The Bible


Džons 15



1 Es esmu īstais vīna koks, un mans Tēvs ir kopējs.

2 Viņš nocērt no manis ikkatru zaru, kas nenes augļus, un ikkatru, kas nes augļus, tīra, lai tas vēl vairāk nestu augļus.

3 Jūs jau esat tīri to vārdu dēļ, ko jums teicu.

4 Palieciet manī, un es jūsos. Kā zars nevar nest augļus no sevis, ja nepaliek pie vīna koka, tā arī jūs ne, ja jūs nepaliksiet manī.

5 Es esmu vīna koks, bet jūs zari. Kas paliek manī, un es viņā, tas nes daudz augļu, jo bez manis jūs nekā nespējat darīt.

6 Ja kas manī nepaliek, to kā zaru izmet ārā; un tas sakalst, un to paņem un iemet ugunī, un tas sadeg.

7 Ja jūs paliksiet manī, un mani vārdi paliks jūsos, tad, ko vien jūs vēlēsieties un lūgsiet, tas jums notiks.

8 Ar to mans Tēvs tiek pagodināts, ja jūs nesat daudz augļu un kļūstat mani mācekļi.

9 Kā Tēvs mani mīlējis, tā es jūs mīlu. Palieciet manā mīlestībā!

10 Ja jūs manus baušļus pildīsiet, jūs paliksiet manā mīlestibā, tāpat kā es sava Tēva baušļus pildīju un palieku Viņa mīlestībā.

11 To es jums sacīju, lai mans prieks paliktu jūsos un jūsu prieks būtu pilnīgs.

12 Tas ir mans bauslis, lai jūs viens otru mīlētu, kā es jūs mīlēju.

13 Nav nevienam lielākas mīlestības par to, ja kāds atdod savu dzīvību par saviem draugiem.

14 Jūs esat mani draugi, ja jūs darīsiet to, ko es jums pavēlu.

15 Es jūs vairs nesaucu par kalpiem, jo kalps nezina, ko viņa kungs dara; bet es jūs saucu par draugiem, jo visu, ko dzirdēju no sava Tēva, es jums pasludināju.

16 Ne jūs mani izredzējāt, bet es jūs izredzēju un liku, lai jūs ietu un nestu augļus un lai jūsu augļi paliktu, jo visu, ko jūs no Tēva lūgsiet manā vārdā, to Viņš jums dos.

17 Šo es jums pavēlu, lai jūs cits citu mīlētu.

18 Ja pasaule jūs ienīst, ziniet, ka tā pirms jums mani ienīda.

19 Ja jūs būtu no pasaules, pasaule savējos mīlētu. Bet tā kā jūs neesat no pasaules, bet es jūs no pasaules izredzēju, tad pasaule jūs ienīst.

20 Atcerieties manus vārdus, ko es jums teicu: kalps nav lielāks par savu kungu. Ja viņi mani vajāja, tie vajās arī jūs. Ja viņi manus vārdus ievērojuši, tie pildīs arī jūsējos.

21 Bet to visu viņi jums darīs mana vārda dēļ, tāpēc ka tie nepazīst to, kas mani sūtījis.

22 Ja es nebūtu atnācis un viņiem to sacījis, tiem nebūtu grēka; bet tagad viņiem nav sava grēka attaisnojuma.

23 Kas mani ienīst, ienīst arī manu Tēvu.

24 Ja es viņiem nebūtu darījis darbus, kādus neviens cits nav darījis, tiem nebūtu grēka; bet tagad viņi tos redzēja un ienīda mani un manu Tēvu.

25 Bet vārdiem jāizpildās, kas rakstīti viņu bauslībā: Viņi mani veltīgi ienīda.

26 Bet kad atnāks Iepriecinātājs, ko es sūtīšu no Tēva, patiesības Gars, kas no Tēva iziet, Viņš dos jums liecību par mani.

27 Un jūs dosiet liecību, tāpēc ka no sākuma esat pie manis.


From Swedenborg's Works


True Christian Religion #153

Study this Passage

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Working here means much the same as sending the Holy Spirit, since the activities listed above, which are in general reformation, regeneration, renewal, quickening, sanctification, justification, [cleansing] from evils, forgiveness of sins [and salvation], are the Lord's doing, though at the present time they are attributed to the Holy Spirit as an independent God. These things are performed by the Lord from the Father, and not the reverse, as will first be proved from the Word and then illustrated by many reasoned arguments. The following passages from the Word will serve:

When the Comforter comes whom I shall send from the Father, the Spirit of truth who comes forth from the Father, he will bear witness about me, John 15:26.

If I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go away, I will send him to you, John 16:7.

The Comforter, the Spirit of truth, will not speak of himself, but he will receive of mine and tell it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; it is for this reason that I said that he would receive of mine and tell it to you, John 16:13-15.

The Holy Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified, John 7:39.

Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, Receive the Holy Spirit, John 20:22.

Whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I shall do it, John 14:13-14.

[2] These passages show clearly that it is the Lord who sends the Holy Spirit, that is to say, performs the works which at the present day are attributed to the Holy Spirit as an independent God. For He said that He would send him from the Father; that He would send him to you; that the Holy Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified; that after He was glorified He breathed on the disciples and said, Receive the Holy Spirit; He also said, Whatever you ask in my name, I will do, and also that the Comforter will receive of mine what he is to tell. The Comforter is identical with the Holy Spirit; see John 14:26. The following passages show that God the Father does not confer these benefits of Himself acting through the Son, but the Son does so of Himself from the Father:

No one has ever seen God; the only-begotten Son, who is in the Father's bosom, He has revealed Him, John 1:18.


You have never heard the Father's voice, nor have you seen His appearance, John 5:37.

[3] So it follows from these passages that God the Father works in the Son and upon the Son, not through the Son; but the Lord works of Himself

from His Father, for He says:

All things of the Father's are mine, John 16:15. The Father has given all things into the hand of the Son, John 3:35.


As the Father has life in Himself, so did He grant the Son to have life in Himself, John 5:26.

The words which I speak are spirit and life, John 6:63.

The Lord says that the Spirit of truth comes forth from the Father (John 15:26), because it comes forth from the Father into the Son, and out of the Son from the Father. For this reason too He says:

On that day you will know that the Father is in me, and I am in the Father, and you are in me and I am in you, John 14:11, 20.

These plain sayings of the Lord's show up the manifest error of the Christian world, that it is God the Father who sends the Holy Spirit to men, as well as the error of the Greek church, that God the Father sends Him without any mediation. This teaching, that the Lord of Himself sends the Holy Spirit from God the Father, and not the reverse, has come to me from heaven; the angels call it a secret, because it has not previously been revealed in the world.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.