

Seven Practices of Peace - Part 3 of 7 – Cultivating

Од страна на Todd Beiswenger

За да продолжите со прелистувањето додека слушате, репродуцирајте го аудиото во нов прозорец.

It's easy to dream big, but it is hard to actually DO big. As we embark on a new life, we need to cultivate new habits. The most sucessful way to do this is start with a tiny habit, much like how Scriptures say the first vegetation to turn up was "tender herbs", i.e. small plants. Taking care of small plants will lead to bigger ones, and eventually they're bear the fruit of our dreams.

(Референци: Arcana Coelestia 29 [1-2], 8093; Exodus 13:17-19; Genesis 1:9-14)



Genesis 1:10



10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.