The Bible


Lamentations 2



1 Eh quoi! le Seigneur, dans sa colère, a couvert de nuages la fille de Sion! Il a précipité du ciel sur la terre la magnificence d'Israël! Il ne s'est pas souvenu de son marchepied, Au jour de sa colère!

2 Le Seigneur a détruit sans pitié toutes les demeures de Jacob; Il a, dans sa fureur, renversé les forteresses de la fille de Juda, Il les a fait rouler à terre; Il a profané le royaume et ses chefs.

3 Il a, dans son ardente colère, abattu toute la force d'Israël; Il a retiré sa droite en présence de l'ennemi; Il a allumé dans Jacob des flammes de feu, Qui dévorent de tous côtés.

4 Il a tendu son arc comme un ennemi; Sa droite s'est dressée comme celle d'un assaillant; Il a fait périr tout ce qui plaisait aux regards; Il a répandu sa fureur comme un feu sur la tente de la fille de Sion.

5 Le Seigneur a été comme un ennemi; Il a dévoré Israël, il a dévoré tous ses palais, Il a détruit ses forteresses; Il a rempli la fille de Juda de plaintes et de gémissements.

6 Il a dévasté sa tente comme un jardin, Il a détruit le lieu de son assemblée; L'Eternel a fait oublier en Sion les fêtes et le sabbat, Et, dans sa violente colère, il a rejeté le roi et le sacrificateur.

7 Le Seigneur a dédaigné son autel, repoussé son sanctuaire; Il a livré entre les mains de l'ennemi les murs des palais de Sion; Les cris ont retenti dans la maison de l'Eternel, Comme en un jour de fête.

8 L'Eternel avait résolu de détruire les murs de la fille de Sion; Il a tendu le cordeau, il n'a pas retiré sa main sans les avoir anéantis; Il a plongé dans le deuil rempart et murailles, Qui n'offrent plus ensemble qu'une triste ruine.

9 Ses portes sont enfoncées dans la terre; Il en a détruit, rompu les barres. Son roi et ses chefs sont parmi les nations; il n'y a plus de loi. Même les prophètes ne reçoivent aucune vision de l'Eternel.

10 Les anciens de la fille de Sion sont assis à terre, ils sont muets; Ils ont couvert leur tête de poussière, Ils se sont revêtus de sacs; Les vierges de Jérusalem laissent retomber leur tête vers la terre.

11 Mes yeux se consument dans les larmes, mes entrailles bouillonnent, Ma bile se répand sur la terre, A cause du désastre de la fille de mon peuple, Des enfants et des nourrissons en défaillance dans les rues de la ville.

12 Ils disaient à leurs mères: Où y a-t-il du blé et du vin? Et ils tombaient comme des blessés dans les rues de la ville, Ils rendaient l'âme sur le sein de leurs mères.

13 Que dois-je te dire? à quoi te comparer, fille de Jérusalem? Qui trouver de semblable à toi, et quelle consolation te donner, Vierge, fille de Sion? Car ta plaie est grande comme la mer: qui pourra te guérir?

14 Tes prophètes ont eu pour toi des visions vaines et fausses; Ils n'ont pas mis à nu ton iniquité, Afin de détourner de toi la captivité; Ils t'ont donné des oracles mensongers et trompeurs.

15 Tous les passants battent des mains sur toi, Ils sifflent, ils secouent la tête contre la fille de Jérusalem: Est-ce là cette ville qu'on appelait une beauté parfaite, La joie de toute la terre?

16 Tous tes ennemis ouvrent la bouche contre toi, Ils sifflent, ils grincent des dents, Ils disent: Nous l'avons engloutie! C'est bien le jour que nous attendions, nous l'avons atteint, nous le voyons!

17 L'Eternel a exécuté ce qu'il avait résolu, Il a accompli la parole qu'il avait dès longtemps arrêtée, Il a détruit sans pitié; Il a fait de toi la joie de l'ennemi, Il a relevé la force de tes oppresseurs.

