

耶利米书 35



1 犹大王约西亚之子约雅敬的时候,耶和华的临到耶利米说:

2 你去见利甲族的人,和他们说话,领他们进入耶和华殿的子,给他们酒喝。

3 我就将哈巴洗尼雅的孙子雅利米雅的儿子雅撒尼亚和他弟兄,并他众子,以及利甲全族的人,

4 领到耶和华的殿,进入伊基大利的儿子哈难众子的子。那子在首领的子旁边,在沙龙之子把门的玛西雅子以上。

5 於是我在利甲族人面前设摆盛满酒的碗和杯,对他们:请你们喝酒

6 他们却我们喝酒;因为我们先祖利甲的儿子约拿达曾吩咐我们:你们与你们的子孙永不可喝酒

7 也不可盖房、撒种、栽种葡萄园,但一生的年日要帐棚,使你们的日子在寄居之地得以延长。

8 我们先祖利甲的儿子约拿达所吩咐我们的话,我们从了。我们我们妻子儿女一生的年日都不喝酒

9 也不盖房居住,也没有葡萄园、田地,和种子

10 帐棚,我们先祖约拿达的话,照他所吩咐我们的去行。

11 巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒上此我们因怕迦勒底军队和亚兰的军队,就吧,我们耶路撒冷去。这样,我们耶路撒冷

12 耶和华的临到耶利米

13 万军之耶和华以色列的如此:你去对犹大耶路撒冷居民耶和华:你们不受教训,不从我的麽?

14 利甲的儿子约拿达所吩咐他子孙不可喝酒,他们已经遵守,直到今日也不喝酒,因为他们从先祖的吩咐。我从起来警戒你们,你们却不从我。

15 我从起来,差遣我的仆人先知去,说:你们各当回头,离开恶道,改正行为,不随从事奉别,就必在我所赐你们和你们列祖的地上。只是你们没有听从我,也没有侧耳而听。

16 利甲的儿子约拿达的子孙能遵守先人所吩咐他们的命,这百姓却没有听从我!

17 因此,耶和华─万军之以色列的如此:我要使我所的一切灾祸临到犹大人和耶路撒冷的一切居民。因为我对他们说话,他们没有从;我呼唤他们,他们没有答应。

18 耶利米对利甲族的人:万军之耶和华以色列的如此:因你们听从你们先祖约拿达的吩咐,谨守他的一切诫命,照他所吩咐你们的去行,

19 所以万军之耶和华以色列的如此:利甲的儿子约拿达必永不缺侍立在我面前。






Generally speaking, people who are at lower levels of an organization serve those at higher levels. Bosses boss and their employees serve; coaches devise strategy and players do what the coach tells them to do; engineers design car parts and workers assemble them according to the engineers' instructions. Ideally, of course, it's a two-way street: A good boss knows he is really there to help his employees succeed; a good coach creates strategies based on his players' strengths. Even there, though, the boss and coach are really working in service of a higher goal, seeking organizational success. The same is true in the spiritual sense of the Bible. When someone serves another, they are in a lower state, serving a higher state (or a deeper evil, if they are being enslaved by people who represent evil). This can take many different forms, depending on the circumstances. In many cases, this creates a connection between "service" and intellectual things. This is because who we are is determined by what we love; our loves are the deepest part of us. What we think, our reasoning and intellect and the things we learn about, come from those loves and serve those loves.