The Bible


但以理書 11:34



34 他們仆倒的時候,稍得扶助,卻有許多人用諂媚的話親近他們。

The Bible


但以理書 8:4



4 我見那公綿往西、往、往牴觸。獸在他面前都站立不住,也沒有能救護脫離他的;但他任意而行,自高自大。

The Bible


Isaiah 43:8-9



8 Bring out the blind people who have eyes, and the deaf who have ears.

9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the peoples be assembled. Who among them can declare this, and show us former things? Let them bring their witnesses, that they may be justified; or let them hear, and say, "That is true."