The Bible


Ezequiel 1


1 Ora aconteceu no trigésimo ano, no quarto mês, no dia quinto do mês, que estando eu no meio dos cativos, junto ao rio Quebar, se abriram os céus, e eu tive visões de Deus.

2 No quinto dia do mês, já no quinto ano do cativeiro do rei Joaquim,

3 veio expressamente a palavra do Senhor a Ezequiel, filho de Buzi, o sacerdote, na terra dos caldeus, junto ao rio Quebar; e ali esteve sobre ele a mão do Senhor.

4 Olhei, e eis que um vento tempestuoso vinha do norte, uma grande nuvem, com um fogo que emitia de contínuo labaredas, e um resplendor ao redor dela; e do meio do fogo saía uma coisa como o brilho de âmbar.

5 E do meio dela saía a semelhança de quatro seres viventes. E esta era a sua aparência: tinham a semelhança de homem;

6 cada um tinha quatro rostos, como também cada um deles quatro asas.

7 E as suas pernas eram retas; e as plantas dos seus pés como a planta do dum bezerro; e luziam como o brilho de bronze polido.

8 E tinham mãos de homem debaixo das suas asas, aos quatro lados; e todos quatro tinham seus rostos e suas asas assim:

9 Uniam-se as suas asas uma à outra; eles não se viravam quando andavam; cada qual andava para adiante de si;

10 e a semelhança dos seus rostos era como o rosto de homem; e à mão direita todos os quatro tinham o rosto de leão, e à mão esquerda todos os quatro tinham o rosto dé boi; e também tinham todos os quatro o rosto de águia;

11 assim eram os seus rostos. As suas asas estavam estendidas em cima; cada qual tinha duas asas que tocavam às de outro; e duas cobriam os corpos deles.

12 E cada qual andava para adiante de si; para onde o espírito havia de ir, iam; não se viravam quando andavam.

13 No meio dos seres viventes havia uma coisa semelhante a ardentes brasas de fogo, ou a tochas que se moviam por entre os seres viventes; e o fogo resplandecia, e do fogo saíam relâmpagos.

14 E os seres viventes corriam, saindo e voltando à semelhança dum raio.

15 Ora, eu olhei para os seres viventes, e vi rodas sobre a terra junto aos seres viventes, uma para cada um dos seus quatro rostos.

16 O aspecto das rodas, e a obra delas, era como o brilho de crisólita; e as quatro tinham uma mesma semelhança; e era o seu aspecto, e a sua obra, como se estivera uma roda no meio de outra roda.

17 Andando elas, iam em qualquer das quatro direções sem se virarem quando andavam.

18 Estas rodas eram altas e formidáveis; e as quatro tinham as suas cambotas cheias de olhos ao redor.

19 E quando andavam os seres viventes, andavam as rodas ao lado deles; e quando os seres viventes se elevavam da terra, elevavam-se também as rodas.

20 Para onde o espírito queria ir, iam eles, mesmo para onde o espírito tinha de ir; e as rodas se elevavam ao lado deles; porque o espírito do ser vivente estava nas rodas.

21 Quando aqueles andavam, andavam estas; e quando aqueles paravam, paravam estas; e quando aqueles se elevavam da terra, elevavam-se também as rodas ao lado deles; porque o espírito do ser vivente estava nas rodas.

22 E por cima das cabeças dos seres viventes havia uma semelhança de firmamento, como o brilho de cristal terrível, estendido por cima, sobre a sua cabeça.

23 E debaixo do firmamento estavam as suas asas direitas, uma em direção à outra; cada um tinha duas que lhe cobriam o corpo dum lado, e cada um tinha outras duas que o cobriam doutro lado.

24 E quando eles andavam, eu ouvia o ruído das suas asas, como o ruído de muitas águas, como a voz do Onipotente, o ruído de tumulto como o ruído dum exército; e, parando eles, abaixavam as suas asas.

25 E ouvia-se uma voz por cima do firmamento, que estava por cima das suas cabeças; parando eles, abaixavam as suas asas.

26 E sobre o firmamento, que estava por cima das suas cabeças, havia uma semelhança de trono, como a aparência duma safira; e sobre a semelhança do trono havia como que a semelhança dum homem, no alto, sobre ele.

27 E vi como o brilho de âmbar, como o aspecto do fogo pelo interior dele ao redor desde a semelhança dos seus lombos, e daí para cima; e, desde a semelhança dos seus lombos, e daí para baixo, vi como a semelhança de fogo, e havia um resplendor ao redor dele.

28 Como o aspecto do arco que aparece na nuvem no dia da chuva, assim era o aspecto do resplendor em redor. Este era o aspecto da semelhança da glória do Senhor; e, vendo isso, caí com o rosto em terra, e ouvi uma voz de quem falava.

