The Bible


以西结书 36



1 人子啊,你要对以色列发预言以色列哪,要耶和华的

2 耶和华如此:因仇敌:阿哈!这永久的山冈都归我们为业了!

3 所以要发预言耶和华如此:因为敌人使你荒凉,四围吞吃,好叫你归与其馀的外邦人为业,并且多嘴多的人提起你来,百姓也你有臭名。

4 故此,以色列耶和华的。大小冈、水沟谷、荒废之地、被弃之城,为四围其馀的外邦人所占据、所讥刺的,

5 耶和华对你们如此:我真发愤恨如,责备那其馀的外邦人以东的众人。他们快乐满怀,心存恨恶,将我的归自己为业,又看为被弃的掠物。

6 所以,你要指着以色列预言,对大小冈、水沟耶和华如此:我发愤恨和忿怒,因你们曾受外邦人羞辱

7 所以我起誓:你们四围的外邦人总要担当自己的羞辱。这是耶和华的。

8 以色列哪,你必发枝条,为我的民以色列结果子,因为他们快要到。

9 看哪,我是帮助你的,也必向你意,使你得以耕种。

10 我必使以色列的人数在你上面增多,城邑有人居住,荒场再被建造

11 我必使人和牲畜在你上面加增;他们必生养众多。我要使你照旧有人居住,并要赐福与你比先前更多,你就知道我是耶和华

12 我必使人,就是我的民以色列,行在你上面。他们必得你为业;你也不再使他们丧子。

13 耶和华如此:因为人对你:你是吞吃人的,又使国民丧子,

14 所以耶和华:你必不再吞人,也不再使国民丧子。

15 我使你不再见各国的羞辱,不再受万民的辱骂,也不再使国民绊跌。这是耶和华的。

16 耶和华的又临到我说:

17 人子啊,以色列在本地的时候,在行动作为上玷污那地。他们的行为在我面前,好像正在经期的妇人那样污秽

18 所以我因他们在那上流人的血,又因他们以偶像玷污那,就把我的忿怒倾在他们身上。

19 我将他们分散在列国,四散在列邦,按他们的行动作为惩罚他们。

20 他们到了所去的列国,就使我的名被亵渎;因为人谈论他们,这是耶和华的民,是从耶和华的的。

21 我却顾惜我的名,就是以色列家在所到的列国中所亵渎的。

22 所以,你要对以色列耶和华如此以色列家啊,我行这事不是为你们,乃是为我的名,就是在你们到的列国中所亵渎的。

23 我要使我的名显为;这名在列国中已被亵渎,就是你们在他们中间所亵渎的。我在他们眼前,在你们身上显为的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华。这是耶和华的。

24 我必从各国收取你们,从列邦聚集你们,引导你们归回本

25 我必用清洒在你们身上,你们就洁净了。我要洁净你们,使你们脱离一切的污秽

26 我也要赐你们一个新,将新灵放在你们里面,又从你们的体中除掉,赐你们

27 我必将我的灵放在你们里面,使你们顺从我的律例,谨守遵行我的典章。

28 你们必在我所赐你们列祖之。你们要作我的子民,我要作你们的

29 我必你们脱离一切的污秽,也必命五谷丰登,不使你们遭遇饥荒。

30 我必使树木多结果子,田地多出土产,好叫你们不再因饥荒受外邦人的讥诮。

31 那时,你们必追想你们的恶行和你们不善的作为,就因你们的罪孽和可憎的事厌恶自己。

32 耶和华:你们要知道,我这样行不是为你们。以色列家啊,当为自己的行为抱愧蒙羞。

33 耶和华如此:我洁净你们,使你们脱离一切罪孽的日子,必使城邑有人居住,荒场再被建造

34 过路的人虽看为荒废之,现今这荒废之仍得耕种。

35 他们必:这先前为荒废之,现在成如伊甸园;这荒废凄凉、毁坏的城邑现在坚固有人居住

36 那时,在你们四围其馀的外邦人知道我─耶和华修造那毁坏之处,培植那荒废之地。我─耶和华说过,也必成就。

37 耶和华如此:我要加增以色列家的人数,多如羊群。他们必为这事向我求问,我要给他们成就。

38 耶路撒冷在守节作祭物所献的羊群怎样多,照样,荒凉的城邑必被人充满。他们就知道我是耶和华


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Revealed #483

Study this Passage

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483. And he said to me, "You must prophesy again about peoples, nations, tongues, and many kings." (10:11) This symbolically means that such being the case, the character of people caught up in faith alone must be further told.

