The Bible


Jeremia 49



1 Über die Kinder Ammon. So spricht Jehova: Hat denn Israel keine Söhne, oder hat es keinen Erben? Warum hat ihr König (Hebr. Malkam; wohl zugleich eine Anspielung auf den Götzen Milkom (Molech); so auch v 3) Gad in Besitz genommen, und warum wohnt sein Volk in dessen Städten?

2 Darum siehe, Tage kommen, spricht Jehova, da ich wider abba der Kinder Ammon Kriegsgeschrei werde erschallen lassen; und es soll zum Schutthaufen werden, und seine Tochterstädte sollen mit Feuer verbrannt werden. Und Israel wird seine Erben beerben, spricht Jehova.

3 Heule, Hesbon, denn Ai ist verwüstet! Schreiet, ihr Töchter von abba, gürtet euch Sacktuch um; klaget und laufet hin und her in den Einzäunungen (d. h. auf freiem Felde!) denn ihr König wird in die Gefangenschaft (Eig. in die Wegführung, Verbannung) gehen, seine Priester und seine Fürsten allzumal.

4 Was rühmst du dich der Täler? Dein Tal zerfließt, (And. üb.: daß dein Tal überströme) du abtrünnige Tochter, die auf ihre Schätze vertraut: "Wer sollte an mich kommen?"

5 Siehe, ich lasse Schrecken über dich kommen von allen deinen Umwohnern, spricht der Herr, Jehova der Heerscharen; und ihr sollt weggetrieben werden, ein jeder vor sich hin, und niemand wird die Flüchtigen sammeln. -

6 Aber nachher werde ich die Gefangenschaft der Kinder Ammon wenden, spricht Jehova.

7 Über Edom. So spricht Jehova der Heerscharen: Ist keine Weisheit mehr in Teman? ist den Verständigen der at entschwunden, ist ihre Weisheit ausgeschüttet?

8 Fliehet, wendet um, verkriechet euch, Bewohner von Dedan! Denn Esaus Verderben habe ich über ihn gebracht, die Zeit, da ich ihn heimsuche.

9 Wenn Winzer über dich kommen, so werden sie keine Nachlese übriglassen; wenn Diebe in der Nacht, so verderben sie nach ihrem Genüge.

10 Denn ich, ich habe Esau entblößt, ich habe seine Verstecke aufgedeckt; und will er sich verbergen, so kann er es nicht. Zerstört sind seine Nachkommen (Eig. sein Same) und seine Brüder und seine Nachbarn, und sie sind nicht mehr.

11 Verlasse deine Waisen, ich werde sie am Leben erhalten; und deine Witwen sollen auf mich vertrauen.

12 Denn so spricht Jehova: Siehe, deren Urteil es nicht war, den Becher zu trinken, die müssen ihn trinken; und du solltest der sein, welcher ungestraft bliebe? Du wirst nicht ungestraft bleiben, sondern sicherlich sollst du ihn trinken.

13 Denn ich habe bei mir geschworen, spricht Jehova, daß Bozra zum Entsetzen, zum Hohne, zur Verwüstung und zum Fluche werden soll, und alle seine (bezieht sich auf Edom) Städte zu ewigen Einöden.

14 Eine Kunde habe ich vernommen von Jehova, und ein Bote ist unter die Nationen gesandt: Versammelt euch und kommet über dasselbe (bezieht sich auf Edom,) und machet euch auf zum Kriege!

15 Denn siehe, ich habe dich klein gemacht unter den Nationen, verachtet unter den Menschen.

16 Deine Furchtbarkeit (d. i. furchterweckende Macht (Größe)) und der Übermut deines Herzens haben dich verführt, der du in Felsenklüften wohnst, den Gipfel des Hügels inne hast. Wenn du dein Nest hoch baust wie der Adler, ich werde dich von dort hinabstürzen, spricht Jehova.

17 Und Edom soll zum Entsetzen werden; ein jeder, der an demselben vorüberzieht, wird sich entsetzen und zischen über alle seine Plagen (O. Schläge.)

18 Gleich der Umkehrung von Sodom und Gomorra und ihrer Nachbarn, spricht Jehova, wird niemand daselbst wohnen und kein Menschenkind darin weilen.

19 Siehe, er steigt herauf, wie ein Löwe von der Pracht des Jordan, wider die feste (O. unzerstörbare) Wohnstätte; denn ich werde es (Edom) plötzlich von ihr hinwegtreiben, und den, der auserkoren ist, über sie bestellen. Denn wer ist mir gleich, und wer will mich vorladen (d. h. vor Gericht?) und wer ist der Hirt, der vor mir bestehen könnte?

