The Bible


以西結書 16:58



58 耶和華:你貪淫和可憎的事,你已經擔當了。

From Swedenborg's Works


属天的奥秘 #4735

Study this Passage

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4735. “不可流他的血” 表他们不可向神圣之物施暴. 这从 “血” 的含义清楚可知, “血” 是指神圣之物, 如下文所述; 因此, “流血” 表示向神圣之物施暴. 天堂里的一切神圣之物皆从主的神性人身发出, 教会里的一切神圣之物也是如此. 因此, 为防止人们向神圣之物施暴, 主设立了圣餐, 并明确说明, 圣餐里的饼是祂的肉, 酒是祂的血, 因而祂的神性人身就是圣餐中神圣之物的源头. 在古人当中, 肉和血表示人的自我, 因为人的东西是由肉和血构成的. 这解释了主对西门所说的话:

你是有福的! 因为这不是属血肉的指示你的, 乃是我在天上的父指示的. (马太福音 16:17)

因此, 在圣餐中由饼和酒所表示的肉和血表示主之人身的自我. 主凭自己的能力为自己所获得的实际自我就是神性. 祂的自我自成孕时就是祂从祂的父耶和华那里所得来之物, 就是耶和华自己. 因此, 祂在这人身里面为自己所获得的自我是神性. 在人身里面的这个神性自我就是那被称为祂的肉和血的; “肉” 是指祂的神性良善 (3813节), “血” 是指神性良善的神性真理.

主的人身在得荣耀或变成神性之后, 就不能被视为人身, 而要被视为人形式里面的神性之爱. 这一点对祂比对天使更适用; 当天使显现 (如我所看到的) 时, 他们显现为取了人形状的爱与仁的形式, 而如此显现是出于主. 因为主凭神性之爱使祂的人身变成神性; 正因天堂之爱使人死后成为一位天使, 所以如刚才所述, 人也显为取了人形状的爱与仁的形式. 由此明显可知, 主的神性本身在属天意义上表示神性之爱本身, 也就是对全人类的爱, 因为它想要拯救他们, 使他们永远蒙福和幸福, 并将其神性在他们能接受它的范围内变成他们自己的. 这种爱和人对主的这种回应之爱, 以及对邻之爱就是圣餐中所表示和代表的, 神性属天之爱由肉或饼来代表, 神性属灵之爱由血或酒来代表.

由此可见, 约翰福音中吃主的肉, 喝主的血是什么意思:

我是从天上降下来生命的粮; 人若吃这粮, 就必永远活着. 我所要赐的粮, 就是我的肉. 我实实在在地告诉你们: 你们若不吃人子的肉, 不喝人子的血, 就没有生命在你们里面. 吃我肉喝我血的人就有永生, 在末日我要叫他复活. 我的肉真是可吃的, 我的血真是可喝的. 吃我肉, 喝我血的人常在我里面, 我也常在他里面. 这就是从天上降下来的粮. (约翰福音 6:51-58)

由于 “肉” 和 “血” 表示从主的神性人身发出的神性属天层和神性属灵层, 如前所述, 或也可说, 表示从祂的爱发出的神性良善与神性真理; “吃, 喝” 表示将使它们变成人自己的. 它们通过爱与仁的生活, 也就是信仰的生活变成人自己的. 因为 “吃” 表示将良善变成人自己的, “喝” 表示将真理变成人自己的 (参看2187, 3069, 3168, 3513, 3596, 3734, 3832, 4017, 4018节).

“血” 因在属天意义上表示从主的神性人身发出的神性属灵层或神性真理, 故也表示所发出的神圣之物; 因为从主的神性人身发出的神性真理是神圣本身. 再没有其它神圣, 也没有任何其它神圣的源头.

