The Bible


Lūkass 8



1 Un pēc tam notika, ka Viņš apstaigāja pilsētas un miestus, mācīdams un sludinādams Dieva valstību, un tie divpadsmit bija ar Viņu,

2 Un arī dažas sievietes, kuras Viņš bija izdziedinājis no ļaunajiem gariem un slimībām: Marija, saukta Magdalēna, no kuras bija izgājuši septiņi ļaunie gari,

3 Un Joanna, Heroda nama pārvaldnieka Kūzas sieva, un Zuzanna, un daudzas citas, kas ar savu rocību kalpoja Viņam.

4 Bet kad sanāca daudz ļaužu un no visām pilsētām steidzās pie Viņa, tad Viņš runāja līdzībā:

5 Izgāja sējējs savu sēklu sēt; un sējot cita krita ceļmalā, un to samina, un debess putni to apēda.

6 Cita krita uz klints un uzdīgusi nokalta, jo tai nebija mitruma.

7 Un cita krita starp ēkšķiem, un ērkšķi, kopā augot, nomāca to.

8 Un cita krita labā zemē un uzdīgusi deva simtkārtīgus augļus. To sacījis, Viņš sauca: Kam ausis dzirdēšanai, lai dzird!

9 Bet Viņa mācekļi jautāja, ko šī līdzība nozīmē?

10 Viņš tiem sacīja: Jums dota Dieva valstības noslēpumu saprašana, bet citiem līdzībās, tā ka redzēdami neredz un dzirdēdami nesaprot.

11 Bet šī līdzība ir: sēkla ir Dieva vārds.

12 Bet kas ceļmalā, ir tie, kas dzird; pēc tam nāk velns un aiznes vārdu no viņu sirdīm, lai tie neticētu un netiktu pestīti.

13 Un kas uz klints, ir tie, kas dzirdēdami vārdu, priekā uzņem to, bet tiem nav saknes; kādu laiku viņi tic, bet kārdināšanas brīdī tie atkrīt.

14 Bet kas krita ērkšķos, ir tie, kas dzird, bet, viņiem aizejot, gan rūpes, gan bagātība un dzīves bauda nomāc to; un viņi nenes augļus.

15 Bet kas labajā zemē, ir tie, kas, vārdu dzirdējuši, patur to labajā un dziļajā sirdī; un viņi nes augļus pacietībā.

16 Bet neviens, aizdedzinājis sveci, to neapsedz ar trauku, nedz liek zem gultas, bet liek svečturī, lai ienācēji redzētu gaismu.

17 Jo nav nekā noslēpta, kas netiktu atklāts, un nekā paslēpta, kas nekļūs zināms un nenāks atklātībā.

18 Tāpēc ievērojiet, ko jūs klausāties! Jo kam ir, tam tiks dots; un kam nav, no tā tiks atņemts arī tas, kas tam šķietami ir.

19 Bet atnāca pie Viņa māte un Viņa brāļi un daudzo ļaužu dēļ nevarēja Viņam tikt klāt.

20 Un Viņam tika ziņots: Tava māte un Tavi brāļi stāv ārā un grib Tevi redzēt.

21 Viņš atbildēja tiem, sacīdams: Mana māte un mani brāļi ir tie, kas Dieva vārdu klausās un izpilda.

22 Bet kādā dienā notika, ka Viņš un Viņa mācekļi iekāpa laivā; un Viņš tiem sacīja: Pārcelsimies pāri ezeram! Un viņi cēlās pāri.

23 Un, tiem pārceļoties, Viņš aizmiga. Un pāri ezeram sacēlās brāzmaini vēji, un viņus aplēja, un tie bija briesmās.

24 Bet piegājuši, tie modināja Viņu, sacīdami: Mācītāj, mēs ejam bojā! Un Viņš uzcēlies apsauca vēju un ūdens viļņošanu, un tie norima, un tapa klusums.

25 Tad Viņš tiem sacīja: Kur jūsu ticība? Un viņi bailēs un izbrīnā viens otram sacīja: Kā šķiet, kas Viņš ir, ka Viņš pavēl vējiem un jūrai, un tie Viņam paklausa?