That this is the symbolic meaning is apparent from what follows, in which the subject is people caught up in faith alone, to the end of chapter 16. After that the subject is the Roman Catholic religion, then the casting out of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet into hell, and afterward the New Church, which will worship the Lord alone.

To prophesy means, symbolically, to teach (nos. 8, 133), and so to prophesy again means to teach further. "Peoples" symbolize people who are impelled by doctrinal truths or doctrinal falsities, and "nations" symbolize people who are impelled by good practices or evil practices. More about these later. "Tongues" symbolize people who are impelled by truths and goods or falsities and evils externally (no. 282), and "kings" people who are impelled by them internally. To be shown that kings symbolize people who are impelled by truths springing from goodness, and in an opposite sense, people who are impelled by falsities springing from evil, and abstractly truths themselves springing from goodness or falsities themselves springing from evil, see nos. 20, 664, 704, 720, 830, 921. And as the subject in what follows is in particular people impelled by interior falsities, the text says, "and many kings," which symbolizes falsities accompanying evil in abundance.

The text says peoples, nations, tongues and kings in order to mean all people in the church who are of this character.

John's being told that he had to prophesy again means, symbolically, to teach further the character of people caught up in faith alone, in order that their falsities may be exposed and thus eradicated, since no falsity is eradicated before it has been exposed.

[2] That "peoples" symbolize people impelled by doctrinal truths or falsities, and "nations" people impelled by good or evil practices, can be seen from many passages in the Word where peoples and nations are mentioned. However, to demonstrate this we will cite here only some passages where peoples and nations are mentioned together, from which this conclusion may be drawn, as each and every particular in the Word contains a marriage of the Lord and the church, and consequently a marriage of goodness and truth; and "peoples" refer to truth, and "nations" to goodness. The presence of such a marriage in each and every particular of the Word may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 80-90.

[3] Here are the passages in the Word:

Woe to a sinful nation, to a people laden with iniquity... (Isaiah 1:4)

I will send him against a hypocritical nation, against the people of My wrath I will command him... (Isaiah 10:6)

(Jehovah) who is striking the peoples... with an incurable plague, who is ruling the nations in anger... (Isaiah 14:6)

At that time a present will be brought to Jehovah..., a people scattered and shaven..., and a nation marked off and downtrodden... (Isaiah 18:7)

...a strong people will honor You, a city of mighty nations will fear You. (Isaiah 25:3)

(Jehovah) will swallow up... the covering... over all peoples, and the veil... over all nations. (Isaiah 25:7)

Come near, you nations..., and pay heed, you peoples! (Isaiah 34:1)

I... have called You... as a covenant to the peoples, and as a light to the nations. (Isaiah 42:6)

Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the peoples assemble. (Isaiah 43:9)

Behold, I will lift My hand... to the nations, and... My standard to the peoples. (Isaiah 49:22)

...I have given him as a witness to the peoples, a leader and lawgiver to the nations. (Isaiah 55:4)

Behold, a people is coming from the north country, and a great nation... from the edges of the earth. (Jeremiah 6:22)

Many peoples and numerous nations shall come to seek Jehovah of hosts in Jerusalem... (Zechariah 8:22)

Jehovah renders the counsel of the nations of no effect, He overturns the deliberations of the peoples. (Psalms 33:10)

(Jehovah) will subdue the peoples under us, and the nations under our feet... (Jehovah) reigned over the nations... The willing of the peoples have gathered together... (Psalms 47:3, 8-9)

The peoples shall confess You... The nations shall be glad... For You shall judge the peoples righteously, and guide the nations on the earth. (Psalms 67:3-4)

Remember me, O Jehovah, with good pleasure toward Your people..., that I may rejoice in the joy of Your nations... (Psalms 106:4-5)

...all peoples, nations, and languages shall worship (the Son of Man). (Daniel 7:14)

And so on elsewhere, as in Psalms 18:43, Isaiah 9:2-3; 11:10, Ezekiel 36:15, Joel 2:17, Zephaniah 2:9, Revelation 5:9, Luke 2:30-32.


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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.