18 Leur coeur crie vers le Seigneur... Mur de la fille de Sion, répands jour et nuit des torrents de larmes! Ne te donne aucun relâche, Et que ton oeil n'ait point de repos!

19 Lève-toi, pousse des gémissements à l'entrée des veilles de la nuit! Répands ton coeur comme de l'eau, en présence du Seigneur! Lève tes mains vers lui pour la vie de tes enfants Qui meurent de faim aux coins de toutes les rues!

20 Vois, Eternel, regarde qui tu as ainsi traité! Fallait-il que des femmes dévorassent le fruit de leurs entrailles, Les petits enfants objets de leur tendresse? Que sacrificateurs et prophètes fussent massacrés dans le sanctuaire du Seigneur?

21 Les enfants et les vieillards sont couchés par terre dans les rues; Mes vierges et mes jeunes hommes sont tombés par l'épée; Tu as tué, au jour de ta colère, Tu as égorgé sans pitié.

22 Tu as appelé de toutes parts sur moi l'épouvante, comme à un jour de fête. Au jour de la colère de l'Eternel, il n'y a eu ni réchappé ni survivant. Ceux que j'avais soignés et élevés, Mon ennemi les a consumés.


The Bible


Michée 7:18



18 Quel Dieu est semblable à toi, Qui pardonnes l'iniquité, qui oublies les péchés Du reste de ton héritage? Il ne garde pas sa colère à toujours, Car il prend plaisir à la miséricorde.

From Swedenborg's Works


The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings #21

Study this Passage

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21. 1. People who live lives based on falsity with evil intent and people who live lives based on falsity without evil intent; and also the nature of false beliefs that accompany evil intent and of false beliefs that do not. There are many kinds of falsity-as many as there are kinds of evil-and there are many sources of things that are evil and of the falsities that they engender: 1188, 1212, 4729, 4822, 7574. Falsity that comes from evil, or evil-based falsity, is one thing; evil that comes from falsity, or falsity-based evil, which leads in turn to further or secondary falsity, is another: 1679, 2243. From just one false idea, especially if it is taken as a first principle, further false ideas flow in an unbroken series: 1510, 1511, 4717, 4721. There are falsities that are the result of cravings arising from our love for ourselves and for the world, 1 and there are falsities that are the result of misleading sensory impressions: 1295, 4729. There are falsities that arise from what our religion has taught us and there are falsities that arise from our ignorance: 4729, 8318, 9258. There is falsity that contains some good and there is falsity that contains no good: 2863, 9304, 10109, 10302. There are also things that have been falsified: 7318, 7319, 10648. Everything evil has something false accompanying it: 7577, 8094. The falsity accompanying the cravings that arise from love for ourselves is truly evil; it is the worst kind of falsity: 4729.

[2] Evil is heavy and falls into hell of its own accord, but this is not true of falsity unless it comes from evil: 8279, 8298. Good turns into evil and truth into falsity as they fall from heaven into hell because this is like coming into a dense and polluted atmosphere: 3607. The hells are surrounded by evil-based falsities, which look like storm clouds and unclean waters: 8137, 8146, 8210. The things that are said by the people who are in the hells are falsities that come from evil: 1695, 7351, 7352, 7357, 7392, 7699. Left to their own devices, people intent on evil cannot think anything but falsity: 7437. More on evil that comes from falsity (2408, 4818, 7272, 8265, 8279) and falsity that comes from evil (6359, 9304, 10302).

[3] Every falsity is something we can convince ourselves of, and when we have done so it seems to us to be the truth: 5033, 6865, 8521, 8780. We should therefore make sure something is true before convincing ourselves of it: 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521. We should be particularly careful not to convince ourselves of falsity in matters of religion because this leads to false convictions that remain with us after death: 845, 8780. How damaging false convictions are: 794, 806, 5096, 7686.