From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #69

Study this Passage

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69. (Verse 15) And his feet like unto burnished brass, as if they burned in a furnace. That this signifies the ultimate of Divine order which is the Natural, full of Divine love, is evident from the signification of feet, as being the Natural (concerning which seeArcana Coelestia 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952); when therefore it is said of the Lord, it denotes the ultimate of Divine order, because that is the Natural. It is also evident from the signification of burnished brass, or polished brass, as denoting natural good, concerning which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of burning, when said of the Lord, as denoting that it is from the Divine love (concerning which see n. 10055). It is said, as if they burned in a furnace, in order that the Divine love may be expressed in the greatest degree, and in its fullness; for the Divine is in its fulness when it is in its ultimate, and the ultimate is the Natural (as may be seen above, n. 66). It is clear then, that by His feet like fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace, is signified the ultimate of Divine order, which is the Natural, full of Divine love. These things, as also those that precede, are spoken comparatively; as that His head and His hairs were white as white wool, as snow, and that His feet were like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; but it is to be observed, that all comparisons in the Word are significative, because in the same way as the things themselves, they are from correspondences (as may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 3579, 4599, 8989).

[2] The reason why feet, when said of the Lord, signify the ultimate of Divine order, and that this is the Natural, is, that heaven is heaven from the Divine Human of the Lord, and that therefore heaven in the aggregate has reference to one Man. And, because there are three heavens, that the highest heaven has reference to the head, the middle heaven to the body, and the ultimate heaven to the feet. The Divine which constitutes the highest heaven is called the celestial Divine; that which constitutes the middle heaven is called the spiritual Divine, and that which constitutes the ultimate heaven is called the natural Divine from the spiritual and celestial. It is therefore clear why the Lord is in this place described as to His Divine Human, which is the Son of man, seen in the midst of the lampstands, not only as to His garments, but also as to His head, His chest and feet. (That the Son of man is the Lord as to the Divine Human, may be seen above, n. 63; and that the lampstands denote heaven, may be seen n. 62. But as these things are arcana hitherto unknown in the world, and nevertheless ought to be understood in order that the internal sense of this and the following parts of this prophetical book may be comprehended, they are therefore particularly and specifically described in the work, Heaven and Hell; as, that the Divine Human of the Lord constitutes heaven, n. 7-12, 78-86; that hence heaven in the aggregate has reference to one Man, n. 59-77; that there are three heavens, and that the highest refers to the head, the middle to the body, and the ultimate to the feet, n. 29-40.)

When these things are understood, it will be evident that by the feet of Jehovah, or of the Lord, in the Word, is signified the ultimate of Divine order, or the Natural; and because the external of the church, of worship, and of the Word, is the ultimate of Divine order in the church, and is the Natural, therefore this is specifically signified by the feet of Jehovah, or of the Lord.

[3] It was for this reason that, when the Lord was seen as an angel by the prophets, in other places, He was seen by them also in a similar manner. Thus by Daniel:

"I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with gold of Uphaz; his body also was like the beryl, and his eyes as torches of fire; his arms and his feet as the brightness of polished brass" (10:5, 6).

Similarly, the cherubs, which mean the Lord as to providence and protection (see Arcana Coelestia 9277, 9509, 9673), were seen by Ezekiel:

"Their feet sparkled as the brightness of polished brass" (1:7).

So also the Lord was afterwards seen as an angel, in the Apocalypse:

"I saw an angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow was about his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire" (10:1).

Because the Lord was thus seen as to the feet, therefore under the feet was seen, by some of the sons of Israel,

"as it were a work of sapphire stone, and as the substance of heaven in purity" (Exodus 24:10).

The reason why the Lord was not seen by them as to the feet, but under the feet, was, that they were not in the external of the church, of worship, and of the Word, but under it (as may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248). Since the feet of Jehovah, or the Lord, signify the ultimate of Divine order, and this is specifically the external of the church, of worship, and of the Word, therefore this is called His footstool in the Word, as in Isaiah:

"The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; I will make the place of my feet honourable. And they shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet" (60:13, 14).


"Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool" (66:1).

In Jeremiah:

God "doth not remember his footstool in the day of anger" (Lamentations 2:1).

And in David:

"Adore ye Jehovah, towards his footstool" (Psalms 99:5).


"We will go into his habitation; we will bow ourselves at his footstool" (Psalms 132:7).

And in Nahum:

"The clouds of Jehovah are the dust of his feet" (Nahum 1:3).

That cloud denotes the external of the Word, or the Word as to the letter, may be seen above, n. 36; and because cloud denotes the external of the Word, it also denotes the external of the church and of worship, for the church and worship are from the Word. It is said the dust of His feet, because those things which are in the sense of the letter of the Word, which sense is natural, appear scattered.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.