The Bible


以西结书 3



1 他对我:人子啊,要你所得的,要这书卷,好去对以色列家讲

2 於是我开,他就使我这书卷,

3 又对我:人子啊,要我所赐你的这书卷,充满你的肚腹。我就吃了中觉得其甜如蜜。

4 他对我:人子啊,你往以色列家那里去,将我的对他们讲

5 你奉差遣不是往那说话深奥、言语难懂的民那里去,乃是往以色列家去;

6 不是往那说深奥、言语难懂的多国去,他们的语是你不懂得的。我若差你往他们那里去,他们必从你。

7 以色列家却不肯从你,因为他们不肯从我;原来以色列全家是额坚硬的人。

8 看哪,我使你的脸硬过他们的脸,使你的额硬过他们的额。

9 我使你的额像金钢钻,比火石更硬。他们虽是悖逆之家,你不要他们,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶。

10 他又对我:人子啊,我对你所的一切,要心里领会,耳中闻。

11 你往你本国被掳的子民那里去,他们或,或不,你要对他们讲告诉他们这是耶和华的。

12 那时,灵将我举起,我就见在我身有震动轰轰的声音,说:从耶和华的所在显出来的荣耀是该称颂的!

13 我又见那活物翅膀相碰,与活物旁边子旋转震动轰轰的响声。

14 於是灵将我举起,带我而去。我心中甚苦,灵性忿激,并且耶和华的灵(原文是)在我身上大有能力。

15 我就到提勒亚毕,在迦巴鲁边被掳的人那里,到他们所的地方,在他们中间忧忧闷闷地日。

16 过了日,耶和华的临到我说:

17 人子啊,我立你作以色列家守望的人,所以你要中的,替我警戒他们。

18 我何时指着恶人:他必要;你若不警戒他,也不劝戒他,使他离开恶行,拯他的性命,这恶人必在罪孽之中;我却要向你讨他丧命的罪(原文是血)。

19 倘若你警戒恶人,他仍不罪恶,也不离开恶行,他必在罪孽之中,你却救自己脱离了罪。

20 再者,人何时离而犯,我将绊脚石放在他面前,他就必;因你没有警戒他,他必中,他素来所行的不被记念;我却要向你讨他丧命的(原文是血)。

21 倘若你警戒人,使他不犯罪,他就不犯罪;他因受警戒就必存活,你也救自己脱离了罪。

22 耶和华的灵(原文是)在那里降在我身上。他对我:你起来往平原去,我要在那里和你话。

23 於是我起来往平原去,不料,耶和华的荣耀正如我在迦巴鲁边所见的一样,停在那里,我就俯伏於地。

24 灵就进入我里面,使我站起。耶和华对我:你进房屋去,将门上。

25 人子啊,人必用绳索捆绑你,你就不能出去在他们中间来往。

26 我必使你的舌头贴住上膛,以致你哑口,不能作责备他们的;他们原是悖逆之家。

27 但我对你说话的时候,必使你开,你就要对他们耶和华如此的可以,不的任他不,因为他们是悖逆之家。


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Revealed #245

Study this Passage

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245. The four living creatures, each individually having six wings about it. (4:8) This symbolizes the Word in respect to its powers and protections.

We have already shown above that the four living creatures symbolize the Word. We will see below that wings symbolize powers and also protections.

The number six symbolizes completeness in respect to truth and goodness, as six is formed of three and two multiplied together, and three symbolizes completeness in respect to truth (no. 505), while two symbolizes completeness in respect to goodness (no. 762).

Wings symbolize powers because they are means of rising upward. Moreover, in the case of birds they take the place of the arms in the human being, and arms symbolize powers.

Since wings symbolize powers, and each living creature had six wings, it is apparent from what we said above what power is symbolized by each one's wings, namely, that the wings of the lion symbolize the power of combating the evils and falsities arising from hell, this being the power of the Word's Divine truth from the Lord; that the wings of the calf symbolize the power to affect hearts, for the Divine truth of the Word affects people who read it reverently; that the six wings of the human being symbolize the power to perceive the nature of God and what pertains to God, as this is peculiarly the mark of a human being in reading the Word; and that the wings of the eagle symbolize the power to recognize truth and good, and so to acquire for oneself intelligence.

[2] As regards the wings of cherubim, we read in Ezekiel that their wings kissed each other, that they had wings also covering their bodies, and that they had the likeness of hands under their wings (Ezekiel 1:23-24; 3:13; 10:5, 21). Kissing each other symbolizes conjoint and unanimous action. Covering their bodies symbolizes protection against violation of the interior truths which constitute the spiritual sense of the Word. And having the likeness of hands under their wings symbolizes powers.

Regarding seraphim, too, we are told that they had six wings, and that with two of them they covered their face, and with two their feet, and with two they flew (Isaiah 6:2). Seraphim likewise symbolize the Word, or more accurately doctrine drawn from the Word. The wings with which they covered their faces and feet likewise symbolize protections. And the wings with which they flew symbolize powers, as before.

That flying symbolizes to perceive and teach, and in the highest sense to foresee and provide, is clear as well from the following:

(God) rode upon a cherub, He flew, and He traveled on the wings of the wind. (Psalms 18:10, cf. 2 Samuel 22:11)

I saw (an) angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel... (Revelation 14:6)

[3] That wings symbolize protections is apparent from the following:

(Jehovah) covers you under His wing. (Psalms 91:4)

(To be hidden) under the shadow of (God's) wings... (Psalms 17:8)

(To trust) in the shadow of (His) wings. (Psalms 36:7; 57:1, cf. 63:7)

I spread My wing over you and covered your nakedness. (Ezekiel 16:8)

To you (shall be) healing in His wings. (Malachi 4:2)

As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings..., carrying them on its wings, so Jehovah... leads him... (Deuteronomy 32:11-12)

(Jesus said,) "O Jerusalem...! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings... (Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34)

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.