The Bible


以西结书 12



1 耶和华的又临到我说:

2 人子啊,你在悖逆的中。他们有眼睛不见,有耳朵不见,因为他们是悖逆之

3 所以人子啊,你要预备掳去使用的物件,在白日当他们眼前从你所住的地方移到别处去;他们虽是悖逆之家,或者可以揣摩思想。

4 你要在白日当他们眼前带出你的物件去,好像预备掳去使用的物件。到了晚上,你要在他们眼前亲自出去,像被掳的人出去一样。

5 你要在他们眼前挖通了,从其中将物件带出去。

6 到天黑时,你要当他们眼前搭在头上带出去,并要蒙住脸不见,因为我立你作以色列家的预兆。

7 我就照着所吩咐的去行,白日带出我的物件,好像预备掳去使用的物件。到了晚上,我用挖通了。天黑的时候,就当他们眼前搭在头上带出去。

8 次日早晨耶和华的临到我说:

9 人子啊,以色列家,就是那悖逆之家,岂不是问你:你做什麽呢?

10 你要对他们耶和华如此:这是关乎耶路撒冷的君王和他周围以色列全家的预表(原文是担子)。

11 你要:我作你们的预兆:我怎样行,他们所遭遇的也必怎样,他们必被掳去。

12 他们中间的君王也必在天黑的时候将物件搭在头上带出去。他们要挖通了,从其中带出去。他必蒙住脸,眼不见

13 我必将我的撒在他身上,他必在我的罗中缠住。我必他到迦勒底人的巴比伦;他虽在那里,却不见那

14 周围一切帮助他的和他所有的军队,我必分散四方(方:原文是),也要拔刀追赶他们。

15 我将他们四散在列国、分散在列邦的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华

16 我却要留下他们几个人得免刀、饥荒、瘟疫,使他们在所到的各国中述说他们一切可憎的事,人就知道我是耶和华

17 耶和华的又临到我说:

18 人子啊,你饭必胆战,必惶惶忧虑。

19 你要对这的百姓耶和华耶路撒冷以色列居民如此,他们饭必忧虑,必惊惶。因其中居住的众人所行强暴的事,这必然荒废,一无所存。

20 居民的城邑必变为荒场,也必变为荒废;你们就知道我是耶和华

21 耶和华的临到我说:

22 人子啊,在你们以色列地怎麽有这俗语,说日子迟延,一切异象都落了空呢?

23 你要告诉他们耶和华如此:我必使这俗语止息,以色列中不再用这俗语。你却要对他们:日子临近,一切的异象必都应验。

24 从此,在以色列家中必不再有虚假的异象和奉承的占卜。

25 我─耶和华说话,所的必定成就,不再耽延。你们这悖逆之家,我所必趁你们在世的日子成就。这是耶和华的。

26 耶和华的又临到我说:

27 人子啊,以色列家的人:他所见的异象是关乎後来许多的日子,所的预言是指着极远的时候。

28 所以你要对他们耶和华如此:我的没有一句再耽延的,我所的必定成就。这是耶和华的。


From Swedenborg's Works


The Lord #16

Study this Passage

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16. The state of the church in relation to the Word, as represented by the prophets, was the meaning of their “carrying the iniquities and sins of the people.” This we can see from what is said about the prophet Isaiah, that he went naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and a wonder (Isaiah 20:3). It says of Ezekiel that he was to take out his belongings to go into exile and cover his face so that he could not see the ground, and that this was to be a sign to the house of Israel; and he was also to say, “I am a sign for you” (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

[2] It is abundantly clear from Ezekiel that this was carrying the people’s iniquities, when Ezekiel was commanded to lie on his left side for three hundred ninety days and on his right side for forty days against Jerusalem and to eat a cake of barley baked over cow dung. We read there,

Lie on your left side and place the iniquity of the house of Israel on it. According to the number of days that you lie on it you will carry their iniquity. I will give you years of their iniquity matching the number of days, three hundred ninety days, so that you carry the iniquity of the house of Israel. When you have finished them, you will lie a second time, but on your right side for forty days to carry the iniquity of the house of Judah. (Ezekiel 4:4-6)

[3] By carrying the iniquities of the house of Israel and the house of Judah in this way, the prophet did not take them away and thus atone for them, but simply represented them and made them clear. This we can see from what follows:

Thus says Jehovah: “The children of Israel will eat their bread defiled among the nations where I am going to send them. Behold, I am breaking the staff of bread in Jerusalem so that they will lack bread and water. They will all become desolate and waste away because of their iniquity.” (Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17)

[4] Similarly, when Ezekiel appeared in public and said, “Behold, I am a sign for you, ” he also said, “What I have done, [your leaders] will do” (Ezekiel 12:6, 11).

Much the same is meant, then, when it says of the Lord, “He bore our diseases and carried our sorrows. Jehovah made the iniquities of us all fall upon him. By means of his knowledge he justified many, because he himself carried their iniquities.” This is from Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11], where the whole chapter is about the Lord’s suffering.

[5] We can see from the details of the narrative of his suffering that he, as the greatest prophet, represented the state of the church in its relationship to the Word. For example, he was betrayed by Judas; he was seized and condemned by the chief priests and elders; they struck him with their fists; they struck his head with a stick; they put a crown of thorns on him; they divided his garments and cast lots on his tunic; they crucified him; they gave him vinegar to drink; they pierced his side; he was entombed; and on the third day he rose again [Matthew 26:14-16, 47-68; 27:1-61; 28:1-10; Mark 14:43-65; 15:15-37; 16:1-8; Luke 22:47-71; 23:26-56; 24:1-35; John 18:1-14; 19:1-30; 20:1-18].

[6] His being betrayed by Judas meant that this was being done by the Jewish people, who at that time were custodians of the Word, since Judas represented them. His being seized and condemned by the chief priests and elders meant that this was being done by the whole church. Their whipping him, spitting in his face, striking him with their fists, and striking his head with a stick meant that they were doing this kind of thing to the Word in regard to its divine truths, all of which are about the Lord. Their putting a crown of thorns on him meant that they falsified and contaminated these truths. Their dividing his garments and casting lots on his tunic meant that they destroyed the connectedness of all the truths of the Word-though not its spiritual meaning, which is symbolized by the tunic. Their crucifying him meant that they destroyed and profaned the whole Word. Their giving him vinegar to drink meant offering nothing but things that were distorted and false, which is why he did not drink it and then said, “It is finished.” Their piercing his side meant that they completely stifled everything true in the Word and everything good in it. His entombment meant his putting off any residual human nature from his mother. His rising again on the third day meant his glorification. Much the same is meant by the passages in the prophets and David where these events were foretold.

[7] That is why, after he had been whipped and led out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe the soldiers had put on him, he said, “Here is the one [the human]” (John 19:1-5). This was said because “a human being” means a church, since “the Son of Humanity” means what is true in the church, therefore the Word.

We can see from all this that his “carrying iniquities” means that he represented and offered an image of the sins that were being committed against the divine truths of the Word. And we will see in the following pages that the Lord endured and suffered these torments as the Son of Humanity and not as the Son of God. “The Son of Humanity” means the Lord as the Word.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.