in the love of self and in the falsities from that love, they wished well to none but themselves, consequently not to the Gentiles, but hated them; and because that nation was of such a quality, and Jonah represented it, therefore, he was very angry that Jehovah should spare Nineveh, for it is said,

"Jonah was sick with a great sickness, so that he was angry, and from the sickness of anger he said, Take, O Jehovah, my soul from me; for my death is better than my life" (verses 1, 3).

This evil in that nation is signified by the gourd, which the worm smote, so that it withered away. By the sun which beat upon the head of Jonah, is signified the love of self, which prevailed in that nation; and by the drying east wind, the falsity thence; and by the worm which smote the gourd, is signified the destruction of evil and the falsity thence. That this is signified by the gourd, is evident from these things in this description, that Jonah at first rejoiced over the gourd, and that after the gourd was smitten by the worm and withered, that he was angry for it, even unto death, and also from its being said, that he had pity upon the gourd. That the Jewish nation, because in love of such a kind, and in the falsity of such a kind thence, was liable to damnation, is meant by these words to Jonah, thou hast not done what is perfect, because thou wast made a son of night, and a son of night perisheth. (That the Jewish nation was of such a quality, may be seen in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248.)

[37] The reason that the love of self is signified here and in the preceding passages, is, that by the sun, in the genuine spiritual sense, is signified love to the Lord, and to this love the love of self is opposed. The Lord's Divine love, also, which is present with every one, is turned into the love of self with the evil. For everything that flows into a recipient subject is changed into what agrees with its own nature; as the pure heat of the sun is turned into an offensive smell in subjects of such a nature and the pure light of the sun, into hideous colours in objects of such reception; hence it is that by the sun which beat upon the head of Jonah, is signified the love of self, in himself. And also in Matthew, by the risen sun, by which the seeds upon the stony places were scorched.

[38] In the Apocalypse:

"The city" New Jerusalem "has no need of the sun and moon, to shine in it; for the glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the lamp thereof" (21:23; 22:5).

By the sun here, of which the city New Jerusalem will have no need, is signified natural love, which, viewed in itself, is the love of self and the world; and by the moon is signified natural light, for natural light viewed in itself is from natural love, and the quality of the light is according to the quality of the love; but spiritual love and spiritual light are signified by, the glory of God shall lighten it, and the Lamb is the lamp thereof.

[39] That such is the meaning of these words, is quite clear from these words in Isaiah:

"The sun shall be no more a light to thee by day; and in shining the moon shall not give light to thee; but Jehovah shall be unto thee for a light of eternity, and thy God for thy glory. Thy sun shall no more go down, and thy moon shall not withdraw itself; for Jehovah shall be unto thee for a light of eternity, and the days of thy mourning shall be fulfilled" (Isaiah 60:19, 20).

Similar things are signified by the sun and moon in a former passage adduced above in the Apocalypse, namely, by the sun [is signified] merely natural love, and by the moon, the natural light thence. But by the sun and the moon in the last passage are meant the sun and moon of the angelic heaven, and by that sun is signified the Lord's Divine love, and by the moon the Divine truth, as explained above. For it is first said, "The sun shall be no more a light to thee by day, and in shining the moon shall not give light to thee"; and afterwards it is said, "Thy sun shall no more go down; and thy moon shall not withdraw itself." From these things it is now clear what the sun and the moon signify in both senses.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.