

申命记 21



1 耶和华─你所赐你为业的地上,若遇见被杀的人倒在田野,不知道是谁杀的,

2 长老和审判官就要出去,从被杀的人那里量起,直量到四围的城邑,

3 看哪城离被杀的人最近,那城的长老就要从牛群中取一只未曾耕地、未曾负轭的母犊,

4 把母牛犊牵到流水、未曾耕种的山谷去,在谷中打折母牛犊的颈项。

5 祭司利未的子孙要前来;因为耶和华─你的拣选了他们事奉他,奉耶和华的祝福,所有争讼殴打的事都要凭他们判断。

6 那城的众长老,就是离被杀的人最近的,要在那山谷中,在所打折颈项的母牛犊以上

7 祷告(原文作回答:我们的未曾流这人的血;我们的眼也未曾见这事。

8 耶和华阿,求你赦免你所救赎的以色列民,不要使流无辜血的罪归在你的百姓以色列中间。这样,流血的罪必得赦免。

9 你行耶和华眼中看为正的事,就可以从你们中间除掉流无辜血的罪。

10 你出去与仇敌争战的时候,耶和华─你的将他们交在你中,你就掳了他们去。

11 若在被掳的人中见有美貌的女子,恋慕他,要娶他为妻,

12 就可以领他到你家里去;他便要剃发,修指甲,

13 脱去被掳时所穿的衣服,在你里哀哭父母一个整月,然可以与他同房。你作他的丈夫,他作你的妻子

14 後来你若不喜悦他,就要由他随意出去,决不可为他,也不可当婢女待他,因为你玷污了他。

15 若有妻,为所为所恶,所的、所恶的给他生了儿子,但长子是所恶之妻生的。

16 到了把产业分给儿子承受的时候,不可将所之妻生的儿子立为长子,在所恶之妻生的儿子以上,

17 却要认所恶之妻生的儿子长子,将产业多加一分他;因这儿子是他力量强壮的时候生的,长子的名分本当归他。

18 若有顽梗悖逆的儿子,不从父母的话,他们虽惩治他,他仍不从,

19 父母就要抓住他,将他带到本地的城、本城的长老那里,

20 长老我们儿子顽梗悖逆,不我们的话,是贪食好酒的人。

21 本城的众人就要用石头将他打。这样,就把那恶从你们中间除掉,以色列众人都要害怕

22 若犯该的罪,被治死了,你将他头上,

23 他的尸首不可留在头上过夜,必要当日将他葬埋,免得玷污了耶和华─你所赐你为业之地。因为被的人是在面前受咒诅的。






'The children of Israel,' in Isaiah 14:2, signify the Gentiles.

In Jeremiah 23:8, 'Israel' represents the spiritual natural church.

(Referencat: Apocalypse Explained 768)



Isaiah 14



1 For Yahweh will have compassion on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land. The foreigner will join himself with them, and they will unite with the house of Jacob.

2 The peoples will take them, and bring them to their place. The house of Israel will possess them in Yahweh's land for servants and for handmaids. They will take as captives those whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

3 It will happen in the day that Yahweh will give you rest from your sorrow, from your trouble, and from the hard service in which you were made to serve,

4 that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!"

5 Yahweh has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers,

6 who struck the peoples in wrath with a continual stroke, who ruled the nations in anger, with a persecution that none restrained.

7 The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet. They break out song.

8 Yes, the fir trees rejoice with you, with the cedars of Lebanon, saying, "Since you are humbled, no lumberjack has come up against us."

9 Sheol from beneath has moved for you to meet you at your coming. It stirs up the dead for you, even all the rulers of the earth. It has raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

10 They all will answer and ask you, "Have you also become as weak as we are? Have you become like us?"

11 Your pomp is brought down to Sheol, with the sound of your stringed instruments. Maggots are spread out under you, and worms cover you.

12 How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, who laid the nations low!

13 You said in your heart, "I will ascend into heaven! I will exalt my throne above the stars of God! I will sit on the mountain of assembly, in the far north!

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds! I will make myself like the Most High!"

15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the pit.

16 Those who see you will stare at you. They will ponder you, saying, "Is this the man who made the earth to tremble, who shook kingdoms;

17 who made the world like a wilderness, and overthrew its cities; who didn't release his prisoners to their home?"

18 All the kings of the nations, sleep in glory, everyone in his own house.

19 But you are cast away from your tomb like an abominable branch, clothed with the slain, who are thrust through with the sword, who go down to the stones of the pit; like a dead body trodden under foot.

20 You will not join them in burial, because you have destroyed your land. You have killed your people. The seed of evildoers will not be named forever.

21 Prepare for slaughter of his children because of the iniquity of their fathers, that they not rise up and possess the earth, and fill the surface of the world with cities.

22 "I will rise up against them," says Yahweh of Armies, "and cut off from Babylon name and remnant, and son and son's son," says Yahweh.

23 "I will also make it a possession for the porcupine, and pools of water. I will sweep it with the broom of destruction," says Yahweh of Armies.

24 Yahweh of Armies has sworn, saying, "Surely, as I have thought, so shall it happen; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:

25 that I will break the Assyrian in my land, and tread him under foot on my mountains. Then his yoke will leave them, and his burden leave their shoulders.

26 This is the plan that is determined for the whole earth. This is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations.

27 For Yahweh of Armies has planned, and who can stop it? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?"

28 This burden was in the year that king Ahaz died.

29 Don't rejoice, O Philistia, all of you, because the rod that struck you is broken; for out of the serpent's root an adder will emerge, and his fruit will be a fiery flying serpent.

30 The firstborn of the poor will eat, and the needy will lie down in safety; and I will kill your root with famine, and your remnant will be killed.

31 Howl, gate! Cry, city! You are melted away, Philistia, all of you; for smoke comes out of the north, and there is no straggler in his ranks.

32 What will they answer the messengers of the nation? That Yahweh has founded Zion, and in her the afflicted of his people will take refuge.