20 Darum höret den atschluß Jehovas, welchen er beschlossen hat über Edom, und seine Gedanken, die er denkt über die Bewohner von Teman: Wahrlich, man wird sie fortschleppen, die Geringen der Herde (And. üb.: die Kleinen der Herde werden sie fortschleppen;) wahrlich, ihre Trift (O. ihre Wohnstätte) wird sich über sie entsetzen!

21 Von dem Getöse ihres Falles erbebt die Erde; Geschrei-am Schilfmeere wird sein Schall vernommen.

22 Siehe, wie der Adler zieht er herauf und fliegt und breitet seine Flügel aus über Bozra; und das Herz der Helden Edoms wird an selbigem Tage sein wie das Herz eines Weibes in Kindesnöten.

23 Über Damaskus. Beschämt sind Hamath und Arpad; denn sie haben eine böse Kunde vernommen, sie verzagen. Am Meere ist Bangigkeit, ruhen kann man nicht (And. üb.: Im Meere (d. h. im Völkermeere) ist Bangigkeit, ruhen kann es nicht.)

24 Damaskus ist schlaff (d. h. mutlos) geworden; es hat sich umgewandt, um zu fliehen, und Schrecken hat es ergriffen; Angst und Wehen haben es erfaßt, der Gebärenden gleich.

25 Wie ist es, daß sie nicht verlassen ist, (And. üb.: Wie ist sie nicht verlassen) die Stadt des uhmes, die Stadt meiner Freude?

26 Darum werden ihre Jünglinge auf ihren Straßen fallen und alle Kriegsmänner umkommen an selbigem Tage, spricht Jehova der Heerscharen.

27 Und ich werde ein Feuer anzünden in den Mauern von Damaskus, und es wird die Paläste Ben-Hadads verzehren.

28 Über Kedar (S. die Anm. zu Hes. 27,21) und über die Königreiche Hazors, welche Nebukadrezar, der König von Babel, schlug. So spricht Jehova: Machet euch auf, ziehet hinauf wider Kedar und zerstöret die Kinder des Ostens.

29 Ihre Zelte und ihr Kleinvieh werden sie nehmen, ihre Zeltbehänge und alle ihre Geräte und ihre Kamele sich wegführen, und werden über sie ausrufen: Schrecken ringsum!

30 Fliehet, flüchtet schnell, verkriechet euch, Bewohner von Hazor! spricht Jehova; denn Nebukadrezar, der König von Babel, hat einen atschluß wider euch beschlossen und einen Anschlag wider euch ersonnen.

31 Machet euch auf, ziehet hinauf wider eine sorglose Nation, die in Sicherheit wohnt! spricht Jehova: Sie hat weder Tore noch iegel, sie wohnen allein.

32 Und ihre Kamele sollen zum aube und die Menge ihrer Herden zur Beute werden; und ich werde sie, die mit geschorenen Haarrändern, nach allen Winden hin zerstreuen, und werde ihr Verderben bringen von allen Seiten her, spricht Jehova.

33 Und Hazor wird zur Wohnung der Schakale werden, zur Wüste in Ewigkeit; niemand wird daselbst wohnen und kein Menschenkind darin weilen.

34 Das Wort Jehovas, welches zu Jeremia, dem Propheten, geschah (Im Hebr. wie Kap. 14,1;46,1;47,1) über (O. wider; so auch später) Elam (Name der persischen Provinz, deren Hauptstadt Susa war,) im Anfang der egierung Zedekias, des Königs von Juda, indem er sprach:

35 So spricht Jehova der Heerscharen: Siehe, ich zerbreche den Bogen Elams, seine vornehmste Stärke.

36 Und ich werde die vier Winde von den vier Enden des Himmels her über Elam bringen und es nach allen diesen Winden hin zerstreuen; und es soll keine Nation geben, wohin nicht Vertriebene Elams kommen werden.

37 Und ich werde Elam verzagt machen vor ihren Feinden und vor denen, welche nach ihrem Leben trachten, und werde Unglück über sie bringen, die Glut meines Zornes, spricht Jehova; und ich werde das Schwert hinter ihnen her senden, bis ich sie vernichtet habe.

