The Bible


何西阿書 9:7



7 以色列人知道降罰的日子臨近,報應的時候到。民說:作先知的是愚昧;受靈感的是妄,皆因他們多多作孽,大懷怨恨。

The Bible


耶利米書 44:12



12 那定意進入埃及、在那裡寄居的,就是所剩下的猶大人,我必使他們盡都滅絕,必在埃及仆倒,必因刀饑荒滅絕;從最小的到至的都必遭刀饑荒而,以致令人辱罵、驚駭、咒詛、羞辱。

The Bible


Hosea 9:7



7 The days of visitation have come. The days of reckoning have come. Israel will consider the prophet to be a fool, and the man who is inspired to be insane, because of the abundance of your sins, and because your hostility is great.