26 Un viņi pārcēlās uz geraziešu apgabalu, kas iepretim Galilejai.

27 Un, kad Viņš izkāpa krastā, Viņu sastapa kāds vīrs, kas jau ilgāku laiku bija ļaunā gara apsēsts. Drēbes viņš nevalkāja un arī mājās nedzīvoja, bet kapenēs.

28 Viņš, ieraudzījis Jēzu, krita Viņa priekšā, un, skaļā balsī kliegdams, sacīja: Kas man ar Tevi, Jēzu, visaugstākā Dieva Dēls? Es Tevi lūdzu, nemoci mani!

29 Un Viņš pavēlēja nešķīstajam garam iziet no šī cilvēka, jo jau ilgu laiku viņš mocīja to. Un viņu saistīja važās un dzelžos, lai sargātu viņu. Bet viņš sarāva važas, un ļaunais gars to dzina tuksnesī.

30 Bet Jēzus viņam jautāja, sacīdams: Kāds ir tavs vārds? Un viņš atbildēja: Leģions, jo daudzi ļaunie gari bija viņā iegājuši.

31 Un tie lūdza Viņu, lai Viņš nepavēl tiem iet bezdibenī.

32 Bet tur bija liels cūku bars, kas ganījās kalnā; un tie lūdza Viņu, lai atļauj ieiet tanīs. Un Viņš tiem atļāva.

33 Tad ļaunie gari, izgājuši no cilvēka, iegāja cūkās; un ganāmais pulks no kraujas strauji metās ezerā un noslīka.

34 Kad gani redzēja notikušo, viņi aizskrēja un izstāstīja par to pilsētā un ciemos.

35 Un viņi izgāja skatīt notikušo, un, atnākuši pie Jēzus, atrada cilvēku, no kura bija izgājuši ļaunie gari, apģērbtu un pilnā prātā sēžam pie Viņa kājām, un tie izbijās.

36 Bet tie, kas redzēja, stāstīja viņiem, kā tas no leģiona izdziedināts.

37 Un viss geraziešu apgabala iedzīvotāju vairākums lūdza Viņu aiziet no tiem, jo viņus bija pārņēmušas lielas bailes. Bet Viņš, iekāpis laivā, atgriezās atpakaļ.

38 Un vīrs, no kura ļaunie gari bija izgājuši, lūdza Viņu, lai atļauj palikt pie Viņa; bet Jēzus atlaida to, sacīdams:

39 Atgriezies savās mājās un stāsti, ko Dievs tev lielu darījis! Un viņš gāja, sludinādams visā pilsētā, ko lielu Jēzus viņam darījis.

40 Bet notika, kad Jēzus atgriezās, ka ļaudis saņēma Viņu, jo visi Viņu gaidīja.

41 Un, lūk, tur atnāca cilvēks, vārdā Jairs, kas bija sinagogas priekšnieks; un tas, nokritis pie Jēzus kājām, lūdza Viņu ienākt tā namā,

42 Jo viņam bija vienīgā meitiņa ap divpadsmit gadu, un viņa bija pie miršanas. Un notika, ka, Viņam ejot, ļaudis drūzmējās ap Viņu.

43 Un kāda sieviete, kura divpadsmit gadus cieta no asins tecēšanas un ārstiem bija atdevusi visu savu mantu, bet neviens nespēja to izārstēt,

44 No mugurpuses piegājusi, pieskārās Viņa drēbju šuvei, un tūliņ asins tecēšana apstājās.

45 Un Jēzus sacīja: Kas man pieskārās? Bet kad visi liedzās, Pēteris un tie, kas ar Viņu bija, sacīja: Mācītāj, ļaudis drūzmējas un Tevi spiež, un Tu saki: kas man pieskārās?

46 Un Jēzus sacīja: Man kāds pieskārās, jo es jutu, ka spēks iziet no manis.

47 Bet sieviete, redzēdama, ka viņa nav palikusi nemanīta, trīcēdama piegāja un krita pie Viņa kājām, un visas tautas priekšā norādīja, kāda iemesla dēļ Viņam pieskārusies un ka tūdaļ kļuvusi vesela.