[4] What is good cannot flow into truth as long as we are intent on evil: 2434. To the extent that we devote our lives to what is evil and the falsity that goes with it, to that extent what is good and what is true are moved away from us: 3402. The Lord takes the greatest care to prevent truth from being joined to what is evil and prevent the falsity that comes from evil from being joined to what is good: 3110, 3116, 4416, 5217. If these pairs are mixed, the result is profanation 2 :6348. Truths put an end to falsities and falsities put an end to truths: 5207. Truths cannot be accepted on any deep level as long as skepticism reigns: 3399.

[5] Examples showing how truths can be falsified: 7318. Why evil people are allowed to falsify truths: 7332. Evil people falsify truths by bending and applying them to an evil purpose: 8094, 8149. Truth is said to have been falsified if it has been used to support evil, which happens mainly through deception and superficial appearances: 7344, 8602. The evil are allowed to attack truth but not to attack what is good; they are allowed to distort truth by various interpretations and applications: 6677. Truth that has been falsified for an evil purpose is in opposition to what is true and good: 8062. Falsified truth used for evil purposes smells terrible in the other life: 7319. More on the falsification of truth: 7318, 7319, 10648.

[6] Some false religious beliefs harmonize with what is good and some do not: 9258. False religious beliefs that do not clash with what is good do not lead to evil except in people who are intent on evil: 8318. False religious beliefs are not held against people who are intent on doing good, but they are held against people who are intent on doing evil: 8051, 8149. Truths that are not genuine and even falsities can be associated with genuine truths for people who are intent on doing good, but not for people who are intent on doing evil: 3470, 3471, 4551, 4552, 7344, 8149, 9298. The way things appear in the literal meaning of the Word sets elements that are true beside elements that are false: 7344. False beliefs are rendered true and softened by what is good because they are used for and deflected toward what is good, and the evil is put aside: 8149. The false religious beliefs of people who are intent on doing good are accepted by the Lord as if they were truths: 4736, 8149. Any act of goodness whose character has been shaped by false religious belief is accepted by the Lord if it was done in ignorance and innocence, and if the aim behind it was good: 7887. The truths we possess are outward guises of what is true and good, guises deeply stained with misleading appearances, but if our lives are focused on doing what is good the Lord adjusts them toward genuine truths: 2053. Falsities containing something good can be found in people who are outside the church and therefore ignorant of the truth and also in people in a church where there are false teachings: 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 3778, 4189, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256. Falsities in which there is nothing good are more harmful for people within the church than they are for people outside the church: 7688. What is true and good is taken away from evil people in the other life and given to the good, in keeping with the Lord's words "To those who have, more will be given, and they will have abundance; but from those who do not have, even what they have will be taken away" [Matthew 25:29]: 7770.


1. Swedenborg's theology generally holds that one of four kinds of love is dominant within us, whether we are aware of it or not: love for the Lord, love for our neighbor, love for the world, or love for ourselves. To Swedenborg the last two, love for the world and love for ourselves, are highly negative kinds of love when they are dominant. By "love for the world" he does not mean care for the world of nature or the planetary ecosystem. Instead this love focuses on a desire for "worldly" things, including wealth, possessions, objects that please the physical senses, and enjoyable interaction in elite social settings. By "love for ourselves" as a dominant love he does not mean care for ourselves in a positive sense: providing for our physical health and well-being, cultivating a positive sense of self-esteem, and avoiding debilitating self-disparagement. Instead this love focuses on a desire for power, high position, respect, glory, fame, and status. Swedenborg's use of the term "love for the world" reflects 1 John 2:15-16, but also owes something to the biblical use of "world," at times, to mean all that is opposed to God and religion; see, for example, John 15:18-19; 17:14-16; James 4:4. His use of "love of self" reflects 2 Timothy 3:2, as well as other biblical passages that express the idea that one's neighbor is at least as worthy of love as oneself (Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:31; Galatians 5:14; James 2:8). Yet in Swedenborg's view, "self" and "the world" in themselves are far from purely negative; see note 1 in New Jerusalem 59. For further information on love for the world and love for ourselves, see especially New Jerusalem 65-80, 81-83. [JSR, SS]

2. For more on the topic of profanation, see New Jerusalem 172 and note 1 in New Jerusalem 169 below. [Editors]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.