

耶利米書 16



1 耶和華的又臨到我說:

2 你在這地方不可娶妻,生兒養女。

3 因為論到在這地方所生的兒女,又論到在這國中生養他們的父母,耶和華如此

4 他們必得甚苦,無人哀哭,必不得葬埋,必在上像糞土,必被刀和饑荒滅絕;他們的屍首必給空中的飛上的野獸作食物。

5 耶和華如此:不要進入喪家,不要去哀哭,也不要為他們悲傷,因我已將我的平安、慈愛、憐憫從這百姓奪去了。這是耶和華的。

6 帶小,都必在這亡,不得葬埋。人必不為他們哀哭,不用刀劃身,也不使頭光禿。

7 他們有喪事,人必不為他們擘餅,因安慰他們;他們喪父喪母,人也不給他們一杯酒安慰他們。

8 你不可進入宴樂的家,與他們同

9 因為萬軍之耶和華以色列的如此:你們還活著的日子在你們眼前,我必使歡喜和快樂的聲音,新郎和新婦的聲音,從這地方止息了。

10 你將這一切的指示這百姓。他們問你耶和華為甚麼,要降這災禍攻擊我們呢?我們有甚麼孽呢?我們耶和華我們犯了甚麼呢?

11 你就對他們耶和華:因為你們列祖離棄我,隨從別,事奉敬拜,不遵守我的律法,

12 而且你們行惡比你們列祖更甚;因為各人隨從自己頑梗的惡行事,甚至不從我,

13 所以我必將你們從這趕出,直趕到你們和你們列祖素不認識的。你們在那裡必晝夜事奉別,因為我必不向你們施恩。

14 耶和華:日子將到,人必不再指著那領以色列人埃及之永生的耶和華起誓,耶和華:日子將到,人必不再指著那領以色列人埃及之永生的耶和華起誓,

15 卻要指著那領以色列人北方,並趕他們到的各國上來之永生的耶和華起誓,並且我要領他們再入我從前賜給他們列祖之

16 耶和華:我要召許多打魚的把以色列人打上來,然我要召許多打獵的,從各上、各岡上、各石穴中獵取他們。

17 因我的眼目察看他們的一切行為;他們不能在我面前遮掩,他們的罪孽也不能在我眼前隱藏

18 我先要加倍報應他們的孽和罪惡;因為他們用可憎之屍玷污我的土,又用可厭之物充滿我的產業。

19 耶和華啊,你是我的力量,是我的保障;在苦難之日是我的避難所。列國人必從到你這裡,:我們列祖所承受的,不過是虛假,是虛空無益之物。

20 人豈可為自己製造呢?其實這不是

21 耶和華說:我要使他們知道,就是這一次使他們知道我的和我的能力。他們就知道我的名是耶和華了。





You do so much for me, thank you

Intellectual things -- ideas, knowledge, facts, even insight and understanding -- are more separate and free-standing than emotional things, and it's easier to imagine numbering them as individual things. Our loves and affections tend to be more amorphous -- they can certainly be powerful, but would be harder to measure. Using words like “much,” “many,” myriad” and “multitude” to describe a collection of things gives the sense that there is an exact number, even if we don't know what it is and don't want to bother trying to count. These words, then, are used in the Bible in reference to intellectual things -- our thoughts, knowledge and concepts. Words that indicate largeness without the idea of number -- “great” is a common one -- generally refer to loves, affections and the desire for good. Here's one way to think about this: Say you want to take some food to a friend who just had a baby. That's a desire for good (assuming you're doing it from genuinely good motives). To actually do it, though, takes dozens of thoughts, ideas, facts and knowledges. What does she like to eat? What do you have to cook? What do you cook well? Can you keep it hot getting to her house? Is it nutritious? Does she have any allergies? So one good desire can bring a multitude of ideas into play.