The Bible


但以理書 10



1 波斯王古列第年,有事顯給稱為伯提沙撒的但以理。這事是真的,是指著爭戰;但以理通達這事,明白這異象。

2 當那時,我─但以理悲傷了個七日。

3 美味我沒有,酒沒有入我的,也沒有用油抹我的身,直到滿了個七日。

4 二十日,我在底格里斯邊,

5 舉目觀,見有身穿細麻衣,腰束烏法精金帶。

6 他身體如水蒼玉,面貌如閃電,眼目如把,手和腳如光明的銅,說的聲音如大眾的聲音。

7 這異象惟有我─但以理一人見,同著我的人沒有見。他們卻戰兢,逃跑隱藏,

8 只剩下我一人。我見了這異象便渾身無力,面貌失色,毫無氣力。

9 我卻見他說的聲音,一見就面伏在沉睡了。

10 忽然,有一按在我身上,使我用膝和掌支持微起。

11 他對我:大蒙眷愛的但以理啊,要明白我與你所,只管站起來,因為我現在奉差遣來到你這裡。他對我,我便戰戰兢兢地立起來。

12 他就:但以理啊,不要懼!因為從你第一日專求明白將的事,又在你面前刻苦己,你的言語已蒙應允;我是因你的言語而

13 但波斯國的魔君攔阻我二十日。忽然有大君(就是使長;二十節同)中的位米迦勒幫助我,我就停留在波斯諸那裡。

14 現在我,要使你明白本國之民日後必遭遇的事,因為這異象關乎後許多的日子。

15 他向我這樣,我就臉面朝,啞口無聲。

16 不料,有一位像人的,摸我的嘴唇,我便開向那站在我面前的:我啊,因見這異象,我大大愁苦,毫無氣力。

17 僕人怎能與我說話呢?我一見異象就渾身無力,毫無氣息。

18 有一位形狀像人的又摸我,使我有力量。

19 :大蒙眷愛的哪,不要懼,願你平安!你總要堅強。他一向我說話,我便覺得有力量,:我,因你使我有力量。

20 他就:你知道我為何見你麼?現在我要回去與波斯的魔君爭戰,我去後,希利尼(原文是雅完)的魔君必

21 但我要將那錄在真確書上的事告訴你。除了你們的大君米迦勒之外,沒有幫助我抵擋這兩魔君的。





By Andy Dibb (machine translated into 中文)


悔改的过程启动了诱惑的状态 从我们人类的角度来看,这些状态的时间框架或进展往往没有中断,我们只是从一个状态转到下一个状态--有时似乎在向后滑动,因为我们有不止一个我们悔改的罪恶,而且往往在生活的不同领域和不同层面受到诱惑。正如我们在学习但以理书时看到的,重生的过程不是从一种状态到另一种状态的简单线性发展。

所有的精神生活都是从自私和邪恶的状态开始的(或称 "谴责",见《圣经》)。 天命83).一个人在开始忏悔之前,被自我和世界的爱所引导,"这些快乐使他不知道自己处于邪恶之中,因为爱的每一个快乐都被认为是好的"。第二种状态,即 "改过自新 "的状态,开始于一个人 "开始思考天堂,因为那里有快乐;因此,关于上帝,天堂的快乐从他那里传来"(天命83).


这就引入了第三种状态或重生的积极状态。重生开始于 "当一个人放弃作为罪孽的邪恶时,它随着他对它们的回避而进步,随着他对它们的斗争而完善;然后,当他从主那里征服了它们时,他就重生了"(天命83:6).

从这段话中我们可以清楚地看到,"重生 "是一个过程。可能没有一个人可以说 "现在我已经重生了",因为总有一些邪恶的东西需要阻止、回避和斗争,所以我们的精神永远在完善。


第十章以现在熟悉的介绍时间和统治者的方式开始。它开始于波斯王居鲁士的 "第三年"。这些开头语标志着历史意义上的时间流逝,表明我们灵性旅程中的状态流逝。属灵的生活是一个过程,我们从一个状态到另一个状态是有秩序的进展。正如我们以前多次看到的,"第三年 "意味着一个状态的结束和下一个状态的开始,为了理解这个顺序,我们必须把每个 "年 "放在前面几章的背景中。



因此,我们已经准备好进入下一个状态,由波斯国王居鲁士所象征的。在居鲁士的带领下,波斯人成为一支军事和政治力量。当玛代人控制巴比伦时,波斯人在其东部边境聚集了力量。到公元前550年,居鲁士推翻了玛代帝国,那时但以理已经在巴比伦呆了大约55年。他应该是在六十五岁到七十五岁之间。当居鲁士进攻巴比伦的时候,该城在公元前539年 "以惊人的速度"(Bright 1972:360)陷落。正如约翰-布莱特所写的,"巴比伦人已经准备好迎接一场变革,而宽容是居鲁士的特点。巴比伦和任何外围城市都没有受到伤害。波斯士兵被命令尊重民众的宗教情感,避免恐吓他们。压迫性条件得到了改善"(Bright 1972:361)。

历史上的居鲁士接受了巴比伦的诸神。他公开崇拜马杜克,并声称他的统治权是由诸神赋予的。然而,正如我们在第九章中所看到的,居鲁士还发表公告,允许犹太人返回以色列,并开始以政府的费用重建圣殿。也许正是因为这种慷慨的精神和行动,使居鲁士在内部意义上享有很高的地位。当然,他是一个与尼布甲尼撒或伯沙撒完全不同的国王。布莱特评论说:"居鲁士是古代真正开明的统治者之一"(Bright 1972:362)。

这种开明是否来自这样一个事实,即波斯最初位于巴比伦的东部,而东部代表耶和华(参看《圣经》)。 启示录600).也可能是居鲁士允许犹太人返回耶路撒冷--这本身就包含了一些意义。

然而,不管是什么原因,居鲁士都有一个最崇高的代表,因为他代表了人中之主(《圣经》)。天国的秘密8989:6).这在以赛亚的预言中可以清楚地看到,他把居鲁士称为 "主的受膏者",我们被告知,这意味着在这些经文中,"居鲁士 "代表主如何从他的神性善良中通过他的神性真理行事,在荣耀过程中征服了地狱(主的荣耀是主如何从马利亚身上获得人性的过程,使得地狱有可能攻击他。从内在的神性之爱中汲取力量,他一个接一个地打败了他们,使他们服从于自己。在同样的过程中,通过净化马利亚身上的人,他使神性有可能降到人类生活的水平上。人类的再生是主的荣耀的有限版本,只是主的行动来自于他自己的力量,而人类没有自己的力量,而是从他那里汲取),并使地狱永远在他的控制之下(启示录298:11).