“血” 表示这种神圣, 这一点从圣言中的许多经文明显看出来, 我们从中引用以下经文:

人子啊, 主耶和华如此说: 你要对各类空中飞鸟和田野的走兽说, 你们聚集来吧! 要从四方聚到我为你们献祭之地, 就是在以色列山上献大祭之地, 好叫你们吃肉喝血. 你们必吃勇士的肉, 喝地上首领的血, 就如吃公绵羊, 羊羔, 公山羊, 公牛, 都是巴珊的肥畜. 你们吃我为你们所献的祭, 必吃饱了脂油, 喝醉了血. 你们必在我席上饱吃马匹和坐战车的人, 并勇士和一切的战士. 我必显我的荣耀在列族中. (以西结书 39:17-21)

此处论述的主题是将所有人召聚到主的国度, 尤其在外邦人当中再次建立教会; 他们 “吃肉喝血” 表示将神性良善与神性真理变成人自己的, 因而将从主的神性人身发出的神圣变成人自己的. 谁看不出此处虽提到他们必吃勇士的肉, 喝地上首领的血, 饱吃马匹和坐战车的人, 并勇士和一切的战士, 但 “肉” 不是指肉, “血” 也不是指血?


我又看见一位天使站在日头中, 向空中所飞的一切鸟大声呼喊说, 你们聚集来赴大神的筵席! 可以吃君王的肉, 千夫长的肉, 壮士的肉, 马和骑马者的肉, 并自主的, 为奴的, 小的大的, 众人的肉. (启示录 19: 17-18)

若不知道 “肉”, “君王”, “千夫长”, “壮士”, “马”, “骑马者”, “自主的”, “为奴的” 在内义上表示什么, 谁能明白这些话?


祂必向列族讲和平, 祂的权柄必从这海管到那海, 从大河管到地极. 至于你, 我因与你立约的血, 将你中间被掳而囚的人, 从坑中释放出来. (撒迦利亚书 9:10, 11)

这论及主. “与你立约的血” 是指从祂的神性人身发出的神性真理, 是祂得荣耀后从祂身上出来的神圣本身. 这神圣也是那被称为圣灵的, 这一点明显可见于约翰福音:

耶稣说, 人若渴了, 可以到我这里来喝! 信我的人, 就如经上所说, 从他腹中要流出活水的江河来. 耶稣这话是指着信他之人要受圣灵说的. 那时还没有赐下圣灵来, 因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀. (约翰福音 7:37-39)

从主发出的神圣就是 “圣灵”, 这一点可见于约翰福音 (6:63).

此外, “血” 是指从主的神性人身发出的神圣, 诗篇:

祂要救赎他们的灵魂脱离欺压和强暴. 他们的血在祂眼中看为宝贵. (诗篇 72:14)

“宝血” 表示他们将要领受的神圣. 启示录:

这些人是从大苦难中出来的, 曾把他们的袍子洗了, 用羔羊的血使他们的袍子洁白. (启示录 7: 14)


他们胜过那龙, 是因羔羊的血, 和他们所见证的道. 他们虽至于死, 也不爱惜性命. (启示录 12: 11)

今天的教会只知道此处 “羔羊的血” 表示主的十字架受难, 因为人们以为他们唯独因主的十字架受难而得救, 祂被差到世上来就是要承受这一切; 而这种观点对简单人来说足够了, 因为他们不理解深层奥秘. 主的十字架受难是其试探的最后阶段, 祂凭这试探而完全荣耀了祂的人身 (路加福音 24:26; 约翰福音 12:23, 27, 28; 13:31, 32; 17:1, 4, 5); 但此处启示录中 “羔羊的血” 和神性真理, 或从主的神性人身发出的神圣是一样的, 因而与刚才所说的 “立约的血” 是一样的; 关于这 “立约的血”, 在摩西五经中, 经上也记着说:

摩西又把约书拿过来, 在百姓耳边念; 他们说, 耶和华所吩咐的一切, 我们都必遵行和听从. 摩西就取了血来, 洒在百姓身上, 说, 看哪, 耶和华按这一切话与你们立约的血. (出埃及记 24:7-8)

“约书” 是指那时他们所拥有的神性真理, 这真理通过见证这种真理从主的神性人身发出的血来确认.

