The Bible


彌迦書 1


1 猶大約坦、亞哈斯、希西家在位的時候,摩利沙人彌迦得耶和華的默示,論撒瑪利亞耶路撒冷

2 萬民哪,你們都要和其上所有的,也都要側耳而耶和華從他的殿要見證你們的不是。

3 看哪,耶和華出了他的居所,降臨步行處。

4 在他以必消化,諸必崩裂,如蠟化在中,如坡。

5 這都因雅各罪過以色列家的惡。雅各罪過在哪裡呢?豈不是在撒瑪利亞麼?猶大的邱壇在哪裡呢?豈不是在耶路撒冷麼?

6 所以我必使撒瑪利亞變為田野的亂堆,又作為種葡萄之處;也必將她的石頭倒在谷中,露出根基來。

7 她一切雕刻的偶像必被打碎;她所得的財物必被燒;所有的偶像我必毀滅;因為是從妓女雇價所聚來的,後必歸為妓女的雇價。

8 先知說:因此我必大聲哀號,赤腳露體而行;又要呼號如野狗,哀鳴如鴕鳥。

9 因為撒瑪利亞的傷痕無法醫治,延及猶大耶路撒冷我民的城

10 不要在迦特報告這事,總不要哭泣;我在伯亞弗拉滾於灰塵之中。

11 沙斐的居民哪,你們要赤身蒙羞過去。撒南的居民不敢出來。伯以薛人的哀哭使你們無處可站。

12 瑪律的居民心甚憂急,切望得處,因為災禍從耶和華那裡臨到耶路撒冷的城

13 拉吉的居民哪,要用快馬套車;錫安民(原文是女子)的由你而起;以色列人罪過在你那裡顯出。

14 猶大啊,你要將禮物送摩利設迦特。亞革悉的眾族必用詭詐待以色列

15 瑪利沙的居民哪,我必使那奪取你的到你這裡;以色列的尊貴人(原文是榮耀)必到亞杜蘭。

16 猶大啊,要為你所喜愛的兒女剪除你的頭髮,使頭光禿,要大大地光禿,如同禿,因為他們都被擄去離開你。



Iniquity, transgression and sin


In the Word three terms are used to refer to bad actions: transgression, iniquity, and sin. Transgression is the least bad. It means a violation of what is true in an external context, a violation of what is right and orderly. Iniquity is next and denotes acts that violate more interior truths. Sin is the worst. It is a violation of what is holy and righteous, a violation against the Lord. Sin is the deepest kind of evil. Regarding iniquity -- to be in charity, or live a life of charity is to live a life where the acts and thoughts that have top priority are those that have within them a love for the neighbor. Sometimes our love of self, our inborn desire to put ourselves first, is stronger than our charity and we do something for ourselves at the expense of our neighbor, or even do harm to our neighbor. Such an act, if our motive is selfish, is an iniquity.

(References: Arcana Coelestia 9156, 9965 [2-3])