The Bible


Genesi 28



1 ISACCO adunque chiamò Giacobbe, e lo benedisse, e gli comandò, e gli disse: Non prender moglie delle figliuole di Canaan.

2 Levati, vattene in Paddan-aram, alla casa di Betuel, padre di tua madre, e prenditi di là moglie, delle figliuole di Labano, fratello di tua madre.

3 E l’Iddio Onnipotente ti benedica, e ti faccia fruttare, e crescere; talchè tu diventi una raunanza di popoli.

4 E ti dia la benedizione di Abrahamo; a te, ed alla tua progenie teco; acciocchè tu possegga il paese dove sei andato peregrinando, il quale Iddio donò ad Abrahamo.

5 Isacco adunque ne mandò Giacobbe; ed egli si ne andò in Paddan-aram, a Labano, figliuolo di Betuel, Sirio, fratello di Rebecca, madre di Giacobbe e di Esaù.

6 Ed Esaù vide che Isacco avea benedetto Giacobbe, e l’avea mandato in Paddan-aram, acciocchè di là si prendesse moglie; e che, benedicendolo, gli avea vietato e detto: Non prender moglie delle figliuole di Canaan;

7 e che Giacobbe avea ubbidito a suo padre ed a sua madre, e se n’era andato in Paddan-aram.

8 Esaù vedeva, oltre a ciò, che le figliuole di Canaan dispiacevano ad Isacco suo padre.

9 Ed egli andò ad Ismaele, e prese per moglie Mahalat, figliuola d’Ismaele, figliuolo di Abrahamo, sorella di Nebaiot; oltre alle sue altre mogli.

10 OR Giacobbe partì di Beerseba, ed andando in Charan,

11 capitò in un certo luogo, e vi stette la notte; perciocchè il sole era già tramontato, e prese delle pietre del luogo, e le pose per suo capezzale; e giacque in quel luogo.

12 E sognò; ed ecco una scala rizzata in terra, la cui cima giungeva al cielo; ed ecco gli angeli di Dio salivano e scendevano per essa.

13 Ed ecco, il Signore stava al disopra di essa. Ed egli disse: Io sono il Signore Iddio di Abrahamo tuo padre, e l’Iddio d’Isacco; io darò a te, ed alla tua progenie, il paese sopra il quale tu giaci.

14 E la tua progenie sarà come la polvere della terra; e tu ti spanderai verso occidente, e verso oriente, e verso settentrione, e verso mezzodì; e tutte le nazioni della terra saranno benedette in te, e nella tua progenie.

15 Ed ecco, io son teco, e ti guarderò dovunque tu andrai, e ti ricondurrò in questo paese; perciocchè io non ti abbandonerò, finchè io abbia fatto ciò che ti ho detto.

16 E quando Giacobbe si fu risvegliato dal suo sonno, disse: Per certo il Signore è in questo luogo, ed io nol sapeva.

17 E temette, e disse: Quanto è spaventevole questo luogo! questo luogo non è altro che la casa di Dio, e questa è la porta del cielo.

18 E Giacobbe si levò la mattina a buon’ora, e prese la pietra, la quale avea posta per suo capezzale, e ne fece un piliere, e versò dell’olio sopra la sommità di essa.

19 E pose nome a quel luogo Betel; conciossiachè prima il nome di quella città fosse Luz.

20 E Giacobbe fece un voto, dicendo: Se Iddio è meco, e mi guarda in questo viaggio che io fo, e mi del pane da mangiare, e de’ vestimenti da vestirmi;

21 e se io ritorno sano e salvo a casa di mio padre, il Signore sarà il mio Dio.

22 E questa pietra, della quale ho fatto un piliere, sarà una casa di Dio, e del tutto io ti darò la decima di tutto quel che tu mi avrai donato.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.

From Swedenborg's Works


True Christian Religion #24

Study this Passage

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It was shown above (8) that the oneness of God is inwardly impressed upon the mind of every person, since this idea forms the core of all the influences from God which affect the soul of man. But the reason why it has failed to come down into men's understanding is the lack of the pieces of knowledge which a person should have to enable him to climb up to meet God. For everyone needs to prepare the way for God, that is, to prepare himself to receive God, and pieces of knowledge are the means to this end. The following are the missing pieces of knowledge which prevent the understanding from penetrating to the point at which it can see that God is one and there can only be a single Divine Being, who is the source of all natural phenomena.

(1) The fact that no one up to now has known anything about the spiritual world, the home of spirits and angels, and the place where every person comes after death.

(2) Equally, that the spiritual world possesses a sun, which is pure love from Jehovah God, who is in its midst.

(3) That from that sun radiate heat, which is in essence love, and light, which is in essence wisdom.

(4) That as a result everything in that world is spiritual, working on the internal man and making up his will and understanding.

(5) That Jehovah God has given rise by this sun of His not only to the spiritual world and all the innumerable spiritual and substantial things in it, but also to the natural world with all the innumerable natural things in it, which are composed of matter.

(6) That up to now no one has known the difference between the spiritual and the natural, nor what the spiritual is in essence.

(7) Nor that there are three degrees of love and wisdom, which form the basis of the arrangement of the heavens of angels.

(8) That the human mind is divided into the same number of degrees, to enable it after death to be lifted into one of the three heavens, depending upon the way a person has lived and at the same time what he has believed.

(9) And finally that not a jot of all this could have come into being except from the Divine Being which is God in itself, and thus the first principle and beginning from which everything comes. These pieces of knowledge have up to now been missing, yet it is through them that a person must climb up and get to know the Divine Being.

[2] We say that a person climbs up, but it must be understood that it is God who lifts him up. A person has a free choice in acquiring knowledge; and he seems to get this for himself from the Word by means of the understanding, and thus smooths the path for God to come down and lift him up. The pieces of knowledge which enable the human understanding to climb, while God holds it in His hand and guides it, can be compared to the steps of the ladder seen by Jacob, which was set up on earth so that its top reached heaven and angels climbed up by means of it, and Jehovah stood above it (Genesis 28:12-13).

It is quite different when those pieces of knowledge are lacking, or a person treats them with contempt. Then the lifting of the understanding can be compared to a ladder erected from the ground to a first floor window of a magnificent palace, where men live, but not to the second floor windows where the spirits are, much less to the third floor windows where the angels are. The result is that such a person cannot escape from the atmospheres and material objects of the natural world, which occupy his eyes, ears and nose. From these he cannot help acquiring atmospheric and material ideas about heaven and the Being and Essence of God. Thought along these lines does not allow a person to make up his mind at all about God, whether He exists or not, or whether there is one God or several; much less, what His Being and Essence are like. It was this which led to the plurality of gods in ancient times, and still does to-day.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.