在犹太教会的仪式中, 血没有其它含义, 只表示从主的神性人身发出的神圣. 因此, 当百姓分别为圣时, 这种事就用血来完成. 如, 当亚伦和他的儿子成圣时, 血被抹在坛的四角, 剩下的都倒在坛脚那里, 又抹在右耳垂, 右手的大拇指和右脚的大拇指和他的衣服上 (出埃及记 29:12, 16, 20; 利未记 8:15, 19, 23, 30). 当亚伦进入幔子内的施恩座前时, 也要用指头在施恩座的东面弹血七次 (利未记 16:12-15). 其它一切献祭, 以及赎罪和洁净中的血也一样 (对此, 可参看以下经文出埃及记 12:7, 13, 22; 30:10; 利未记 1:5, 11, 15; 3:2, 8, 13; 4:6, 7, 17, 18, 25, 30, 34; 5:9; 6:27, 28; 14:14-19, 25-30; 16:12-15, 18, 19; 申命记 12:27).

正如 “血” 在正面意义上表示神圣, “血” 和 “诸血” 在反面意义上表示那些向它施暴的事物. 这是因为 “流无辜人的血” 表示向神圣之物施暴. 因此, 生活中的恶行和敬拜的亵渎行为都被称为 “血”. “血” 和 “诸血” 就表示这类事物, 这一点从以下经文明显看出来. 以赛亚书:

主以公义的灵, 和洁净的灵, 将锡安女子的污秽洗去, 又将耶路撒冷中杀人的血除净. (以赛亚书 4:3, 4)


底们的水充满了血. (以赛亚书 15:9)


因你们的手被血沾染, 你们的指头被罪孽沾污; 他们的脚奔跑行恶, 他们急速流无辜人的血. 他们的思想都是罪孽的思想. (以赛亚书 59:3, 7)


并且你的衣襟上有无辜穷人灵魂的血. (耶利米书 2:34)


这都因她先知的罪恶和祭司的罪孽, 他们在耶路撒冷城中流了义人的血. 他们在街上如瞎子乱走, 又被血玷污, 以致人不能摸他们的衣服. (耶利米哀歌 4:13-14)


我从你旁边经过, 见你滚在血中, 就对你说: 你虽在血中, 仍可存活; 我又对你说, 你虽在血中, 仍可存活. 那时我用水洗你, 洗净你身上的血, 又用油抹你. (以西结书 16:6, 9)


人子啊, 你要与这流人血的城争竞吗? 当使她知道她一切可憎的事. 你因流了人的血, 就为有罪; 你做了偶像, 就玷污自己. 看哪! 以色列的首领各恃其膀臂, 在你中间流人之血. 在你中间有谗谤人, 流人血的; 在你中间有在山上吃过祭偶像之物的. (以西结书 22:2-4, 6, 9)


若有人在别处, 而不是会幕的坛上献祭, 就算为流人血; 就像他了血. (利未记 17:1-9)

以下经文中所提到的 “血” 表示被歪曲和亵渎的真理. 约珥书:

在天上地上, 我要显出奇事, 有血, 有火, 有烟柱. 日头要变为黑暗, 月亮要变为血, 这都在大而可畏的日子未到以前. (约珥书 2:30-31)


日头变黑像毛布, 月亮像血. (启示录 6: 12)


第二位天使吹号, 就有仿佛火烧着的大山扔在海中, 海的三分之一部分变成血. (启示录 8: 8)


第二位天使把他的香瓶倒在海里, 海就变成好像死人的血, 海中一切活着的灵魂都死了. 第三位天使把他的香瓶倒在江河与众水的泉源里, 它们就变成了血. (启示录 16: 3-4)

类似的意思出现在埃及的河, 池, 塘变成血的经文 (出埃及记 7:15-22) 中; 因为 “埃及” 表示自行进入属天的奥秘, 因而败坏, 否认并亵渎神性真理的记忆知识 (1164, 1165, 1186节). 在埃及所行的一切神迹都体现了这类含义. 变成血的 “河” 表示聪明和智慧的真理 (108, 109, 3051节); “水” 具有同样的含义 (680, 2702, 3058节), “源泉” 也是 (2702, 3096, 3424节); “海” 表示作为一个整体的事实真理 (即记忆知识的事)(28节). 经上还提到要 “变为血” 的 “月亮” 表示神性真理 (1529-1531, 2495, 4060节). 由此明显可知, 变为血的月亮, 海, 源泉, 水, 河表示被歪曲和亵渎的真理.