38 Und ich werde meinen Thron in Elam aufstellen und werde König und Fürsten daraus vertilgen, spricht Jehova. -

39 Aber es wird geschehen am Ende der Tage, da werde ich die Gefangenschaft Elams wenden, spricht Jehova.


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #31

Study this Passage

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31. Verse 6. And hath made us kings and priests, signifies that from Him we are in His spiritual and celestial kingdom. This is evident from the signification of "kings," as meaning those who are in truths from good; and since they constitute the Lord's spiritual kingdom, as meaning those who are in His spiritual kingdom. That these are signified by "kings" in the Word, will appear from what follows. The above is evident also from the signification of "priests," as meaning those who are in the good of love; and since these constitute the Lord's celestial kingdom, they also are those who are in His celestial kingdom. (That there are two kingdoms, into which the heavens are in general divided, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 20-28, and that the spiritual kingdom is called the Lord's regal kingdom, and the celestial kingdom His priestly kingdom, n. 24.) In any places in the prophetic Word, kings are mentioned, and he that is ignorant of the internal sense believes that by "kings" are there meant kings; kings, however, are not meant, but all those who are in truths from good, or in faith from charity, from the Lord. The reason of this is, that the Lord is the sole king, and those who from Him are in truths from good are called His "sons;" for this reason the same are meant by "princes," by "sons of the kingdom," by "sons of kings," and also by "kings;" and in a sense abstracted from the idea of persons, as it is in heaven, truths from good are meant, or, what is the same, faith from charity; since truth is of faith, and good is of charity.

[2] That kings are not meant can be seen simply from its here being said that Jesus Christ "hath made us kings and priests"; and afterwards:

And hast made us to be unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign upon the earth (Revelation 5:10);

and in Matthew:

The good seed sown in the field are the sons of the kingdom (Matthew 13:38);

the "seed of the field" are truths from good with man from the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 3373, 10248, 10249). Everyone, moreover, may perceive that the Lord will not make all those here treated of to be kings, but that he calls them kings from the power and the glory which those have who from the Lord are in truths from good. From this it can now be seen that by "king," in the prophetic Word, is meant the Lord as to Divine truth, and by "kings" and "princes," those who from the Lord are in truths from good, and as most things in the Word have also an opposite sense, that "kings" signify in that sense those who are in falsities from evil.

[3] That by "King" in the Word is meant the Lord in respect to Divine truth, is clear from the words of the Lord Himself to Pilate:

Pilate said, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest it, because I am a king. For this have I been born, and for this am I come into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is in the truth heareth My voice. Pilate said unto Him, What is truth? (John 18:37-38).

From the question of Pilate, "What is truth," it is clear that he understood that truth was called "king" by the Lord; but as he was a Gentile, and knew nothing from the Word, he could not be taught that Divine truth is from the Lord, and that He is Divine truth; therefore, immediately after his question:

He went out to the Jews, saying, I find no fault in him; and afterwards put upon the cross, This is Jesus, the king of the Jews. And when the chiefs of the priests said unto him, Write not, The king of the Jews, but that He saith I am the king of the Jews, Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written (John 19:4, 19:14-22).

[4] When these things are understood, it may be known what is meant by "kings" in the following passages in Revelation:

The sixth angel poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way might be made ready for the kings that come from the sun rising (Revelation 16:12).

The great harlot that sitteth upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication (Revelation 17:1-2).

The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth, and they are seven kings; the five are fallen, the one is, the other is not yet come. And the ten horns that thou sawest are ten kings, who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive power as kings with the beast for one hour. These shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings (Revelation 17:9, 10, 12, 14).

And the woman whom thou sawest is the great city, which hath the kingdom over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18).

Of the wine of the wrath of her fornication all the nations have drunk, and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her (Revelation 18:3).

And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together, to make war against Him that sat on the horse and against His army (Revelation 19:19).

And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it, and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it (Revelation 21:24).

In these passages by "kings" are not meant kings, but all who are either in truths from good, or in falsities from evil, as was said before. Likewise in Daniel:

By the king of the south and by the king of the north, who made war against each other (Daniel 11:40

By "the king of the south" are there meant those who are in the light of truth from good, by "the king of the north" those who are in darkness from evil. (That "south" in the Word signifies those who are in the light of truth from good, see Arcana Coelestia 1458, 3708, 3195, 5672, 9642; and "north" those who are in the darkness of falsity from evil, n. 3708, and in general, in the work on Heaven and Hell 141-153, where The Four Quarters in Heaven are treated of.)

[5] "Kings" are also frequently mentioned by the prophets in the Old Testament; and there likewise are meant those who, from the Lord, are in truths from good, and in a contrary sense, those who are in falsities from evil; as in Isaiah:

He shall disperse 1 many nations: kings shall shut their mouths upon Him; for that which had not been told them they have seen, and that which they have not heard they have understood (Isaiah 52:15).

In the same:

The Zion of the Holy One of Israel, thou shalt suck the milk of the nations, and shalt suck the breast of kings (Isaiah 40:14, 16).

Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and the chief women thy nursing mothers; they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth (Isaiah 49:23; and 14:9 elsewhere, as in Isaiah 14:9; 24:21; 60:10; Jeremiah 2:26; 4:9; 49:38; Lamentations 2:6, 9; Ezekiel 7:26, 27; Hosea 3:4; Zephaniah 1:8; Psalms 2:10; 110:5; Genesis 49:20).