但以理的异象发生在居鲁士统治的第三年,因为悔改使主与我们接近。当一个人向主祈求战胜的帮助时,主也会给予这种帮助,以及希望、安慰和内在的喜悦感。没有主的能力,我们就没有任何能力与我们的罪孽作斗争(天国的秘密1661, 8172, 10481因为我们对邪恶的抵制实际上是主在我们身上的存在,使我们不去作恶(《圣经》)。天国的秘密929).悔改的艺术是相信这是事实,并学会把我们的信心和信任放在主身上--当我们的一个重要部分全力抵制这一过程时,这不是一件容易的事。


善良的一面由 "向但以理 "透露信息的说法所代表。正如我们前面所看到的,但以理代表我们的良心,或从我们在圣言中学习的知识中得出的思想模式。当一个人相信这些东西是真的时候,他或她就把自己与我们从环境中积累的仅仅是世俗的知识分开了。我们的另一面,即巴比伦人或自私的一面,并不这样看待但以理。尼布甲尼撒几乎立即把但以理改名为 "伯沙撒",似乎在否认他的犹太血统。在这一点上,我们看到我们自私的一面愿意了解真理,甚至是来自圣言的真理,但把它们看成与我们环境教给我们的许多东西没有什么不同,当然也不是作为一种激励的良知。




但以理的描述以 "在那些日子 "开始。正如我们以前所看到的,时间在圣经中总是描述状态,而但以理在这里描述的状态是悔改之后的诱惑状态。他把这描述为一种哀伤的状态。



所以但以理把他的状态描述为哀伤--哀伤良心呈现在我们面前帮助我们悔罪的清晰的思想。在灵性的哀伤状态中,我们可能会觉得我们对真理的理解已经停止了(天国的秘密3580:3),而我们对真理的理解,也就是促使我们悔改的真理,已经被破坏了(.天国的秘密4763).我们之所以进入这种状态,是因为当诱惑开始加剧时,我们的思想就会远离主和祂的话语,把我们的思想和情感集中在自己身上,这样我们就不再接受祂的真理(参见 破解啟示錄492).

这种状态必须顺其自然--丹尼尔说他在哀悼状态下 "整整三个星期"。诱惑的工作没有捷径可走,我们不应该祈求主把它带走,因为那些要求除去诱惑的人的祷告在天上是听不到的。祈求主除去这些是适得其反。我们被告知,"那些在试探中的人的祈祷是很少被听到的;因为主希望达到的目的是人的得救,他知道这个目的,但不知道人的得救;主不听与目的相反的祈祷,也就是得救"(天国的秘密8179).

因此,但以理在这种状态下整整呆了三个星期。在那段时间里,他回忆说,他 "没有吃过任何愉快的食物,没有肉和酒进入他口中"。有趣的是,当我们处于困境中时,我们往往会失去食欲。食物对我们没有吸引力。这种缺乏食欲的情况在属灵的战斗中和在自然界的麻烦中一样真实。

但以理失去食欲的原因是食物的意义。当我们吃东西时,食物成为我们身体的一部分,从内部滋养我们,给我们提供能量和养料来继续我们的生活。吃精神食粮对我们的精神也有同样的作用。灵性的饮食是对善和真理状态的占有(天国的秘密3149, 3568, 3570),这可以比作食物和饮料

注意构成但以理禁食的一系列想法,他说他没有吃 "愉快的食物、肉和酒"。正如我们在本研究中多次看到的那样,像这样的清单表明了一系列发展中的想法,需要加以探讨。然而,在我们开始探索之前,重要的是要指出,"食物 "这个词没有出现在原文中。虽然原文中使用的这个词可以指 "食物",但更确切地说,它是由谷物或玉米制成的 "面包"(Brown Driver Briggs # 3899, Strong's Definition # 3899)。

作出这种区分是很重要的,因为虽然面包可能是一种主食,但 "食物 "作为一个通用术语可以指谷物或玉米制成的面包以外的东西。在内部意义上,这种精确性很重要,例如在主祷文中说:"我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们",这与 "我们每日的食物 "有不同的含义。同样,在举行圣餐时,主拿起面包并掰开,说这是我的身体。事实上,他从桌子上的食物中选择了面包来代表他的身体。

饼 "之所以如此重要,是因为它象征着人的一切美好和真理。天国的秘密2165).善良和真理是我们灵魂的养料,它们共同构成了主在我们里面的存在。主在我们里面存在于我们对他的爱和信心中,特别是在我们对其他人的使用中。

在最高的意义上,"面包 "象征着主的天国天使的爱,这是一个人对另一个人所能表达的最大的爱。这种爱的本质是谦卑,因为在这种爱中的人 "承认并相信自己是卑鄙污秽的东西(《圣经》)。天国的秘密1594:4)."这似乎是强硬的语言,但第七章和第八章的自我检讨和第九章的悔改的整个过程导致了这种假设。然而,这种谦卑的意义并不是为了诋毁而诋毁人的精神,而是使我们有可能识别并消除让主流入我们体内并使我们充满活力的障碍。我们很难认识到这一点,但除非我们这样做,否则我们永远无法体验到解放,因为我们知道所有真正的善来自于主本身。从自私中解脱出来,我们就能像天使那样彼此拥抱了。天使不是像爱自己一样爱他们的邻居,而是比爱自己更爱他们。天国的秘密1594).



现在注意但以理继续他的清单,没有肉或酒进入他的口中。"肉 "代表我们生活中爱的外在事物,与爱我们的邻居有关的行为(参看《圣经》)。 天国的秘密574, 627).我们把这些行为称为 "慈善"("肉 "代表慈善,见 天国的秘密5204).当一个人从他们的生活中避开或去除自私,去除的结果是外在的行为,也就是他们对他人的爱的外在表现。

同样,他也不喝葡萄酒。"酒 "代表一个人的信仰(天国的秘密1071:4).人们常常认为信仰是一种商品,或一种财产。一本圣经在关于信仰的注释中把它描述为 "你通往永生的地契"(The Open Bible. 1975. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Inc. Page 1151)。但信仰本身并不是一种财产。一个人通过从圣经中学习属灵真理的过程获得信仰,看到所学到的真理,然后将自己的信任和信心放在这些教义中。

构成信仰的真理被描述为字面意义上的 "水"。在主将水变成酒的故事中,人们看到了真理是如何通过承认它们是真理的人变成灵性的真理,或信仰。当一个人使用构成信仰的真理来指导和引导他或她的生活时,信仰就从智力活动变成了生活问题。





除了不吃东西之外,但以理也根本没有涂抹自己。"膏油 "是古代的习俗,将油浇在某样东西上,以使其成为圣物,例如国王和祭司被膏油作为其职务的外部标志,内部则是他们代表主的标志(天国的秘密3009, 9144, 10019, 10118 等)。)

用油(所用的油是橄榄油)涂抹意味着进入一种与主本人相似的善的状态,因为他是 "受膏者",这意味着他对整个人类的神圣的爱降到了耶稣基督的人形中,使旧约中看不见的爱在新约中变得完全可见。由于这个原因,膏药在旧约时代人们的仪式和做法中占有很高的地位,因为它预示着主确实会来到这个世界。

