The Bible


Daniël 9



1 In het eerste jaar van Darius, den zoon van Ahasveros, uit het zaad der Meden, die koning gemaakt was over het koninkrijk der Chaldeen;

2 In het eerste jaar zijner regering, merkte ik, Daniel, in de boeken, dat het getal der jaren, van dewelke het woord des HEEREN tot den profeet Jeremia geschied was, in het vervullen der verwoestingen van Jeruzalem, zeventig jaren was.

3 En ik stelde mijn aangezicht tot God, den Heere, om Hem te zoeken met het gebed, en smekingen, met vasten, en zak, en as.

4 Ik bad dan tot den HEERE, mijn God, en deed belijdenis, en zeide: Och HEERE! Gij grote en verschrikkelijke God, Die het verbond en de weldadigheid houdt dien, die Hem liefhebben en Zijn geboden houden.

5 Wij hebben gezondigd, en hebben onrecht gedaan, en goddelooslijk gehandeld, en gerebelleerd, met af te wijken van Uw geboden, en van Uw rechten.

6 En wij hebben niet gehoord naar Uw dienstknechten, de profeten, die in Uw Naam spraken tot onze koningen, onze vorsten en onze vaders, en tot al het volk des lands.

7 Bij U, o Heere! is de gerechtigheid, maar bij ons de beschaamdheid der aangezichten, gelijk het is te deze dage; bij de mannen van Juda, en de inwoners van Jeruzalem, en geheel Israel, die nabij en die verre zijn, in al de landen, waar Gij ze henengedreven hebt, zij tegen U overtreden hebben.

8 O Heere! bij ons is de beschaamdheid der aangezichten, bij onze koningen, bij onze vorsten, en bij onze vaders, omdat wij tegen U gezondigd hebben.

9 Bij den Heere, onzen God, zijn de barmhartigheden en vergevingen, alhoewel wij tegen Hem gerebelleerd hebben.

10 En wij hebben der stem des HEEREN, onzes Gods, niet gehoorzaamd, dat wij in Zijn wetten wandelen zouden, die Hij gegeven heeft voor onze aangezichten, door de hand van Zijn knechten, de profeten.

11 Maar geheel Israel heeft Uw wet overtreden, met af te wijken, dat zij Uwer stem niet gehoorzaamden; daarom is over ons uitgestort die vloek, en die eed, die geschreven is in de wet van Mozes, den knecht Gods, dewijl wij tegen Hem gezondigd hebben.

12 En Hij heeft Zijn woorden bevestigd, die Hij gesproken heeft tegen ons, en tegen onze richters, die ons richtten, brengende over ons een groot kwaad, hetwelk niet geschied is onder den gansen hemel, gelijk aan Jeruzalem geschied is.

13 Gelijk als in de wet van Mozes geschreven is, alzo is al dat kwaad over ons gekomen; en wij smeekten het aangezicht des HEEREN, onzes Gods, niet, afkerende van onze ongerechtigheden, en verstandelijk acht gevende op Uw waarheid.

14 Daarom heeft de HEERE over het kwade gewaakt, en Hij heeft het over ons gebracht; want de HEERE, onze God, is rechtvaardig in al Zijn werken, die Hij gedaan heeft, dewijl wij Zijner stem niet gehoorzaamden.

15 En nu, o Heere, onze God! Die Uw volk uit Egypteland gevoerd hebt, met een sterke hand, en hebt U een Naam gemaakt, gelijk hij is te dezen dage; wij hebben gezondigd, wij zijn goddeloos geweest.

16 O Heere! naar al Uw gerechtigheden, laat toch Uw toorn en Uw grimmigheid afgekeerd worden van Uw stad Jeruzalem, Uw heiligen berg; want om onzer zonden wil en om onzer vaderen ongerechtigheden, zijn Jeruzalem en Uw volk tot versmaadheid bij allen, die rondom ons zijn.

17 En nu, o onze God! hoor naar het gebed Uws knechts, en naar zijn smekingen; en doe Uw aangezicht lichten over Uw heiligdom, dat verwoest is; om des HEEREN wil.

18 Neig Uw oor, mijn God! en hoor, doe Uw ogen op, en zie onze verwoestingen, en de stad, die naar Uw Naam genoemd is; want wij werpen onze smekingen voor Uw aangezicht niet neder op onze gerechtigheden, maar op Uw barmhartigheden, die groot zijn.

19 O Heere, hoor! o Heere, vergeef! o Heere, merk op en doe het, vertraag het niet! Om Uws Zelfs wil, o mijn God! Want Uw stad, en Uw volk is naar Uw Naam genoemd.