[6] Since "kings" signify those who, from the Lord, are in truths from good, it was a custom derived from ancient times for kings, when they were crowned, to receive such insignia as signify truths from good: as for the king to be anointed with oil, to wear a crown of gold, to hold a scepter in his right hand, to be clothed with a purple cloak, to sit upon a throne of silver, and to ride with the royal insignia upon a white horse; for "oil" signifies good from which is truth (See Arcana Coelestia 886[1-2], 4638, 9780, 9954, 10011, 10261, 10268-10269); a "crown of gold" upon the head has a like meaning (n. 9930); a "scepter," which is a staff, signifies the power of truth from good (n. 4581, 4876, 4966); a "cloak" and a "robe," Divine truth in the spiritual kingdom (n. 9825, 10005); and "purple," the spiritual love of good (n. 9467); a "throne," the kingdom of truth from good (n. 5313, 6397, 8625); "silver," that truth itself (n. 1551-1552, 2954, 5658); a "white horse," the understanding enlightened from truths (See the small work on The White Horse 1-5. That the ceremonies observed at the coronation of kings involve such things, but that the knowledge thereof is at this day lost, see also Arcana Coelestia 4581, 4966).

[7] As it is known from these things what is meant by a "king" in the Word, I will add to the above:

Why the Lord, when He entered Jerusalem, sat upon the foal of an ass, and the people then proclaimed Him king, and also strewed their garments in the way (Matthew 21:1-8; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:14-16).

This is predicted in Zechariah:

Exult, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold, thy king cometh unto thee, just and having salvation; riding upon an ass, and upon the foal of an ass (Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:5; John 12:15).

The reason was, that to sit upon an ass and the foal of an ass was the distinctive mark of the highest judge and of a king; as can be seen from the following passages:

My heart is towards the lawgivers of Israel, ye who ride upon white asses (Judges 5:9-10).

The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgivers from between his feet, till Shiloh come; who shall bind his ass's foal to the vine, and the son of his she-ass to the noble vine (Genesis 49:10, 11).

As sitting on an ass, and the foal of an ass, was such a distinctive mark:

Judges rode upon white she-asses (Judges 5:9-10);

And his sons upon asses' colts (Judges 10:4; 12:14);

And the king himself when crowned, upon a she-mule (1 Kings 1:33);

And his sons upon mules (2 Samuel 13:29).

One who does not know the signification of "horse," "mule," and "the foal of an ass," in a representative sense, will suppose that the Lord's riding upon the foal of an ass was significative of misery and humiliation. But it signified royal magnificence; for this reason the people then proclaimed the Lord king, and strewed their garments upon the way. This was done when He went to Jerusalem, because by "Jerusalem" is signified the church (as may be seen in the little work on The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 6; and that "garments" signify truths clothing and serving good, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 1073, 2576, 5248, 5319, 5954, 9212, 9215-9216, 9952, 10536; and in the work on Heaven and Hell 177-182).

[8] From this it is now clear what is signified by the "King" and by "kings," in the Word, so also what by the "Anointed," "Messiah," and "Christ;" for "Anointed," "Messiah," and "Christ," like "King," signify the Lord as to Divine truth proceeding from His Divine good; for a king is called "anointed;" and "anointed" in the Hebrew is Messiah, and in the Greek Christ. But that the Lord, as to the Divine Human, was alone "the Anointed of Jehovah," since in Him alone was the Divine good of Divine Love from conception, for He was conceived of Jehovah, but that all that were anointed were only representatives of Him (See Arcana Coelestia n. 9954, 10011, 10268-10269). But "priests" signify such good as exists in the celestial kingdom (See in Arcana Coelestia, namely, that priests represented the Lord, as to Divine good, n. 2015, 6148; that the priesthood was representative of the Lord as to the work of salvation, since this was from the Divine good of His Divine Love, see n. 9809; that the priesthood of Aaron, of his sons, and of the Levites, was representative of the work of salvation, in successive order, see n. Arcana Coelestia 10017; that from this "the priesthood," and "priesthoods," in the Word signified good of love, which is from the Lord, see n. 9806, 9809; that by the two names, "Jesus" and "Christ," is signified both His priesthood and His royalty, that is, by "Jesus" is signified Divine good, and by "Christ" Divine truth, n. 3004, 3005, 3009; that priests and likewise kings who do not acknowledge the Lord signify the opposite, namely, evil, and falsity from evil, n. 3670).


1. The Hebrew has "sprinkle," as found also in Arcana Coelestia 2015.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.