因此,"涂抹自己 "意味着进入接受主的存在的状态,人们通过学习信仰和带入慈善实践来做到这一点。


这种哀伤的状态持续了三个星期,代表了一种饱满的状态。人不能催促诱惑。我们的属灵争战自有其过程,要靠我们向主保持心胸开阔,从而使我们生命中的但以理一面保持活力。主在新约中关于禁食的教导在这里是非常重要的,要记住。正如我们从但以理的经历中看到的,在哀伤的状态下,就禁食。因此,禁食代表了一种受试探的状态。然而我们的试探不应该是公开的。正如主在《登山宝训》中所说,我们应该 "膏头洗脸"。换句话说,即使我们可能受到诱惑,重新陷入与自私有关的罪恶,但我们仍然应该继续为他人行善,用爱和慈善向他们伸出援手。如果我们继续这样做,诱惑最终会过去,因为我们被告知:"行为在前,人的意愿在后;因为一个人从理解上做的事,他也会从意愿上做,最后把它作为一种习惯,然后它就被植入他的理性或内在。当它渗入其中时,人不再从真理出发行善,而是从善出发;因为他开始在其中感受到一些福气,就像天堂一样。这一点在他死后仍然存在,通过它,他被主提升到天堂。天国的秘密4353).

但以理的服丧期在三周后过去。他叙述了在正月二十四日,他 "在大河边,即底格里斯河边",他的异象开始。



诱惑确实结束了。但以理把走出这场战斗描述为 "正月二十四日"。正如圣经中所有其他综合数字一样,"二十四 "指的是一种特定的状态,尽管如果使用 "四和二十 "这种老式的表达方式会更容易看出。

正如我们之前所看到的,"四 "描述了一种结合的状态(天国的秘密9103, 6157).这是我们思想的两边联合起来,反对我们的自私和支撑它的所有思想和行为的不神圣联盟。在受诱惑的状态下,我们必须知道我们为什么要抵制邪恶,也就是说,我们需要把邪恶看作是一种邪恶。然后我们必须想要抵制它。当这种情况发生时,我们对善的追求和对真理的理解就会结合起来,我们就会一心一意地行动。当我们知道某件事情是邪恶的,所以我们不想实施这种行为,那么邪恶就会失去对我们的吸引力。当这种情况发生时,邪恶就失去了对我们思想的控制,我们也就获得了自由。

那么,数字 "四 "描述了思想的结合。数字 "20 "描述了当邪恶的控制被打破时我们进入的和平状态。我们可以通过多种方式达到数字20,但通常它代表一种状态,即我们与诱惑的斗争暂时停止,我们进入一种和平与安静的状态。


当但以理处于这种和平状态时,他发现自己在大河--底格里斯河边。底格里斯河,或称Hiddekel(见Strong's #2313),是构成美索不达米亚边界的两条大河之一。创世纪》中首次提到它是流经伊甸园的河流之一。但以理发现自己在这条河边,从内部意义上讲是很重要的,因为它描述了受试探后的高度意识状态。


希德克尔河是一条向东流动的河流。正如我们以前所看到的,河流描述了一个人的智慧(《圣经》)。天国的秘密7323),而 "东方 "代表主。因此,这条河描述了当诱惑过去时,我们的思想转向主,他让我们洞察我们的状态。在创世纪故事的阐述中,提到了希德克尔河,我们被告知它指的是 "理性或理性的敏锐视力"(天国的秘密118).





如果希德克尔代表 "理性的锐利 "在诱惑消除后进入我们的头脑,那么 "举目 "这句话代表光进入我们的眼睛,或我们的理解("眼睛 "代表理解,见 天国的秘密2701, 275, 4526 等)。)抬起我们的眼睛描述了我们的理解力从眼前的关注点提升到更高的事物,由此,一个人的理解力充满了 "精神上的观点、感知和思想" (天国的秘密8160.另见 天国的秘密2789, 2829, 3198, 3202, 4083, 4086, 4339).当我们的良知重现时,我们发现我们的头脑清醒了,可以说,当我们向后反思当初导致我们悔改的真理时。因此,我们抬起眼睛,专注于指导性的真理。

当但以理举目时,他看到一个人,身穿亚麻布衣,腰系乌法斯的黄金。他当时不知道,但这个 "人 "是被派来帮助他度过危机的。这个 "人 "是一个天使,主在他身上。天国的秘密9872, 破解啟示錄830)与他的神圣真理(天国的秘密9406, 启示录504, 77).使我们处于精神平衡状态的天使,总是围绕着我们。然而,在试探中,主 "赐给他的天使管理我们,使我们在他的一切道路上保守"(诗篇91:11).诱惑是来自地狱的攻击,而且,除非主以这种方式保护我们,否则我们会屈服。在这些时候,他与我们同在,他的爱被他神圣的真理,或智慧所包围,激励我们记住并坚守良知。

于是但以理看到了这个人。他身穿亚麻布衣,腰系黄金。亚麻布代表圣言中纯正的真理(天国的秘密9872, 破解啟示錄671, 启示录951).在受试探的时候,主通过我们的良知来引导我们。他唤起我们的信仰,我们的理想,以及对真理的记忆,这些都是他在我们一生中在我们脑海中埋下的。这些真理构成了我们抵抗邪恶的基础。






我们在这些时候对真理的洞察力不仅限于构成我们信仰的更深层次的 "神学 "真理,还包括对我们生活本质的洞察力。请记住,这一章是在居鲁士王统治时期写的,表明我们有真正的进步。人们可以期待在我们的生活中看到这种进步的一些影响,因为当我们在诱惑中忏悔和克服时,我们就会逐渐远离自私的罪恶及其后果。我们的生活发生了变化。

这个人的身体的形象描述了我们的进步。首先,我们被告知,他的身体像绿宝石。绿柱石,或原文称为塔石,是一种黄色的石头(Brown Driver Briggs # 8658),因为它闪烁着内在的光芒,所以被包括在以色列大祭司所穿的胸甲中(见下文)。出埃及记28:20).教义告诉我们,绿宝石代表着从远离邪恶的行为中产生的善,因此是慈善之善(天国的秘密6135.慈善的第一个行为是避开邪恶,因为它是对主的罪。 真实的基督教信仰435).


