

Leviticus 19:25



25 In the fifth year you shall eat its fruit, that it may yield its increase to you. I am Yahweh your God.

Од делата на Сведенборг


Arcana Coelestia #9398

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9398. 'And they said, All that Jehovah has spoken we will do and hear' means receiving the truth that emanates from the Lord's Divine Human, and obeying it with heart and soul. This is clear from the meaning of 'all that Jehovah has spoken' as truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'doing' as obeying with the will, thus with the heart, dealt with in 9311, 9385; and from the meaning of 'hearing' as obeying with the understanding, thus with the soul, dealt with in 7216, 8361, 9311. Obeying with the heart describes obeying with the will, thus with affection and love, and obeying with the soul describes obeying with the understanding, thus in belief; for 'the heart' means will and love, 3883-3896, 7542, 8910, 9050, 9300, and 'the soul' means understanding and belief, 2930, 9050, 9281. All this explains why the words 'we will do and hear' are used. The reason why 'all that Jehovah has spoken' means truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human is that all truth emanates from there. The fact that Divine Truth emanates not from the Divine Himself but from the Divine Human is made perfectly clear in John,

Nobody has ever seen God; the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known. John 1:18.

This is the reason why the Lord is called 'the Word', John 1:1-3, which is Divine Truth, and why it is said that 'the Word was made flesh', that is, was made Man, John 1:14, to the end that the Divine Himself in human form might in actuality teach God's truth. Regarding the Lord, that He is the Divine Himself in human form, see 9315. From all this it is evident that 'all that Jehovah has spoken' means truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Од делата на Сведенборг


Arcana Coelestia #8944

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8944. In the world it is thought that the human being can recognize from the light of natural evidence alone, that is, without revelation, most of what religion involves, such as the beliefs that there is a God, that He is to be worshipped, and also that He is to be loved, and in addition that a person will be alive after death. and many other beliefs dependent on these. However, those beliefs are the products of self-intelligence. Much experience has taught me that of himself a person knows nothing whatever about Divine realities, or about things belonging to celestial and spiritual life; without revelation he knows nothing about them. For a person is born into the evils of self-love and love of the world, and the nature of these is such that they seal off influx from the heavens and let through influx from the hells. This being so, they blind a person and place him in a negative frame of mind about the reality of the Divine, of heaven and hell, and of life after death. This is plainly evident from the learned people of the world, who through study of different branches of knowledge have developed the inferior light of this natural evidence of theirs to a higher degree than others. As is well known, these more than others deny the Divine, acknowledging natural forces instead. Also, when they speak from what is in their heart and not just from doctrine they deny life after death, also heaven and hell, consequently all things that are matters of faith, which they call bonds for the common people. This makes plain what light received from natural evidence without revelation is like. I have also been shown that in the next life many of those who have written books about natural theology, and from the inferior light of their natural evidence have skillfully substantiated the teachings of their Church, deny those same things at heart more than any others, and also deny the Word itself, which they try to destroy completely. For in the next life people's hearts speak. I have also been shown that those same people are unable to receive anything of the influx from heaven, only that from the hells. All this makes plain what light received from natural evidence, without revelation, is like, and therefore what anything that is a product of self-intelligence is like.

[2] But there are two phenomena that might have placed the mind in doubt so far as this matter is concerned. The first is that people in ancient times who were gentiles nevertheless knew that there is a God, that He is to be worshipped, and that a person as to his soul is immortal. The second is that those things are also known by a large number of nations at the present day among whom no revelation exists. But in the case of the ancients, they did not know those things from the inferior light they received from natural evidence but from revelation that spread from the Church even to them. For the Lord's Church had existed since most ancient times in the land of Canaan, 3686, 4447, 4454, 4516, 4517, 5136, 6516. From there such things as belonged to the worship of God spread to the nations round about and also to the neighbouring Greeks, and from the Greeks to the Italians or Romans. From the Church all these nations received the things they knew about a supreme deity, and about the immortality of the soul, which their learned men wrote about.

[3] As regards the nations at the present day who also know of God's existence and of life after death, they have not come to possess that knowledge from the inferior light they receive from natural evidence. They possess it from their religion which has come down to them from ancient times and which was founded on such things as had spread in various ways from the Church, where revelation existed. This happened in the Lord's Divine Providence. Furthermore those among them who from their religion acknowledge God above all things, and from their religion do what charity requires them to do for their neighbour, on receiving instruction in the next life accept the truths of faith and are saved, 258-2604.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.