The Bible


創世記 16



1 アブラムサライは子を産まなかった。彼女にひとりのつかえめがあった。エジプトの女で名をハガルといった。

2 サライはアブラムに言った、「はわたしに子をお授けになりません。どうぞ、わたしのつかえめの所におはいりください。彼女によってわたしは子をもつことになるでしょう」。アブラムはサライの言葉を聞きいれた。

3 アブラムサライはそのつかえめエジプトの女ハガルをとって、アブラムとして与えた。これはアブラムカナンの地に年住んだ後であった。

4 彼はハガルの所にはいり、ハガルは子をはらんだ。彼女は自分のはらんだのを見て、女主人を見下げるようになった。

5 そこでサライはアブラムに言った、「わたしが受けた害はあなたの責任です。わたしのつかえめをあなたのふところに与えたのに、彼女は自分のはらんだのを見て、わたしを見下さげます。どうか、があなたとわたしの間をおさばきになるように」。

6 アブラムはサライに言った、「あなたのつかえめはあなたののうちにある。あなたの好きなように彼女にしなさい」。そしてサライが彼女を苦しめたので、彼女はサライのを避けて逃げた

7 主の使は荒野にある泉のほとり、すなわちシュルの道にある泉のほとりで、彼女に会い、

8 そして言った、「サライのつかえめハガルよ、あなたはどこからきたのですか、またどこへ行くのですか」。彼女は言った、「わたしは女主人サライのを避けて逃げているのです」。

9 主の使は彼女に言った、「あなたは女人のもとに帰って、そのに身を任せなさい」。

10 主の使はまた彼女に言った、「わたしは大いにあなたの子孫を増して、えきれないほどに多くしましょう」。

11 主の使はまた彼女に言った、「あなたは、みごもっています。あなたは男のを産むでしょう。名をイシマエルと名づけなさい。があなたの苦しみを聞かれたのです。

12 彼は野ろばのような人となり、そのはすべての人に逆らい、すべての人のは彼に逆らい、彼はすべての兄弟に敵して住むでしょう」。

13 そこで、ハガルは自分に語られた主の名を呼んで、「あなたはエル・ロイです」と言った。彼女が「ここでも、わたしを見ていられるかたのうしろを拝めたのか」と言ったことによる。

14 それでその井戸は「ベエル・ラハイ・ロイ」と呼ばれた。これはカデシとベレデの間にある。

15 ハガルアブラムに男のを産んだ。アブラムハガルが産んだの名をイシマエルと名づけた。

16 ハガルがイシマエルをアブラムに産んだ時、アブラム八十六歳であった。


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #1929

Study this Passage

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1929. That these things are signified by “the Angel of Jehovah finding Hagar at a fountain of waters in the wilderness, at the fountain in the way to Shur,” can by no means appear from the literal sense, and the less so seeing that it is historical; for this sense seems very remote from signifying such things. But still this is the meaning that comes into the ideas of the angels when these things are read by man, for the angels have no idea of Hagar, nor of a fountain of waters, nor of a wilderness, nor of a way, nor of Shur. None of these things penetrate to the angels, but perish at the first threshold. But what is signified by “Hagar,” by “a fountain,” by “a wilderness,” by “a way,” and by “Shur,” this they understand, and thereby form heavenly ideas, and in this way they perceive the Lord’s Word; for the internal sense is the Word to them.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

The Bible


Genesis 17



1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, Yahweh appeared to Abram, and said to him, "I am God Almighty. Walk before me, and be blameless.

2 I will make my covenant between me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly."

3 Abram fell on his face. God talked with him, saying,

4 "As for me, behold, my covenant is with you. You will be the father of a multitude of nations.

5 Neither will your name any more be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

6 I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you. Kings will come out of you.

7 I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to you and to your seed after you.

8 I will give to you, and to your seed after you, the land where you are traveling, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession. I will be their God."

9 God said to Abraham, "As for you, you will keep my covenant, you and your seed after you throughout their generations.

10 This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your seed after you. Every male among you shall be circumcised.

11 You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin. It will be a token of the covenant between me and you.

12 He who is eight days old will be circumcised among you, every male throughout your generations, he who is born in the house, or bought with money from any foreigner who is not of your seed.

13 He who is born in your house, and he who is bought with your money, must be circumcised. My covenant will be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.

14 The uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that soul shall be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant."

15 God said to Abraham, "As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but her name will be Sarah.

16 I will bless her, and moreover I will give you a son by her. Yes, I will bless her, and she will be a mother of nations. Kings of peoples will come from her."

17 Then Abraham fell on his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, "Will a child be born to him who is one hundred years old? Will Sarah, who is ninety years old, give birth?"

18 Abraham said to God, "Oh that Ishmael might live before you!"

19 God said, "No, but Sarah, your wife, will bear you a son. You shall call his name Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his seed after him.

20 As for Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He will become the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.

21 But my covenant I establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this set time next year."

22 When he finished talking with him, God went up from Abraham.

23 Abraham took Ishmael his son, all who were born in his house, and all who were bought with his money; every male among the men of Abraham's house, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the same day, as God had said to him.

24 Abraham was ninety-nine years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.

25 Ishmael, his son, was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.

26 In the same day both Abraham and Ishmael, his son, were circumcised.

27 All the men of his house, those born in the house, and those bought with money of a foreigner, were circumcised with him.