正因为如此,这个人的脚就像 "烧过的金子",这是天堂的神圣真理照耀到一个人生命的外部活动中的形象。天国的秘密9406, 启示录69).甚至我们固有的善性也充满了真正的善(青铜=自然的善 天国的秘密425, 破解啟示錄775),一种完全不同的状态,与被自私支配时的心态。在尼布甲尼撒第二章的梦中,他的形象的脚是用铁和泥土混合制成的,表明自私的生活最薄弱的地方是我们生活的外部行为。然而在这个异象中,那人的脚是铜制的,或者说来自主的美好影响着我们,直到我们生命的最外层。




但以理对这个异象做了一个有趣的观察:当他看到这个异象时,他并不是一个人,然而和他在一起的人却没有看到。当但以理看到异象时,他不在自己的身体里,但他的灵眼被打开了,使他有可能看到属灵世界的事物(天命134, 真实的基督教信仰157, 破解啟示錄36).这些事情的性质不容易用人的语言来表达,尽管我们可以通过使用天上的教义中给出的对应关系来对它们有一些了解。这也解释了为什么和但以理在一起的人也不能看到这些异象。

请注意,但以理在这里的语言是非常具体的。他没有说和我在一起的 "人",而是说人。瑞典堡所读的拉丁文圣经使用拉丁语 "vir",意思是男性。在圣经中,"男性 "一词指的是我们头脑中理解力方面的东西,我们所有的思想和智力见解。因为但以理代表我们的良知,他在我们头脑中的自然归宿是理解力。







但以理感觉到这种谦卑是他的力量被抛弃,他的 "活力变成虚弱"。真正的谦卑对我们也是如此。因为当我们认识到主是我们所做的一切善事和我们所想的一切真理的唯一来源时,我们就会意识到自己是多么渺小。在意识到这一点之前,我们一直被内心深处的尼布甲尼撒和外在的伯沙撒的存在所鼓舞。然而,当我们悔改时,我们体内的这些自私状态开始失效,因为主靠近我们,给我们所需的勇气和支持。他引导我们更好地了解我们是谁,我们能做什么。然而,自私在他面前没有力量,像但以理一样,我们在他面前屈服。

因此,但以理在 "沉睡中脸朝地 "倒下。



在现代英语翻译中,这段话被赋予了与原文不同的戏剧性元素。新詹姆士国王版本的内容是"忽然,有一只手摸我...... "插入了一个与之完全不同的时间质量。应该使用的词是 "lo",表示从一个状态到下一个状态的思想序列。因此,当但以理在他的脸上时,作为一个结果,有一只手碰了他。


当我们处于这种谦卑的状态时,我们再次感受到主的存在,而且是通过天使。但以理感觉到一只手,代表我们意识到或意识到主的能力与我们同在。在话语中,"手 "代表力量(天国的秘密3021),因为我们的手传达了我们意志和理解的全部主旨,使我们有可能做我们想做的事情。通过感受一只手触摸他,但以理代表了我们在谦卑中感受主的存在的方式。当这股力量触及他时,但以理在他的手掌和膝盖上颤抖起来。

主的同在给我们的生活带来了巨大的变化。当我们的良知把我们引向谦卑的地步,使我们能够认识到我们自己自私的现实,我们的生活就开始发生巨大的变化。从我们良心的角度来看,人不能盯着邪恶的脸,而不为所动。我们认识到我们自己是 "卑鄙污秽的"(天国的秘密15944),同时也害怕伤害主赐给我们的美好希望。因此,但以理颤抖着,就像我们的良心在这种状态下颤抖一样。



当天使触摸但以理时,所有这些都传达给了他。在我们的属灵生活中,当我们意识到来自主的真理时,我们就被天使 "触摸 "了,这些真理给我们的良心带来了活力,并加强了我们避开邪恶的决心和承诺,因为这就是罪。但以理在底格里斯河边所表现出的清晰的视野,以及站在那里的人所表现出的真理的视野,都是向我们的心灵呈现真理的一部分。当我们从试探的状态中走出来时,我们会敏锐地意识到真理的力量,以及主对我们的真理传达。

这些真理是从主那里转移到我们的意识中的。教义告诉我们,每一个思想和感觉都是从主那里通过天堂流入我们的,或者是从地狱(天国的秘密904, 4249).一个人如果没有这种来自周围的天使和精神的思想流入,他或她就无法思考(天国的秘密5288).


这种恐惧的状态可以在圣经中其他地方看到,当天使向人们出现时。最好的例子可能是在圣诞故事中,当天使加百列向撒迦利亚、马利亚和牧羊人显现时。每次他都以 "不要害怕 "开始他的交流。

害怕的意思是 "转过身去,这是一种被迫在眉睫或可见的生命危险所扰乱和改变的心理状态;但这对善人来说是一回事,对恶人来说是另一回事;对善人来说,这是对心灵迫在眉睫和可见的危险所扰乱和改变的状态,但对恶人来说,这是对身体的生命迫在眉睫和可见的危险"(启示录677:8).


但以理理智地感受到这种神圣的恐惧,他 "跪在地上,手掌发抖"。的,教义将神圣的恐惧描述为被体验为一种神圣的震颤,有些时候我们的头发都竖起来了,浑身起鸡皮疙瘩(破解啟示錄56:"神圣的恐惧,有时与心灵内部的神圣震颤结合在一起,有时与头发竖起来,"即 "鸡皮疙瘩")。)也许我们感觉到天使的存在更像是 "良心的痛苦 "或内疚感,它提醒我们,我们的行为已经违背了我们的良心。


但以理是 "大受爱戴的"。最简单的定义是,爱是两个人合而为一(参看《圣经》)。 启示录213:"爱的效果是结合和随之而来的存在......")。)在这种情况下,但以理与主连在一起,所以是 "大受爱戴的"。他现在的状态代表了我们的心态,当我们真诚地忏悔并因此而忍受试探时,我们进入了一种新的清晰的视野,这种视野是我们以前从未梦想过的。但以理的所有异象都描述了我们对自私的广度和深度的认识,支持我们摆脱它们的决心。对我们自私的洞察力的深度唤醒了我们内心神圣的恐惧,从这种恐惧中我们 "通过我们的良心,被引向主的面前。我们的良知是 "大爱"。








这条发展之路确实是在没有反对的情况下进行的。正如我们在《但以理书》中看到的那样,自私和邪恶不断地工作,以克服和破坏这一进程。天使说:"波斯王子抵挡了我二十一天",就是指这一点。抵挡良心就是让它陷入诱惑之中(天国的秘密1664:2).虽然圣经中没有特别提到 "波斯王子",但人们必须假设他代表自私和贪婪的国家。一些圣经注释(如克拉克的注释)认为他就是居鲁士。鉴于居鲁士与主的对应关系,以及他在将犹太人从奴役中解放出来方面所扮演的角色,这是不可能的,除非人们在这一点上将他视为负面的对应关系。

在这里,"波斯王子 "的确切身份其实并不重要。重要的是,他抵挡了天使二十一天。正如圣经中所有的复合数字一样,21需要特别注意。这也是本章开头提到的数字,但以理指出他 "哀哭了三周",即二十一天。




圣经中每次提到米迦勒时,都与一场保护战争有关。在这种情况下,他保护本体免受波斯王子的攻击。本章后面说 "除了你的王子米迦勒,没有人保护我对付这些"。在第十二章,我们将被告知,米迦勒 "站在你百姓的子孙旁边看守"。直到《启示录》第十二章,我们才在圣经中再次看到他,在那里米迦勒保护披着太阳的女人免受大龙的攻击。

围绕米迦勒的意象是为保护而战。在内部意义上,他代表 "捍卫圣言中的那部分教义,这部分教义告诉我们,主的人性是神圣的,一个人必须过着爱主和对邻居施舍的生活,他或她才能从主那里得到救赎。启示录735).

