

Leviticus 19:25



25 In the fifth year you shall eat its fruit, that it may yield its increase to you. I am Yahweh your God.

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Arcana Coelestia #9398

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9398. 'And they said, All that Jehovah has spoken we will do and hear' means receiving the truth that emanates from the Lord's Divine Human, and obeying it with heart and soul. This is clear from the meaning of 'all that Jehovah has spoken' as truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'doing' as obeying with the will, thus with the heart, dealt with in 9311, 9385; and from the meaning of 'hearing' as obeying with the understanding, thus with the soul, dealt with in 7216, 8361, 9311. Obeying with the heart describes obeying with the will, thus with affection and love, and obeying with the soul describes obeying with the understanding, thus in belief; for 'the heart' means will and love, 3883-3896, 7542, 8910, 9050, 9300, and 'the soul' means understanding and belief, 2930, 9050, 9281. All this explains why the words 'we will do and hear' are used. The reason why 'all that Jehovah has spoken' means truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human is that all truth emanates from there. The fact that Divine Truth emanates not from the Divine Himself but from the Divine Human is made perfectly clear in John,

Nobody has ever seen God; the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known. John 1:18.

This is the reason why the Lord is called 'the Word', John 1:1-3, which is Divine Truth, and why it is said that 'the Word was made flesh', that is, was made Man, John 1:14, to the end that the Divine Himself in human form might in actuality teach God's truth. Regarding the Lord, that He is the Divine Himself in human form, see 9315. From all this it is evident that 'all that Jehovah has spoken' means truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia #4963

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4963. 'And Joseph' means the celestial of the spiritual from the rational. This is clear from the representation of 'Joseph' as the celestial-spiritual man that comes from the rational, dealt with in 4286. Here therefore, since the Lord is the subject, the Lord's Internal Man is represented by him. Everyone born a human being is external and internal. His external man is that which is seen with the eyes; it is that which enables him to live in association with other people and enables him to carry out what belongs properly to the natural world. But the internal man is one that is not seen with the eyes; it is what enables a person to live in association with spirits and angels and to carry through what belongs properly to the spiritual world. Everyone has an internal and an external, that is, the internal man and the external man exist, to the end that through man heaven may be joined to the world. For heaven flows by way of the internal man into the external and from that influx gains a perception of what exists in the world, while the external man in the world gains from the same influx a perception of what exists in heaven. It is to this end that the human being has been created the way he has.

[2] The Lord's Human too had an External and an Internal because it pleased Him to be born like any other human being. The External, or His External Man, has been represented by 'Jacob' and after that by 'Israel', but His Internal Man is represented by 'Joseph'. The latter - the Internal Man - is what is called the celestial-spiritual man from the rational; or what amounts to the same, the Lord's Internal, which was the Human, was the celestial of the spiritual from the rational. This, and the glorification of it, are dealt with in the internal sense of the present chapter and those that follow it in which Joseph is the subject. What the celestial of the spiritual from the rational is has been explained already in 4286, 4585, 4592, 4594, namely that which comes above the celestial of the spiritual from the natural, represented by 'Israel'.

[3] The Lord was indeed born like any other human being. But it is well known that everyone who is born depends for his make-up on both his father and his mother; also that he derives his inmost self from his father, but his more external aspects, or those which clothe his inmost self, from his mother. That is to say, both what he derives from his father and what he derives from his mother are defiled with hereditary evil. But in the Lord's case it was different. That which He derived from His mother possessed a hereditary nature essentially the same as that existing in any other human being; but what He derived from His Father, who was Jehovah, was Divine. Consequently the Lord's Internal Man was unlike the internal of any other human being, for His Inmost Self was Jehovah. Being intermediate this is therefore called the celestial of the spiritual from the rational. But in the Lord's Divine mercy more will be said about this later on.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.