The Bible


Jezekilj 34



1 Opet mi dođe reč Gospodnja govoreći:

2 Sine čovečji, prorokuj protiv pastira Izrailjevih, prorokuj i reci tim pastirima: Ovako veli Gospod Gospod: Teško pastirima Izrailjevim koji pasu sami sebe! Ne treba li stado da pasu pastiri?

3 Pretilinu jedete i vunom se odevate, koljete tovno, stada ne pasete.

4 Slabih ne krepite, i bolesne ne lečite, ranjene ne zavijate, odagnane ne dovodite natrag, izgubljene ne tražite, nego silom i žestinom gospodarite nad njima.

5 I raspršaše se nemajući pastira, i raspršavši se postaše hrana svim zverima poljskim.

6 Ovce moje lutaju po svim gorama i po svim visokim humovima; i po svoj zemlji raspršane su Ovce moje, i nema nikoga da pita za njih, nikoga da ih traži.

7 Zato, pastiri, čujte reč Gospodnju;

8 Tako ja bio živ, govori Gospod Gospod, što stado moje posta grabež, i ovce moje postaše hrana svim zverima poljskim nemajući pastira, i pastiri moji ne traže stada mog, nego pastiri pasu sami sebe, a stada mog ne pasu;

9 Zato, pastiri, čujte reč Gospodnju;

10 Ovako veli Gospod Gospod: Evo me na te pastire, i iskaću stado svoje iz njihovih ruku, i neću im dati više da pasu stado, i neće više pastiri pasti sami sebe, nego ću oteti ovce svoje iz usta njihovih i neće im biti hrana.

11 Jer ovako veli Gospod Gospod: Evo me, ja ću tražiti ovce svoje i gledati ih.

12 Kao što pastir traži stado svoje kad je kod ovaca svojih raspršenih, tako ću tražiti ovce svoje i oteću ih iz svih mesta kuda se raspršaše kad beše oblačno i mračno.

13 I izvešću ih iz naroda, i pokupiću ih iz zemalja, i dovešću ih u zemlju njihovu, i pašću ih na gorama Izrailjevim pokraj potoka i po svim mestima naseljenim u zemlji.

14 Na dobroj paši pašću ih, i tor će im biti na visokim gorama izrailjevim; onde će ležati u dobrom toru i po obilatoj će paši pasti na gorama Izrailjevim.

15 Ja ću pasti stado svoje, i ja ću ih odmarati, govori Gospod Gospod.

16 Tražiću izgubljenu, i dovešću natrag odagnanu, i ranjenu ću zaviti i bolesnu okrepiti; a tovnu ću i jaku potrti, pašću ih pravo.

17 A vama, stado moje, ovako govori Gospod Gospod: Evo ja ću suditi između ovce i ovce, između ovnova i jaraca.

18 Malo li vam je što pasete na dobroj paši, nego ostatak paše svoje gazite nogama svojim? I što pijete bistru vodu, nego ostatak mutite nogama svojim?

19 A moje ovce pasu što vi nogama svojim izgazite, i piju što vi zamutite nogama svojim.

20 Zato ovako im veli Gospod Gospod: Evo me, ja ću suditi između ovce debele i ovce mršave.

21 Što bocima i ramenima otiskujete i rozima svojim bodete sve bolesne tako da ih razagnaste napolje,

22 Zato ću izbaviti stado svoje da ne bude više grabež, i sudiću između ovce i ovce.

23 I podignuću im jednog pastira koji će ih pasti, slugu svog Davida; on će ih pasti i biće im pastir.

24 A ja Gospod biću im Bog, i sluga moj David knez među njima. Ja Gospod rekoh.

25 I učiniću s njima zavet mirni, istrebiću zle zveri iz zemlje, i oni će živeti u pustinji bez straha i spavaće u šumama.