这种防御状态必然需要与邪恶和虚假的东西作斗争(启示录735),这就是为什么我们看到米迦勒扮演着保护士兵的角色。然而,米迦勒对但以理有着特殊的意义,因为但以理代表我们的良心,它是由我们所相信的真理组成的,我们允许它支配我们的生活。这些真理在受试探的时候受到严峻的考验,除非主不断地从内部加强它们,否则我们会忘记它们,成为来自地狱的攻击的牺牲品。天堂和地狱595, 天国的秘密2410, 5854, 7479).


天使的话使但以理再次陷入谦卑的境地。他把脸转向地面,变得无话可说。这种不能说话的状态对本章的最后部分有很大影响。现代英语将这句话译为 "无言",但原文和瑞典堡使用的拉丁文都使用 "哑巴 "一词(Strong's #481.Schmidius使用 "obmutui",意思是 "哑巴")。


谦卑的一个方面是它使一个人 "无言"。在新约中,我们被告知祭司撒迦利亚在看到天使加百列后 "哑口无言"。当一个人不能说话时,他或她在生理上是 "哑巴"。这个词在原文中意味着这个人是 "舌头打结的"。这个概念在内部意义上也有同样的含义,因为当一个人处于谦卑状态时,他或她在精神上被绑住舌头,无法说出话来。"说话 "在这里不是指声音或言语,因为这种说话是自然的;但 "说话 "是指对主的忏悔,以及对他的信仰;因为这种说话是精神的。因此,"哑巴 "在内部意义上的含义是显而易见的,即那些因无知而不能承认主,从而不能对他表示信仰的人,教会外的国家和教会内的普通人都处于这种状态。天国的秘密6988).



因此,当但以理是哑巴的时候,有一位 "有人子的模样 "的人接触了他的嘴唇。人子 "的形象是在第七章和第八章中介绍的,是在我们心中发展的真理的形象,它将使我们从自私和贪婪的束缚中解脱出来。在当前的异象中,但以理看到 "有人子的样式",或复数的形式。真理是一个伟大的解放者,因为正如主所说:"你们若遵守我的道,就真是我的门徒。你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们自由" ( 约翰福音8:31-32).

消除 "哑巴",或不能承认和承认主,来自于对真理的接受和拥护。撒迦利亚就是一个典型的例子,因为当人们想用自己的名字来称呼他的儿子撒迦利亚时,"他要了一块写字板,写着说:"他的名字叫约翰。"于是他们都惊叹不已。他的口就开了,舌头也松开了,就说起话来,赞美上帝"(路加福音1:63-64).


当我们悔改并忍受诱惑时,我们就会进入谦卑的状态,在这种状态下,我们可以看到我们的邪恶和主应许我们的善的状态。对邪恶的认识使我们在精神上哑口无言--无法承认和表达我们在主里的喜悦。触摸我们嘴唇的 "与人相似的",是对我们所学到的真理的提醒,它构成了我们良心的基础。这些真理实际上是主在我们里面的存在,因为每个真理在我们的头脑中形成一个容器,能够接受神圣的存在,从而提升我们。因此,神圣的东西以真理的形式传达给我们,我们在思想中接受这些真理,作为对我们的罪恶和克服这些罪恶的必要行动的进一步洞察力。

这就是为什么 "像人子的 "触摸但以理的原因,因为正如我们前面所看到的,触摸包含交流、转移和接受的要素。神圣的真理在我们所知道的所有真理中提醒我们主的存在,在我们致力于过一种由良知引导的生活中传达和转移给我们,使我们有可能对主作出回应。我们的回应,就像但以理的回应一样,仍然受对我们头脑中现存和活跃的邪恶的认识所支配--我们的自私和贪婪仍然存在,由于我们的良知,我们可以清楚地看到它们。


但以理很好地描绘了这一点。一旦他的嘴唇被触及,他的嘴就被打开,他就能说话了。他的话语仍然表明因认识到自己的恶行而产生的谦卑。他说到 "他忧伤的景象淹没了他"。


忧伤 "的原词来自一个根词,意思是 "铰链"(Strong's ref 6635,Brown Driver Briggs将该词定义为 "门的枢轴,或铰链")。甚至在瑞典堡使用的Schmidius圣经中的拉丁语单词也使用了一个被定义为'铰链'的单词(见Schmidius在这个参考文献中的说法。所用的词是 "cardo-is。1,门的铰链。2.2. 任何东西都围绕着它转动的点)。)乍一看,这个词没有什么意义,直到人们想到生活中经常围绕某些问题或特定的事物旋转。在我们的生活中,这些关键或铰链点往往是我们选择哪条道路和拒绝哪条道路之间的区别。






我们的良心是我们 "所爱 "的部分,因为它是承认主在我们心中的存在的部分,所以是通往主给我们的天国平安的大门。通常在试探和绝望的时候,这似乎不太可能,但天使对但以理说的话同样适用于我们。"你要平安,要坚强"。


属灵力量的来源是真理(参看《圣经》)。 天国的秘密4802, 2832天国的秘密426).真理形成良知,指引我们走人生的道路,然而为了使它能够做到这一点,使我们有力量和能力抵制邪恶,有必要将该真理付诸实践。如果真理是力量的源泉,那么真理的实践就是对戒律的顺从。真正的精神力量只来自于主,因为只有他,从他自己的力量中与地狱作战并战胜了它们。我们从他那里汲取力量(天国的秘密1692).这种能力是通过围绕我们的天使给予我们的,他们与第一条戒律斗争。第二条也是对抗我们身上的邪恶(天国的秘密1752,参看。 天国的秘密50, 227, 228, 697, 968).


答案就在他接下来的话里。天使回来是为了 "与波斯王子争战"。正如我们在本章前面看到的,"波斯王子 "就是国王居鲁士--这个异象是在波斯国王居鲁士的第三年看到的。请注意,天使说他要'与'波斯王子作战。人们的最初反应是将'与'解释为'反对'。然而在原文中,'与'也可以是'与'的意思,即与之并肩,或与之站在同一边。天使不是要与居鲁士作战,而是与他一起对抗'希腊的王子'。当人们想起居鲁士代表主拯救人类的时候。

在第八章的预言中,但以理被证明那只长着大角的公山羊是 "希腊"--它代表真正的宗教衰落为偶像崇拜(见第八章)。然而,请注意说话的人--把但以理扶起来并敦促他 "坚强 "的天使。

他的话介绍了但以理书中记录的最后一场战斗,以及第十二章中的胜利。然而,注意天使所使用的术语是他介绍的基础。"我要把真理经上所记的事告诉你"。这些词在英语中似乎很熟悉,因为我们把经文说成是道本身的同义词,的确如此。在原文中,"经文 "一词是指写下来的东西,一本书或一份记录(Strong's #3791)。