20 Als ik nog sprak, en bad, en beleed mijn zonde, en de zonde mijns volks van Israel, en mijn smeking nederwierp voor het aangezicht des HEEREN, mijns Gods, om des heiligen bergs wil mijns Gods;

21 Als ik nog sprak in het gebed, zo kwam de man Gabriel, die ik in het begin in een gezicht gezien had, snellijk gevlogen, mij aanrakende, omtrent den tijd des avondoffers.

22 En hij onderrichtte mij en sprak met mij, en zeide: Daniel! nu ben ik uitgegaan, om u den zin te doen verstaan.

23 In het begin uwer smekingen is het woord uitgegaan, en ik ben gekomen, om u dat te kennen te geven; want gij zijt een zeer gewenst man; versta dan dit woord, en merk op dit gezicht.

24 Zeventig weken zijn bestemd over uw volk, en over uw heilige stad, om de overtreding te sluiten, en om de zonden te verzegelen, en om de ongerechtigheid te verzoenen, en om een eeuwige gerechtigheid aan te brengen, en om het gezicht, en den profeet te verzegelen, en om de heiligheid der heiligheden te zalven.

25 Weet dan, en versta: van den uitgang des woords, om te doen wederkeren, en om Jeruzalem te bouwen, tot op Messias den Vorst, zijn zeven weken, en twee en zestig weken; de straten, en de grachten zullen wederom gebouwd worden, doch in benauwdheid der tijden.

26 En na die twee en zestig weken zal de Messias uitgeroeid worden, maar het zal niet voor Hem zelven zijn; en een volk des vorsten, hetwelk komen zal, zal de stad en het heiligdom verderven, en zijn einde zal zijn met een overstromende vloed, en tot het einde toe zal er krijg zijn, en vastelijk besloten verwoestingen.

27 En hij zal velen het verbond versterken een week; en in de helft der week zal hij het slachtoffer en het spijsoffer doen ophouden, en over den gruwelijken vleugel zal een verwoester zijn, ook tot de voleinding toe, die vastelijk besloten zijnde, zal uitgestort worden over den verwoeste.


From Swedenborg's Works


Divine Providence #328

Study this Passage

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328. These items need now to be presented in their sequence.

(a) Every religion eventually wanes and comes to completion. There have been several churches on our planet, one after the other, since wherever the human race exists there is a church. As already noted, heaven, which is the ultimate goal of creation, comes from the human race, and no one can get to heaven without the two universal principles of the church, belief in God and leading a good life (see 326 above). It follows that there have been churches on our planet from the earliest times all the way to the present day.

These churches are described in the Word, though only for the Israelite and Jewish church are we given historical accounts. There were several churches before them, but these are described only by the names of some people and nations and a few facts about them.

[2] The earliest church, the very first, is described by Adam and his wife Eve. The next church, called the early church, is described by Noah, his three sons, and their descendants. This was extensive, and spread through most of the nations of the Near East: the land of Canaan on both sides of the Jordan; Syria; Assyria and Chaldea; Mesopotamia; Egypt; Arabia; and Tyre and Sidon. They had an early Word that is discussed in Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 101-103. The existence of the church in these kingdoms is witnessed by various statements about them in the prophetical books of the Word.

This church changed significantly with Eber, though, who marks the beginning of the Hebrew church. This was the point at which sacrificial worship was established. From the Hebrew church, the Israelite and Jewish church was born, formally established for the sake of the Word that would be authored in it.

[3] These four churches are meant by the statue that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream, with its head of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of brass, and its legs and feet of iron and clay (see Daniel 2:32-33). This is exactly what is meant by the Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages mentioned by ancient authors. It is well known that the Christian church followed after the Jewish church.

We can also see from the Word that each of these churches declined to its close, called a "consummation," with the passage of time. The consummation of the earliest church, brought about by eating from the tree of knowledge (meaning pride in our own intelligence) is described by the Flood [Genesis 3:6; ].

[4] The consummation of the early church is described by the destruction of the nations mentioned in the historical and prophetic books of the Word, and especially by the Israelites' expulsion of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. The consummation of the Israelite and Jewish church is meant by the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, by the carrying off of the people of Israel into permanent captivity and of the nation of Judah into Babylon, and ultimately by the second destruction of the temple and Jerusalem and the scattering of the people. This consummation is foretold in many passages in the prophets, and in Daniel 9:24-27.

The Lord describes the eventual total destruction of the Christian church in Matthew 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21 but the consummation itself is found in the Book of Revelation.

This shows that with the passage of time the church wanes and reaches its consummation, as does its religion as well.

