The Bible


但以理书 10:8



8 只剩下我一人。我见了这异象便浑身无力,面貌失色,毫无气力。

From Swedenborg's Works


天意 #135

Study this Passage

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135.虽然人极少与天人交流, 但与灵对话是允许的, 几个世纪以来很多人被获准与灵对话. 被准许后, 灵会用人的母语与其交谈, 但只有很少的话. 然而, 蒙主恩准说话的灵, 不能说任何剥夺理性自由的话, 也不可施行教导, 因为唯有主教导人, 尽管是在他处于启示状态的情况下间接通过圣言. 对此, 下文会有阐述. 我蒙允许通过自己的经历知道这是实情. 如今, 我与灵和天人已交谈多年, 没有哪个灵有这胆量, 也没有一个天人想要告知我任何事, 更不用说指教我有关圣言, 或出于圣言的教义之事. 唯独主教导我, 祂向我展示祂自己, 不断在我眼前显为祂在其中的一轮太阳, 祂以显现在天人面前的方式出现在我面前, 并且祂已启示我.

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)



251 - The Stengthening of the Prophets

By Jonathan S. Rose

Title: The Stengthening of the Prophets

Topic: Salvation

Summary: Part of the process of becoming a prophet is to experience in a deep way one's own utter weakness, sinfulness, and ill-suitedness to the call. Then the Lord gives a new strength and something to say.

Use the reference links below to follow along in the Bible as you watch.

Exodus 3:1-end
Exodus 4:1, 10, 12, 16; 6:12
Joshua 10:20
Isaiah 6:1, 5-6, 8
Ezekiel 1:26; 2:1, 6; 3:7, 9, 14
Daniel 10:1, 4-10, 16, 18
Jonah 1:1
Luke 5:1, 8
Acts of the Apostles 9:1, 5-6, 19
Revelation 1:10, 12, 17

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Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 2/3/2016. The complete series is available at: