The Bible


耶利米書 51:24



24 耶和華:我必在你們眼前報復巴比倫人和迦勒底居民在錫安所行的諸惡。

The Bible


以賽亞書 41:16



16 你要把他簸揚,要吹去;旋要把他颳散。你倒要以耶和華為喜樂,以色列的聖者為誇耀。





The phrase 'in the streets and synagogues' in Matthew 6:2, 5, and Luke 8:26-27, refers to a representative rite amongst the Jews to teach in streets. In the prophets, wherever streets are mentioned, they either signify truths or falsities.

In Revelation 22:2, the streets represent every facet of truth that leads to goodness, or in other words, every facet of faith that leads to love and charity. (Arcana Coelestia 2336[2])

In Luke 14:21, this going to the streets signifies to seek everywhere for some genuine truths. (Arcana Coelestia 2336[4])

(References: Arcana Coelestia 2336)