[5] (b) Every religion wanes and comes to completion by inverting the image of God within us. We know that we were created in the image of God and after the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26), but what is this image and what is this likeness of God? Only God is love and wisdom. We are created to be recipients of both, so that our volition may be a recipient of divine love and our discernment a recipient of divine wisdom.

I have already explained [324] that we have these two recipient vessels in us from birth, that they are what make us human, and that they are formed within us in the womb. Our being images of God is our being open to divine wisdom, and our being likenesses of God is our being open to divine love. This means that the vessel we call "discernment" is the image of God and the vessel we call "volition" is the likeness of God. This then means that since we have been created and formed to be vessels, it follows that we have been created and formed to have our volition accept love from God and our discernment accept wisdom from God. We do in fact accept them when we believe in God and live by his commandments. We do this to a lesser or greater extent, though, depending on what we know about God and his commandments from our religion. Specifically, our acceptance depends on what truths we know, since truths are what tell us what God is and how we are to acknowledge him, what his commandments are and how we are to live by them.

[6] God's image and likeness in us have not been actually destroyed, but they have been virtually destroyed. They are still there, innate within those two abilities called freedom and rationality that I have already said so much about. They become virtually destroyed when we make the vessel of divine love--our volition--a vessel for self-love and make the vessel of divine wisdom--our discernment--a vessel for our own intelligence. By so doing we invert the image and likeness of God. We turn the vessels away from God and toward ourselves. This is why they are closed on top and open on the bottom, or closed in front and open behind, even though they were created open in front and closed behind. Once they are opened and closed in this inverted fashion, then the vessel of love, our volition, is open to an inflow from hell or from our own sense of self-importance, as is the vessel of wisdom, our discernment. This has led to the birth in our churches of the worship of particular people in place of the worship of God, and a worship based on teachings of falsity rather than on teachings of truth, the latter from our own intelligence and the former from our love for ourselves.

We can see from this that in the course of time a religion will wane and come to its conclusion by inverting the image of God within us.

[7] (c) This happens because of the constant increase of hereditary evil from generation to generation. I have already stated and explained [277] that we do not inherit evil from Adam and his wife Eve because they ate from the tree of knowledge; instead evil is gradually handed down and transplanted from parents to children, and so by constant increase gets worse with each generation. When this cumulative evil becomes strong enough among the majority, it spreads evil to even more people by its own momentum, since in every evil there is a compulsion to mislead, in some cases blazing with a rage against everything good, and so there is a consequent infectious evil. When this gets control of the leaders, managers, and chief representatives in the church, its religion is corrupted. Its means of healing, its truths, become defiled by distortions. This leads to an ongoing destruction of what is good and an abandonment of truth in the church until finally it is brought to its close.

[8] (d) The Lord still provides that everyone can be saved. The Lord provides that there will be some religion everywhere, and that in every religion there will be the two elements essential to salvation: belief in God, and not doing evil because it is against God. The other matters of intellect and thought, what we call the elements of faith, are offered to different people according to the way they live, since they are optional elements as far as living is concerned. If they are put first, we still do not receive life until we live them.

The Lord also provides that everyone who has led a good life and has believed in God will be taught by angels after death. Then people who have been devoted to the two essential principles of religion in the world accept the truths of the church as they are presented in the Word and recognize the Lord as God of heaven and of the church. They accept this more readily than Christians who have brought with them from the world a concept of the Lord's human nature as separated from his divine nature. The Lord has also provided that all the people who die in early childhood are saved, no matter where they were born.

[9] We are all given the means of amending our lives after death, if we can. The Lord teaches and leads us through angels, and since by then we know that we are living after death and that heaven and hell are real, we accept truths at first. However, if we have not believed in God and abstained from evils as sins in the world, before long we develop a distaste for truths and back away. If we have professed these principles orally but not at heart, we are like the foolish young women who had lamps but no oil. They begged others for oil and went off to buy some, but still they were not admitted to the wedding [Matthew 25:1-13]. The lamps mean the truths that our faith discloses and the oil means the good effects of our caring.

This shows that under divine providence everyone can be saved, and that it is our own fault if we are not saved.

[10] (e) He also provides that a new church will take the place of the one that has been razed. This has been going on from the earliest times: once a church has been razed, a new one succeeds the former one. The early church followed the earliest church, the Israelite or Jewish church followed the early one, and after that came the Christian church. After it there is going to be still another new church, the one foretold in the Book of Revelation. That is the meaning of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven [Revelation 21:2, 10].

For the reason the Lord provides a new church to take the place of an earlier one that has been razed, see Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 104-113.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.