Deuteronomija 28:1



1 “Jei atidžiai klausysi Viešpaties, savo Dievo, balso ir vykdysi bei laikysi visus Jo įsakymus, kuriuos aš tau šiandien skelbiu, Viešpats, tavo Dievas, išaukštins tave virš visų žemės tautų.

Commentary on this verse  

By Alexander Payne

Verse 1. And it shall come to pass if you shall diligently obey the Divine Love and Wisdom as far as you know them, to observe and carry out in the life the truths given you in every state from the Lord, either through the Word, or from doctrine, or from conscience, then you shall be perfected by the Divine Love and Wisdom even to the inmost recesses of the soul: