The Bible


Metjū 7



1 Netiesājiet, lai jūs netiktu tiesāti!

2 Kādu tiesu jūs spriedīsiet, tāda jums tiks spriesta, un ar kādu mēru jūs mērīsiet, ar tādu jums tiks atmērīts.

3 Bet ko tu raugi skabargu sava brāļa acī, bet baļķi savā acī neredzi?

4 Vai arī kā tu vari sacīt savam brālim: atļauj man izvilkt skabargu no tavas acs! Un, lūk, baļķis ir tavā acī?

5 Liekuli, izmet vispirms baļķi no savas acs un tad lūko izvilkt skabargu no sava brāļa acs!

6 Nedodiet svētumu suņiem un nemetiet pērles cūkām, ka viņas kādreiz tās nesamītu kājām un atgriezušās jūs nesaplosītu!

7 Lūdziet, un jums tiks dots, meklējiet, un jūs atradīsiet, klauvējiet, un jums tiks atvērts!

8 Jo katrs, kas lūdz, saņem, kas meklē - atrod, un kas klauvē, tam tiek atvērts.

9 Vai starp jums ir cilvēks, kas pasniegtu savam dēlam akmeni, ja tas lūgtu maizi?

10 Vai arī kas dotu čūsku, ja viņš lūgtu zivi?

11 Ja tad jūs, kas esat ļauni, protat saviem bērniem dot labas dāvanas, cik daudz vairāk jūsu Tēvs, kas debesīs, dos labu tiem, kas Viņu lūdz!

12 Tātad visu, ko jūs vēlaties, lai cilvēki jums darītu, dariet jūs viņiem, jo tā ir bauslība un pravieši!

13 Ieejiet caur šaurajiem vārtiem, jo plaši ir vārti un plats ir ceļš, kas ved pazušanā; un ir daudzi, kas pa to iet.

14 Cik šauri ir vārti un šaurs ir ceļš, kas ved dzīvībā! Un tikai nedaudzi to atrod.

15 Sargieties no viltīgajiem praviešiem, kas nāk pie jums avju drēbēs, bet iekšienē ir plēsīgi vilki!

16 No viņu augļiem jūs tos pazīsiet. Vai no ērkšķiem novāc vīnogas, vai vīģes no dadžiem?

17 Tā katrs labs koks dod labus augļus, bet nelabs koks dod nelabus augļus.

18 Labs koks nevar dot nelabus augļus, un nelabs koks nevar dot labus augļus.

19 Katrs koks, kas nedod labus augļus, tiek nocirsts un ugunī iemests.

20 Tātad pēc to augļiem jūs pazīsiet tos.

21 Ne katrs, kas man saka: Kungs! Kungs! ieies debesvalstībā, bet kas izpilda mana Tēva gribu, kas debesīs, tas ieies debesvalstībā.

22 Daudzi man sacīs tanī dienā: Kungs, Kungs, vai ne Tavā vārdā mēs pravietojām un Tavā vārdā neizdzinām ļaunos garus, un Tavā vārdā nedarījām daudz brīnumu?

23 Un tad es viņiem pasludināšu: Es nekad jūs neesmu pazinis; atkāpieties no manis, jūs ļaundari!

24 Tātad katrs, kas šos manus vārdus dzird un tos izpilda, būs līdzīgs prātīgajam vīram, kas savu namu cēlis uz klints.

25 Un lija lietus, un nāca plūdi, un pūta vēji, un gāzās pār šo māju, bet tā nesagruva, jo tā bija celta uz klints.

26 Un katrs, kas šos vārdus dzird, bet tos neizpilda, būs līdzīgs neprātīgajam vīram, kas savu māju cēla uz smiltīm.

27 Un lija lietus, un nāca plūdi, un pūta vēji, un gāzās pār šo māju, un tā sagruva; un tās posts bija liels.

28 Un notika, kad Jēzus pabeidza šos vārdus, ka ļaudis brīnījās par Viņa mācību.

29 Jo Viņš tos mācīja kā tāds, kam ir vara, un ne tā kā rakstu mācītāji un farizeji.


From Swedenborg's Works


True Christian Religion #722

Study this Passage

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722. VI. The people who worthily approach the Holy Supper are those who have faith in the Lord and charity towards the neighbour, so those who have been regenerated.

God, charity and faith are the three universals of the church, because they are the universal means to salvation. This is known, acknowledged and grasped by any Christian who studies the Word. Reason itself, at least if it contains any spirituality, insists that God must be acknowledged, if a person is to have any religion and any part of the church in him. If therefore anyone approaches the Holy Supper without acknowledging God, he profanes it. His eye sees the bread and wine, he tastes them on his tongue; but his mind is thinking: 'This is surely a matter of indifference. How are the bread and wine any different from what I have on my table? However, I do this to avoid being blamed by the priesthood, and so by the common people, as being an atheist.'

[2] After the acknowledgment of God the second means which makes one worthy to approach is charity. This fact is established both from the Word and from the exhortations read before people approach throughout the Christian world. We learn from the Word that the leading injunction and commandment is to love God before all else and one's neighbour as oneself (Matthew 22:35-40; Luke 10:25-28). Also in the epistles of Paul, there are three things which contribute to salvation, and the greatest of these is charity (1 Corinthians 13:13). Also:

We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone worships God and does His will, He listens to him, John 9:31.

Everyone who 1 does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, Matthew 7:19-20; Luke 3:8-9.

[3] The exhortations read throughout the Christian world before people approach the Holy Supper show that everywhere they are sternly admonished to be in a state of charity by reconciliation and repentance. I will quote only the following passage from the prayer read to communicants in England:

The way and means to become worthy partakers of the Holy Supper is this. First, to examine one's life and conversations by the rule of God's commandments; and whereinsoever one perceives oneself to have offended, either by will, word or deed, there to bewail one's own sinfulness, and to confess oneself to Almighty God, with full purpose of amendment of life. And if one perceives one's offences to be such as are not only against God, but also against the neighbour, then one shall reconcile oneself unto him, being ready to make restitution and satisfaction to the uttermost of one's powers, for all injuries and wrongs done by one to any other; and being likewise ready to forgive others that have offended one, as one would have forgiveness of one's offences at God's hand; for otherwise the receiving of the holy Communion doth nothing else but increase one's own damnation. Therefore if any of you be a blasphemer of God, an hinderer or slanderer of His Word, [an adulterer,] or be in malice, or envy, or in any other grievous crime, repent you of your sins, or else come not to that holy Supper; lest, after taking of that holy Supper, the devil enter into you, as he entered into Judas, and fill you full of all iniquities, and bring you to destruction both of body and soul. 2

[4] The third means to the worthy enjoyment of the Holy Supper is faith in the Lord. This is because charity and faith make one, as heat and light do in springtime, so that their combination makes every tree to be reborn. Likewise it is spiritual heat, which is charity, and spiritual light, which is the truth of faith, which make everyone alive. It is established from the following passages that faith in the Lord has this result:

He who believes in me will never die, but will live, John 11:25-26.

This is the will of the Father, that everyone who believes in the Son should have everlasting life, John 6:40.

God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him should have everlasting life, John 3:15-16.

He who believes in the Son has everlasting life. But he who does not believe the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him, John 3:36.

We are in the truth, in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He is the true God and everlasting life. 1 John 5:20.


1. The original in both Gospels has 'Every tree which,' and elsewhere it is so quoted by the author.

2. This passage is given in Latin in the original, but is a fairly close translation from the Book of Common Prayer, the language of which is here followed.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.