The Bible


彌迦書 7



1 哀哉!我(或譯:以色列)好像夏天的果子已被收盡,又像摘了葡萄所剩下的,沒有一掛可的;我心羨慕初熟的無花果。

2 上虔誠滅盡;世間沒有正直;各埋伏,要殺流血,都用網羅獵取弟兄。

3 他們雙手作惡;君王徇情面,審判官要賄賂;位分的吐出惡意,都彼此結聯行惡。

4 他們最好的,不過是蒺藜;最正直的,不過是荊棘籬笆。你守望者說,降罰的日子已經到。他們必擾亂不安。

5 不要倚賴鄰舍;不要信靠密友。要守住你的;不要向你中的妻提說。

6 因為,兒子藐視父親;女兒抗拒母親;媳婦抗拒婆婆;的仇敵就是自己家裡的

7 至於我,我要仰望耶和華,要等候那我的;我的必應允我。

8 我的仇敵啊,不要向我誇耀。我雖跌倒,卻要起來;我雖黑暗裡,耶和華卻作我的

9 我要忍受耶和華的惱怒;因我得罪了他,直等他為我辨屈,為我伸冤。他必領我到明中;我必得見他的公

10 那時我的仇敵,就是曾對我耶和華─你在哪裡的,他一見這事就被羞愧遮蓋。我必親眼見他遭報;他必被踐踏,如同街上的泥土。

11 以色列啊,日子必到,你的垣必重修;到那日,你的境界必開展(或譯:命令必傳到遠方)。

12 當那日,人必從亞述,從埃及的城邑,從埃及到大,從這到那,從這到那,都歸到你這裡。

13 然而,這居民的緣故,又因他們行事的結果,必然荒涼。

14 求耶和華在迦密山的樹林中,用你的杖牧放你獨居的民,就是你產業的羊群。求你容他們在巴珊和基列得食物,像古時一樣。

15 耶和華說:我要把奇事顯給他們,好像出埃及的時候一樣。

16 列國見這事,就必為自己的勢力慚愧;他們必用,掩耳不聽。

17 他們必舔土如,又如土中腹行的物,戰戰兢兢出他們的營寨。他們必戰懼投降耶和華,也必因我們的而懼

18 神啊,有何神像你,赦免罪孽,饒恕你產業之餘民的罪過,不永遠懷怒,喜愛施恩?

19 必再憐憫我們,將我們孽踏在腳,又將我們的一切投於

20 你必按古時起誓應許我們列祖的話,向雅各發誠實,向亞伯拉罕施慈愛。




Exploring the Meaning of Micah 7

By New Christian Bible Study Staff

In this last chapter of his book, in Micah 7:1-4, the prophet is discouraged about the evil that he sees in the land. The cluster (of grapes ) that he doesn’t see means that there is no love of the neighbor there. 1 The firstfruits that his soul longs for mean the upright kind of ordinary life 2 , which he can’t find: “the faithful man has perished from the earth”.

The net in verse 2 is the twisting of truth into falsity and the other way round, to deceive. Those who should be faithful leaders are diving into evil, and take bribes. All this hellish behavior will in the end lead to punishment.

In Micah 7:5, 6, these two verses are really not talking about other people; friends, companions, wives or husbands, or in-laws. When Micah refers to a “man’s household” he is talking about the evil loves that live in our own will. That’s where the evil is that we must fear and stamp out. 3

Micah 7:7-9 shows the path away from evil. God will hear us. But we must see that we have sinned and admit it to the Lord 4 , and ask for His help in stopping. He will be a light in our “darkness”. Micah admits his own weakness and admits that only the Lord’s power can "bring him forth to the light".

In Micah 7:10, "She" represents the affection for doing some kind of evil. Everyone has some sort of affections that way. 5 Those affections will try to persuade us that Jehovah can’t help, but if we persist in calling on Him for help, those affections can be shamed and eventually be trampled into the mud.

Micah 7:11, 12 says that when the Lord comes to found a new church, it will spread. Assyria here means reasoning, and Egypt means natural science. Cities mean doctrine from truth, and mountains mean goods, so the picture is of the spreading of both truth and good from one boundary to the other, all the way from natural truths to reasoning about spiritual things -- our whole mind. 6

But the old church will be desolate, according to Micah 7:13.

In Micah 7:14,15, to pasture means to feed the flock as a shepherd 7 , or to teach the truths that the Lord provides. The forest means the church as to truth, and Carmel means the church as to good. 8 Bashan and Gilead mean the same ideas from the stories of the Word, the literal sense.

Nations, in Micah 7:16, 17, mean people outside who don’t know, and don’t want to hear. They will stay focused on physical and sensory things, and will be in dread about knowledge of God.

Then, in Micah 7:18-20, Micah ends on a positive note: God will continue to have compassion on everyone and try to bring them to walk in His ways. Although we are all in freedom to be evil, He will never stop trying to lead us out of it if we will listen.


The Bible


Micah 7:16



16 The nations shall see and be confounded at all their might: they shall lay their hand upon their mouth, their ears shall be deaf.