但接下来的 "真理 "一词让我们停顿下来。在原文中,我们译为 "真理 "的术语具有更广泛的含义,即 "稳定、确定、真实和可信"(Strong's #571)。这个词又来自一个更深的原词,意思是 "建立或支持;像父母或护士一样培养;比喻为使(或成为)坚定或忠实,信任或相信,永久或安静;在道德上是真实或确定的"(Strong's #539)。


天使提到了 "真理的经文",但把它看作是一种确定性,即如果我们按照主的教导生活,如果我们愿意走但以理所示范的道路,那么我们的生活就会有同样的结果。引导我们的真理将是我们的光,它们所给予的智慧,连同抵制邪恶的勇气和力量将是值得信赖的,它们不会失败。

然而,我们怎么能确定呢?在这个例子中,"真理 "这个词的词根来自建立、支持和培养的概念,而这肯定是主在重生过程中所做的。我们每个人一开始都是头脑中没有真理的,但在我们的生活过程中,我们学习了真理、价值观、道德、伦理,都以某种形式存在。主支持这些,像父母或护士培养无助的婴儿一样培养他们。随着它们在生命过程中的发展,主也帮助我们把我们的信任和信心放在这些真理上,直到它们及时成为我们思想的永久组成部分。


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #3708

Study this Passage

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3708. 'And you will break forth towards the sea, and towards the east' means infinite extension of good, while 'towards the north, and towards the south' means infinite extension of truth - thus every state of good and truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'breaking forth' as extension, here infinite extension since it has reference to the Lord; from the meaning of 'the sea' or the west as good which is as yet obscure and so at only an initial stage; from the meaning of 'the east' as bright and so perfected good; from the meaning of 'the north' as truth which is still shrouded in obscurity; and from the meaning of 'the south' as truth bathed in light.

[2] Many references are made in the Word to the sea or west, the east, the north, and the south. But because nobody up to now has known that, as with every other single expression, these possessed an internal sense in which they did not mean things to do with the world, as they do in the sense of the letter, but spiritual and celestial things, and that in the highest sense those expressions meant Divine things belonging to the Lord Himself, what else could people have known therefore other than that west, east, north, and south are used in the Word simply to mean the four quarters? What else other than that 'breaking forth' towards those four quarters means a multiplying? But the fact that they do not mean the four quarters or the multiplying of any group of people, but states of good and truth, and the extension of these, may become clear from all the places in the Word, especially those in the Prophets, where reference is made to them. For what west, east, north, or south are is totally unknown in heaven. There the Sun, which is the Lord - unlike the sun of this world which rises and sets, reaching its highest point at midday and its lowest at night - is visible all the time, though how visible depends on the states of those receiving its light; for the light from it holds wisdom and intelligence within it, see 1619-1632, 2776, 3138, 3167, 3190, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3339, 3341, 3485, 3636, 3643. Consequently it is visible to each individual according to the wisdom and intelligence existing with him. Among those with whom good and truth are present - which are warmth and light, but of the celestial and spiritual kind - the sun is as it is when rising and at midday; but among those with whom good and truth are not present the sun is as it is when setting and at night. From this it is evident that in the internal sense of the Word 'east, south, west, and north' means states of good and truth.

[3] It should be recognized that the Word does not use only the four quarters, as indicated, to describe states of good and truth. It also uses both the annual seasons or states of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and the daily times or states of morning, midday, evening, and night. These are used for a similar purpose; but when the subject is the extension of good and truth, the four quarters are employed to describe it. What each one means specifically however may be seen from the places where they are mentioned in the Word. 'East' means the Lord and also the good of love and charity, which comes from the Lord, as shown already in 101, 1250, 3249, and 'south' means the truth bathed in light, in 1458, 3195.

[4] But what 'west' and what 'north' mean in the genuine sense, and what they mean in the contrary sense, may be seen from the following places: In Isaiah,

Fear not, for I am with you; from the east I will bring your seed, and from the west I will gather you. I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Do not withhold. Bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the end of the earth. Isaiah 43:5-6

This refers to a new spiritual Church, meant here by Jacob and Israel. 'Bringing the seed from the east and gathering from the west' stands for people governed by good; 'saying to the north, Give up; and to the south, Do not withhold' stands for those governed by truth.

[5] In David,

The redeemed of Jehovah will speak, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy and gathered together out of the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea. They wandered in the wilderness, in a desolate way; they did not find an inhabited city. 1 Psalms 107:2-4.

This refers to people who are without knowledge of good and truth. 'From the east and from the west' stands for those without knowledge of good, 'from the north and from the sea' for those without knowledge of truth. Those without knowledge of good are referred to as 'wandering in the wilderness', and those without knowledge of truth as doing so 'in a desolate way'. And those without knowledge of both are referred to as their not finding an inhabited city - 'a city' meaning doctrinal teaching consisting of truth, see 402, 2449, 2943, 3216, and 'a habitation' being used in reference to good, 268, 2451, 2712.

[6] In Isaiah,

Behold, these will come from afar, and behold, those from the north and from the west, and those from the land of Sinim. Isaiah 49:12.

'The north' stands for people in obscurity as regards truth, 'the west' for those in obscurity as regards good. They are said 'to come from afar' because they are remote from the light which flows from the Lord.

[7] In Amos,

Behold, the days are going to come in which I will send a famine on the land. And they will wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east they will run to and fro to seek the Word of Jehovah, and will not find it. Amos 8:11-12.

'A famine' stands for a lack and absence of cognitions, 1460, 3364. 'Wandering from sea to sea' stands for searching for the place where cognitions may be found - 'seas' meaning cognitions in general, 28, 2850. 'Running to and fro from the north even to the east' stands for going from those cognitions that are in obscurity to cognitions that are in the light. As regards cognitions being meant, this is evident because the words 'to seek the Word of God and will not find it' are used.

[8] In Jeremiah,

Proclaim these words towards the north, and say, Return, backsliding Israel; I will not cause My face to fall upon you, for I am merciful. In those days the house of Judah will go to the house of Israel, and together they will come out of the north land over the land I gave as a heritage to your fathers. Jeremiah 3:12, 18.

This refers to the restoration of the Church from among the gentiles. 'The north' stands for people without knowledge of truth but who lead a good life. It is evident that neither the north nor the north land is meant here for the reason that Israel did not exist any longer.

[9] In the same prophet,

The living Jehovah who caused the children of Israel to come up out of the north land. Jeremiah 16:15.

'North' in a similar way stands for being without knowledge of truth. In the same prophet,

Behold, I am bringing them from the north land, and I will gather them from the furthest parts of the earth, among them the blind one and the lame. Jeremiah 31:8.

The 'north land' stands for no knowledge of good because of no knowledge of truth. Now because the land of Canaan represented the Lord's kingdom - and therefore also represented good, see above in 3705 - and places within that land, such as Zion and Jerusalem, represented inmost good to which truth was joined, the places which lay away from that land consequently represented obscurity so far as good and truth were concerned. Everything that lies in obscurity is called 'the north land' and also 'the furthest parts of the earth'.

