The Bible


Иеремия 52



1 Седекия был двадцати одного года, когда начал царствовать, и царствовал в Иерусалиме одиннадцать лет; имя матери его – Хамуталь, дочь Иеремии из Ливны.

2 И он делал злое в очах Господа, все то, что делал Иоаким;

3 посему гнев Господа был над Иерусалимом и Иудою до того, что Он отверг их от лица Своего; и Седекия отложился от царя Вавилонского.

4 И было, в девятый год его царствования, в десятый месяц, в десятый день месяца, пришел Навуходоносор, царь Вавилонский, сам и все войско его, к Иерусалиму, и обложили его, и устроили вокруг него насыпи.

5 И находился город в осаде до одиннадцатого года царя Седекии.

6 В четвертом месяце, в девятый день месяца, голод в городе усилился, и не было хлеба у народа земли.

7 Сделан был пролом в город, и побежали все военные, и вышли из города ночью воротами,находящимися между двумя стенами, подле царского сада, и пошли дорогоюстепи; Халдеи же были вокруг города.

8 Войско Халдейское погналось за царем, и настигли Седекию на равнинах Иерихонских, и все войско его разбежалось от него.

9 И взяли царя, и привели его к царю Вавилонскому, в Ривлу, в землю Емаф, где он произнес над ним суд.

10 И заколол царь Вавилонский сыновей Седекии пред глазами его, и всех князей Иудейских заколол в Ривле.

11 А Седекии выколол глаза и велел оковать его медными оковами; и отвел его царь Вавилонский в Вавилон ипосадил его в дом стражи до дня смерти его.

12 В пятый месяц, в десятый день месяца, – это был девятнадцатый год царя Навуходоносора, царя Вавилонского, – пришел Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, предстоявший пред царем Вавилонским, в Иерусалим

13 и сожег дом Господень, и дом царя, и все домы в Иерусалиме, ивсе домы большие сожег огнем.

14 И все войско Халдейское, бывшее с начальником телохранителей, разрушило все стенывокруг Иерусалима.

15 Бедных из народа и прочий народ, остававшийся в городе, и переметчиков, которые передались царю Вавилонскому, и вообще остаток простого народа Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, выселил.

16 Только несколько из бедного народа земли Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, оставил для виноградников и земледелия.

17 И столбы медные, которые были в доме Господнем, и подставы, и медное море, котороев доме Господнем, изломали Халдеи и отнесли всю медь их в Вавилон.

18 И тазы, и лопатки, и ножи, и чаши, и ложки, и все медные сосуды, которые употребляемы были при Богослужении, взяли;

19 и блюда, и щипцы, и чаши, и котлы, и лампады, и фимиамники, и кружки, что былозолотое – золотое, и что было серебряное – серебряное, взял начальник телохранителей;

20 также два столба, одно море и двенадцать медных волов, которыеслужили подставами, которые царь Соломон сделал в доме Господнем, – меди во всех этихвещах невозможно было взвесить.

21 Столбы сии были каждый столб в восемнадцать локтей вышины, и шнурок в двенадцать локтей обнимал его, а толщина стенок его внутри пустого, в четыре перста.

22 И венец на нем медный, а высота венца пять локтей; и сетка игранатовые яблоки вокруг были все медные; то же и на другом столбе с гранатовыми яблоками.

23 Гранатовых яблоков было по всем сторонам девяносто шесть; всех яблоков вокруг сетки сто.

24 Начальник телохранителей взял также Сераию первосвященника и Цефанию, второго священника, и трех сторожей порога.

25 И из города взял одного евнуха, который был начальником над военными людьми, и семь человек предстоявших лицу царя, которые находились в городе, и главного писца в войске, записывавшего в войско народ земли, и шестьдесят человек из народа страны, найденных в городе.

26 И взял их Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, и отвел их к царю Вавилонскому в Ривлу.

27 И поразил их царь Вавилонский и умертвил их в Ривле, в земле Емаф; и выселен был Иуда из земли своей.

28 Вот народ, который выселил Навуходоносор: в седьмой год три тысячи двадцать три Иудея;

29 в восемнадцатый год Навуходоносора из Иерусалима выселено восемьсот тридцать две души;

30 в двадцать третий год Навуходоносора Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, выселил Иудеев семьсот сорок пять душ: всего четыре тысячишестьсот душ.

31 В тридцать седьмой год после переселения Иоакима, царя Иудейского, в двенадцатый месяц, в двадцать пятый день месяца, Евильмеродах, царь Вавилонский,в первый год царствования своего, возвысил Иоакима, царя Иудейского, и вывел его из темничного дома.

32 И беседовал с ним дружелюбно, и поставил престол его выше престола царей, которые были у него в Вавилоне;

33 и переменил темничные одежды его, и он всегда у него обедал во все дни жизни своей.

34 И содержание его, содержание постоянное, выдаваемо было ему от царя изо дня в день до дня смерти его, во все дни жизни его.