26 I blagosloviću njih i šta je oko gore moje, i puštaću dažd na vreme; daždi će blagoslovni biti.

27 I drveta će poljska rađati svoj rod, i zemlja će rađati svoj rod; i oni će biti u svojoj zemlji bez straha, i poznaće da sam ja Gospod kad polomim palice jarma njihovog, i izbavim ih iz ruku onih koji ih zarobiše.

28 I neće više biti plen narodima, i zveri zemaljske neće ih jesti, nego će živeti bez straha i niko ih neće plašiti.

29 I podignuću im biljku za slavu, i neće više umirati od gladi u zemlji, niti će podnositi sramotu od naroda.

30 I poznaće da sam ja Gospod Bog njihov s njima, i oni, dom Izrailjev, da su moj narod, govori Gospod Gospod.

31 A vi ste stado moje, ovce paše moje, vi ljudi, a ja sam Bog vaš, govori Gospod Gospod.




What does the Bible say about Peace?

By New Christian Bible Study Staff, John Odhner

by Brita Conroy

Here's an extract from Swedenborg's explanation of the inner meaning of the Book of Revelation, in which he has collected a nice set of passages from the Word, about peace. It's powerful to read them as a set.

This is from Apocalypse Revealed 306:

"[In the Word,] Peace symbolizes everything whatever that comes from the Lord, and so everything pertaining to heaven and the church, and the blessings of life in them. In the highest or inmost sense, these are blessings of peace.

It follows from this that peace means charity, spiritual security, and inner rest, for when a person abides in the Lord, he is at peace with his neighbor, which is a state of charity, and he has protection from hell, which is spiritual security. And when he is at peace with his neighbor and has protection from hell, he enjoys an inner rest from evils and falsities.

Accordingly, since all these blessings come from the Lord, it can be seen what is symbolically meant by peace in general and in particular in the following passages:

...unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; the government will be upon His shoulder. His name will be called... God, Hero, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end... (Isaiah 9:6-7)

(Jesus said,) "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you." (John 14:27)

(Jesus said,) "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace." (John 16:33)

In His days the righteous shall flourish, and much peace... (Psalms 72:3, 7)

Then I will make a covenant of peace... (Ezekiel 34:25, 27; 37:25-26)

How delightful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace..., who says to Zion, "Your King reigns!" (Isaiah 52:7)

Jehovah bless you and... lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)

Jehovah will bless His people with peace. (Psalms 29:11)

(Jehovah) will redeem my soul in peace... (Psalms 55:18)

The work of (Jehovah) is peace, [and] the labor of righteousness, rest and security forever, that (they) may dwell in a tabernacle of peace, in secure tents, and in tranquil places of rest. (Isaiah 32:17-18)

(Jesus said to the seventy that He sent out,) "Whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this house.' And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it." (Luke 10:5-6, cf. Matthew 10:12-14)

The wretched shall possess the earth, and shall delight themselves in an abundance of peace... ...observe the upright man, for the final state for that man is peace. (Psalms 37:11, 37)

(Zacharias, prophesying, said,) ."..the Dayspring from on high has appeared..., to guide our feet into the way of peace." (Luke 1:78-79)

Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. (Psalms 34:14)

Much peace have those who love Your law... (Psalms 119:165)

"Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river...." "There is no peace," says Jehovah, "for the impious." (Isaiah 48:18, 22)

(Jehovah) will speak peace to His people... Righteousness and peace will kiss. (Psalms 85:8, 10)

There is no peace in my bones because of my sin. (Psalms 38:3)

He has filled me with bitterness... ...moved (is) my soul far from peace; I have forgotten goodness. (Lamentations 3:15, 17)

And so on in many other places, from which it can be seen that the aforesaid blessings are meant by peace. Fix your mind on spiritual peace, and you will clearly see.

So likewise in the following places: Isaiah 26:12; 53:5; 54:10, 13; Jeremiah 33:6, 9; Haggai 2:9; Zechariah 8:16, 19; Psalms 4:6-8; 120:6-7; 122:6-9; 128:5-6; 147:14."