[10] In addition to this, since all good that flows in with light from the Lord is confined within man's obscurity, the north is also called 'an assembly' as in Isaiah,

You said in your heart, I will go up the heavens, above the stars of God I will raise my throne, and I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the furthest parts of the north. Isaiah 14:13.

In the same prophet,

Wail, O gate; cry, O city; you have melted away, O Philistia, all of you, for smoke comes from the north, and not a solitary person in the assemblies. Isaiah 14:31.

In David,

Great is Jehovah and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, the mountain of His holiness - the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, the furthest parts of the north, the city of the great King. Psalms 48:1-2.

And again in the same author,

The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours. The world and the fullness of it You have founded; the north and the right hand 2 You have created. Psalms 89:11-12.

'The north' here stands for those who are more remote from the light of good and truth, 'the right hand' for those who are closer to them. For the latter are on the Lord's right hand, see 1274, 1276.

[11] In Zechariah,

He saw four chariots coming out between two mountains of bronze. The horses coupled to them were reddish, black, white, and mottled - strong ones. The angel said, These are the four winds of heaven, which go forth from standing before the Lord of the whole earth, the black horses going into the north land; and the white have gone out after them, and the mottled have gone out into the south land. Those going towards the north land have caused My spirit to rest on the north land. Zechariah 6:1-8.

'Chariots coming out between two mountains of bronze' stands for matters of doctrine concerning good. For 'chariots' means matters of doctrine, as will be shown elsewhere, while 'a mountain' means love, see 795, 1430, 2722, and two mountains therefore two kinds of love - celestial love, which is love to the Lord, and spiritual love, which is love towards the neighbour. 'Bronze' is good originating in those loves as it exists within the natural, 425, 1551; 'horses' things of the understanding, and so an understanding of matters of doctrine concerning good, 2760-2762, 3217; 'the south land' stands for people who possess cognitions of good and truth, 1458, 3195, 'the north land' for those who are without knowledge of good and truth but who lead a good life, as upright gentiles do among whom, when a new Church is established, God's Spirit is said to rest.

[12] In Jeremiah,

Jehovah who brought up and led back the seed of the house of Israel out of the land towards the north and out of all the lands to where I have driven them, so that they might dwell on their own land. Jeremiah 23:8.

'Out of the land towards the north' stands for away from the obscurity that is due to a lack of knowledge about what is good and true. In the same prophet,

Can one break iron, iron from the north, and bronze? Jeremiah 15:12.

'Iron' stands for natural truth, 425, 426, 'bronze' for natural good, 425, 1551. These are said to come 'from the north' because they derive from the natural which, though lying in obscurity compared with other degrees, serves as the outer limit of these. It is evident without explanation that this prophetic utterance does not mean the use of iron and bronze from the north, for what would be Divine about that, indeed what connection would it have with what goes before and after if no more than iron and bronze from there were meant?

[13] In Matthew,

I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west and will recline with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Matthew 8:11; Luke 13:29.

'Many from the east and from the west' stands for those who possess cognitions and lead a good life, and also for those who are in obscurity and have no knowledge of such cognitions; and so it stands for people inside the Church and those outside it. It has been stated above that states of good are meant by the east and the west. 'Reclining with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob' means being with the Lord, see 3305 (end). And the Prophets in a similar way speak of people coming from east and west who are going to be with the Lord in His kingdom or Church, as in Isaiah,

From the east I will bring your seed, and from the west I will gather you. Isaiah 43:5.

Elsewhere in the same prophet,

They will fear the name of Jehovah from the west, and His glory from the east. Isaiah 59:19.

Elsewhere in the same,

From the rising of the sun and from its setting they will know that there is none besides Me; I am Jehovah and there is no one else. Isaiah 45:6.

Elsewhere in the same,

I will stir up one from the north, and he will come; from the rising of the sun he will call on My name. Isaiah 41:25.

[14] In addition one may see that east, west, south, and north have these meanings from the following: The Construction of the Tabernacle; The Children of Israel when they were encamped and when they journeyed; The Description of the Land of Canaan; also, The Description of the New Temple, New Jerusalem, and New Land:


Everything in it was positioned according to the four quarters, see Exodus 38 - what went on the east and west sides, and what on the south and north, is stated in Exodus 26:18, 20, 22, 27; 27:9, 12, 13; and the requirement that the lampstand was to be placed towards the south across from the table, the table itself being on the north side, Exodus 26:35; 40:22.


Here also positions were determined according to the four quarters. That is to say, they encamped around the Tent of Meeting, with the tribes of Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun towards the east; the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, and Gad towards the south; the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin towards the west; and the tribes of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali towards the north, Numbers 2:1- end. In addition to this, the Levites encamped with the Gershonites towards the west, the Kohathites towards the south, the Merarites towards the north; and Moses, Aaron and his sons in front of the Tabernacle towards the east, Numbers 3:23-38. In this way the heavenly order which in the Lord's kingdom exists in accordance with states of good and truth was represented. Towards the south side also they were to sound the call for them to begin their journeys, Numbers 10:6. And even as they took up specific positions when they encamped, so they did when they journeyed, Numbers 2:34.


First Moses described its border lands - those indeed in the south, those in the west, those in the north, and those in the east, Numbers 34:2-12, as they were again described when the land had been apportioned to the tribes by lot, in Joshua 15 Chapters-19 of Joshua. From these circumstances, and also from the most ancient people who dwelt in the land of Canaan, all places in that land became representatives and meaningful signs determined by their position, distance, and boundaries in relation to the four quarters, 1607, 1866.


These also are described in Ezekiel in relation to the four quarters. The structure of the city, for example, started from the south. When dealing with the gateway to the building he says that its sides faced towards the east, towards the north, and towards the south, Ezekiel 40:2, 6, 19, 20-46. When dealing with the measurement of the Temple, he says that its doors looked towards the north and the south, Ezekiel 41:11, while the outer court looked towards the north, the east, the south, and the west, Ezekiel 42:1, 4, 11, 16-19. He also says that the glory of Jehovah the God of Israel came in from the way of the east, Ezekiel 43:1-2, 4. The gates to the outer court are dealt with in Ezekiel 44:1-2, 4; 46:1, 9, 10, 19, 20; and the boundaries of the Holy Land in Chapter 47 - towards the north in verses 15-17, towards the east in verse 18, towards the south in verse 19, towards the west in verse 20; while Chapter 48 specifies in relation to the four quarters the territories allotted to each tribe. And in the description of the Holy Jerusalem it is said that the gates were on the east, north, south, and west, Revelation 21:13. From these references it is quite evident that the four quarters of the world in relation to which those holy things, or representatives of what is holy, were arrayed do not mean in the internal sense the four quarters but states of good and truth within the Lord's kingdom.

