The Bible


تكوين 4



1 وعرف آدم حواء امرأته فحبلت وولدت قايين. وقالت اقتنيت رجلا من عند الرب.

2 ثم عادت فولدت اخاه هابيل. وكان هابيل راعيا للغنم وكان قايين عاملا في الارض.

3 وحدث من بعد ايام ان قايين قدم من اثمار الارض قربانا للرب.

4 وقدم هابيل ايضا من ابكار غنمه ومن سمانها. فنظر الرب الى هابيل وقربانه.

5 ولكن الى قايين وقربانه لم ينظر. فاغتاظ قايين جدا وسقط وجهه.

6 فقال الرب لقايين لماذا اغتظت ولماذا سقط وجهك.

7 ان احسنت أفلا رفع. وان لم تحسن فعند الباب خطية رابضة واليك اشتياقها وانت تسود عليها

8 وكلم قايين هابيل اخاه. وحدث اذ كانا في الحقل ان قايين قام على هابيل اخيه وقتله.

9 فقال الرب لقايين اين هابيل اخوك. فقال لا اعلم. أحارس انا لاخي.

10 فقال ماذا فعلت. صوت دم اخيك صارخ اليّ من الارض.

11 فالآن ملعون انت من الارض التي فتحت فاها لتقبل دم اخيك من يدك.

12 متى عملت الارض لا تعود تعطيك قوتها. تائها وهاربا تكون في الارض.

13 فقال قايين للرب ذنبي اعظم من ان يحتمل.

14 انك قد طردتني اليوم عن وجه الارض ومن وجهك اختفي واكون تائها وهاربا في الارض. فيكون كل من وجدني يقتلني.

15 فقال له الرب لذلك كل من قتل قايين فسبعة اضعاف ينتقم منه. وجعل الرب لقايين علامة لكي لا يقتله كل من وجده.

16 فخرج قايين من لدن الرب وسكن في ارض نود شرقي عدن

17 وعرف قايين امرأته فحبلت وولدت حنوك. وكان يبني مدينة. فدعا اسم المدينة كاسم ابنه حنوك.

18 وولد لحنوك عيراد. وعيراد ولد محويائيل. ومحويائيل ولد متوشائيل. ومتوشائيل ولد لامك.

19 واتخذ لامك لنفسه امرأتين. اسم الواحدة عادة واسم الاخرى صلّة.

20 فولدت عادة يابال. الذي كان ابا لساكني الخيام ورعاة المواشي.

21 واسم اخيه يوبال. الذي كان ابا لكل ضارب بالعود والمزمار.

22 وصلّة ايضا ولدت توبال قايين الضارب كل آلة من نحاس وحديد. واخت توبال قايين نعمة.

23 وقال لامك لامرأتيه عادة وصلّة. اسمعا قولي يا مرأتي لامك. واصغيا لكلامي. فاني قتلت رجلا لجرحي. وفتى لشدخي.

24 انه ينتقم لقايين سبعة اضعاف. واما للامك فسبعة وسبعين

25 وعرف آدم امرأته ايضا. فولدت ابنا ودعت اسمه شيثا. قائلة لان الله قد وضع لي نسلا آخر عوضا عن هابيل. لان قايين كان قد قتله.

26 ولشيث ايضا ولد ابن فدعا اسمه أنوش. حينئذ ابتدئ ان يدعى باسم الرب





By Joe David

In this photo, entitled Reaching Out, two bean plants are climbing adjacent poles, and they have each reached out a tendril to bridge the gap.

Doctrine may be defined as organized truth that informs the way we act and think about the world.

In common usage, "doctrine" is not something that has to be grand or solemn. We all have doctrines about many little things like lawn care, car maintenance, or fixing chili; this kind of doctrine is just the way we do something because we think it is the right way. Often the reasoning behind these doctrines is that it is the way our parents did it, that we read it somewhere, or that it just seems right.

Everyone has a doctrine about how they live their lives in general as well, such as a charitable doctrine of looking out for others, or a selfish doctrine of "me first." Whether or not we have given it much thought, we live in accordance with our doctrine - our way of thinking.

Swedenborg used "doctrine" quite specifically to mean the organized arrangement of spiritual teachings about various aspects of reality. All religions have sacred beliefs, some of them written, like the Bible or the Quran, and some of them oral. From these beliefs they establish doctrine. In many cases organizations of the same religion will emphasize or reject different sets of truths and develop different forms of doctrine. Moreover, different religions will disagree about the validity of the original beliefs. But most would agree that the Truth, with a capital T, comes from some version of God.

The Writings for the New Church tell us that, in the Bible, cities represent doctrine. This was because cities were organized habitations, home ground to many people, places where there was much interchange of ideas and goods between people. They were places that could accommodate differing neighborhoods, and that could be fortified. On a spiritual plane all these things can be said about doctrine. It’s interesting to notice just how often cities are mentioned in the Word, either to be conquered, lived in, or built. Mention of a city comes as early as Genesis 4:17, just after the expulsion from the garden of Eden, where we are told that Cain built a city in the land of Nod and named it after his son, Enoch. Then in Genesis 11, men are not only building the well-known tower of Babel, but also a city of which the tower was a part. There are hundreds of other cities mentioned, and they signify different structures of doctrine.

Finally, in the next to last chapter of the Word (Revelation 20) we are told of the descent from God of the City New Jerusalem, coming down to earth. We in the New Church believe that this City represents a new doctrine, given by the Lord, written down and published by Emanuel Swedenborg in the 1700s, that resolves the false ideas that came into Christianity with the ideas of three persons in God, and with the later belief in salvation by faith alone.

New Christian doctrine holds that there is one God - one Divine Person who is the Lord God Jesus Christ, and that salvation requires a joining of faith and charity (a belief in true ideas, and a love for God and the neighbor).

(References: Apocalypse Revealed 320, 902; Arcana Coelestia 399, 402, 3364 [2]; Teachings about the Sacred Scripture 54; The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord 63; The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 7; True Christian Religion 508 [5])