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #8

Study this Passage

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8. And signified, sending by His angel, to His servant John, signifies which are revealed out of heaven to those who are in the good of love. This is evident from the signification of "signified," as being the things in the sense of the letter that contain and thus signify those that are in the internal sense; for it is said, "the revelation which God gave to show, and signified;" and by the things that He signified are meant those that are in the sense of the letter, because all these signify, while the things that are signified are those that are contained in the internal sense. For all things in the Word are significative of spiritual things, which are in the internal sense. This is also evident from the signification of "sending by His angel," as meaning, which are revealed out of heaven; for "to send" is to reveal, and "by an angel" is out of heaven. "To send" is to reveal, because everything that is sent out of heaven is revelation; for that which is there is what is revealed; and this is the spiritual which relates to the church and its state; but with man this is changed into the natural, such as is expressed in the sense of the letter in Revelation and elsewhere in the Word. That which comes out of heaven can be presented to man in no other way; for the spiritual falls into its corresponding natural when it descends out of the spiritual world into the natural. This is why the prophetic Word in the sense of the letter is such as it is, and being such, is in its bosom spiritual and is Divine. By "angel" is meant "out of heaven," because that which an angel speaks is out of heaven; for when an angel communicates to man such things as pertain to heaven and the church, he does not speak as man speaks with man, who brings forth out of his memory what another has told him; but that which an angel speaks flows in continuously, not into his memory, but immediately into his understanding, and from that into words. From this it is that all things that the angels spoke to the prophets are Divine, and nothing at all from the angels. Whether it be said, that these revelations are out of heaven, or are from the Lord, it is the same; because the Divine of the Lord with the angels constitutes heaven, and nothing whatever from the angels' proprium [selfhood, or what is their own]. (But this may be better understood from what is said and shown in Heaven and Hell 2-12, 254).

[2] The things revealed out of heaven are said to be for those who are in the good of love, because it is said, "sending by His angel to His servant John," and by "John" those who are in the good of love are represented and meant. For by the twelve apostles are represented and signified all in the church who are in truths from good; consequently, all truths from good, from which is the church; and by each of the apostles in particular something special; thus by "Peter" faith; by "James" charity; and by "John" the good of charity or the good of love. Because John represented this good, the revelation was made to him; for revelation out of heaven, such as this, can be made only to those who are in the good of charity or of love. Others, indeed, can hear the things that are from heaven, but they cannot perceive them. Only those who are in the good of love have spiritual perception. This is because they receive heavenly things not only with the hearing, but also with the love; and to receive with the love is to receive fully, since the things so received are loved; moreover, those who thus receive, see these things in their understanding, where the sensation of their internal sight is. That this is so has been proven to me by much experience. It might also be elucidated by much rational argument; but the subject cannot just now be amplified so far.

It is here only necessary to say, that all names mentioned in the Word signify not persons but things; that "John," for instance, signifies such as are in the good of love, thus in the abstract the good of love itself. (That all names in the Word signify things may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 768, 1888, 4310, 4442, 10329.

That the names of persons and places in the Word cannot enter heaven, but that they are changed into the things that they signify, n. 1876, 5225, 6516, 10216, 10282, 10432.

How exquisite the internal sense of the Word is, even where mere names are mentioned, illustrated by examples, n. 1224, 1264, 1888.

That the twelve disciples of the Lord represented, and thence signified, all things of faith and love in the complex, in like manner as the twelve tribes of Israel, n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 3858, 6397.

That "Peter," "James," and "John" represented, and thence signified, faith, charity, and the good of charity, in their order, see preface to Genesis 18 [in n. 2135] Genesis 22, in n. 2760, and in 3934, 8581, 10087)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.