[18] In the contrary sense 'the north' and 'the west' mean falsity and evil, as may be seen from the following places: In Jeremiah,

The word of Jehovah came to me a second time, saying, What do you see? I said, I am seeing an open pot with it's face towards the north. And Jehovah said, From the north evil will be opened over all the inhabitants of the land. Lo, I am calling all the families of the north to come. Jeremiah 1:13-15.

In the same prophet,

Set up a standard towards Zion; assemble, stay not, for I am bringing evil from the north, and a great destruction. Jeremiah 4:6.

In the same prophet,

The sound of crashing; behold, it is coming, and a great commotion out of the land of the north to reduce the cities of Judah into a waste. Jeremiah 10:22.

In the same prophet,

In Tekoa sound the trumpet, for evil stares from the north, and great destruction. Behold, a people coming from the land of the north, a mighty nation will be stirred up from the furthest parts of the earth. Jeremiah 6:1, 22.

In the same prophet,

I took the cup from Jehovah's hand and made all the nations drink it - Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, and its kings, Pharaoh king of Egypt, and the whole western crowd; all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the west, dwelling in the wilderness, and all the kings of the north, far and near. Jeremiah 25:17-26.

[19] In the same prophet,

The swift will not flee away, nor the strong man escape. Northwards on the bank of the River Euphrates they have stumbled and fallen. Who is this coming up like a river? Egypt comes up like the river, for he said, I will go up, I will cover the earth, I will destroy the city and those who dwell in it. But that day is to the Lord Jehovih Zebaoth a day of vengeance - for the Lord Jehovih Zebaoth holds a sacrifice in the land of the north by the River Euphrates. A very beautiful heifer is Egypt, but destruction from the north has come. The daughter of Egypt has been put to shame; she has been delivered into the hand of a people from the north. Jeremiah 46:6-10, 20, 24.

In the same prophet,

Thus said Jehovah, Behold, waters rising out of the north which are like a deluging stream, and they will deluge the land and all that fills it, the city and those who dwell in it. Jeremiah 47:2.

[20] In the same prophet,

[The word which] Jehovah spoke against Babel: There will come up against her a nation from the north, which will make her land a desolation so that none may dwell in it. Jeremiah 50:1, 3.

In the same prophet,

Behold, I am stirring up and bringing up against Babel an assembly of great nations out of the north land, and they will array themselves against her; from there she will be taken. Behold, a people coming out of the north, a mighty nation, and many kings will be stirred up from the furthest parts of the earth. Jeremiah 50:9, 41.

In the same prophet,

Then the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them, will sing over Babel, because those who lay waste will come out of the north. Jeremiah 51:48.

In Ezekiel,

Say to Gog, You will come out of your place from the furthest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you. You will come up against My people Israel, like a cloud to cover the land. Ezekiel 38:14-16.

In the same prophet,

Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince. I will make you turn back and will split you into six, and make you come up from the furthest parts of the north and bring you onto the mountains of Israel. On the mountains of Israel you will fall. On the surface of the field you will fall. Ezekiel 39:1-2, 4-5.

In Zechariah,

Ho! Flee from the land of the north, says Jehovah, for like the four winds of the heavens I will spread you abroad. Ho, Zion! escape, you who dwell with the daughter of Babel. Zechariah 2:6-7.

[21] These quotations show what 'the north' means in the contrary sense, namely falsity which is the source of evil, or falsity which is the result of evil. Because falsity which is the source of evil originates in reasoning about Divine things and against Divine things, which reasoning is based on factual knowledge belonging to the natural man, it is called 'a people from the north out of Egypt' - 'Egypt' meaning such factual knowledge, see 1164, 1165, 2588 (end). And because falsity which is the result of evil originates in worship which to outward appearance is holy but interiorly is unholy, it is called 'a nation from the north out of Babel' - 'Babel' meaning such, see 1182, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1306-1308, 1321, 1322, 1326, as well as that which lays waste, 1327. Both types of falsity - that which is the source of evil, and that which is the result of evil - are said to come out of Gog, for 'Gog' is worship consisting in external observances devoid of anything internal, which is idolatrous worship, as at all times was that of the Jews. That 'Gog' means such worship, see 1151.

[22] Out of the obscurity in which the natural man dwells either truth can arise or falsity can do so. When anyone allows himself to be enlightened by means of the Word from the Lord his obscurity is turned into brightness, for the internal path is opened and so influx and communication from the Lord by way of heaven takes place. But when he does not allow himself to be enlightened by means of the Word from the Lord, but by his own intelligence, his obscurity is turned into darkness and so into falsity, for the internal path is closed and no influx and communication from the Lord by way of heaven takes place, apart from such as enables him to be seen outwardly to be human, when he thinks and so speaks from evil and falsity. This is why 'the north' means truth with those who allow themselves to be enlightened, falsity with those who do not. For the former come up from obscurity, that is, they are raised up to light, but the latter go down from obscurity, that is, remove themselves from light. The former are accordingly brought into [the light of] the south, the latter into [the gloom of] Tartarus.

[23] The fact that 'the north' means the thick darkness of falsity and 'the south' the light of truth is quite evident in Daniel where the ram and the he-goat are the subject, and also where the king of the south and the king of the north are. Referring to the ram and the he-goat it is said that the ram butted with his horns towards the west and towards the north and towards the south, so that none of the beasts could stand before him, and that a he-goat came from the west across the surface of the whole earth, and out of one of his horns there came forth a [little] horn which grew exceedingly towards the south, and towards the east, and towards the glorious [land], Daniel 8:4-5, 9. And referring to the king of the south and the king of the north in the place where 'the king of the south' means those possessing cognitions of truth, and 'the king of the north' those who are governed by falsity, it is said that

After some years they will make an alliance, as a result of which the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to negotiate equitable terms but her arm will not gain strength. One will rise from that stem who will enter into the fortress of the king of the north and will prevail and will carry [the gods] they have captured into Egypt. The king of the south will come into the kingdom and fight with the king of the north, and the king of the north will return and raise a multitude greater than the former. Many will stand up against the king of the south. The king of the north will come and take the fortified city and destroy much. The king of the south will be stirred up to battle with a great army, but he will not stand, for they will devise plots against him. After that he will return, but it will not be as previously. The people consisting of those who know their God will stand firm. At length, at the time of the end, the king of the south will clash with him; therefore the king of the north will rush upon him like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen. In the glorious land many will fall. But rumours will terrify him from the east and from the north, so that he goes forth with great fury. He will come to his end, with none to help him. Daniel 11:1-end.

The fact that 'the king of the south' means those who dwell in the light of truth, 'the king of the north' those who first dwell in shade and then in the thick darkness of falsity, may become clear from the details in that chapter. So it is a description of how the state of the Church is in course of time perverted. They are called kings of the south and of the north because 'kings' in the internal sense of the Word means truths, and in the contrary sense falsities, 1672, 2015, 2069, while 'kingdoms' means things that belong to truth, and in the contrary sense those that belong to falsity, 1672, 2547.


1. literally, city of habitation

2. i.e. the south

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.