The Bible


Бытие 7



1 И сказалъ Іегова Ною: войди со всјмъ семействомъ твоимъ въ ковчегъ; ибо тебя вижу Я праведнымъ предо Мною въ семъ вјкј.

2 Возьми съ собою изъ всякаго скота чистаго по семи, мужскаго пола и женскаго, а изъ скота нечистаго по два, мужскаго пола и женскаго.

3 Также и птицъ небесныхъ по семи, мужскаго пола и женскаго, чтобы сохранить племя для всей земли.

4 Ибо чрезъ семь дней отнынј, Я повелю дождю литъся на землю сорокъ дней и сорокъ ночей; и истреблю съ лица земли все существующее, что Я ни создалъ.

5 Ной сдјлалъ все, что Іегова повелјлъ ему.

6 Ной же былъ шесги сотъ лјть отъ рожденія, какь вода потопная пришла на землю.

7 И вошелъ Ной отъ водъ потопа въ ковчегъ, и съ нимъ сыновья его, и жена его, и жены сыновъ его.

8 И изъ скота чистаго и изъ скота нечистаго, и изъ всјхъ птицъ и изъ всјхъ пресмыкающихся по землј,

9 по парј, мужскаго пола и женскаго, вошли къ Ною въ ковчегъ, какъ Богъ повелјлъ Ною.

10 И когда минуло семь дней, воды потопа пришли на землю.

11 Въ шестисотомъ году жизни Ноевой, во второмъ мтснцј, въ семнадцатый день мјсяца, въ сей день разверзлись всј источники великой бездны, и окна небесныя отворились.

12 И лился на землю дождь сорокъ дней и сорокъ ночей

13 Въ сей самый день вошелъ въ ковчегъ Ной, н сыновья Ноевы, Сиімъ, Хамъ и Іафетъ, и жена Ноева, и три жены сыновъ его съ ними.

14 Они и всј звјри по роду ихъ, и всякой скоть по роду его, и всј гады пресмыкающіеся по землј по роду ихъ и всј птицы по роду ихъ, всј летающія, всј пернатыя.

15 По парј отъ всякой плоти, въ которой есть духъ жизни, вошло къ Ною въ ковчегъ.

16 И вошедшіе были мужскій и женскій полъ всякой плоти, такъ, какь повелјль ему Богъ. Наконецъ Іегова затворилъ за нимъ.

17 И продолжалось на землј наводненіе сорокъ дней, и умножились воды, и подняли ковчегъ, и онъ возвысился надъ землею

18 И усиливались воды, и весьма умножались на землј, и ковчегъ плавалъ по поверхности воды.

19 И воды усиливались на землј болје и болје, и покрылись всј высокія горы, какія есть подъ всјмъ небомъ.

20 Еще выше, на пятьнадцать локтей поднялись воды, когда покрылнсь горы.

21 И лишилась жизни всякая плоть, двигавшаяся по землј, птицы, к скотъ, и звјри, и всј гады, ползавшіе по землј, и всј люди.

22 Все, что имјло дыханіе духа жизни въ ноздряхъ своихъ на сушј, померло.

23 И истребилось все, что существовало на поверхности земли, отъ человјка до скота и гада и птицы небесной, все истребилосъ съ земли: и остался только Ной, и что было съ нимъ въ ковчегј.

24 И поднимались воды надъ землею сто пятьдесять дней.


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #751

Study this Passage

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751. As the subject here treated of is the temptation of the man of the new church called “Noah” and as few if any know the nature of temptations (because at this day there are few who undergo such temptations, and those who do undergo them know not but that it is something inherent in themselves which thus suffers), the subject shall be briefly explained. There are evil spirits who as before said in times of temptation call up a man’s falsities and evils, and in fact call forth from his memory whatever he has thought and done from his infancy. Evil spirits do this with a skill and a malignity so great as to be indescribable. But the angels with the man draw out his goods and truths, and thus defend him. This combat is what is felt and perceived by the man, causing the pain and remorse of conscience.

[2] There are two kinds of temptations, one as to things of the understanding, the other as to those of the will. When a man is tempted as to things of the understanding, the evil spirits call up only the evil things he has been guilty of (here signified by the “unclean beasts”), and accuse and condemn him; they do indeed also call up his good deeds (here signified by the “clean beasts”), but pervert them in a thousand ways. At the same time they call up what he has thought (here signified by the “fowl”), and such things also as are signified by “everything that creepeth upon the ground.”

[3] But this temptation is light, and is perceived only by the recalling of such things to mind and a certain anxiety therefrom. But when a man is tempted as to the things of the will, his thoughts and doings are not so much called up, but there are evil genii (as evil spirits of this kind may be called) who inflame him with their cupidities and foul loves with which he also is imbued, and thus combat by means of the man’s cupidities themselves, which they do so maliciously and secretly that it could not be believed to be from them. For in a moment they infuse themselves into the life of his cupidities, and almost instantly invert and change an affection of good and truth into an affection of evil and falsity, so that the man cannot possibly know but that it is done of his own self, and comes forth of his own will. This temptation is most severe, and is perceived as an inward pain and tormenting fire. Of this more will be said hereafter. That such is the case has been given me to perceive and know by manifold experience; and also when and how the evil spirits or genii were flowing in and inundating, and who and whence they were; concerning which experiences, of the Lord’s Divine mercy special and particular mention will be made hereafter.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.