

民数记 34



1 耶和华晓谕摩西

2 你吩咐以色列人:你们到了迦南,就是归你们为业的迦南四境之

3 角要从寻的旷野,贴着以东边界界要从东头起,

4 绕到亚克拉滨坡的边,接连到寻,直通到加低斯巴尼亚的边,又通到哈萨亚达,接连到押们,

5 从押们埃及,直通到为止。

6 西边要以为界;这就是你们的西界。

7 界要从起,画到何珥

8 从何珥划到哈马口,通到西达达,

9 又通到西斐仑,直到哈萨以难。这要作你们的界。

10 你们要从哈萨以难划到示番为东界。

11 这界要从示番到亚延东边的利比拉,又要达到基尼烈湖的东边。

12 这界要到约但河,通到为止。这四围的边界以内,要作你们的

13 摩西吩咐以色列人说:这就是耶和华吩咐拈阄个半支派承受为业的;

14 因为流便支派和迦得支派按着宗族受了产业,玛拿西半个支派也受了产业。

15 这两个半支派已经在耶利哥对面、约但河东、向日出之地受了产业。

16 耶和华晓谕摩西

17 要给你们分为业之人的名字是祭司以利亚撒和嫩的儿子约书亚。

18 又要从每支派中选个首领帮助他们。

19 这些人的名字犹大支派有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒。

20 西缅支派有亚米忽的儿子示母利。

21 便雅悯支派有基斯伦的儿子以利达。

22 但支派有一个首领,约利的儿子布基。

23 约瑟的子孙玛拿西支派有一个首领,以弗的儿子汉聂。

24 以法莲支派有一个首领,拾弗但的儿子基母利。

25 西布伦支派有一个首领,帕纳的儿子以利撒番。

26 以萨迦支派有一个首领,阿散的儿子帕铁。

27 亚设支派有一个首领,示罗米的儿子亚希忽。

28 拿弗他利支派有一个首领,亚米忽的儿子比大黑。

29 这些人就是耶和华所吩咐、在迦南把产业分给以色列人的。





The mastaba of the official and priest Fetekti. Fifth Dynasty. Abusir necropolis, Egypt, Photo by Karl Richard Lepsius

In the Bible, Egypt represents knowledge and the love of knowledge. In a good sense that means knowledge of truth from the Lord through the Bible, but in a natural sense it simply means earthly knowledge to be stored up and possessed. And even knowledge from the Bible is not always good: If we learn them with the goal of making them useful, then they are filled with angelic ideas. But they lack purpose when they are learned only for the sake of knowing things or for the reputation of being learned. So Egypt is a place you go to learn things, but to become heavenly you have to escape the sterile "knowing" and journey to the land of Canaan, where the knowledge is filled with the internal desire for good. It's interesting that when Egypt was ruled by Joseph, it was a haven for his father and brothers. This shows that when a person's internal mind rules in the land of learning, they can learn much that is useful. But eventually a pharaoh arose that didn't know Joseph, and the Children of Israel were enslaved. The pharaoh represents the external mind; when it is in charge the excitement and self-congratulation of knowing can reduce the internal mind to a type of slavery. The mind - like the Children of Israel - ends up making bricks, or man-made falsities from external appearances.