48 Bet viņš tai sacīja: Meit, tava ticība tevi glābusi, ej mierā!

49 Viņam vēl runājot, nāca kāds pie sinagogas vecākā un sacīja viņam: Tava meitiņa mirusi, neapgrūtini Viņu!

50 Bet Jēzus, dzirdējis šos vārdus, sacīja meitiņas tēvam: Nebīsties, tikai tici, un viņa tiks glābta!

51 Un Viņš, namā ieejot, neatļāva nevienam līdzi nākt, kā vien Pēterim un Jēkabam, un Jānim, un meitiņas tēvam, un mātei.

52 Bet visi raudāja un apraudāja viņu. Bet Viņš sacīja: Neraudiet, meitene nav mirusi, bet guļ.

53 Un tie izsmēja Viņu, zinādami to, ka tā mirusi.

54 Bet Viņš ņēma to aiz rokas un sauca, sacīdams: Meitiņ, celies augšām!

55 Un viņas gars atgriezās; un viņa tūdaļ uzcēlās. Un Viņš lika dot tai ēst.

56 Un viņas vecāki brīnījās; un Viņš tiem pavēlēja nesacīt nevienam par notikušo.


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #9049

Study this Passage

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9049. 'You shall pay soul for soul' means the law of order that you shall do to your neighbour as you wish him to do to you, and therefore that it shall be done to you as you do to another. This is clear from the fact that paying soul for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, and so on, means having done to you what you would do to another. The reason why this law was given to the children of Israel was that a similar law exists in the spiritual world. Anyone there who does good to another with all his heart receives good in like measure; and therefore one who does evil to another with all his heart receives evil in like measure. For good done with all one's heart carries its own reward together with it, and evil done with all one's heart carries its own punishment together with it. So it is that heaven is the reward for good people, and hell the punishment for evil ones. Considerable experience has allowed me to know that this is so. The situation with both groups is as follows. With someone who does good with all his heart good is flowing in from heaven on every side into his heart and soul and inspiring him greatly to act as he does. At the same time love and affection for the neighbour to whom he does the good is increasing, and with this love and affection a delight that is heavenly delight, beyond description. The reason why all this happens is that the good of love from the Lord reigns everywhere in heaven, flowing in unceasingly in the same measure as it is being given out to another. Similarly with someone evil who does evil to another with all his heart. Evil on every side is flowing in from hell into his heart and spurring him on greatly to act as he does. At the same time selfish love and affection is increasing, and with them the delight born of hatred and vengeance against those unsubmissive to him. The reason why all this happens is that the evil of self-love reigns everywhere in hell, flowing in unceasingly in the same measure as it is given out to another. When this happens those who punish are immediately present, and they deal roughly with the evil-doer. In this way evil along with its delight is kept in check.

[2] These things are so because the laws of order in the next life are not learned from books and then stored away in the memory, as they are with people in the world. Rather they are laws written on the heart, laws of evil on the heart of those who are evil, and laws of good on the heart of those who are good. For everyone takes with him into the next life that which has been fixed in his heart by his life in the world, that is to say evil in the case of evil people and good in the case of good ones.

[3] The law of order from which these things follow is that which the Lord has taught in Matthew,

All things whatever you wish people to do to you, do also to them; this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31.

Order arises out of Divine Truth which comes from the Lord. In heaven the laws of order are truths springing from good, but in hell they are truths separated from good. They are said to be separated not on account of what the Lord does but of what man does. Good is separated when it is unreceived.

[4] The law called the law of retaliation is set out in Leviticus as follows,

Whoever strikes the soul of a beast shall make restitution, soul for soul. If a man has caused disfigurement in his neighbour as he has done, so shall it be done to him - fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has caused disfigurement in a person, so shall it be paid out to him. One striking a beast shall make restitution, and one striking a human being shall be killed. Leviticus 24:17-21.