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #1327

Study this Passage

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1327. 'Jehovah confounded the lip of the whole earth' means the state of this Ancient Church, that internal worship started to perish. This is clear from the fact that the phrase used is 'the lip of the whole earth' and not, as previously in verse 7, the lip of those who started to build a city and a tower. 'The face of the whole earth' means the state of the Church since 'the earth' is the Church, as shown already in 662, 1066. The story of the Churches after the Flood is as follows: There were three Churches which receive specific mention in the Word - the first Ancient Church which took its name from Noah, the second Ancient Church which took its name from Eber, and the third Ancient Church which took its name from Jacob, and subsequently from Judah and Israel.

[2] As regards the first Ancient Church, that called Noah, this was the parent so to speak of those that followed, and as is usually the case with Churches in their earliest phases, it was more untarnished and innocent, as is also clear from verse 1 of this chapter which says that it had one lip, that is, one doctrine. That is to say, everyone regarded charity as the essential. But in the course of time, as usually happens to Churches, that Church also started to decline, chiefly because many people started to divert worship to themselves so as to set themselves above others, as is clear from verse 4 above - 'they said, Let us build ourselves a city and a tower, and its head in heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves'. In the Church such people were inevitably like some fermenting agent, or like firebrands that start a fire. When the danger of profaning what is holy was consequently near at hand, referred to in 571, 582, the state of this Church was, in the Lord's Providence, altered. That is to say, its internal worship perished but its external worship remained, which here is meant by the statement that 'Jehovah confounded the lip of the whole earth'. From this it is also clear that the kind of worship called Babel was not prevalent in the first Ancient Church but in those that followed when people started to be worshipped in place of gods, especially after they had died. This was the origin of so many pagan deities.

[3] The reason internal worship was allowed to perish and external remain was to prevent what is holy being profaned. The profanation of what is holy carries eternal condemnation with it. Nobody is able to profane what is holy unless he possesses cognitions of faith and also acknowledges them. Anyone who does not possess them cannot acknowledge them, still less profane them. It is internal things which may be profaned, for it is in internal things, not external, that holiness resides. The situation is similar with someone who does evil but does not have evil in mind. The evil he does cannot be attributed to him any more than to someone who does not deliberately intend evil, or to anyone devoid of rationality. Thus anyone who does not believe in the existence of a life after death, but who nevertheless has external worship, cannot profane the things that belong to eternal life because he does not believe that they exist. The situation is different with those who do know and acknowledge them.

[4] This too is why a person is allowed rather to live engrossed in lusts and pleasures, and so to isolate himself from internal things, than to enter into a knowledge and acknowledgement of internal things and so profane them. The Jews of today therefore are allowed to immerse themselves in avarice so that in this way they may be removed from an acknowledgement of internal things, for they are the kind of people who, if they acknowledged them, would inevitably profane them. Nothing does more to isolate a person from internal things than avarice, for this is the lowest of all earthly desires. The same applies to many inside the Church, and to gentiles outside, though gentiles, least of all people, are able to profane anything. This then is the reason for the statement here that 'Jehovah confounded the lip of the whole earth', and the reason why these words mean that the state of the Church was altered, that is to say, its worship became external, having no internal worship within it.

[5] The same situation was represented and meant by the Babylonish captivity into which the Israelites, and later on the Jews, were carried away. This is spoken of in Jeremiah as follows,

And there will be a nation and a kingdom that will not serve the king of Babel, and who will not put its neck in the yoke of the king of Babel. With the sword and famine and pestilence I will visit this people, until I have consumed it by his hand. Jeremiah 27:8 and following verses.

'Serving the king of Babel and putting its neck in his yoke' is being utterly deprived of the knowledge and acknowledgement of the good and the truth of faith, and so of internal worship.

[6] The point is clearer still in the same prophet,

Thus said Jehovah to all the people in this city, your brethren who did not go out with you into captivity, thus said Jehovah Zebaoth, Behold, I am sending on them the sword, famine, and pestilence, and I will make them like rotten figs. Jeremiah 29:16-17.

'Remaining in the city and not going out to the king of Babel' represented and meant people who possessed the cognitions of internal things, that is, of the truths of faith, and who profaned them - people on whom, it is said, He was sending 'the sword, famine, and pestilence', which are forms of punishment for profanation, and whom He was making 'like rotten figs'.

[7] That 'Babel' means people who deprive others of all knowledge and acknowledgement of truth was also represented and meant by the following words in the same prophet,

I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babel, and he will carry them off to Babel, and will smite them with the sword. And I will give over all the wealth of this city, and all its labour, and all its precious things; and I will give all the treasures of the kings of Judah into the hand of their enemies, and they will plunder them and seize them. Jeremiah 20:4-5.

Here 'all its wealth, all its lab our, all its precious things, all the treasures of the kings of Judah' means in the internal sense cognitions of faith.

[8] In the same prophet,

With the families of the north I will bring the king of Babel against this land and against its inhabitants, and against all those nations round about, and I will utterly destroy them and make them into a ruin, a hissing, and everlasting wastes. And this whole land will be a waste. Jeremiah 25:9, 11.

Here 'Babel' is used to describe the vastation of the interior things of faith, that is, of internal worship. Indeed, as shown already, anyone whose worship is worship of self possesses no truth of faith. He destroys and lays waste, and leads off into captivity, everything that is true. This is why Babel is also called 'a destroying mountain' in Jeremiah 51:25.

For more concerning Babel, see what has been stated already in 1182.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.