The Bible


تكوين 6



1 وحدث لما ابتدأ الناس يكثرون على الارض وولد لهم بنات

2 ان ابناء الله رأوا بنات الناس انهنّ حسنات. فاتّخذوا لانفسهم نساء من كل ما اختاروا.

3 فقال الرب لا يدين روحي في الانسان الى الابد. لزيغانه هو بشر وتكون ايامه مئة وعشرين سنة.

4 كان في الارض طغاة في تلك الايام. وبعد ذلك ايضا اذ دخل بنو الله على بنات الناس وولدن لهم اولادا. هؤلاء هم الجبابرة الذين منذ الدهر ذوو اسم

5 ورأى الرب ان شر الانسان قد كثر في الارض. وان كل تصور افكار قلبه انما هو شرير كل يوم.

6 فحزن الرب انه عمل الانسان في الارض. وتأسف في قلبه.

7 فقال الرب امحو عن وجه الارض الانسان الذي خلقته. الانسان مع بهائم ودبابات وطيور السماء. لاني حزنت اني عملتهم.

8 واما نوح فوجد نعمة في عيني الرب

9 هذه مواليد نوح. كان نوح رجلا بارا كاملا في اجياله. وسار نوح مع الله.

10 وولد نوح ثلاثة بنين ساما وحاما ويافث.

11 وفسدت الارض امام الله وامتلأت الارض ظلما.

12 ورأى الله الارض فاذا هي قد فسدت. اذ كان كل بشر قد افسد طريقه على الارض

13 فقال الله لنوح نهاية كل بشر قد أتت امامي. لان الارض امتلأت ظلما منهم. فها انا مهلكهم مع الارض.

14 اصنع لنفسك فلكا من خشب جفر. تجعل الفلك مساكن. وتطليه من داخل ومن خارج بالقار.

15 وهكذا تصنعه. ثلث مئة ذراع يكون طول الفلك وخمسين ذراعا عرضه وثلثين ذراعا ارتفاعه.

16 وتصنع كوا للفلك وتكمله الى حد ذراع من فوق. وتضع باب الفلك في جانبه. مساكن سفلية ومتوسطة وعلوية تجعله.

17 فها انا آت بطوفان الماء على الارض لاهلك كل جسد فيه روح حياة من تحت السماء. كل ما في الارض يموت.

18 ولكن اقيم عهدي معك. فتدخل الفلك انت وبنوك وامرأتك ونساء بنيك معك.

19 ومن كل حيّ من كل ذي جسد اثنين من كلّ تدخل الى الفلك لاستبقائها معك. تكون ذكرا وانثى.

20 من الطيور كاجناسها ومن البهائم كاجناسها ومن كل دبابات الارض كاجناسها. اثنين من كلّ تدخل اليك لاستبقائها.

21 وانت فخذ لنفسك من كل طعام يؤكل واجمعه عندك. فيكون لك ولها طعاما.

22 ففعل نوح حسب كل ما امره به الله. هكذا فعل


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #468

Study this Passage

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From what has been said and shown in the foregoing chapter, it is evident that by names are signified heresies and doctrines. Hence it may be seen that by the names in this chapter are not meant persons, but things, and in the present instance doctrines, or churches, which were preserved, notwithstanding the changes they underwent, from the time of the Most Ancient Church even to “Noah.” But the case with every church is that in course of time it decreases, and at last remains among a few; and the few with whom it remained at the time of the flood were called “Noah.”

[2] That the true church decreases and remains with but few, is evident from other churches which have thus decreased. Those who are left are in the Word called “remains” and a “remnant” and are said to be “in the midst” or “middle” “of the land.” And as this is the case in the universal, so also it is in the particular, or as it is with the church, so it is with every individual man; for unless remains were preserved by the Lord in everyone, he must needs perish eternally, since spiritual and celestial life are in the remains. So also in the general or universal-if there were not always some with whom the church, or true faith, remained, the human race would perish; for, as is generally known, a city, nay, sometimes a whole kingdom, is saved for the sake of a few. It is in this respect with the church as it is with the human body; so long as the heart is sound, life is possible for the neighboring viscera, but when the heart is enfeebled, the other parts of the body cease to be nourished, and the man dies. The last remains are those which are signified by “Noah;” for (as appears from Genesis 6:12, as well as from other places) the whole earth had become corrupt.

[3] Of remains as existing in each individual as well as in the church in general, much is said in the Prophets; as in Isaiah:

He that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy to Him, even everyone that is written unto lives in Jerusalem, when the Lord shall have washed the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have washed away the bloods of Jerusalem from the midst thereof (Isaiah 4:3-4),

in which passage holiness is predicated of the remains, by which are signified the remains of the church, and also of a man of the church; for “those left” in Zion and Jerusalem could not be holy merely because they were “left.” Again:

It shall come to pass in that day, that the remains of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them, but shall stay upon Jehovah the Holy One of Israel in truth. The remains shall return, the remains of Jacob, unto the mighty God (Isaiah 10:20-21).

In Jeremiah:

In those days, and in that time, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found; for I will pardon him whom I shall make a remnant (Jeremiah 50:20).

In Micah:

The remains of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples, as the dew from Jehovah, as the showers upon the grass (Micah 5:7).

[4] The residue or remains of a man, or of the church, were also represented by the tenths, which were holy; hence also a number with ten in it was holy, and “ten” is therefore predicated of remains; as in Isaiah:

Jehovah shall remove man, and many things [shall be] left in the midst of the land; and yet in it [shall be] a tenth part, and it shall return, and shall be for exterminating; as an oak, and an ilex, when the stock is cast forth from them, the holy seed is the stock thereof (Isaiah 6:12-13); where the residue is called a “seed of holiness.” And in Amos:

Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, The city that goeth forth a thousand shall have a hundred left, and that which goeth forth a hundred shall have ten left to the house of Israel (Amos 5:3).

In these and many other passages, in the internal sense are signified the “remains” of which we have been speaking. That a city is preserved for the sake of the remains of the church, is evident from what was said to Abraham concerning Sodom:

Abraham said, Peradventure ten may be found there; and He said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake (Genesis 18:32).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.