Since evil carries its own punishment with it the Lord says that one should not resist evil. At the same time He explains what this law means for those in the spiritual world who are governed by good, in their relations with those ruled by evil, in the following words in Matthew,

You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say, Evil is not to be resisted. But whoever smacks you on your right jaw, turn the other to him also. And if anyone wishes to drag you to court and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to everyone asking from you, and from him desiring to receive a loan from you, do not turn away. Matthew 5:38-42.

[5] Who can fail to see that these words should not be taken literally? Who is going to turn his left jaw to one who has smacked him on the right jaw? Who is going to give his cloak to one who wishes to take away his tunic? Who is going to give what he has to all who ask for it? And who will not resist evil? But these words cannot be understood by anyone who does not know what the right jaw and the left, tunic and cloak, a mile, a loan, and all the rest are being used to mean. The subject in these verses is spiritual life or the life of faith, not natural life, which is the life of the world. In this chapter and the next the Lord reveals things of a more internal nature that belong to heaven; but He has done so by means of the kinds of things that exist in the world. He used such things in order that worldly-minded people might not understand them, only heavenly-minded people. And the reason why the worldly-minded people should be prevented from understanding was so that they would not profane the more internal truths of the Word; for by profaning these truths those people would cast themselves into the most horrible hell of all, which is the hell of profaners of the Word. This explains why the Lord has said in Luke,

To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to everyone else in parables, that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not hear. Luke 8:10.

And in John,

Isaiah said, He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they should see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and should be converted and I should heal them. John 12:40.

It says 'lest I heal them' because those who are healed but then go back to falsities and evils commit profanation. These are the ones who are meant in Matthew 12:43-45.

[6] But what the Lord's words quoted above are used to mean in the internal sense must be stated now. They refer in the internal sense to those who wish to use falsities to destroy the truths of faith, that is, to destroy the spiritual life with a person when he is undergoing temptation, or suffering persecution, and with good spirits when they are subject to molestations from evil spirits. 'The jaw' means an affection for interior truth, 'the right jaw' being an affection for truth derived from good; 'smacking' means the act of injuring that affection; 'tunic' and 'cloak' mean truth in an outward form, 4677, 4741, 4742; 'dragging to court' means trying to destroy; 'mile' means that which leads to truth, for 'mire' is similar in meaning to 'way', which means that which leads to truth, see 627, 2333, 3477; and 'giving a loan' means informing, which shows what 'giving to all who ask' means, namely declaring everything composing one's belief in the Lord. The reason therefore why 'evil should not be resisted' is that evil can have no harmful effect at all on those governed by truth and good, for they are protected by the Lord.

[7] These are the things that lie concealed beneath those words spoken by the Lord, which being so, the Lord says simply, 'You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth', quoting no further than this. He goes no further because 'an eye' means more internal truth of faith, and 'a tooth' more external truth of faith, as will be seen below. This shows in what way the Lord used words when He was in the world, that is to say, in the same way as they were used everywhere in the Old Testament Word - at the same time both for angels in heaven and for people in the world. For in itself His speech was Divine and heavenly, since it sprang from the Divine and came by way of heaven. But to present the truths He spoke He used such things as corresponded to them in the world. What such things correspond to is taught by the internal sense.

[8] The fact that 'smacking the jaw' or striking it means destroying truths is evident from places in the Word in which the expression 'striking the jaw' is used. And since in the genuine sense it means the destruction of truth, in the contrary sense it means the destruction of falsity, in which sense it occurs in David,

You will strike all my enemies on the jaw, You will break the teeth of the wicked. Psalms 3:7.

In Micah,

With a rod they will strike the judge of Israel on the jaw. Micah 5:1.

And in Isaiah,

The bridle of one that leads astray will be on the jaws of peoples. Isaiah 30:28.

'The face' means the affections, 4796, 4797, 4799, 5102, 5695, 6604. Consequently parts of the face mean such things as belong to the affections and correspond to the functions and uses they perform. The eye for example corresponds to the understanding of truth, the nostrils to the perception of truth, and parts of the mouth - the jaws, lips, throat, or tongue - to such things as belong to the utterance of truth, 4796 4805.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.